Elastic search 403 Request throttled due to too many requests /_bulk - amazon-web-services

I am trying to sync 1 million record to ES, and I am doing it using bulk API in batch of 2k.
But after inserting around 25k-32k, elastic search is giving following exception.
Unable to parse response body: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchStatusException
ElasticsearchStatusException[Unable to parse response body]; nested: ResponseException[method [POST], host [**********], URI [/_bulk?timeout=1m], status line [HTTP/1.1 403 Request throttled due to too many requests]
403 Request throttled due to too many requests /_bulk]; nested: ResponseException[method [POST], host [************], URI [/_bulk?timeout=1m], status line [HTTP/1.1 403 Request throttled due to too many requests]
403 Request throttled due to too many requests /_bulk];
I am using aws elastic search.
I think, I need to implement wait strategy to handle it, something like keep checking es status and call bulk insert if status all of ES okay.
But not sure how to implement it? Does ES offers anything pre-build for it?
Or Anything better way to handle this?
Thanks in advance.
I am using AWS elastic search version 6.8

Thanks #dravit for including my previous SO answer in the comment, after following the comments it seems OP wants to improve the performance of bulk indexing and want exponential backoff, which i don't think Elasticsearch provides out of the box.
I see that you are putting a pause of 1 second after every second which will not work in all the cases, and if you have large number of batches and documents to be indexed, for sure it will take a lot of time. There are few more suggestions from my side to improve the performance.
Follow my tips to improve the reindex speed in Elasticsearch and see what all things listed here is applicable and doing them improves speed by what factor.
Find a batching strategy which best suits to your environment, I am not sure but this article from #spinscale who is the developer of java high level rest client might help or you can ask a question on https://discuss.elastic.co/, I remembered he shared a very good batching strategy in one of his webinar but couldn't find the link of it.
Notice various ES metrics apart from bulk threadpool and queue size, and see if your ES still has capacity can you increase the queue size and increase the rate by which you can send requests to ES.

Check the error handling guide here
If you receive persistent 403 Request throttled due to too many requests or 429 Too Many Requests errors, consider scaling vertically. Amazon Elasticsearch Service throttles requests if the payload would cause memory usage to exceed the maximum size of the Java heap.
Scale your application vertically or increase delay between requests.


Elasticsearch - Keep hitting "429 Too Many Requests" error

Been running an AWS m4.large.elasticsearch Elasticsearch (service) instance with 2 data nodes for more than a year now without any severe issues. Because of the increased demand we have set up 2 additional r6g.large Elasticsearch instances (which have the same amount of vCPU and memory as the m4.large, but should even offer better performance according to the docs).
Ever since using these we have been getting "429 Too Many Requests" errors inside our application. After some digging on https://aws.amazon.com/es/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/resolve-429-error-es/ the following things have been tried without success:
Increasing the circuit breaker limit to 90% => Does not solve the issue
Switching to c6g.xlarge (Compute optimized instances with double the capacity) => Does not solve the issue
Enabled slow search logs + error logs in the hope of getting more info => Nothing is being logged
If anyone has an idea on how we could go around solving this that would be much appreciated!
PS: "Old" version is running Elasticsearch 7.7 while the new one is running 7.10, but would be astonished that this would be the cause.
A 429 error message as a write rejection indicates a bulk queue error.A bulk queue on each node can hold between 50 and 200 requests, depending on which Elasticsearch version you are using. There have been multiple reports on this and older version of Elasticache is the probable root cause.

How to handle long requests in Google Cloud Run?

I have hosted my node app in Cloud Run and all of my requests served within 300 - 600ms time. But one endpoint that gets data from a 3rd party service so that request takes 1.2s - 2.5s to complete the request.
My doubts regarding this are
Is 1.2s - 2.5s requests suitable for cloud run? Or is there any rule that the requests should be completed within xx ms?
Also see the screenshot, I got a message along with the request in logs "The request caused a new container instance to be started and may thus take longer and use more CPU than a typical request"
What caused a new container instance to be started?
Is there any alternative or work around to handle long requests?
Any advice / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I don't think that will be an issue unless you're worried about the cost of the CPU/memory time, which honestly should only matter if you're getting 10k+ requests/day. So, probably doesn't matter and cloud run can handle that just fine (my own app does requests longer than that with no problem)
It's possible that your service was "scaled to zero" meaning that there were no containers left running to serve requests. In that case, it would be necessary to start up a new instance and wait for whatever initializing/startup costs are associated with that process. It's also possible that it was auto-scaled due to all other instances being at their request limits. Make sure that your setting for max concurrent requests per instance is set greater than one - Node/Express can handle multiple requests at once. Plus, you'll only get charged for the total time spend, not per request:
In situations where you get very long (30 seconds, minutes+) operations, it may be a good idea to switch to some different data transfer method. You could use polling, where the client makes a request every 5 seconds and checks if the response is ready. You could also switch to some kind of push-based system like WebSockets, but Cloud Run doesn't have support for that.
TL;DR longer requests (~10-30 seconds) should be fine unless you're worried about the cost of the increased compute time they may occur at scale.

