DirectX 11 Shader Reflection: Need help setting Constant Buffers variables by name - c++

I'm creating a system that allows the manipulation of constant buffer variables by name using their byte offsets and byte sizes via Shader Reflection. I can bind the buffers to the Device Context just fine, but none of the cubes in my 3D scene are showing up. I believe this is because something is wrong with how I'm mapping data to the Constant Buffers. I cast the struct, be it a float4 or a matrix to a void pointer, and then copy that void pointer data to a another structure that has the variable's name. Once the shader needs to have its buffers updated before a draw call, I map the data of every structure in the list during the Map/Unmap call with a pointer iterator. Also, there seems to be a crash whenever the program calls the destructor on one of the shader constant structures. Below is the code i've written so far:
I'm mapping the buffer data through this algorithm here:
void DynamicConstantBuffer::UpdateChanges(ID3D11DeviceContext* pDeviceContext)
D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
HRESULT hr = pDeviceContext->Map(m_Buffer.Get(), 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource);
if (FAILED(hr)) return;
// Set mapped data
for (const auto& constant : m_BufferConstants)
char* startPosition = static_cast<char*>(mappedResource.pData) + constant.desc.StartOffset;
memcpy(startPosition, constant.pData, sizeof(constant.pData));
// Copy memory and unmap
pDeviceContext->Unmap(m_Buffer.Get(), 0);
I'm initializing the Constant Buffer here:
BOOL DynamicConstantBuffer::Initialize(UINT nBufferSlot, ID3D11Device* pDevice, ID3D11ShaderReflection* pShaderReflection)
ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer* pReflectionBuffer = NULL;
D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC cbShaderDesc = {};
// Fetch constant buffer description
if (!(pReflectionBuffer = pShaderReflection->GetConstantBufferByIndex(nBufferSlot)))
return FALSE;
// Get description
m_BufferSize = cbShaderDesc.Size;
// Create constant buffer on gpu end
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC cbDescription = {};
cbDescription.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC;
cbDescription.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
cbDescription.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
cbDescription.ByteWidth = cbShaderDesc.Size;
if (FAILED(pDevice->CreateBuffer(&cbDescription, NULL, m_Buffer.GetAddressOf())))
return FALSE;
// Poll shader variables
for (UINT i = 0; i < cbShaderDesc.Variables; i++)
ID3D11ShaderReflectionVariable* pVariable = NULL;
pVariable = pReflectionBuffer->GetVariableByIndex(i);
// Get variable description
D3D11_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC variableDesc = {};
// Push variable back into list of variables
return TRUE;}
Here's the method that sets a variable within the constant buffer:
BOOL DynamicConstantBuffer::SetConstantVariable(const std::string& varName, const void* varData)
for (auto& v : m_BufferConstants)
if (v.desc.Name == varName)
memcpy(v.pData, varData, sizeof(varData));
bBufferDirty = TRUE;
return TRUE;
// No variable to assign :(
return FALSE;
Here's the class layout for ShaderConstant:
class ShaderConstant
ShaderConstant(D3D11_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC& desc)
this->desc = desc;
pData = new char[desc.Size];
_size = desc.Size;
if (!pData)
delete[] pData;
pData = NULL;
void* pData;
size_t _size;
Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you.


Intel OneAPI Video decoding memory leak when using C++ CLI

I am trying to use Intel OneAPI/OneVPL to decode a stream I receive from an RTSP Camera in C#. But when I run the code I get an enormous memory leak. Around 1-200MB per run, which is around once every second.
When I've collected a GoP from the camera where I know the first data is a keyframe I pass it as a byte array to my CLI and C++ code.
Here I expect it to decode all the frames and return decoded images. It receives 30 frames and returns 16 decoded images but has a memory leak.
