Connecting to DynamoDB from an EC2 instance running in an ECS cluster with VPC - amazon-web-services

I have an EC2 instance running inside an ECS cluster with VPC.
On the instance, I need to run a ECS task that needs access to DynamoDB.
When I try running the same task using Fargate, I can use the assignPublicIp = 'ENABLED' option to allow my task to have access to other AWS services, and everything works fine.
However, the assignPublicIp option is not available for the EC2 launch type, and I cannot figure out how to allow my EC2 instance have access to other AWS services.
I read the AWS docs and followed guides like this one to setup VPC endpoint for DynamoDB.
I also made sure that there aren't any network access restrictions by making sure that inbound/outbound rules for my NACL and security group for the VPC are wide open (at least for the sake of testing).
Here is how the rules look like, for both NACL and my security group:
Finally, I used the VPC > Reachability Analyzer to check if AWS can detect any problems regarding the connection path between my EC2 instance and DynamoDB, but the analysis reported a Reachable status.
It basically told me that there was no issues regarding establishing a connection along the following path:
Network interface for my EC2 instance (source)
Security group for the VPC
NACL for the VPC
Route table for the VPC
which includes the following route added by the VPC endpoint for DynamoDB
Destination: pl-02cd2c6b (,,,,
Target: the endpoint ID (e.g., vpce-foobar)
VPC endpoint for DynamoDB (destination)
Despite AWS telling me that I have a "Reachable" status, I still think it might be a network reachability problem, because when I run the task, the script I am running gets stuck right after it makes a GetItem call to DynamoDB.
If it was a permission error or an invalid parameter issue, I would get an error immediately, but everything just "hangs" there, until the task eventually times out.
Any pointers on what I might be missing here, or other workarounds would be very appreciated.
Thank you.
EDIT 1 (2021/02/13):
So I went back to the AWS docs to see if I had missed anything in setting up the VPC endpoints. I originally had one setup for DynamoDB, but since I also need to use S3 in my service, I went ahead and setup a Gateway VPC Endpoint for S3 too (I also wanted to see if the issue I am having is a generic network problem, or specific to DynamoDB).
Then, I made some changes to my script to try to make a call to S3 (to get the bucket's location, for simplicity) as the very first thing to do. I knew that the call would end up timing out, so I wanted to trigger the error immediately upon starting my script execution.
I waited until my task would eventually fail because of the timeout, and this time I noticed something interesting.
Here is the error logs I got when the task failed:
The IP address that my task was trying to reach was
And here are the IP addresses that I found in the managed prefix list for S3, which I found in the VPC console:
The IP address I got the timeout error from is not on the list. Could this be a hint to the cause of the issue? Or am I missing something and there is actually nothing wrong with that?


Cannot access Timestream via PrivateLink without explicitly passing endpoint_url

I am trying to access Timestream from EC2/Lambda instances that run within a VPC so that I can speak to a RDS instance from those EC2 instances/Lambda functions. I have spent many hours trying to get access to Timestream via PrivateLink/a VPC instance endpoint to work and think I may have found an issue. When I provision a VPC endpoint for the Timestream ingest service, the Private DNS name is specific to the cell endpoint, e.g. NOT the general endpoint URL that boto3 uses, i.e. When I run a nslookup on it properly resolves to the private IP of the VPC endpoint ENI, but if I lookup the more general endpoint URL of it continues to resolve to public AWS IPs. The result of this is that if I initialize the timestream write client normally and perform any actions, it hangs because it is trying to communicate with a public IP from a private subnet,
import boto3
ts = boto3.client('timestream-write')
ts.meta.endpoint_url #
ts.describe_endpoints() # hangs
ts.describe_database(DatabaseName='dbName') # hangs
If I explicitly give it the cell specific endpoint URL, the describe_endpoints() function throws an error but seemingly normal functions work (haven't tested writes or reads yet, just describing databses)
import boto3
ts = boto3.client('timestream-write', endpoint_url='')
ts.describe_endpoints() # throws UnknwonOperationException error
ts.describe_databse(DatabaseName='dbName') # Succeeds
If I provision a NAT gateway in the private subnet rather than a VPC endpoint everything works normally as expected. Furthermore for fun, I tried adding the VPC endpoint private IP to the /etc/hosts file with to force proper resolution and even then I get the same hanging behavior when running the above block of code
This seems pretty broken to me. The whole point of the VPC endpoint is to enable the SDK to operate normally. Maybe I am missing something?

