QQuickWidget Custom Resizing Mode - c++

Note: This a self answered question. It cause me some headache to solve it in past, so I think it is worth to share.
I have a qml application designed for HD resolution(1366x768). It's using QtQuick.Layouts, so adaptable to custom resolution. But resizing it to less than HD resolution makes it squishy and meaningless. I am not restricting QQuickWidget's size with minimum size, cause now I'm trying to place multiple of them in grid layout of a QWidget. I want to scale down root item to fit in widget when size of QQuickWidget is less than initial size(1366x768). Problem is QQuickWidget offers only two ResizeMode options and none of them suits to my needs. And it is not possible deactiave ResizeMode. So I'm trying to disable ResizeMode and write a custom one.

It's kinda ugly but working solution. I checked the source code of QQuickWidget, and realized inner updateSize function does nothing when ResizeMode is invalid.
CustomQuickWidget(QWidget* parent = nullptr)
: QQuickWidget(parent)
//set invalid resize mode for custom resizing
void CustomQuickWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) {
const int eventWidth = event->size().width();
const int eventHeight = event->size().height();
const int initialWidth = initialSize().width();
const int initialHeight = initialSize().height();
if (eventWidth >= initialWidth && eventHeight >= initialHeight) {
// SizeRootObjectToView
else {
// Scale down
const qreal widthScale = qreal(eventWidth) / initialWidth;
const qreal heightScale = qreal(eventHeight) / initialHeight;
if (widthScale < heightScale) {
// stretch height to fill
rootObject()->setHeight(qMin(int(eventHeight / widthScale), maximumHeight()));
else {
// stretch width to fill
rootObject()->setWidth(qMin(int(eventWidth / heightScale), maximumWidth()));
QSize CustomQuickWidget::sizeHint() const { return initialSize(); }
Make sure transformOrigin of root item is TopLeft.
transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft


Qt5 C++ resize font based on label width

I have written what I think is a pretty good font resize algorithm that I use on labels in a QGridLayout. The algorithm works rather well on its own. However, the first time I run the algorithm, the layout hasn't been painted yet, and as such, the grid widgets which own the labels haven't been sized to the layout, which means my width() call is wrong, though I have assigned the label text prior to the resize (which doesn't matter). My question is, what is the best way to know the bounding rectangles have been created to fit the layout so my calculation is on the actual label width?
Note, this is Qt5.7, so I know that fm.width() is obsolete, but that's what's available in Raspbian.
My app is reading Sonos metadata and showing it on a 7" RPi display. I'm resizing the metadata that is too long to fit in the layout grids. So, I have a QStackedLayout with a set of layouts to show (clock when Sonos isn't playing, metadata when it is), and I frequently poll the a local Sonos server to find out if there is metadata to show. This works well. What doesn't happen is that on the first time the Sonos metadata layout is shown, the QGridLayout hasn't actually been laid out yet (I believe), so the labels are too big. At some point after the first time I fill in the metadata, the grid layout gets "shown" and the labels are then the correct size. The problem is, by then, it's all done setting metadata and the labels look funny in some cases.
int pointSize = FontSize::Default;
for (auto label : m_labels) {
QFont f = label->font();
if (label->accessibleName() == "title")
pointSize = FontSize::Title;
QFontMetrics fm(f);
if (fm.width(label->text()) > label->width()) {
float factor = (float)label->width() / (float)fm.width(label->text());
if (factor <= .6) {
factor = .6;
f.setPointSizeF((f.pointSize() * factor) * .9);
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << ": label width:" << label->width();
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << ": font width:" << fm.width(label->text());
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << ": Calculated font scaling factor to be" << (float)(factor * .9);
qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << ": Reset font size for text\"" << label->text() << "\" to" << f.pointSize();
On an 800x480 display, this results in the first event label width being wrong
calculateLabelFontSize : label width: 640
calculateLabelFontSize : font width: 2051
The label width the next time it's called would end up being correct with a width of 584. However, because I don't always call it a second time, and because sometimes, the Sonos metadata hiccups and causes the display to revert, it may always be wrong, or it may just be right the first time no matter what.
I've considered trying to overload my gui app paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event), but the QPaintEvent class doesn't give me a way to determine which widget called for the event, so I can't just ignore the event until I want it. At least, not that I have determined, so if that's possible, please let me know.
I've tried overloading showEvent, but that doesn't run except when the frame is first shown, so no help there.
I've considered subclassing QGridLayout to simply overload the paintEvent() and use that, but I do have an issue with that solution. There is a progress bar in this layout, which means that the paintEvent is going to fire every half second as I get metadata from the Sonos server. Since I don't know if the paintEvent is firing for the time update, or for the text being set, I get a lot of resize attempts.
I've also simply run the algorithm a second time on the next event, but it's a really weird looking graphical hiccup when the fonts realign, and I don't like it.
Last up, I may just subclass QLabel, simply to overload paintEvent, and use that custom label just for the labels that would be resizable. However, is the label in the layout painted before or after the container it lives in inside the layout? I'll be testing this today I think, but I'm not convinced it would work.
I figure this has a much easier solution though. I just can't figure it out.
I borrowed code from https://github.com/jonaias/DynamicFontSizeWidgets which provided the resize algorithm. It's nice, but iterative. I have been tinkering with a math based solution to calculate instead of just trying to fit by resizing until it works. However, that solution still doesn't work well enough to use. This isn't slow, and does what is implied. It resizes the font until it fits.
This all is done in paintEvent() because using resizeEvent() may result in either an infinite resize loop or the layout may resize itself and suddenly everything looks shifted/squished/stretched. Doing it in paintEvent means it's only called once every time you update the text, but not otherwise.
I may come back to this to try to find a math based solution. I still think this isn't the correct way, but I found something that worked well enough for now.
#ifndef NEWLABEL_H
#define NEWLABEL_H
#include <QtCore/QtCore>
#include <QtWidgets/QtWidgets>
#include <cmath>
class NewLabel : public QLabel
explicit NewLabel(const QString &text, QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags());
explicit NewLabel(QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags());
virtual ~NewLabel() {}
void setDefaultPointSize(int p)
m_defaultPointSize = static_cast<float>(p);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
float getWidgetMaximumFontSize(QWidget *widget, QString text);
float m_defaultPointSize;
#define FONT_PRECISION (0.5)
NewLabel::NewLabel(const QString &text, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QLabel(text, parent, f)
m_defaultPointSize = 12;
NewLabel::NewLabel(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) :
QLabel(parent, f)
m_defaultPointSize = 12;
void NewLabel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
QFont newFont = font();
float fontSize = getWidgetMaximumFontSize(this, this->text());
if (fontSize < m_defaultPointSize) {
float NewLabel::getWidgetMaximumFontSize(QWidget *widget, QString text)
QFont font = widget->font();
const QRect widgetRect = widget->contentsRect();
const float widgetWidth = widgetRect.width();
const float widgetHeight = widgetRect.height();
QRectF newFontSizeRect;
float currentSize = font.pointSizeF();
float step = currentSize/2.0;
/* If too small, increase step */
if (step<=FONT_PRECISION){
step = FONT_PRECISION*4.0;
float lastTestedSize = currentSize;
float currentHeight = 0;
float currentWidth = 0;
if (text==""){
return currentSize;
/* Only stop when step is small enough and new size is smaller than QWidget */
while(step>FONT_PRECISION || (currentHeight > widgetHeight) || (currentWidth > widgetWidth)){
/* Keep last tested value */
lastTestedSize = currentSize;
/* Test label with its font */
/* Use font metrics to test */
QFontMetricsF fm(font);
/* Check if widget is QLabel */
QLabel *label = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(widget);
if (label) {
newFontSizeRect = fm.boundingRect(widgetRect, (label->wordWrap()?Qt::TextWordWrap:0) | label->alignment(), text);
newFontSizeRect = fm.boundingRect(widgetRect, 0, text);
currentHeight = newFontSizeRect.height();
currentWidth = newFontSizeRect.width();
/* If new font size is too big, decrease it */
if ((currentHeight > widgetHeight) || (currentWidth > widgetWidth)){
//qDebug() << "-- contentsRect()" << label->contentsRect() << "rect"<< label->rect() << " newFontSizeRect" << newFontSizeRect << "Tight" << text << currentSize;
currentSize -=step;
/* if step is small enough, keep it constant, so it converge to biggest font size */
/* Do not allow negative size */
if (currentSize<=0){
/* If new font size is smaller than maximum possible size, increase it */
//qDebug() << "++ contentsRect()" << label->contentsRect() << "rect"<< label->rect() << " newFontSizeRect" << newFontSizeRect << "Tight" << text << currentSize;
currentSize +=step;
return lastTestedSize;