I've tried to use Visual Studio memory profiler and all I can tell from it is that its unmanaged memory that's my problem. I've tried to override the "new" and "delete" method inside videoHandler.cpp to track and compare all allocations and deallocations and as far as I can tell everything is handled correctly in there. I cannot see any classes that get instantiated that do not get cleaned up. I think my issue is in the CLI class videoHandlerWrapper.cpp. Am I missing something obvious?
array<imgFrameWrapper^>^ videoHandlerWrapper::decode(array<System::Byte>^ byteArray)
array<imgFrameWrapper^>^ returnFrames = gcnew array<imgFrameWrapper^>(30);
std::vector<imgFrame> frames(30); //Output from decoding process. imgFrame implements a deconstructor that will rid the data when exiting scope
std::vector<unsigned char> bytes(byteArray->Length); //Input for decoding process
Marshal::Copy(byteArray, 0, IntPtr((unsigned char*)(&((bytes)[0]))), byteArray->Length); //Copy from managed (C#) to unmanaged (C++)
int status = _pVideoHandler->decode(bytes, frames); //Decode
for (size_t i = 0; i < frames.size(); i++)
if (frames[i].size > 0)
returnFrames[i] = gcnew imgFrameWrapper(frames[i].size, frames[i].bytes);
return returnFrames;
#define BITSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE 2000000 //TODO Maybe higher or lower bitstream buffer. Thorough testing has been done at 2000000
int videoHandler::decode(std::vector<unsigned char> bytes, std::vector<imgFrame> &frameData)
int result = -1;
bool isStillGoing = true;
mfxBitstream bitstream = { 0 };
mfxSession session = NULL;
mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE;
mfxSurfaceArray* outSurfaces = nullptr;
mfxU32 framenum = 0;
mfxU32 numVPPCh = 0;
mfxVideoChannelParam* mfxVPPChParams = nullptr;
void* accelHandle = NULL;
mfxVideoParam mfxDecParams = {};
mfxVersion version = { 0, 1 };
//variables used only in 2.x version
mfxConfig cfg = NULL;
mfxLoader loader = NULL;
mfxVariant inCodec = {};
std::vector<mfxU8> input_buffer;
// Initialize VPL session for any implementation of HEVC/H265 decode
loader = MFXLoad();
VERIFY(NULL != loader, "MFXLoad failed -- is implementation in path?");
cfg = MFXCreateConfig(loader);
VERIFY(NULL != cfg, "MFXCreateConfig failed")
inCodec.Type = MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_U32;
inCodec.Data.U32 = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
sts = MFXSetConfigFilterProperty(
VERIFY(MFX_ERR_NONE == sts, "MFXSetConfigFilterProperty failed for decoder CodecID");
sts = MFXCreateSession(loader, 0, &session);
VERIFY(MFX_ERR_NONE == sts, "Not able to create VPL session");
// Print info about implementation loaded
version = ShowImplInfo(session);
//VERIFY(version.Major > 1, "Sample requires 2.x API implementation, exiting");
if (version.Major == 1) {
mfxVariant ImplValueSW;
ImplValueSW.Type = MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_U32;
MFXSetConfigFilterProperty(cfg, (mfxU8*)"mfxImplDescription.Impl", ImplValueSW);
sts = MFXCreateSession(loader, 0, &session);
VERIFY(MFX_ERR_NONE == sts, "Not able to create VPL session");
// Convenience function to initialize available accelerator(s)
accelHandle = InitAcceleratorHandle(session);
bitstream.MaxLength = BITSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE;
bitstream.Data = (mfxU8*)calloc(bytes.size(), sizeof(mfxU8));
VERIFY(bitstream.Data, "Not able to allocate input buffer");
bitstream.CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
std::copy(bytes.begin(), bytes.end(), bitstream.Data);
bitstream.DataLength = static_cast<mfxU32>(bytes.size());
memset(&mfxDecParams, 0, sizeof(mfxDecParams));
mfxDecParams.mfx.CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
sts = MFXVideoDECODE_DecodeHeader(session, &bitstream, &mfxDecParams);
VERIFY(MFX_ERR_NONE == sts, "Error decoding header\n");
numVPPCh = 1;
mfxVPPChParams = new mfxVideoChannelParam[numVPPCh];
for (mfxU32 i = 0; i < numVPPCh; i++) {
mfxVPPChParams[i] = {};
//mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.FourCC = mfxDecParams.mfx.FrameInfo.FourCC;
mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.ChromaFormat = MFX_CHROMAFORMAT_YUV420;
mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.FrameRateExtN = 30;
mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.FrameRateExtD = 1;
mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.CropW = 1920;
mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.CropH = 1080;
//Set value directly if input and output is the same.
mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.Width = 1920;
mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.Height = 1080;
//mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.Width = ALIGN16(mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.CropW);
//mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.Height = ALIGN16(mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.CropH);
mfxVPPChParams[0].VPP.ChannelId = 1;
mfxVPPChParams[0].Protected = 0;
mfxVPPChParams[0].ExtParam = NULL;
mfxVPPChParams[0].NumExtParam = 0;
sts = MFXVideoDECODE_VPP_Init(session, &mfxDecParams, &mfxVPPChParams, numVPPCh); //This causes a MINOR memory leak!
outSurfaces = new mfxSurfaceArray;
while (isStillGoing == true) {
sts = MFXVideoDECODE_VPP_DecodeFrameAsync(session,
&outSurfaces); //Big memory leak. 100MB pr run in the while loop.
switch (sts) {
// decode output
if (framenum >= 30)
isStillGoing = false;
sts = WriteRawFrameToByte(outSurfaces->Surfaces[1], &frameData[framenum]);
VERIFY(MFX_ERR_NONE == sts, "Could not write 1st vpp output");
// The function requires more bitstream at input before decoding can proceed
isStillGoing = false;
// The function requires more frame surface at output before decoding can proceed.
// This applies to external memory allocations and should not be expected for
// a simple internal allocation case like this
// For non-CPU implementations,
// Cleanup if device is lost
// For non-CPU implementations,
// Wait a few milliseconds then try again
// The decoder detected a new sequence header in the bitstream.
// Video parameters may have changed.
// In external memory allocation case, might need to reallocate the output surface
// The function detected that video parameters provided by the application
// are incompatible with initialization parameters.
// The application should close the component and then reinitialize it
// Bigger surface_work required. May be returned only if
// mfxInfoMFX::EnableReallocRequest was set to ON during initialization.
// This applies to external memory allocations and should not be expected for
// a simple internal allocation case like this
printf("unknown status %d\n", sts);
isStillGoing = false;
sts = MFXVideoDECODE_VPP_Close(session); // Helps massively! Halves the memory leak speed. Closes internal structures and tables.
VERIFY(MFX_ERR_NONE == sts, "Error closing VPP session\n");
result = 0;
printf("Decode and VPP processed %d frames\n", framenum);
// Clean up resources - It is recommended to close components first, before
// releasing allocated surfaces, since some surfaces may still be locked by
// internal resources.
if (mfxVPPChParams)
delete[] mfxVPPChParams;
if (outSurfaces)
delete outSurfaces;
if (bitstream.Data)
if (accelHandle)
if (loader)
return result;
public ref class imgFrameWrapper
size_t size;
array<System::Byte>^ bytes;
imgFrameWrapper(size_t u_size, unsigned char* u_bytes);
size_t get_size();
array<System::Byte>^ get_bytes();
imgFrameWrapper::imgFrameWrapper(size_t u_size, unsigned char* u_bytes)
size = u_size;
bytes = gcnew array<System::Byte>(size);
Marshal::Copy((IntPtr)u_bytes, bytes, 0, size);
size_t imgFrameWrapper::get_size()
return size;
array<System::Byte>^ imgFrameWrapper::get_bytes()
return bytes;
struct imgFrame
int size;
unsigned char* bytes;
if (bytes)
delete[] bytes;
MFXVideoDECODE_VPP_DecodeFrameAsync() function creates internal memory surfaces for the processing.
