How to read Json string starting with square brackets in it? [duplicate] - c++

This question already has an answer here:
How to use boost::property_tree to parse JSON with array root
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am using c++ code to read json string to retrieve value based on specific key names. Example of my json response from web API is in array format like below.
"username": "123456",
"useraddress": "abc",
"data": [
"schedule": true,
"task": "abc",
"risk": "1",
"date": "0000-00-00"
Like the above format is the actual response. I have to retrieve date value using key "date".
My code snippet:
std::stringstream jsonString;
boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
jsonString << ws2s(Info).c_str();
boost::property_tree::read_json(jsonString, pt);
std::string date = pt.get<std::string>("date");
'Info' in above snippet is wsstring containing json response data.
I can able to retrieve "date" if [] square brackets are removed manually. Since it is array format, if I pass without removing brackets, read_json throws error.
Can somebody help this out?

Yeah. Boost Property Tree is a property tree library, not JSON.
You're in luck though, Boost has a JSON library now
Note: your input isn't valid JSON either, because JSON doesn't strictly allow trailing commas. You can enable them with an option in Boost JSON though:
Live On Compiler Explorer
#include <boost/json.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::string input = R"(
"username": "123456",
"useraddress": "abc",
"data": [
"schedule": true,
"task": "abc",
"risk": "1",
"date": "0000-00-00"
boost::json::parse_options options;
options.allow_trailing_commas = true;
auto json = boost::json::parse(input, {}, options);
for (auto& el : json.as_array()) {
std::cout <<"date") << "\n";


Fetching api with nlohmann/json

I want to use api with c++ and when I searched I found nlohmann/json library it looks really popular but no one talks about how to get the array that fetch function provides . How can I get the information from the api as variables in my cpp file
Didn’t quite understand your description, I assume you mean you want to get the JSON array? You can try this:
std::string ss= R"(
"name": "tom",
"age": 11
"name": "jane",
"age": 12
json myjson = json::parse(ss);
auto &students = myjson["test-data"];
for(auto &student : students) {
cout << "name=" << student["name"].get<std::string>() << endl;

reading arrays of json objects with nlohmann c++ library

I am ok using this syntax with the nlohmann library
"key1": {"subKey1": "value11",
"subKey2": "value12"},
"key2": {"subKey1": "value21",
"subKey2": "value22"}
But I have a new file, which is valid json too (I checked) and is written this way, it is made of a single array of repetitive objects. My code will require to look through those objects and check values inside them individually:
{"key1": "value11",
"key2": "value12"},
{"key1": "value21",
"key2": "value22"}
I used to read my json files this way:
#include "json.hpp"
nlohmann::json topJson;
nlohmann::json subJson;
if(topJson.find(to_string("key1")) != topJson.end())
subJson = topJson["key1"];
But this won't work with my new file syntax. How can I access these repetitive objects and tell nlohmann that my objects are inside an array? More precisely, how would I be able to reach (for example) "value22" with this file syntax?
You can try this:
std::string ss= R"(
"name": "tom",
"age": 11
"name": "jane",
"age": 12
json myjson = json::parse(ss);
auto &students = myjson["test-data"];
for(auto &student : students) {
cout << "name=" << student["name"].get<std::string>() << endl;

Get keys from Json with regex Jmeter

I'm hustling with regex, and trying to get the id's from this body.
But only the id´s in the members list, and not the id in the verified key. :)
To clarify, I'm using Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter
"id": "9c40ffca-0f1a-4f93-b068-1f6332707d02", //<--not this
"me": {
"id": "38a2b866-c8a9-424f-a5d4-93b379f080ce", //<--not this
"isMe": true,
"user": {
"verified": {
"id": "257e30f4-d001-47b3-9e7f-5772e591970b" //<--not this
"members": [
"id": "88a2b866-c8a9-424f-a5d4-93b379f780ce", //<--this
"isMe": true,
"user": {
"verified": {
"id": "223e30f4-d001-47b3-9e7f-5772e781970b" //<--not this
"id": "53cdc218-4784-4e55-a784-72e6a3ffa9bc", //<--this
"isMe": false,
"user": {
"unverified": {
"verification": "XYZ"
at the moment I have this regex :
("id": )("[\w-]+")
But as you can see here it returns every guid
Any ideas on how to go on?
Thanks in advance.
Since the input data type is JSON, it is recommended to use the JMeter's JSON Path Extractor Plugin.
Once you add it, use the
JSON path expression to match all id values of each members in the document that are the top nodes.
If you may have nested memebers, you may get them all using
You may test these expressions at, see a test:

Parsing JSON Responses Of Unknown Format For Single Value

I am creating a stock screener that sources data from ultiple apis. I would like to parse api responses from various apis for a single value.
I am using stock data apis that return JSON in different nested formats. Since the format of the JSON can be different, e.g. root could be an object or an array.. I am having trouble understanding how to go about this. I have successfully parsed JSON responses when the format is known. I am using qt, with no 3rd party libs, which seems to require that you parse these responses explcitly as I have done previously. How do I create a generic JSON parser that? Is this even possible?
Example: For this JSON response.. I would like to parse for "value"
"historical_data": [
"date": "2019-06-28",
"value": 197.92
"security": {
"id": "sec_agjrgj",
"company_id": "com_NX6GzO",
"stock_exchange_id": "sxg_ozMr9y",
"name": "Apple Inc",
"code": "EQS",
"currency": "USD",
"ticker": "AAPL",
"composite_ticker": "AAPL:US",
"figi": "BBG000B9Y5X2",
"composite_figi": "BBG000B9XRY4",
"share_class_figi": "BBG001S5N8V8"
"next_page": null
I also want to parse this JSON repsone for "value"
"date": "2019-06-28",
"value": 197.92
I am trying to not write a parser function for each api I use. I would like to be able to find if the JSON has a "value" and if so.. return its value.
You can use JsonPath for this. For example, using the jsoncons implementation of JsonPath, you can write
#include <iostream>
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
#include <jsoncons_ext/jsonpath/json_query.hpp>
using namespace jsoncons;
int main()
std::string data = /* your JSON response */;
json root = json::parse(data);
// json_query returns an array of items that match the JsonPath expression
json result = jsonpath::json_query(root, "$..value");
for (const auto& item : result.array_range())
std::cout << item << "\n";

Reading JSON from a file using C++ REST SDK (Casablanca)

I have the following code which should read the contents of a text file and parse it as JSON
try {
string_t importFile = argv[++iArgCounter]; // extract filename
ifstream_t f(importFile); // filestream of working file
stringstream_t s; // string stream for holding JSON read from file
json::value v; // JSON read from input file
iArgCounter++; // increment arg counter
if (f) {
s << f.rdbuf(); // stream results of reading from file stream into string stream
f.close(); // close the filestream
v.parse(s); // parse the resultant string stream.
catch (web::json::json_exception excep) {
std::cout << "ERROR Parsing JSON: ";
std::cout << excep.what();
And the following test JSON file
"Domain": "",
"Name": "GoogleLogin",
"Port": "8090"
"Domain": "",
"Name": "LoginRequest",
"Port": "8080",
"Route": "ProcessLoginRequest"
"Name": "LoginProcess",
"Name": "ProcessLoginRequest",
"DestinationIfTrue": "GoogleLogin",
"RuleTermType": 1,
"Value": "NETWORK"
"Operator": 2,
"RuleTermType": 0,
"Value": "NETWORK"
"Transformations": []
The trouble is no matter what the JSON code I get the error 'Line 1, Column 2 Syntax error: Malformed token'. From what I can tell the JSON is correctly formatted with all brackets balanced.
Code is running on 64bit Windows 7.
Anyone got an idea why it thinks this (or how I can convert the stringstream_t to a string and see what it actually reads).
change the line
v = json::value::parse(s)
Could it be that the file is of utf16 encoding?
Or check if your json file has BOM (Byte Oder Mark) at the head by opening it with a hex editor.
Multiple things could go wrong here
Check if the ifstream is able to open the file correctly using the following
cerr << "can't open file";
If this is the case, check if name of the file and location is correct or not
Also replace
v = json::value::parse(s.str()) /* As parse would take string as input */