How to include header file for Chart.js after downloading it? - chart.js

I've recently downloaded Chart.js by first installing node.js from
and then ran
npm install chart.js --save
on my command prompt from
I am ready to do some web development and have no clue how to include the Chart.js header file for an HTML program I plan to write. I am using a Windows 10 OS. How would I go about adding the header file (going to use atom for the text editor)? I don't see chart.js after doing "dir", only saw package-lock.json and package.json.


Install an NPM package without its optional modules in Ember-CLI

I've got the NPM package xlsx as a dependency in my ember app which comes with an optional module for translations. When I build my app with Ember-CLI I'd like to specify somehow that this optional module be excluded.
The README for that package states “Webpack and browserify builds include optional modules by default. Webpack can be configured to remove support with resolve.alias:”
I'm not sure how I could configure my ember-cli-build.js to work with this.
I do know that I can download the package, build it myself, and then stick the resulting files in my vendor directory but this feels like the wrong way to go about it.
Does anybody have experience with this sort of situation?
I'm currently including xlsx in my app as a dependency inside my package.json and simply importing it within one of my components.
If you take a look into your node_modules/xlsx/dist/ folder you'll see that there are several different versions of xlsx available: core, full and a third version without a specifier.
You can use either of those versions by putting for example
in your ember-cli-build.js file.
Note that the above requires Ember CLI 2.15 or above. If you use an older Ember CLI version you should either upgrade or install xlsx from Bower instead.

How to install Chart.js without a library?

How can I install Chart.js "manually"?
Chart.js documentation mentions gulp and npm and bower, all Greek to me. I've read about each of them but am not interested in installing other libraries, I just want to draw charts. It appears that bower was not an option for a while and someone on SO claimed Node.js is not required for Chart.js but gave no details of how to install it bare.
I DLed it, unzipped it, put it on my server, and get a "ReferenceError: Chart is not defined" when I try to use it and see that the code references a 'dist' directory that doesn't exist.
You can always use the CDN
Hope this helps.

npm install does not download one specific file

I have created one yo generator and I can see the code is available in github and also showing in yo generator list.
Its working perfectly when I do npm install to download the generator code into my local machine and also when scaffold application using yo command.
Only problem is one of my file (systemjs.config.js) which is in the /generator/template folder is not getting downloaded niter from npm install nor when I scaffold application using yo command.
generator link git link to generator
command to download and scaffold from yo generator
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-angular2-with-router
yo angular2-with-router
The problem was occurring due to .gitingore file which was ignoring all the .js files as the project is in typescript. I was ignoring all my .js and files in my git ignore file
as systemjs.config.js file is a js file, its has been ignored by publish or something was happening with npm and it was not downloading.
Now I changed my .gitignore file and so that specific .js and file will be ignored and it resolved my problem.

SublimeText 3 - Package Control: Removed directory for orphaned package ColdFusion

I am running SublimeText 3 (build 3083). I follow the manual install directions for the ColdFusion plugin as described here (
Download Manually
Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option
Unzip the files and rename the folder to ColdFusion
Copy the folder to your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory
This has worked (and still works) on many machines. But today I have a PC that each time I re-open SublimeText it removes the ColdFusion directory and in the SublimeText console it says "Package Control: Removed directory for orphaned package ColdFusion". Haven't been able to find anything on this yet. Help appreciated. Thanks!
The "Download Manually" section is for Sublime Text 2 only. At the very top of the README you linked are the ST3 instructions:
The development branch contains a rewrite of the ColdFusion plugin. The only installation method is via Git.
cd Packages/
git clone
cd ColdFusion
git checkout development
On Windows machines, the Packages folder is in %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages. You'll need to have a working copy of git on your machine, which can be obtained here.
Alternatively, you can download a zip file of the development branch, extract it, rename the resulting ColdFusion-development folder to ColdFusion, then copy that into your Packages folder.
I did a little digging, and apparently this package is no longer being developed. However, the CFML package has been suggested as a replacement. Not being a ColdFusion user, I haven't tested it myself, but reviews from others are good. It's available for ST3 only, but can be installed directly via Package Control, so you don't have to worry about using git.
If you are using Sublime Text 3 ST3, the recommended package to use is the one named CFML available via Package Control here:
If you are using Sublime Text 2 ST2, the recommended package is the one named Cold​Fusion available via Package Control here:
For both of them you'll find there installation instructions using Package Control or manually from GitHub.

Sitecore Package upload error

I am trying to install a Sitecore package from dev to staging environment, i have used package designer to create this package, but when i try to upload this package on the staging site it results in the following error:
The File exists.<br>
I have also tried uploading the package created using the Sitecore Rocks plugin which also results in the same error.
I am installing the package using installation wizard and uploading the package and i am not overwriting the existing files.
Kindly, help!
This error occurs if the windows temp has more than 65K files. When we cleared those files the issue got resolved.
Maybe there is package with the same name as your new package. Try to rename you package zip file and then upload.
make sure you are installing in the right environment
make sure the file doesnt not already exists (you can look it under the packages folder)
restart app pool and try again. Maybe overwrite the installation file.
there was a issue with sitecore on the staging environment(probably corrupted install). so we took a risk and installed it on live..! It works fine! Thank you all for the help. Much appreciated.