Waveform Widget Touchgfx

I’m creating a waveform widget in TouchGFX, but unsure how best to loop the waveform back to zero at the end because there are three frame buffers so you have to invalidate over an area three times or you get flickering . How would you handle looping the array back to start (x=0).
The main issue is my code originally assumed there was only one frame buffer. I think my code needs to be refactored for three framebuffers or add the ability to write directly to the frame buffer. Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
bool Graph::drawCanvasWidget(const Rect& invalidatedArea) const
if (numPoints < 3)
// A graph line with a single (or not even a single) point is invisible
return true;
Canvas canvas(this, invalidatedArea);
for (int index = 0; index < (numPoints-1); index++)
return canvas.render(); // Shape above automatically closed
return true;
void Graph::newPoint(int y)
}else if ((maxPoints-numPoints)<=20){
points[numPoints].x = numPoints;
points[numPoints].y = y;
Rect minimalRect(480,0,20,100);
points[numPoints].x = numPoints;
points[numPoints].y = y;
Rect minimalRect(numPoints-3,0,20,100);
With TouchGFX 4.15.0 (just out) the TouchGFX Designer now supports a Graph widget (previously only found in source code in demos) which can be used to produce your waveforms. It has some more elegant ways of inserting points which may suit your needs.

Making widgets partly overlap in a Qt layout

I am trying to make widgets overlap partly in a Qt layout. My current layout is the following, achieved with a QVBoxLayout containing four QHBoxLayout children:
I'm trying to regroup cards of the same suit, in order to achieve something like this (note that there is horizontal and vertical overlapping):
Unfortunately, all the Qt documentation and all the Stack Overflow posts I have read try to avoid widgets overlapping rather than to seek it. Maybe there's a way to set negative spacing between widgets, or forcing a layout to have a maximum width calculated (e.g. according to the number of cards of one suit in this case)? Or do I have to create a custom layout? Maybe I should not be using layouts at all?
If it's any help, I'm adding the widgets to the layouts with code that looks like this:
hLayout[card.getSuit()-1]->addWidget(cardWidget, 0, align);
You will need to implement a subclass of QLayout. There is a detailed example in the QT documentation addressing exactly you problem: Layout Management
Basically, you will need to define the following:
A data structure to store the items handled by the layout. Each item is a QLayoutItem.
addItem(), how to add items to the layout.
setGeometry(), how to perform the layout.
sizeHint(), the preferred size of the layout.
itemAt(), how to iterate over the layout.
takeAt(), how to remove items from the layout.
In most cases, you will also implement minimumSize().
Below I have copied the most important part of the code in the example, for your convenience:
class CardLayout : public QLayout
CardLayout(QWidget *parent, int dist): QLayout(parent, 0, dist) {}
CardLayout(QLayout *parent, int dist): QLayout(parent, dist) {}
CardLayout(int dist): QLayout(dist) {}
void addItem(QLayoutItem *item);
QSize sizeHint() const;
QSize minimumSize() const;
int count() const;
QLayoutItem *itemAt(int) const;
QLayoutItem *takeAt(int);
void setGeometry(const QRect &rect);
QList<QLayoutItem*> list;
void CardLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &r)
if (list.size() == 0)
int w = r.width() - (list.count() - 1) * spacing();
int h = r.height() - (list.count() - 1) * spacing();
int i = 0;
while (i < list.size()) {
QLayoutItem *o = list.at(i);
QRect geom(r.x() + i * spacing(), r.y() + i * spacing(), w, h);