You should release surfaces.
Please check this link it's mentioning about it.
mfxStatus (*Release)(struct mfxSurfaceArray *surface_array)ΒΆ
Decrements the internal reference counter of the surface. (*Release) should be
called after using the (*AddRef) function to add a surface or when allocation
logic requires it.
And please check this sample.
Especially, WriteRawFrame_InternalMem() function in
It shows how to release surfaces.

How to solve mesh corruption with staging buffer on Vulkan Api

I am found a bug in my code, that cause mesh data corruption in certain situation using staging buffer. I have:
temporary mesh data
staging buffer with certain size, that used simultaneously by command buffer and memcpy, but not same segment at a time.
Buffer allocator, that gives part of suitable vertex-index buffer, where mesh data transfers from staging by vkCmdCopyBuffer. Buffer contains many of segments, given for different meshes.
The issue that when I am using staging buffer simultaneously by command buffer and memcpy, mesh data writes incorrectly (become overwritten/corrupted) and even badly can cause VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST . "correct mesh" "broken mesh"
[[nodiscard]] static Result writeMeshBuffer(TransferData &data, GpuMesh &buffer)
Result result; using namespace vkw;
auto &mesh = buffer.source;
size_t vSize = mesh.vertices_count * mesh.vertex_size;
size_t iSize = mesh.indices_count * mesh.index_size;
size_t mesh_size = vSize + iSize;
auto &staging_offset = data.stagingData.buffer_offset_unused;
// write data to staging buffer
// guaranteed that mesh_size will less or equal than staging buffer size
//FIXME false condition generate broken meshes somehow
bool is_wait_before = mesh_size > TransferStagingData::BUFFER_SIZE - staging_offset;
//will work correctly:
//bool is_wait_before = true;
if (is_wait_before) // if we need more memory on staging buffer than not used already
result = data.wait_transfer();
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
return result;
staging_offset = 0;
uint8_t *pMemory = static_cast<uint8_t*>(data.stagingData.pMemory) + staging_offset;
memcpy(pMemory, mesh.vertices.pX, vSize);
memcpy(pMemory + vSize, mesh.indices.pXX, iSize);
if (not is_wait_before)
result = data.wait_transfer();
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
return result;
// write data from staging buffer to mesh buffer
auto cmd_cpy_buff = [](CommandBuffer cmd, BufferCopy copy, Offsets offsets, DeviceSizeT size)
cmd.cmd_copy_buffer(copy, offsets, size);
BufferCopy copy = { data.stagingData.buffer, };
Offsets offsets = { staging_offset, };
result = data.transfer.prepare(cmd_cpy_buff, data.transfer.cmd_buffer, copy, offsets, mesh_size);
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
return result;
result = data.transfer.submit({&data.transfer.cmd_buffer,1},{}, {}, {}, data.transferFence);
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
return result;
// save usused offset to data.stagingData.buffer_offset_unused;
staging_offset = staging_offset == 0 ? mesh_size : 0;
return result;
If I can't use staging buffer like this, than why.
If i have an error, idk where.
The issue was
staging_offset = staging_offset == 0 ? mesh_size : 0;
Need to change
staging_offset = staging_offset == 0 ? TransferStagingData::BUFFER_SIZE - mesh_size : 0;
And after change all works correctly.

c++ WINAPI Shared Memory array of structs

I'm trying to share an array of structs through shared named memory using the WINAPI. I'm able to create and manage the shared memory but when trying to share an array of structs the size of the array is always 0 upon reading.
Below is test code i have written which should write/read an array of 10 entries, but even this is failing. My goal is however to write/read a dynamic array of structs containing 2 dynamic arrays and the info they already contain at the moment.
I'm aware i shouldn't share pointers between processes as they could point to a random value. Therefor i'm allocating memory for the arrays using new.