Error code 503 in GCP pubsub.v1.Subscriber.StreamingPull

I am trying to utilize pub/sub service and I noticed in my dashboard following error code.
Here link what is
code 503
Is there anything that allow me to prevent that?
As explained in the documentation link about Error Codes that you shared, the HTTP code 503 ("UNAVAILABLE") is returned when the Pub/Sub service was not able to process a request. In general, one could say that these types of errors tend to be transient, and there's no way to avoid them, you can just work around them following a retry strategy such as the one I will comment shortly.
The Google Cloud Pub/Sub SLA shows the guaranteed uptime for this service. As you can see, it is not 100%, as transient errors may happen, which should not disturb your service greatly, considering that you follow the recommended practice of implementing a retry strategy with exponential backoff.
This documentation page shows an example implementation of an Exponential Backoff retry strategy. This example is for Google Cloud Storage, but it can (and should) be applied to any other similar service. It consists in retrying the failed Pub/Sub requests with an increasing backoff in order to increase the probability of a request being successful. This is a recommended best practice and the recommended approach to overcome transient issues.
StreamingPull has a 100% error rate.
StreamingPull streams are always terminated with a non-OK status(HTTP 503). Note that, unlike in regular RPCs, the status here is simply an indication that the stream has been broken, not that requests are failing.

When using the Admin SDK directory API to insert Org Units a dailyLimitExceeded error is returned even though that quota has not been reached

I work for an Student Information System and we're using the Admin SDK directory API to create school districts Google Org Unit structures from within our software.
POST https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/customer/customerId/orgunits
When generating these API requests we're consistently receiving dailyLimitExceeded errors even when the district's quota has not been reached.
This error can be bypassed by ignoring the error, and implementing an exponential back-off routine, but I believe this to be acting much more like the quotaExceeded error is intended to act rather than dailyLimitExceeded, in that the request succeeds afterward on the first retry of this request.
In detail, the test I just ran successfully completed 9 of these API calls and then I received this response on the 10th:
Quota limit exceeded for the day. [403]
Errors [Message[Quota limit exceeded for the day.] Location[ - ] Reason[dailyLimitExceeded] Domain[usageLimits]
From the start of the batch of API calls it took about 10 seconds to get to the point where the error occurred.
Thanks for your help!
What I would suggest is to slow down your API requests. Don't make like 10 requests in 1 second. Give it a space in between requests. You are correct to implement exponential backoff. Also, if you can, use other accounts as well to make requests.

Amazon EC2 EBS i/o costs

I am hosting my application on amazon ec2 , on one of their micro linux instances.
It costs (apart from other costs) $0.11 per 1 million I/O requests . I was wondering how much I/O requests does it take when I have say 1000 users using it for say 1 hours per day for 1 month ?
I guess my main concern is : if a hacker keeps hitting my login page (simple html) , will it increase the I/O request count ? I guess yes, as every time the server needs to do something to server that page.
There are a lot of factors that will impact your IO requests, as #datasage says, try it and see how it behaves under your scenario. Micro Linux instances are incredible cheap to begin with, but if you are really concerned, setup a billing alert that will notify you when your usage passes a pre-determined threshold - if it suddenly spikes up, you can take some action to shut it down if that is what you want.
Take a look at CloudWatch, and (for free) set up a VolumeWriteOps and VolumeReadOps alarm to work with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to send you a text message and eMail notice right away if things get too busy, before the bill gets high! (A billing alert will let you know too late - after it has reached the threshold.)
In general though, from my experience, you will not have the problem you outline. Scan the EC2 Discussion Forum at forums.aws.amazon.com where you would find evidence of this kind of problem if were prevalent; it does not seem to be happening.
#Dilpa yes you are right. If some brute force attack will occur to your website eg: somebody hitting to your loginn page then it will increase the server I/O if you enable loging for your webserver. Webserver will keep log to it's log files of every event and that will increase your I/O. Just verify your webserver log for such kind of attack and you can prevent them.