Lock app orientation to landscape in Qt

I would like to lock my app developed with Qt to landscape orientation, even if the screen display is portrait. I have tried adding to my code the resizeEvent method found here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/widgets-orientation.html, but my app still does not display correctly. Here is my code for resizeEvent:
void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
QSize size = event->size();
qDebug() << size;
bool isLandscape = size.width() > size.height();
if (isLandscape == false){
Does anyone know how to do this in Qt 4.8.5? I am trying to display an app for a 320x240 display.
You can't really follow that example. It shows two different widgets depending on the orientation. Furthermore the doc warns about modifying size properties inside resizeEvent.
One solution would be to set a fix aspect ratio similar to 320x240 by overloading QWidget::heightForWidth. You wouldn't need to overload resizeEvent.
It will look like
int MainWindow::heightForWidth( int w ) {
return (w * 240 )/320;
heightForWidth is discussed in detail in https://stackoverflow.com/a/1160476/1122645.
sizeHint is used by the layout of the parent to compute the size of children widgets. In general, it make sense to implement it as
QSize MainWindow::sizeHint() const
int w = //some width you seem fit
return QSize( w, heightForWidth(w) );
but if MainWindow is top level then it will not change anything. You can also alter heightForWidth flag of your current size policy
QSizePolicy currPolicy = this->sizePolicy();
But again, if it is a top level widget I doesnt change much.
Anyway you don't need to call updateGeometry.