EC2 instances connecting to lambda result in ConnectFailure

I'm trying to access lambda functions from a Windows VM I have created in EC2 for dev purposes but even a simple 'list functions' command fails to connect
I have tried using the AWS CLI through PowerShell, the dotnet sdk and the VS AWS Toolkit but each of these times out after a long waiting period. I can, however, list other services such as my databases and S3 buckets.
aws cli failure message
VS toolkit failure message
I have tried creating a new VM with the same results. I've disabled windows firewall altogether, allowed all traffic through the security group and have VPC endpoints for my subnet (ssm, ec2messages, lambda, ec2).
I have no trouble connecting to the lambda service through my own computer. On the VM, I have modified the .aws/credentials file to match the one on my computer for both the admin and current user but I still can't connect. This tells me that the problem isn't related to my access key credentials.
I'm reaching the end of the troubleshooting options I can think of so any help would be very much appreciated!
Update: using telnet, I cannot connect to lambda.ap-southeast-2 but I can connect to s3.ap-southeast-2 and lambda.ap-southeast-1. It seems lambda.ap-southeast-2 is being blocked somewhere but it isn't windows firewall because it's off and the same problem happens on Ubuntu VMs.
In the VPC Management Console, I haven't set up any firewalls under network or dns filewalls and my network ACL allows all traffic.

AWS ECS Task can't connect to RDS Database

I'm a newer AWS user and today I got stuck while working on a sample project. I successfully created a docker container that runs a simple R script that connects to my AWS RDS MySQL Database and creates & writes some basic files to it. I built a public ECR repository, pushed my docker image there, and built a ECS cluster & task choosing Fargate and using the container image from my repository. My task ran and I could see the R code being executed when I went through the logs, but it was never able to connect to the SQL Database and exited afterwards.
I've had to whitelist my own IP address in the security group for the RDS Database so that I can connect to it, so I'm aware I probably have to do that for my ECS task to establish that connection too. But won't that IP address constantly change because I won't have a static IP for the Fargate Server that is executing my task? I'm trying to stay on the free tier so I'm not sure I want to setup an elastic IP address for this server.
These 2 articles seem close if not the same issue I'm having but I can't figure out a solution. I haven't found any other info.
The end goal is to get this sample project successfully running on a scheduled fixed interval, and then running actual scripts on there to help automate things and make my life easier, so this sample project is a first step towards that. Any help or info on the questions I'm having would be appreciated !
Yes, your task is ephemeral (whether you launch it manually or as part of an ECS service) and its private/public ip address may change over time if it gets replaced. The way you'd make the connectivity rules to stick is to assign a security group to the task (that may have inbound access on a specific port you need I assume and outbound to everything) and assign another security group to the RDS db that has inbound access on port 3306 for the security group you assigned to the task (this is the trick, the SG will not change and you are telling RDS to allow access to ALL traffic coming from that SG). I see the first article you posted doesn't talk about this part (it should).