This is what i have so far:
Shared in both processes:
#define MEMSIZE 90024
typedef struct {
int id;
int type;
int count;
} Entry;
Process 1:
extern HANDLE hMapObject;
extern void* vMapData;
std::vector<Entry> entries;//collection of entries
BOOL DumpEntries(TCHAR* memName) {//Returns true, writing 10 entries
int size = min(10, entries.size());
Entry* eArray = new Entry[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
eArray[i] =;
::hMapObject = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, MEMSIZE, memName);
if (::hMapObject == NULL) {
return FALSE;
::vMapData = MapViewOfFile(::hMapObject, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, MEMSIZE);
if (::vMapData == NULL) {
return FALSE;
CopyMemory(::vMapData, eArray, (size * sizeof(Entry)));
//delete[] eArray;
return TRUE;
Process 2:
BOOL ReadEntries(TCHAR* memName, Entry* entries) {//Returns true reading 0 entries
HANDLE hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, memName);
if (hMapFile == NULL) {
return FALSE;
Entry* tmpEntries = (Entry*)(MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 10 * sizeof(Entry)));
if (tmpEntries == NULL) {
return FALSE;
entries = new Entry[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
entries[i] = tmpEntries[i];
return TRUE;
Writing the 10 entries seems to be working but when trying to read the memory it returns successfully and the size
of the array is 0, like so:
Entry* entries = NULL;
if (ReadEntries(TEXT("Global\Entries"), entries)) {
int size = _ARRAYSIZE(entries);
out = "Succesfully read: " + to_string(size);// Is always 0
So my question is, what am I doing wrong? I'm sharing the same struct between 2 processes, i'm allocating new memory for the entries to be written to and copying the memory with a size of 10 * sizeof(Entry);. When trying to read I also try to read 10 * sizeof(Entry); bytes and cast the data to a Entry*. Is there something I'm missing? All help is welcome.
Based on cursory examination, this code appears to attempt to map structures containing std::strings into shared memory, to be used by another process.
Unfortunately, this adventure is doomed, before it even gets started. Even if you get the array length to pass along correctly, I expect the other process to crash immediately, as soon as it even smells the std::string that the other process attempted to map into shared memory segments.
std::strings are non-trivial classes. A std::string maintains internal pointers to a buffer where the actual string data is kept; with the buffer getting allocated on the heap.
You do understand that sizeof(std::string) doesn't change, whether the string contains five characters, or the entire contents of "War And Peace", right? Stop and think for a moment, how that's possible, in just a few bytes that it takes to store a std::string?
Once you think about it for a moment, it should become crystal clear why mapping one process's std::strings into a shared memory segment, and then attempting to grab them by another process, is not going to work.
The only thing that can be practically mapped to/from shared memory is plain old data; although you could get away with aggregates, in some cases, too.
I'm afraid the problem only lies in the _ARRAYSIZE macro. I could not really find it in MSDN, but I found references for _countof or ARRAYSIZE in other pages. All are defined as sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]). The problem is that it only make sense for true arrays defined as Entry entries[10], but not for a pointer to such an array. Technically when you declare:
Entry* entries;
sizeof(entries) is sizeof(Entry *) that is the size of a pointer. It is smaller than the size of the struct so the result of the integer division is... 0!
Anyway, there are other problems in current code. The correct way to exchange a variable size array through shared memory is to use an ancillary structure containing a size and the array itself declared as incomplete:
struct EntryArray {
size_t size;
Entry entries[];
You could dump it that way:
BOOL DumpEntries(TCHAR* memName) {//Returns true, writing 10 entries
int size = min(10, entries.size());
EntryArray* eArray = (EntryArray *) malloc(sizeof(EntryArray) + size * sizeof(Entry));
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
eArray->entries[i] =;
eArray->size = size;
::hMapObject = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, MEMSIZE, memName);
if (::hMapObject == NULL) {
return FALSE;
::vMapData = MapViewOfFile(::hMapObject, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, MEMSIZE);
if (::vMapData == NULL) {
return FALSE;
CopyMemory(::vMapData, eArray, (sizeof(EntryArray) + size * sizeof(Entry)));
return TRUE;
You can note that as the last member of the struct is an incomplete array, it is allocated 0 size, so you must allocate the size of the struct + the size of the array.
