Update vectors inside a nested map - clojure

I am currently operating on vectors contained inside a nested map:
(def map {:key1 {:key2 [1 2 3]}})
Now I am looking for the most practicable way to update a single value within that vector.
I am able to perform isolated updates by extraction of the vector:
(assoc (get-in map [:key1 :key2]) 2 '(3 4 5))
However, I am not sucessful in making updates inside the map.
´update-in´ would work if a function is applicable. However, I would still have send the complete vector through the function, instead of updating a single value.

You can call assoc-in with the index in the vector:
(assoc-in map [:key1 :key2 2] '(3 4 5))
; => {:key1 {:key2 [1 2 (3 4 5)]}}


What separates a transformer from a reducer ? - Clojure

From what I gather a transformer is the use of functions that change , alter , a collection of elements . Like if I did added 1 to each element in a collection of
[1 2 3 4 5]
and it became
[2 3 4 5 6]
but writing the code for this looks like
(map inc)
but I keep getting this sort of code confused with a reducer. Because it produces a new accumulated result .
The question I ask is , what is the difference between a transformer and a reducer ?
You are likely just confusing various nomenclature (as the comments above suggest), but I'll answer what I think is your question by taking some liberties in interpreting what you mean to be reducer and transformer.
A reducing function (what you probably think is a reducer), is a function that takes an accumulated value and a current value, and returns a new accumulated value.
(accumulated, current) => accumulated
These functions are passed to reduce, and they successively step through a sequence performing whatever the body of the reducing function says with it's two arguments (accumulated and current), and then returning a new accumulated value which will be used as the accumulated value (first argument) to the next call of the reducing function.
For example, plus can be viewed as a reducing function.
(reduce + [0 1 2]) => 3
First, the reducing function (plus in this example) is called with 0 and 1, which returns 1. On the next call, 1 is now the accumulated value, and 2 is the current value, so plus is called with 1 and 2, returning 3, which completes the reduction as there are no further elements in the collection to process.
It may help to look at a simplified version of a reduce implementation:
(defn reduce1
([f coll] ;; f is a reducing function
(let [[x y & xs] coll]
;; called with the accumulated value so far "x"
;; and cur value in input sequence "y"
(if y (reduce1 f (cons (f x y) xs))
([f start coll]
(reduce1 f (cons start coll))))
You can see that the function "f" , or the "reducing function" is called on each iteration with two arguments, the accumulated value so far, and the next value in the input sequence. The return value of this function is used as the first argument in the next call, etc. and thus has the type:
(x, y) => x
A transformation, the way I think you mean it, suggests the shape of the input does not change, but is simply modified according to an arbitrary function. This would be functions you pass to map, as they are applied to each element and build up a new collection of the same shape, but with that function applied to each element.
(map inc [0 1 2]) => '(1 2 3)
Notice the shape is the same, it's still a 3 element sequence, whereas in the reduction above, you input a 3 element sequence and get back an integer. Reductions can change the shape of the final result, map does not.
Note that I say the "shape" doesn't change, but the type of each element may change depending on what your "transforming" function does:
(map #(list (inc %)) [0 1 2]) => '((1) (2) (3))
It's still a 3 element sequence, but now each element is a list, not an integer.
There are two related concepts in Clojure, Reducers and Transducers, which I just wanted to mention since you asked about reducers (which have as specific meaning in Clojure) and transformers (which are the names Clojurists typically assign to a transducing function via the shorthand "xf"). It would turn this already long answer into a short-story if I tried to explain the details of both here, and it's been done better than I can do by others:
Reducers and Transducers:
It turns out that many transformations of collections can be expressed in terms of reduce. For instance map could be implemented as
(defn map [f coll] (reduce (fn [x y] (conj x (f y))) [] [0 1 2 3 4]))
and then you would call
(map inc [1 2 3 4 5])
to obtain
[2 3 4 5 6]
In our homemade implementation of map, the function that we pass to reduce is
(fn [x y] (conj x (f y))))
where f is the function that we would like to apply to every element. So we can write a function that produces such a function for us, passing the function that we would like to map.
(defn mapping-with-conj [f] (fn [x y] (conj x (f y))))
But we still see the presence of conj in the above function assuming we want to add elements to a collection. We can get even more flexibility by extra indirection:
(defn mapping [f] (fn [step] (fn [x y] (step x (f y)))))
Then we can use it like this:
(def increase-by-1 (mapping inc))
(reduce (increase-by-1 conj) [] [1 2 3])
The (map inc) you are referring does what our call to (mapping inc) does. Why would you want to do things this way? The answer is that it gives us a lot of flexibility to build things. For instance, instead of building up a collection, we can do
(reduce ((map inc) +) 0 [1 2 3 4 5])
Which will give us the sum of the mapped collection [2 3 4 5 6]. Or we can add extra processing steps just by simple function composition.
(reduce ((comp (filter odd?) (map inc)) conj) [] [1 2 3 4 5])
which will first remove even elements from the collection before we map. The transduce function in Clojure does essentially what the above line does, but takes care of another few extra details, too. So you would actually write
(transduce (comp (filter odd?) (map inc)) conj [] [1 2 3 4 5])
To sum up, the map function in Clojure has two arities. Calling it like (map inc [1 2 3 4 5]) will map every element of a collection so that you obtain [2 3 4 5 6]. Calling it just like (map inc) gives us a function that behaves pretty much like our mapping function in the above explanation.