How can I prompt google to set up VPC peering from

I have some Cloud SQL instances that currently have public IP's. It would make certain security-minded people happy if I changed them to have private IP's.
I am following the instructions documented here:
A summary of those instructions:
Ensure your shared VPC host has enabled
Ensure your project has enabled
Allocate an IP address range for your new private IP's
Configure VPC network peering (
Create cloud sql instance without public IP
Expect new instance's private IP to be in allocated range
I've completed these through step 4, and I'm seeing this:
My interpretation of that page is that I've done my part and now it's google's turn--but that was several days ago. Do I have do do something to prompt google to create the connection?
I think I'm focusing in the right place because if I try to use I private IP, gcloud tells me to go create the network that I'm waiting on:
❯ gcloud --project=my-project-name beta \
sql instances patch foo \
--network=my-network-name --no-assign-ip
The following message will be used for the patch API method.
{"name": "foo", "project": "my-project-name", "settings": {"ipConfiguration": {"ipv4Enabled": false, "privateNetwork": ""}}}
Patching Cloud SQL instance...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.sql.instances.patch) [INTERNAL_ERROR] Failed to create subnetwork. Please create Service Networking connection with service '' from consumer project '11111111111' network 'my-network-name' again.
In general private services access is implemented as a VPC peering connection between your VPC network and the Google services VPC network where your Cloud SQL instance resides. As #JohnHanley pointed out, the VPC peering should be created within minutes so it’s not expected you have to wait more than that.
To check the peering creation on Stackdriver you can use the following Advanced Filter:
That said, it makes sense the error you are observing when trying to patch your SQL Instance as the Peering hasn’t been created. Instead of ‘Inactive’ it should be ‘Peer VPC network is connected’
To sum up, in your scenario the Cloud SQL instance cannot get an IP on the aforementioned network as it cannot reach it.
At this specific point I would suggest you focus on the Peering creation. As you mentioned you tried recreating it and the status remains the same, it’s possible that there’s something in your project preventing the peering to be established.
I would also suggest you check the peering limits quota in case it has been reached:
gcloud compute networks peerings list --network='your network'
Also it would be good to review the VPC Peering Restrictions.
All that being said, if you still experience the same issue when creating the VPC Peering, an internal investigation may be required and I would suggest you to you to report this using this link
I hope this helps.

Amazon AWS elasticsearch Kibana access from browser

I know this issue has been already discussed before , Yet I feel my question is a bit different.
I'm trying to figure out how am I to enable access to the Kibana over the self manged AWS elastic search which I have in my AWS account .
Could be that what am I about to say here is inaccurate or complete nonsense .
I am pretty novice in the whole AWS VPC wise section and to ELK stuck.
Here is the "Architecture":
I have a VPC.
Within the VPC I have several sub nets.
Each server sends it's data to the elastic search using log stash which runs on the server itself. For simplicity lets assume I have a single server.
The elastic search https url which can be found in the Amazon console is resolved to an internal IP within the sub net that I have defined.
I have found the following link which suggest to use one of two option:
Option 1: resource based policy
Either to allow resource based policy for elastic search by introducing condition which specify certain IP address.
This was discussed in the following thread but unfortunately did not work for me.
Proper access policy for Amazon Elastic Search Cluster
When I try to implement it in the Amazon console, Amazon notifies me that because I'm using Security group , I should resolve it by using security group.
Security group rules:
I tried to set a rule which allows my personal computer(Router) public IP to access Amazon elastic search ports or even opening all ports to my public IP.
But that didn't worked out.
I would be happy to get a more detailed explanation to why but I'm guessing that's because the elastic search has only internal IP and not public IP and because it is encapsulated within the VPC I am unable to access it from outside even if I define a rule for a public IP to access it.
Option 2: Using proxy
I'm decline to use this solution unless I have no other choice.
I'm guessing that if I set another server with public and internal IP within the same subnet and VPC as that of the elastic search , and use it as a proxy, I would be then be able to access this server from the outside by defining the same rules to the it's newly created security group . Like the article suggested.
I found out of the box solution that some one already made for this issue using proxy server in the following link:
Using either executable or docker container.
Option 3: Other
Can you suggest other solution? Is it possible to use Amazon Load balancer or Amazon API gateway to accomplish this task?
I just need proof of concept not something which goes into production environment.
Bottom line:
I need to be able to aceess Kibana from browser in order to be able to search elastic search indexes.
Thanks a lot
The best way is with the just released Cognito authentication.
This is a great way to authenticated A SINGLE USER. This is not a good way for the system you're building to access ElasticSearch.