You can then read it from memory that way:
size_t ReadEntries(TCHAR* memName, Entry*& entries) {//Returns the number of entries or -1 if error
HANDLE hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, memName);
if (hMapFile == NULL) {
return -1;
EntryArray* eArray = (EntryArray*)(MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 10 * sizeof(Entry)));
if (eArray == NULL) {
return -1;
entries = new Entry[10]; // or even entries = new Entry[eArray->size];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // same: i<eArray->size ...
entries[i] = eArray->entries[i];
return eArray.size;
But here again you should note some differences. As the number of entries is lost when eArray vanishes, it is passed as the return value from the function. And and you want to modify the pointer passed as second parameter, you must pass it by reference (if you pass it by value, you will only change a local copy and still have NULL in original variable after function returns).
There are still some possible improvement in your code, because the vector entries is global when it could be passed as a parameter to DumpEntries, and hMapObject is also global when it could be returned by the function. And in DumpObject you could avoid a copy by building directly the EntryArray in shared memory:
HANDLE DumpEntries(TCHAR* memName, const std::vector<Entry>& entries) {
//Returns HANDLE to mapped file (or NULL), writing 10 entries
int size = min(10, entries.size());
if (hMapObject == NULL) {
return NULL;
void * vMapData = MapViewOfFile(hMapObject, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, MEMSIZE);
if (vMapData == NULL) {
return NULL;
EntryArray* eArray = (EntryArray*) vMapData;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
eArray->entries[i] =;
eArray->size = size;
return hMapObject;
And last but not least, the backslash \ is a special quoting character in a string litteral, and it must quote itself. So you should write .TEXT("Global\\Entries")
I did it some changes to your code:
BOOL DumpEntries(TCHAR* memName)
int size = entries.size() * sizeof(Entry) + sizeof(DWORD);
::hMapObject = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, size, memName);
if (::hMapObject == NULL) {
return FALSE;
::vMapData = MapViewOfFile(::hMapObject, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, size);
if (::vMapData == NULL) {
return FALSE;
(*(DWORD*)::vMapData) = entries.size();
Entry* eArray = (Entry*)(((DWORD*)::vMapData) + 1);
for(int i = entries.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) eArray[i] =;
return TRUE;
BOOL ReadEntries(TCHAR* memName, Entry** entries, DWORD &number_of_entries) {
HANDLE hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, memName);
if (hMapFile == NULL) {
return FALSE;
DWORD *num_entries = (DWORD*)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
if (num_entries == NULL) {
return FALSE;
number_of_entries = *num_entries;
if(number_of_entries == 0)
// special case: when no entries was found in buffer
*entries = NULL;
return true;
Entry* tmpEntries = (Entry*)(num_entries + 1);
*entries = new Entry[*num_entries];
for (UINT i = 0; i < *num_entries; i++) {
(*entries)[i] = tmpEntries[i];
return TRUE;
PROCESS 2 (usage example):
void main()
Entry* entries;
DWORD number_of_entries;
if(ReadEntries(TEXT("Global\\Entries", &entries, number_of_entries) && number_of_entries > 0)
// do something
delete entries;
I am not using a static size (MEMSIZE) when i map memory, i am calculating exactly memory requiered
I put a "header" to memory mapped, a DWORD for send to process 2 number of entries in buffer
your ReadEntries definition is wrong, i fix it changing Entry* to Entry**
you need to close ::hMapObject handle in process 1 before process 2 calls ReadEntries
you need to delete entries memory returned for ReadEntries in process 2, before you use it
this code works only under same windows user, if you want to communicate a services with user process (for example), you need to handle SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES member in CreateFileMapping procedure

WinRT C++ (Win10) Accessing bytes from SoftwareBitmap / BitmapBuffer

To process my previewFrames of my camera in OpenCV, I need access to the raw Pixel data / bytes. So, there is the new SoftwareBitmap, which should exactly provide this.
