Heroku git push Django migration failure for DuplicateTable - django

Migrating a Django app from Digital Ocean to Heroku. I had problems migrating the data, so I used pg_dump to get the schema and the data of each table. Then ran those scripts in heroku. I loaded my website and I can see the new data coming through.
Now when I push new code with the Heroku CLI that auto runs the deployment, it fails for this reason: psycopg2.errors.DuplicateTable: relation "django_content_type" already exists
The commands I run are
git add .
git commit -m "some message"
git push heroku master"
The Procfile has release: python manage.py migrate which runs the commands, which I thought about taking it out but when I have migrations to run in the future this will cause an issue.
Any thoughts?

This sent me down a rabbit hole this morning, and I figured it out. I am going to leave the question up since I could not find a similar one.
The issue came down to migrations being out of sync locally and remotely. Following the instructions for the top answer on this post cleared up the issue: Django Heroku Error "Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration"


Unable to push migrations to Heroku from Django

I am a student, going through a tutorial to build a website with Next.js and Django/Python. I have zero experience with this stuff and it's been a painful process so far.
At this point in the tutorial, I have created a Heroku account and have deployed my Django project to Heroku through git and have also created the postgreSQL database.
The next step, as the dude in the video says, is to migrate the data from django into the database. I've done the whole "py manage.py makemigrations" locally and then tried to push those files to Heroku as I've read in other threads, but that doesn't work. In the tutorial, the guy just runs: heroku run python manage.py makemigrations, and it works fine. This is what happens when I try it:
I don't understand what to do...I've been Googling for the last hour or so and cannot find a solution...I appreciate anyone who can help me, I'm sure it's something stupid/simple, but I am not a programmer or developer, so I have no clue at this point...
Seems like manage.py is not commit to your git repo, try to add it:
git add manage.py
git commit
git push heroku master
Figured it out, just needed to add the path to manage.py and it worked :)

Django Migrations not updating Heroku PostgreSQL database

I've been stuck on an issue for a while where I have a model that I've created locally (class User(AbstractUser)), ran "python manage.py makemigrations" and "python manage.py migrate", which works and interacts correctly with the django server when run locally.
When I push this to heroku however, I receive an error response to certain api requests which essentially say "relation "app_user" does not exist". I assumed this was because somehow the postgreSQL db didn't receive the migrations when the app was deployed to heroku. After logging into the db I noticed that it had a few other tables, including "auth_user" (I assume this is a default django table), but not "app_user". I have done "heroku run bash" and "python manage.py migrate" in an attempt to migrate the changes to the postgreSQL db, but this doesn't have any effect.
I'm not sure if this will be useful but the postgreSQL server I'm using is the standard Heroku Postgres Hobby Dev add-on.
My questions are:
Should running "python manage.py migrate" on heroku update the postgreSQL database? If so, how does this work?
Given that the migrations are all on heroku, how can I manually update the postgreSQL with the migrations?
Fixed by deleting old heroku db and creating a new one. Unsure what exactly caused the issue above but I feel it may be because we deleted all migrations on the repo at some point in the past (to start from scratch), which meant the current db state was not applicable to migrations in the repo and so could not be applied. After doing this, running migrate on the remote server works perfectly.

Django: Heroku deploy not migrating properly

I'm new to Heroku and I am trying to do my first deploy with a change in my models. Now I already have some important stuff in my app's database that I don't want to lose (I'm using PostgresSQL).
Anyway, I did those few improvement to my app's model and it works alright locally, but when I try to deploy it just gives me the
Internal Server Error: /lares/
ProgrammingError at /lares/
column lares_imovel.referencia does not exist
I am used to throwing makemigrations and migrate locally and than just git push heroku master
Anyway, I also tried the heroku run python manage.py migrate afterwards, but I get the same result every time.
I deleted all my migrations files and created them again for this particular app, still it works locally and the issue remains on production.
Do you guys have any idea why this is happening?
I don't know if any of my code is necessary, I'm pretty sure the problem is not there, but if requested I can post it here.

What to do to run makemigrations/migrate on heroku when deploying changed models from github?

I have deployed app from github repository to the heroku account of my customer as collaborator but this time I had to add some new models.
However I realized that when I deploy my changes from github heroku does not run makemigrations and migrate.
I I read some answers on stackoverflow and understood this is how it is supposed to be.
However my question is what should I do ? What is the best practise to deploy change models to heroku app. (I assume it is not deleting and recreating my app again since customer already has data there.)
(I am able to run makemigrations and migrate from the bash manually but when I have 30+ deployments it's a pain)
Check out the new feature on Heroku called "Release Phase": https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/release-phase It will allow you to run migrations during the deployment. Just add whatever command you want to your Procfile, like this:
web: your_web_command
release: python manage.py migrate
The release command will run after your app is done building, and before it's launched.

heroku - DatabaseError: relation "south_migrationhistory" does not exist

i purchased an outsource service to develop a web site in django to be deployed in heroku and AWS S3 (boto package).
Unfortunately the developer did not comment the code, despite it was asked, and left the project uncompleted for following up with a bigger client.
I've hired another django 'expert' to fix a part which was not developed, and he want to (over)charge for deployment testing, which i think should be a normal matter for good practices! i am working on my own budject, and need to work it out myself.
I was able to make the project run locally and make myself the frontend templates which were not fully developed, but I am having issues in deploying the code on my own staging environment.
I set up a staging environment under my credential to check if everything is ok, before pushing to production.
I think I almost get there, though:
heroku run python manage.py migrate --all --noinput --app my-app-staging
generate in the console:
Running `python manage.py migrate --all --noinput` attached to terminal... up, run.4833
DatabaseError: relation "south_migrationhistory" does not exist
LINE 1: ...gration", "south_migrationhistory"."applied" FROM "south_mig...
In the browser:
DatabaseError at /
relation "django_site" does not exist
LINE 1: ..."django_site"."domain", "django_site"."name" FROM "django_si...
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://my-app-staging.herokuapp.com/
Django Version: 1.5.6
Exception Type: DatabaseError
Exception Value:
relation "django_site" does not exist
LINE 1: ..."django_site"."domain", "django_site"."name" FROM "django_si...
Exception Location: /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/base.py in execute, line 5
I checked my settings and they look ok:
i check AWS S3 bucket and it is able to write there;
settings in heroku console display that the db has been created.
I followed:
Heroku created table but when I'll migrate, he says that doesn't created
but it looks my locals.py are ok too, and in my local git branch .gitignore will exclude db.sqlite
My git and heroku ssh keys have been generated and added, so i dont' think it is an issue of authentification.
How could i check that the db is properly connected to django project and I am not invalidated?
Could you please help in debriefing to understand what this error means and how to solve it?
So much thank you.
It sounds like you might not have created the initial South migration tables on your staging server. This is actually done using syncdb:
Once South is added in, you’ll need to run ./manage.py syncdb to make the South migration-tracking tables (South doesn’t use migrations for its own models, for various reasons).
To run this on Heroku, you'll probably want to use something like
heroku run python manage.py syncdb
Once this is done, you should be able to move forward with the South commands.