Is the order of the result is the same when convert map to vector in clojure?

I am working over a map using keys and vals, if I run the same code multiple time, will it always return the same collection considering order? I tried (keys a), every time I run it (:c :b :a)
returns. But want to confirm it ALWAYS returns the same.
(def a {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(keys a)
(vals a)
Not all Clojure maps will retain the order of entries. If you want to retain insertion order you would need to use clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap (produced by array-map or the map literal). Keep in mind that an array map is intended for a small number of entries and that certain operations will perform poorly with a larger number of entries.
If you want to maintain sorted order (but not insertion order) then you would need to use a sorted map (produced by sorted-map).
A hash map (produced by hash-map) gives no guarantees in respect of order.
Clojure's map literal produces an array map.
(class {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
; => clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap
; zipmap's returned map type will vary depending on the number of entries in the map
(class (zipmap (range 0 1000) (range 1000 2000)))
; => clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
(class (zipmap (range 1 3) (range 3 5)))
; => clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap
(class (sorted-map :a 1 :b 2 :c 3))
; => clojure.lang.PersistentTreeMap
(class (hash-map :a 1 :b 2 :c 3))
; => clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
You would also need to be careful not to inadvertently change the map type, e.g.:
(class (into {} (map #(vector (key %) (inc (val %))) (sorted-map :a 1))))
; => clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap
It is best not to rely on the order of entries in a map, so if you can think of a way to achieve what you want without relying on the order of entries in a map then you should strongly consider it.
Maps are unordered and no order is guaranteed. So, don't write code that depends on it, even with array-map.
Any particular instance of a map is guaranteed to return you entries in the same order (via seq, keys, vals, etc) such that (keys m) and (vals m) "match up".
If you need an ordered map, try https://github.com/amalloy/ordered.

How to iterate over ArrayMap in clojure?