Qt: resizing a QLabel containing a QPixmap while keeping its aspect ratio

I use a QLabel to display the content of a bigger, dynamically changing QPixmap to the user. It would be nice to make this label smaller/larger depending on the space available. The screen size is not always as big as the QPixmap.
How can I modify the QSizePolicy and sizeHint() of the QLabel to resize the QPixmap while keeping the aspect ratio of the original QPixmap?
I can't modify sizeHint() of the QLabel, setting the minimumSize() to zero does not help. Setting hasScaledContents() on the QLabel allows growing, but breaks the aspect ratio thingy...
Subclassing QLabel did help, but this solution adds too much code for just a simple problem...
Any smart hints how to accomplish this without subclassing?
In order to change the label size you can select an appropriate size policy for the label like expanding or minimum expanding.
You can scale the pixmap by keeping its aspect ratio every time it changes:
QPixmap p; // load pixmap
// get label dimensions
int w = label->width();
int h = label->height();
// set a scaled pixmap to a w x h window keeping its aspect ratio
There are two places where you should add this code:
When the pixmap is updated
In the resizeEvent of the widget that contains the label
I have polished this missing subclass of QLabel. It is awesome and works well.
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QResizeEvent>
class AspectRatioPixmapLabel : public QLabel
explicit AspectRatioPixmapLabel(QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual int heightForWidth( int width ) const;
virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
QPixmap scaledPixmap() const;
public slots:
void setPixmap ( const QPixmap & );
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
QPixmap pix;
#include "aspectratiopixmaplabel.h"
//#include <QDebug>
AspectRatioPixmapLabel::AspectRatioPixmapLabel(QWidget *parent) :
void AspectRatioPixmapLabel::setPixmap ( const QPixmap & p)
pix = p;
int AspectRatioPixmapLabel::heightForWidth( int width ) const
return pix.isNull() ? this->height() : ((qreal)pix.height()*width)/pix.width();
QSize AspectRatioPixmapLabel::sizeHint() const
int w = this->width();
return QSize( w, heightForWidth(w) );
QPixmap AspectRatioPixmapLabel::scaledPixmap() const
return pix.scaled(this->size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
void AspectRatioPixmapLabel::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e)
Hope that helps!
(Updated resizeEvent, per #dmzl's answer)
I just use contentsMargin to fix the aspect ratio.
#pragma once
#include <QLabel>
class AspectRatioLabel : public QLabel
explicit AspectRatioLabel(QWidget* parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags());
public slots:
void setPixmap(const QPixmap& pm);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) override;
void updateMargins();
int pixmapWidth = 0;
int pixmapHeight = 0;
#include "AspectRatioLabel.h"
AspectRatioLabel::AspectRatioLabel(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QLabel(parent, f)
void AspectRatioLabel::setPixmap(const QPixmap& pm)
pixmapWidth = pm.width();
pixmapHeight = pm.height();
void AspectRatioLabel::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event)
void AspectRatioLabel::updateMargins()
if (pixmapWidth <= 0 || pixmapHeight <= 0)
int w = this->width();
int h = this->height();
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
if (w * pixmapHeight > h * pixmapWidth)
int m = (w - (pixmapWidth * h / pixmapHeight)) / 2;
setContentsMargins(m, 0, m, 0);
int m = (h - (pixmapHeight * w / pixmapWidth)) / 2;
setContentsMargins(0, m, 0, m);
Works perfectly for me so far. You're welcome.
Adapted from Timmmm to PYQT5
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtGui import QResizeEvent
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabel
class Label(QLabel):
def __init__(self):
super(Label, self).__init__()
self.pixmap_width: int = 1
self.pixmapHeight: int = 1
def setPixmap(self, pm: QPixmap) -> None:
self.pixmap_width = pm.width()
self.pixmapHeight = pm.height()
super(Label, self).setPixmap(pm)
def resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent) -> None:
super(Label, self).resizeEvent(a0)
def updateMargins(self):
if self.pixmap() is None:
pixmapWidth = self.pixmap().width()
pixmapHeight = self.pixmap().height()
if pixmapWidth <= 0 or pixmapHeight <= 0:
w, h = self.width(), self.height()
if w <= 0 or h <= 0:
if w * pixmapHeight > h * pixmapWidth:
m = int((w - (pixmapWidth * h / pixmapHeight)) / 2)
self.setContentsMargins(m, 0, m, 0)
m = int((h - (pixmapHeight * w / pixmapWidth)) / 2)
self.setContentsMargins(0, m, 0, m)
I tried using phyatt's AspectRatioPixmapLabel class, but experienced a few problems:
Sometimes my app entered an infinite loop of resize events. I traced this back to the call of QLabel::setPixmap(...) inside the resizeEvent method, because QLabel actually calls updateGeometry inside setPixmap, which may trigger resize events...
heightForWidth seemed to be ignored by the containing widget (a QScrollArea in my case) until I started setting a size policy for the label, explicitly calling policy.setHeightForWidth(true)
I want the label to never grow more than the original pixmap size
QLabel's implementation of minimumSizeHint() does some magic for labels containing text, but always resets the size policy to the default one, so I had to overwrite it
That said, here is my solution. I found that I could just use setScaledContents(true) and let QLabel handle the resizing.
Of course, this depends on the containing widget / layout honoring the heightForWidth.
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPixmap>
class AspectRatioPixmapLabel : public QLabel
explicit AspectRatioPixmapLabel(const QPixmap &pixmap, QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual int heightForWidth(int width) const;
virtual bool hasHeightForWidth() { return true; }
virtual QSize sizeHint() const { return pixmap()->size(); }
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const { return QSize(0, 0); }