There is an example for c#, but in visual c++ I can't get the IMemoryBufferByteAccess (see remarks) Interface working.
Code with Exceptions:
// Capture the preview frame
return create_task(_mediaCapture->GetPreviewFrameAsync(videoFrame))
.then([this](VideoFrame^ currentFrame)
// Collect the resulting frame
auto previewFrame = currentFrame->SoftwareBitmap;
auto buffer = previewFrame->LockBuffer(Windows::Graphics::Imaging::BitmapBufferAccessMode::ReadWrite);
auto reference = buffer->CreateReference();
// Get a pointer to the pixel buffer
byte* pData = nullptr;
UINT capacity = 0;
// Obtain ByteAccess
ComPtr<IUnknown> inspectable = reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(buffer);
// Query the IBufferByteAccess interface.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMemoryBufferByteAccess> bufferByteAccess;
ThrowIfFailed(inspectable.As(&bufferByteAccess)); // ERROR ---> Throws HRESULT = E_NOINTERFACE
// Retrieve the buffer data.
ThrowIfFailed(bufferByteAccess->GetBuffer(_Out_ &pData, _Out_ &capacity)); // ERROR ---> Throws HRESULT = E_NOINTERFACE, because bufferByteAccess is null
I tried this too:
HRESULT hr = ((IMemoryBufferByteAccess*)reference)->GetBuffer(&pData, &capacity);
HRESULT is ok, but I can't access pData -> Access Violation reading Memory.
Thanks for your help.
You should use reference instead of buffer in reinterpret_cast.
#include "pch.h"
#include <wrl\wrappers\corewrappers.h>
#include <wrl\client.h>
IMemoryBufferByteAccess : IUnknown
BYTE **value,
UINT32 *capacity
auto previewFrame = currentFrame->SoftwareBitmap;
auto buffer = previewFrame->LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode::ReadWrite);
auto reference = buffer->CreateReference();
ComPtr<IMemoryBufferByteAccess> bufferByteAccess;
HRESULT result = reinterpret_cast<IInspectable*>(reference)->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&bufferByteAccess));
if (result == S_OK)
WriteLine("Get interface successfully");
BYTE* data = nullptr;
UINT32 capacity = 0;
result = bufferByteAccess->GetBuffer(&data, &capacity);
if (result == S_OK)
WriteLine("get data access successfully, capacity: " + capacity);
Based on answer from #jeffrey-chen and example from #kennykerr, I've assembled a tiny bit cleaner solution:
#include <wrl/client.h>
// other includes, as required by your project
IMemoryBufferByteAccess : ::IUnknown
virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetBuffer(BYTE **value, UINT32 *capacity) = 0;
// your code:
auto previewFrame = currentFrame->SoftwareBitmap;
auto buffer = previewFrame->LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode::ReadWrite);
auto bufferByteAccess= buffer->CreateReference().as<IMemoryBufferByteAccess>();
WriteLine("Get interface successfully"); // otherwise - exception is thrown
BYTE* data = nullptr;
UINT32 capacity = 0;
winrt::check_hresult(bufferByteAccess->GetBuffer(&data, &capacity));
WriteLine("get data access successfully, capacity: " + capacity);
I'm currently accessing the raw unsigned char* data from each frame I obtain on a MediaFrameReader::FrameArrived event without using WRL and COM...