I am totally new to clojure (started learning yesterday) and functional programming so please excuse my ignorance. I've been trying to read a lot of the clojure documentation, but much of it is totally over my head.
I'm trying to iterate over an ArrayMap of this set up:
{city1 ([[0 0] [0 1] [1 1] [1 0]]), city2 ([[3 3] [3 4] [4 4] [4 3]]), city3 ([[10 10] [10 11] [11 11] [11 10]])}
(^hopefully that syntax is correct, that is what it looks like my terminal is printing)
where the city name is mapped to a vector of vectors that define the points that make up that city's borders. I need to compare all of these points with an outside point in order to determine if the outside point is in one of these cities and if so which city it is in.
I'm using the Ray Casting Algorithm detailed here to determine if an outside point is within a vector of vectors.
Maps actually implement the clojure.lang.ISeq interface which means that you can use all the higher-level sequence operations on them. The single elements are pairs of the form [key value], so, to find the first element that matches a predicate in-city? you could e.g. use some:
(fn [[city-name city-points]] ;; the current entry of the map
(when (in-city? the-other-point city-points) ;; check the borders
city-name)) ;; return the name of a matching city
You might also use keep to find all elements that match the predicate but I guess there is no overlap between cities in your example.
Update: Let's back off a little bit, since working with sequences is fun. I'm not gonna dive into all the sequence types and just use vectors ([1 2 3 ...]) for examples.
Okay, for a start, let's access our vector:
(first [1 2 3]) ;; => 1
(rest [1 2 3]) ;; => [2 3]
(last [1 2 3]) ;; => 3
(nth [1 2 3] 1) ;; => 2
The great thing about functional programming is, that functions are just values which you can pass to other functions. For example, you might want to apply a function (let's say "add 2 to a number") to each element in a sequence. This can be done via map:
(fn [x]
(+ x 2))
[1 2 3])
;; => [3 4 5]
If you haven't seen it yet, there is a shorthand for function values where % is the first parameter, %2 is the second, and so on:
(map #(+ % 2) [1 2 3]) ;; => [3 4 5]
This is concise and useful and you'll probably see it a lot in the wild. Of course, if your function has a name or is stored in a var (e.g. by using defn) you can use it directly:
(map pos? [-1 0 1]) ;; => [false false true]
Using the predicate like this does not make a lot of sense since you lose the actual values that produce the boolean result. How about the following?
(filter pos? [-1 0 1]) ;; => [1]
(remove pos? [-1 0 1]) ;; => [-1 0]
This selects or discards the values matching your predicate. Here, you should be able to see the connection to your city-border example: You want to find all the cities in a map that include a given point p. But maps are not sequences, are they? Indeed they are:
(seq {:a 0 :b 1}) ;; => [[:a 0] [:b 1]]
Oh my, the possibilities!
(map first {:a 0 :b 1}) ;; => [:a :b]
(filter #(pos? (second %)) {:a 0 :b 1}) ;; => [[:b 1]]
filter retrieves all the matching cities (and their coordinates) but since you are only interested in the names - which are stored as the first element of every pair - you have to extract it from every element, similarly to the following (simpler) example:
(map first (filter #(pos? (second %)) {:a 0 :b 1}))
:: => [:b]
There actually is a function that combines map and filter. It's called keep and return every non-nil value its predicate produces. You can thus check the first element of every pair and then return the second:
(fn [pair]
(when (pos? (second pair))
(first pair)))
{:a 0 b 1})
;; => [:b]
Everytime you see yourself using a lot of firsts and seconds, maybe a few rests inbetween, you should think of destructuring. It helps you access parts of values in an easy way and I'll not go into detail here but it can be used with sequences quite intuitively:
(fn [[a b]] ;; instead of the name 'pair' we give the value's shape!
(when (pos? b)
{:a 0 :b 1})
;; => [:b]
If you're only interested in the first result you can, of course, directly access it and write something like (first (keep ...)). But, since this is a pretty common use case, you get some offered to you by Clojure. It's like keep but will not look beyond the first match. Let's dive into your city example whose solution should begin to make sense by now:
(fn [[city-name city-points]]
(when (in-city? p city-points)
So, I hope this can be useful to you.

Add two collections in clojure

How to add two collections efficiently in clojure ?
I tried following one. I want to know is there any other method efficient than this.
(reduce #(conj %1 %2) collection01 collection02)
It depends on what you want to achieve. If what you want in the result is a collection of specified type, that contains all element of given collections, then into is appropriate: (into coll1 coll2) returns collection of type (type coll1) with elements from coll1 and coll2.
On the other hand, if you just want to iterate over many collections (i.e. create a sequence of elements in the collections) then it is more efficient to use concat:
user> (concat [1 2 3] (list 4 5 6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
use into:
user> (into [1 2 3] [4 5 6])
[1 2 3 4 5 6]
user> (doc into)
([to from])
Returns a new coll consisting of to-coll with all of the items of
from-coll conjoined.

When to use `zipmap` and when `map vector`?

