I want to see logs of my elastic beanstalk environment in the command line, for which I'm doing the following:
eb logs --cloudwatch-logs enable --cloudwatch-log-source instance Humboialpha2021-env
However, I'm seeing the following error:
Enabling instance log streaming to CloudWatch for your environment
After the environment is updated you can view your logs by following the link:
Printing Status:
2021-03-27 16:19:05 INFO Environment update is starting.
2021-03-27 16:19:16 INFO Updating environment Humboialpha2021-env's configuration settings.
2021-03-27 16:19:54 INFO Instance deployment successfully detected a JAR file in your source bundle.
2021-03-27 16:19:57 INFO Instance deployment successfully generated a 'Procfile'.
2021-03-27 16:19:58 ERROR Instance deployment failed. For details, see 'eb-engine.log'.
2021-03-27 16:20:02 ERROR [Instance: i-04fb7a3d67a219ca7] Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: Engine execution has encountered an error..
2021-03-27 16:20:02 INFO Command execution completed on all instances. Summary: [Successful: 0, Failed: 1].
2021-03-27 16:20:02 ERROR Unsuccessful command execution on instance id(s) 'i-04fb7a3d67a219ca7'. Aborting the operation.
2021-03-27 16:20:03 ERROR Failed to deploy configuration.
ERROR: ServiceError - Failed to deploy configuration.
How to fix this?
I am trying to update my GCP Cloud Composer environment from composer-1.18.0-airflow-2.2.3 -> composer-1.19.4-airflow-2.2.5 .
It fails with the error that I don't have the permissions to describe the tenant Cloud SQL instance (verbose error below). I know that the command is executed on a running pod in the Composer's kubernetes cluster.
I tested the failing command, outlined below, with the environment's service account credentials activated and it works. Why does the command fail when executed inside the pod? Is the kubernetes cluster using different credentials than the Composer's service account?
Verbose error message:
Failed to update image version.
Exporting sql database failed with error [Failed to run command ['gcloud', 'sql', 'instances', 'describe', 'my-tentant-sql-instance-...-sql', '--project', 'myTenantProject-tp', '--format', 'get(serviceAccountEmailAddress)'], details: b'ERROR: (gcloud.sql.instances.describe) There was no instance found at projects/myTenantProject-tp/instances/my-tentant-sql-instance-...-sql or you are not authorized to access it.\n'].
I am getting the following error while deploying the service to appengine. Does anyone know how to resolve this error?
gcloud app deploy app.yaml --version=v1
Used the above command to deploy the service.
Updating service [test] (this may take several minutes)...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [2] Failed to publish container id.
Aws CodeDeploy issue: .zip file is going to s3 images, deployments starts and get failed and the error Status is just failed earlier it was showing error in hooks ApplicationStart but i went to instance and setup the node enviroment manually, now this error is not coming but deployment fails" with statusfailedno further details of logs, and it is not able to fetch.zipfile froms3to myinstanceand i don't know why it is not taking the files directly from github even i have set up codeDeploy in such a manner toconnect my github`.
I tried to setup EB for worker tier by using the following command
eb create -t worker
But I receive the following error
2015-11-04 16:44:01 UTC+0800 ERROR Stack named 'awseb-e-wh4epksrzi-stack' aborted operation. Current state: 'CREATE_FAILED' Reason: The following resource(s) failed to create: [AWSEBWorkerCronLeaderRegistry, AWSEBSecurityGroup].
2015-11-04 16:43:58 UTC+0800 ERROR Creating security group named: sg-7ba1f41e failed Reason: Resource creation cancelled
Is there something specific to run the command line ?
I found the eb command line buggy. try to use the web console. much more reliable.
Trying to deploy an IIS application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk via Visual Studio 2015. Every time we try to deploy it we get the following errors:
Error occurred during build: Command hooks failed
[Instance: i-XXXXXXXX ConfigSet: Infra-WriteRuntimeConfig, Infra-WriteApplication1,
Infra-WriteApplication2, Infra-EmbeddedPreBuild, Hook-PreAppDeploy,
Infra-EmbeddedPostBuild, Hook-EnactAppDeploy, Hook-PostAppDeploy]
Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: null.
Unsuccessful command execution on instance id(s) 'i-XXXXXXXX'. Aborting the operation.
We've tried restarting the Application. We've tried deleting and recreating the Environment and Application. All to no success. Always the same error. I cannot find anything online anywhere that tells how to fix this. Has anyone else run into this problem and found a solution?
The Beanstalk deployment errors are usually quite generic.
To get the root cause, the troubleshooting steps are the ones in AWS Elastic Beanstalk Troubleshooting doc:
Retrieve and investigate EB Logs.
If retrieved logs are not helpful, then SSH to the EC2 instance can be used to get more details or check that the instance config is really what is expected for example.
Before deploying login to the ec2 instance via SSH and do a realtime log fetching
tail -f /var/log/eb-engine.log
and you will get proper error log why the hooks get failed.