Here it is how:
void MainPage::OnFrameArrived(MediaFrameReader ^reader, MediaFrameArrivedEventArgs ^args)
MediaFrameReference ^mfr = reader->TryAcquireLatestFrame();
VideoMediaFrame ^vmf = mfr->VideoMediaFrame;
VideoFrame ^vf = vmf->GetVideoFrame();
SoftwareBitmap ^sb = vf->SoftwareBitmap;
Buffer ^buff = ref new Buffer(sb->PixelHeight * sb->PixelWidth * 2);
DataReader ^dataReader = DataReader::FromBuffer(buffer);
Platform::Array<unsigned char, 1> ^arr = ref new Platform::Array<unsigned char, 1>(buffer->Length);
// here arr->Data is a pointer to the raw pixel data
NOTE: The MediaCapture object needs to be configured with MediaCaptureMemoryPreference::Cpu in order to have a valid SoftwareBitmap
Hope the above helps someone

Function has corrupt return value

I have a situation in Visual C++ 2008 that I have not seen before. I have a class with 4 STL objects (list and vector to be precise) and integers.
It has a method:
inline int id() { return m_id; }
The return value from this method is corrupt, and I have no idea why.
debugger screenshot
I'd like to believe its a stack smash, but as far as I know, I have no buffer over-runs or allocation issues.
Some more observations
Here's something that puts me off. The debugger prints right values in the place mentioned // wrong ID.
m_header = new DnsHeader();
if (m_header->init(bytes, size))
eprintf("0The header ID is %d\n", m_header->id()); // wrong ID!!!
inside m_header->init()
m_qdcount = ntohs(h->qdcount);
m_ancount = ntohs(h->ancount);
m_nscount = ntohs(h->nscount);
m_arcount = ntohs(h->arcount);
eprintf("The details are %d,%d,%d,%d\n", m_qdcount, m_ancount, m_nscount, m_arcount);
// copy the flags
// this doesn't work with a bitfield struct :(
// memcpy(&m_flags, bytes + 2, sizeof(m_flags));
//unpack_flags(bytes + 2); //TODO
m_init = true;
eprintf("Assigning an id of %d\n", m_id); // Correct ID.
m_header->id() is an inline function in the header file
inline int id() { return m_id; }
I don't really know how best to post the code snippets I have , but here's my best shot at it. Please do let me know if they are insufficient:
Class DnsHeader has an object m_header inside DnsPacket.
Main body:
DnsPacket *p ;
p = new DnsPacket(r);
assert (_CrtCheckMemory());
p->add_bytes(buf, r); // add bytes to a vector m_bytes inside DnsPacket
if (p->parse())
read_packet(sin, *p);
size_t size = m_bytes.size(); // m_bytes is a vector
unsigned char *bytes = new u_char[m_bytes.size()];
copy(m_bytes.begin(), m_bytes.end(), bytes);
m_header = new DnsHeader();
eprintf("m_header allocated at %x\n", m_header);
if (m_header->init(bytes, size)) // just set the ID and a bunch of other ints here.
size_t pos = DnsHeader::SIZE; // const int
if (pos != size)
; // XXX perhaps generate a warning about extraneous data?
if (ok)
m_parsed = true;
m_parsed = false;
if (!ok) {
m_parsed = false;
return m_parsed;
DnsHeader& h = p.header();
eprintf("The header ID is %d\n",; // ID is wrong here
DnsHeader constructor:
m_id = -1;
m_qdcount = m_ancount = m_nscount = m_arcount = 0;
memset(&m_flags, 0, sizeof(m_flags)); // m_flags is a struct
m_flags.rd = 1;
return *m_header;
m_header->init: (u_char* bytes, int size)
header_fmt *h = (header_fmt *)bytes;
m_id = ntohs(h->id);
eprintf("Assigning an id of %d/%d\n", ntohs(h->id), m_id); // ID is correct here
m_qdcount = ntohs(h->qdcount);
m_ancount = ntohs(h->ancount);
m_nscount = ntohs(h->nscount);
m_arcount = ntohs(h->arcount);
You seem to be using a pointer to an invalid class somehow. The return value shown is the value that VS usually uses to initialize memory with:
2^32 - 842150451 = 0xCDCDCDCD
You probably have not initialized the class that this function is a member of.
Without seeing more of the code in context.. it might be that the m_id is out of the scope you expect it to be in.
Reinstalled VC++. That fixed everything.
Thank you for your time and support everybody! :) Appreciate it!