I was asking about the peculiarity of zipmap construct to only discover that I was apparently doing it wrong. So I learned about (map vector v u) in the process. But prior to this case I had used zipmap to do (map vector ...)'s work. Did it work then because the resultant map was small enough to be sorted out?
And to the actual question: what use zipmap has, and how/when to use it. And when to use (map vector ...)?
My original problem required the original order, so mapping anything wouldn't be a good idea. But basically -- apart from the order of the resulting pairs -- these two methods are equivalent, because the seq'd map becomes a sequence of vectors.
(for [pair (map vector v (rest v))]
( ... )) ;do with (first pair) and (last pair)
(for [pair (zipmap v (rest v))]
( ... )) ;do with (first pair) and (last pair)
Use (zipmap ...) when you want to directly construct a hashmap from separate sequences of keys and values. The output is a hashmap:
(zipmap [:k1 :k2 :k3] [10 20 40])
=> {:k3 40, :k2 20, :k1 10}
Use (map vector ...) when you are trying to merge multiple sequences. The output is a lazy sequence of vectors:
(map vector [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9])
=> ([1 4 7] [2 5 8] [3 6 9])
Some extra notes to consider:
Zipmap only works on two input sequences (keys + values) whereas map vector can work on any number of input sequences. If your input sequences are not key value pairs then it's probably a good hint that you should be using map vector rather than zipmap
zipmap will be more efficient and simpler than doing map vector and then subsequently creating a hashmap from the key/value pairs - e.g. (into {} (map vector [:k1 :k2 :k3] [10 20 40])) is quite a convoluted way to do zipmap
map vector is lazy - so it brings a bit of extra overhead but is very useful in circumstances where you actually need laziness (e.g. when dealing with infinite sequences)
You can do (seq (zipmap ....)) to get a sequence of key-value pairs rather like (map vector ...), however be aware that this may re-order the sequence of key-value pairs (since the intermediate hashmap is unordered)
The methods are more or less equivalent. When you use zipmap you get a map with key/value pairs. When you iterate over this map you get [key value] vectors. The order of the map is however not defined. With the 'map' construct in your first method you create a list of vectors with two elements. The order is defined.
Zipmap might be a bit less efficient in your example. I would stick with the 'map'.
Edit: Oh, and zipmap isn't lazy. So another reason not to use it in your example.
Edit 2: use zipmap when you really need a map, for example for fast random key-based access.
The two may appear similar but in reality are very different.
zipmap creates a map
(map vector ...) creates a LazySeq of n-tuples (vectors of size n)
These are two very different data structures.
While a lazy sequence of 2-tuples may appear similar to a map, they behave very differently.
Say we are mapping two collections, coll1 and coll2. Consider the case coll1 has duplicate elements. The output of zipmap will only contain the value corresponding to the last appearance of the duplicate keys in coll1. The output of (map vector ...) will contain 2-tuples with all values of the duplicate keys.
A simple REPL example:
=> (zipmap [:k1 :k2 :k3 :k1] [1 2 3 4])
{:k3 3, :k2 2, :k1 4}
=>(map vector [:k1 :k2 :k3 :k1] [1 2 3 4])
([:k1 1] [:k2 2] [:k3 3] [:k1 4])
With that in mind, it is trivial to see the danger in assuming the following:
But basically -- apart from the order of the resulting pairs -- these two methods are equivalent, because the seq'd map becomes a sequence of vectors.
The seq'd map becomes a sequence of vectors, but not necessarily the same sequence of vectors as the results from (map vector ...)
For completeness, here are the seq'd vectors sorted:
=> (sort (seq (zipmap [:k1 :k2 :k3 :k1] [1 2 3 4])))
([:k1 4] [:k2 2] [:k3 3])
=> (sort (seq (map vector [:k1 :k2 :k3 :k1] [1 2 3 4])))
([:k1 1] [:k1 4] [:k2 2] [:k3 3])
I think the closest we can get to a statement like the above is:
The set of the result of (zip map coll1 coll2) will be equal to the set of the result of (map vector coll1 coll2) if coll1 is itself set.
That is a lot of qualifiers for two operations that are supposedly very similar.
That is why special care must be taken when deciding which one to use.
They are very different, serve different purposes and should not be used interchangeably.
(zipmap k v) takes two seqs and returns map (and not preserves order of elements)
(map vector s1 s2 ...) takes any count of seqs and returns seq
use the first, when you want to zip two seqs into a map.
use the second, when you want to apply vector (or list or any other seq-creating form) to multiple seqs.
there is some similarity to option "collate" when you print several copies of a document :)