#include "aspectratiopixmaplabel.h"
AspectRatioPixmapLabel::AspectRatioPixmapLabel(const QPixmap &pixmap, QWidget *parent) :
QSizePolicy policy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
int AspectRatioPixmapLabel::heightForWidth(int width) const
if (width > pixmap()->width()) {
return pixmap()->height();
} else {
return ((qreal)pixmap()->height()*width)/pixmap()->width();
If your image is a resource or a file you don't need to subclass anything; just set image in the label's stylesheet; and it will be scaled to fit the label while keeping its aspect ratio, and will track any size changes made to the label. You can optionally use image-position to move the image to one of the edges.
It doesn't fit the OP's case of a dynamically updated pixmap (I mean, you can set different resources whenever you want but they still have to be resources), but it's a good method if you're using pixmaps from resources.
Stylesheet example:
image: url(:/resource/path);
image-position: right center; /* optional: default is centered. */
In code (for example):
QString stylesheet = "image:url(%1);image-position:right center;";
Or you can just set the stylesheet property right in Designer:
Icon source: Designspace Team via Flaticon
The caveat is that it won't scale the image larger, only smaller, so make sure your image is bigger than your range of sizes if you want it to grow (note that it can support SVG, which can improve quality).
The label's size can be controlled as per usual: either use size elements in the stylesheet or use the standard layout and size policy strategies.
See the documentation for details.
This style has been present since early Qt (position was added in 4.3 circa 2007 but image was around before then).
I finally got this to work as expected. It is essential to override sizeHint as well as resizeEvent, and to set the minimum size and the size policy.
setAlignment is used to centre the image in the control either horizontally or vertically when the control is a different aspect ratio to the image.
class ImageDisplayWidget(QLabel):
def __init__(self, max_enlargement=2.0):
self.max_enlargement = max_enlargement
self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
self.setMinimumSize(1, 1)
self.__image = None
def setImage(self, image):
self.__image = image
def sizeHint(self):
if self.__image:
return self.__image.size() * self.max_enlargement
return QSize(1, 1)
def resizeEvent(self, event):
if self.__image:
pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.__image)
scaled = pixmap.scaled(event.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
The Qt documentations has an Image Viewer example which demonstrates handling resizing images inside a QLabel. The basic idea is to use QScrollArea as a container for the QLabel and if needed use label.setScaledContents(bool) and scrollarea.setWidgetResizable(bool) to fill available space and/or ensure QLabel inside is resizable.
Additionally, to resize QLabel while honoring aspect ratio use:
label.setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(width, height, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation));
The width and height can be set based on scrollarea.width() and scrollarea.height().
In this way there is no need to subclass QLabel.
Nothing new here really.
I mixed the accepted reply
which uses setContentsMargins,
but just coded it a bit my own way.
* #brief calcMargins Calculate the margins when a rectangle of one size is centred inside another
* #param outside - the size of the surrounding rectanle
* #param inside - the size of the surrounded rectangle
* #return the size of the four margins, as a QMargins
QMargins calcMargins(QSize const outside, QSize const inside)
int left = (outside.width()-inside.width())/2;
int top = (outside.height()-inside.height())/2;
int right = outside.width()-(inside.width()+left);
int bottom = outside.height()-(inside.height()+top);
QMargins margins(left, top, right, bottom);
return margins;
A function calculates the margins required to centre one rectangle inside another. Its a pretty generic function that could be used for lots of things though I have no idea what.
Then setContentsMargins becomes easy to use with a couple of extra lines
which many people would combine into one.
QPixmap scaled = p.scaled(this->size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
QMargins margins = calcMargins(this->size(), scaled.size());
It may interest somebody ... I needed to handle mousePressEvent and to know where I am within the image.
void MyClass::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev)
QMargins margins = contentsMargins();
QPoint labelCoordinateClickPos = ev->pos();
QPoint pixmapCoordinateClickedPos = labelCoordinateClickPos - QPoint(margins.left(),margins.top());
... more stuff here
My large image was from a camera and I obtained the relative coordinates [0, 1) by dividing by the width of the pixmap and then multiplied up by the width of the original image.
This is the port of #phyatt's class to PySide2.
Apart from porting i added an additional aligment in the resizeEvent in order to make the newly resized image position properly in the available space.
from typing import Union
from PySide2.QtCore import QSize, Qt
from PySide2.QtGui import QPixmap, QResizeEvent
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QLabel, QWidget
class QResizingPixmapLabel(QLabel):
def __init__(self, parent: Union[QWidget, None] = ...):
self._pixmap: Union[QPixmap, None] = None
def heightForWidth(self, width:int) -> int:
if self._pixmap is None:
return self.height()
return self._pixmap.height() * width / self._pixmap.width()
def scaledPixmap(self) -> QPixmap:
scaled = self._pixmap.scaled(
self.size() * self.devicePixelRatioF(),
return scaled;
def setPixmap(self, pixmap: QPixmap) -> None:
self._pixmap = pixmap
def sizeHint(self) -> QSize:
width = self.width()
return QSize(width, self.heightForWidth(width))
def resizeEvent(self, event: QResizeEvent) -> None:
if self._pixmap is not None: