No response for ssh when Amazon EC2 running with `2/2 checks passed` - amazon-web-services

I have ec2 running.
It runs continuously for 6 months and has no problem.
However today I run some Mysql sequence.
It suddenly has no response for ssh and http
I have checked status in amazon console 2/2 checks passed
but when I ry to connect ssh it stacks.
ssh -v ubuntu#54.71.***.*** -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.myserver
OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
debug1: Reading configuration data /Users/whitebear/.ssh/config
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 47: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to 54.71.***.*** [54.71.***.***] port 22.
I think it looks like somehow server is freeze.
However in amazon aws console 2/2 checks passed it can be happen??
Any suggestion appreciated . thank you very much

When an SSH connection times-out, it is normally an indication that network traffic is not getting to the Amazon EC2 instance.
Things to check:
The instance is running Linux
The instance is launched in a public subnet, which is defined as having a Route Table entry to points to an Internet Gateway
The instance has a public IP address, which you are using for the connection
The Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) are set to their default "Allow All" values
A Security Group associated with the instance that permits inbound access on port 22 (SSH) either from your IP address, or from the Internet (
Your corporate network permits an outbound SSH connection (try alternate networks, eg home vs work vs tethered to your phone)
See also: Troubleshooting connecting to your instance - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud


Can't run GCP VM on public IP with SSH

I am setting up a Virtual Machine node.js server at Google Cloud Platform. I have set up SSH keys so that I can log into my VM. I can successfully log into my VM using SSH-in-browser and start my server.
I can't access my public IP address through Chrome. I get this message:
This site can’t provide a secure connection.
When I try to connect to the IP within SSH-in-browser, I get the following:
$ curl -vso /dev/null --connect-timeout 5
* Trying
* connect to port 8080 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
I'm new at this. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
Edit1: Some more details --
Linux VM
port 8080 ingress is open on the firewall
I'm using OSLogin (`enable-oslogin = TRUE' 'enable-oslogin-sk = FALSE')
I can successfully log into console with both SSH-in-Browser and PuTTY, and I can start my server on port 8080
In both, I get the error above when I try to connect to the IP address
Follow below steps to fix “This Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection” Error :
This error typically indicates a problem with either your browser’s configuration or the SSL certificate on your site.
1) Your local environment doesn’t have an SSL certificate.
2) Outdated SSL caches in the browser : (This is one of the more popular causes. Web browsers store SSL certificates in a cache, much
like other data. This means they don’t have to verify the certificate
every time you visit a site, which speeds up browsing. However, if
your SSL certificate changes and the browser is still loading an
older, cached version, it can cause this error to pop up).
3) Incorrect time and date settings on your computer.
4) Rogue browser extensions.
5) Overzealous antivirus software.
6) An invalid or expired SSL certificate.
If your firewall rules prevent external access:
Check your firewall rules with the following command: gcloud compute firewall-rules list with this, you can review the VPC where
the VM instance was migrated; and if it has allowed the Ingress TCP:
22 Port.
If this firewall rule is missing, you can add the firewall rule in the GCP console -> VPC Networks ->select your VPC network _Click on
the firewall rules to double check that the tcp: 22 port is allowed.
If the issue still is ongoing after checking the firewall rules, you
can follow this guide to start troubleshooting SSH connection.

Connection error of AWS Redshift to local computer

I tried to connect Amazon Redshift to my local computer using pycopg2. However, I got an error message:
psycopg2.OperationalError: could not connect to server: Operation timed out. Is the server running on host xxx and accepting TCP/IP connecitons on posrt 5439
I have done two guides with searching google:
Changed the Publicly Accessible setting as enable, and
Add and ::/0 to VPC route as gateway.
It still doesn't work. Please let me know if you know what the problem is.
Things to check:
Check the Security Group associated with the Redshift cluster and confirm that it permits access on port 5439 from your IP address
Check that the Redshift cluster was launched in a Public Subnet (with the Route Table for that subnet pointing to to the Internet Gateway)
Make sure you are connecting by using the DNS Name (If you ping the DNS Name, does it resolve to an IP address?)
Try going via a different network (eg home vs office vs tethered via your phone)?

Cant connect to AWS EC2

I have a ec2 instance with public ip in public subnet Ubuntu 20.04, everything seems open- But I cant ping or ssh to the instance:
NACL ( I/b & O/b) : 100 - all/all
Route Table- igw
SG: 8080, 443, 22 - 0/0
I have this " open address " hyperlink in the ec2 instance console next to public-IP and public DNS - when I try opening it does not open- can't reach this page - tries https://IP.
Putty times out, also cmd ssh:
ssh -i "pem-file.pem" ubuntu#IP
ssh: connect to host 'IP' port 22: Connection timed out
When an SSH connection times-out, it is normally an indication that network traffic is not getting to the Amazon EC2 instance.
Things to check:
The instance is running Linux
The instance is launched in a public subnet, which is defined as having a Route Table entry to points to an Internet Gateway
The instance has a public IP address, which you are using for the connection
The Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) are set to their default "Allow All" values
A Security Group associated with the instance that permits inbound access on port 22 (SSH) either from your IP address, or from the Internet (
Your corporate network permits an outbound SSH connection (try alternate networks, eg home vs work vs tethered to your phone)
See also: Troubleshooting connecting to your instance - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
If you continue to have problems, then use ssh -vvv ... to activate debugging, and add the output to your Question.
Once you have SSH working, then try to get 443 working.
Do not use Ping to test connectivity because that requires additional rules in the Security Group, and all it tests is whether Ping is working.
Reachability Analyzer is an easy solution. It will analyze the requested path and direct you to the problem.
1. VPC > Reachability Analyzer
2. Create and analyze path
In this case, I would check the path from the Internet GW to the instance on port 22
3. Find the problem
Once the analysis is completed you can find the issue. In my case it's a routing table with no route to the internet GW
4. Fix the problem
Let's add the needed route
5. Verify the path again
Rerun the analysis again
6. SSH is working
ssh -i "my_key.pem"
__| __|_ )
_| ( / Amazon Linux 2022 AMI
___|\___|___| Preview
Last login: Wed Dec 1 09:18:54 2021 from
[ec2-user#ip-264-31-83-228 ~]$

I can SSH to one instance via bastion, but not to a second instance

I supposed to add the ssh key and then ssh to the AWS instance using a jumphost in 2 operations
So, first adding the key
ssh-add ~/.ssh/<key-file>.pem
Then ssh to jumphost
ssh -A ec2-user#jumphost
And then from jumphost to instance
ssh ec2-user#<private IP>
This works for one instance but does not work for another instance - cannot ssh to this instance from a jumphost.
What instance setting can prevent me to do ssh?
The output of ssh -v ec2-user#
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 58: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to <private ip>[<private ip>] port 22
There are different causes of this issue.
Check the security group of the ec2 instance you are connecting from the jump host / bastion if port 22 is open. If it's not open, add the rule. You can verify this if you telnet the destination server on port 22 form the jump host / bastion. command: telnet destinationip 22
if the above doesn't work, check if the ec2 instance you are connecting is in a running state with 2/2 checks passed. This will make sure that both network and operating system are functional.
if the above doesn't work, check if your Network Access List (NACLs) are allowing the inbound and outbound traffic. The default setting allows the traffic.
Make sure the the firewall is setup correctly! That is mandatory in AWS console when you setup your new instance. My guess is a wrong default was selected.
The reason was pointed by the user LogicIO. Somehow, one instance was moved to the different VPC and therefore the jumphost (bastion) and the instance appeared on the different VPC's, so connection stopped working. I needed a different jumphost.

Cannot reach amazon EC2 instance from local using SSH

Cannot ssh into Amazon EC2 instance, this seems to be very common problem but I have tried everything suggested in all available documents, anyone else have any idea what is missing from below?
Created new EC2 instance and downloaded the .pem file
Created a new inbound rule in EC2 instance Security group allow my local IP
Created a new inbound rule in EC2 instance Network ACL to allow my local IP
Created a new outbound rule in EC2 instance Network ACL to reach my local IP
Made sure the VPC route is attached to internet gateway
Made sure EC2 instance is attached to correct security group
After all this when I try to ssh from my local machine I'm getting connection timed out ,is there anything else I have to do
I have also disabled firewall and tested just incase
ssh -vvv -i key.pem ec2-user#********
OpenSSH_7.1p2, OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config
debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0
debug1: Connecting to ec2-instance [********] port 22.
debug1: connect to address ****** port 22: Connection timed out
ssh: connect to host ******* port 22: Connection timed out
A timeout is normally an indication that there is no network connectivity. This is almost always related to the Security Group. It the error returns immediately, it means that the instance received, but rejected, the connection. If it takes a long time to respond, it typically means that the request is not reaching the instance.
Some suggestions:
Confirm that the instance has been assigned a Public IP address
Confirm that the security group is permitting Inbound Port 22 (SSH) for your IP address. In fact, for testing purposes, temporarily allow it from just to eliminate one potential cause of the problem.
Remove your NACL entries. The default NACL entries permit ALL inbound and outbound access. Your changes might have negatively impacted this.
Confirm that the it is a Linux instance (Windows does not support SSH by default)
Confirm the instance is in the Public Subnet (the one with your route to the Internet Gateway)
It is possible that your network is rejecting the connection (eg due to firewall rules). Try using a different computer and/or a different network (eg home vs office) to eliminate this as a cause.