C++ vector memory allocation - c++

You can't have:
int array[1000000];
but you can make a vector and store those 1000000 elements.
Is this because the array is stored on the stack and it will not have enough space to grow?
What happens when you use the vector instead?
How does it prevent the issue of storing too many elements?

As defining those as global or in other places might not go in the stack, I assume we are defining int array[1000000] or std::vector<int> array(1000000) in a function definition, i.e. local variables.
For the former, yes you're right. It is stored in the stack and due to stack space limitation, in most environment it is dangerous.
On the other hand, in most of standard library implementations, the latter only contains a size, capacity and pointer where the data is actually stored. So it would take up just a couple dozen bytes in the stack, no matter how many elements are in the vector. And the pointer is generated from heap memory allocation(new or malloc), not the stack.
Here is an example of how many bytes it takes up in the stack for each.
And here is a rough visualization.


stack overflow eror in c++ [duplicate]

I am using Dev C++ to write a simulation program. For it, I need to declare a single dimensional array with the data type double. It contains 4200000 elements - like double n[4200000].
The compiler shows no error, but the program exits on execution. I have checked, and the program executes just fine for an array having 5000 elements.
Now, I know that declaring such a large array on the stack is not recommended. However, the thing is that the simulation requires me to call specific elements from the array multiple times - for example, I might need the value of n[234] or n[46664] for a given calculation. Therefore, I need an array in which it is easier to sift through elements.
Is there a way I can declare this array on the stack?
No there is no(we'll say "reasonable") way to declare this array on the stack. You can however declare the pointer on the stack, and set aside a bit of memory on the heap.
double *n = new double[4200000];
accessing n[234] of this, should be no quicker than accessing n[234] of an array that you declared like this:
double n[500];
Or even better, you could use vectors
std::vector<int> someElements(4200000);
someElements[234];//Is equally fast as our n[234] from other examples, if you optimize (-O3) and the difference on small programs is negligible if you don't(+5%)
Which if you optimize with -O3, is just as fast as an array, and much safer. As with the
double *n = new double[4200000];
solution you will leak memory unless you do this:
delete[] n;
And with exceptions and various things, this is a very unsafe way of doing things.
You can increase your stack size. Try adding these options to your link flags:
It might be too large though (I'm not sure if Windows places an upper limit on stack size.) In reality though, you shouldn't do that even if it works. Use dynamic memory allocation, as pointed out in the other answers.
(Weird, writing an answer and hoping it won't get accepted... :-P)
Yes, you can declare this array on the stack (with a little extra work), but it is not wise.
There is no justifiable reason why the array has to live on the stack.
The overhead of dynamically allocating a single array once is neglegible (you could say "zero"), and a smart pointer will safely take care of not leaking memory, if that is your concern.
Stack allocated memory is not in any way different from heap allocated memory (apart from some caching effects for small objects, but these do not apply here).
Insofar, just don't do it.
If you insist that you must allocate the array on the stack, you will need to reserve 32 megabytes of stack space first (preferrably a bit more). For that, using Dev-C++ (which presumes Windows+MingW) you will either need to set the reserved stack size for your executable using compiler flags such as -Wl,--stack,34000000 (this reserves somewhat more than 32MiB), or create a thread (which lets you specify a reserved stack size for that thread).
But really, again, just don't do that. There's nothing wrong with allocating a huge array dynamically.
Are there any reasons you want this on the stack specifically?
I'm asking because the following will give you a construct that can be used in a similar way (especially accessing values using array[index]), but it is a lot less limited in size (total max size depending on 32bit/64bit memory model and available memory (RAM and swap memory)) because it is allocated from the heap.
int arraysize= 4200000;
int *heaparray= new int[arraysize];
k= heaparray[456];
delete [] heaparray;

Why program crashes, when ifstream reads to a buffer greater than ~1MiB? [duplicate]

I'm having some troubles with a large array of vectors in C++.
Basicaly I wan't an array of 2 millions elements, and each elements is a vector<int> (It's for building an adjacency list).
So when I do vector<int> myList[10] it works great, but when i do vector<int> myList[2000000] it does not work and I don't know why.
I tried to do unsigned long int var = 2000000; vector<int> myList[var]; but still the same error. (I don't know what is the error, my program just crash)
If you have any idea,
There's a big difference between heap and stack memory. The heap is the nice big space where you can dynamically allocate gigabytes of memory - the stack is much more constrained in terms of allocation size (and is determined at compile time).
If defining a local variable, that means it lives on the stack (like your array). With 2 million elements, that's at least 2MB being allocated (or assuming ~24B of stack usage per vector, more like 48MB), which is quite a lot for the stack, and likely causes the crash. Dynamically allocating an array of vectors (or preferably just allocating a vector of vectors) ensures that the bulk of the memory is being allocated from the heap, which might prevent this crash.
You can also increase the size of the stack using compiler flags, but that's generally not preferable to just dynamic allocation.
This is helpfull
Dynamically allocate memory for my_List. or
Declare your array of vector of int's(my_List) as a global variable and size a `const. Thier storage locations are by design big enough to allocate such large mermory size.
For local variable, the stack segment might be to small to allocate 2e6*24B.

std::vector increasing peak memory

This is in continuation of my last question. I am failed to understand the memory taken up by vector. Problem skeleton:
Consider an vector which is an collection of lists and lists is an collection of pointers. Exactly like:
std::vector<std::list<ABC*> > vec;
where ABC is my class. We work on 64bit machines, so size of pointer is 8 bytes.
At the start of my flow in the project, I resize this vector to an number so that I can store lists at respective indexes.
At this point, capacity and size of the vector would be 613284686. Right. After resizing, I am inserting the lists at corresponding indexes as:
// Some where down in the program, make these lists. Simple push for now.
std::list<ABC*> l1;
// Copy the list at location
setInfo(613284686, l1);
void setInfo(uint64_t index, std::list<ABC*> list>) {
std::copy(list.begin(), list.end(), std::back_inserter(vec.at(index));
Alright. So inserting is done. Notable things are:
Size of vector is : 613284686
Entries in the vector is : 3638243731 // Calculated this by going over vector indexes and add the size of std::lists at each index.
Now, since there are 3638243731 entries of pointers, I would expect memory taken by this vector is ~30Gb. 3638243731 * 8(bytes) = ~30Gb.
BUT BUT When I have this data in memory, memory peaks to, 400G.
And then I clear up this vector with:
std::vector<std::list<nl_net> >& ccInfo = getVec(); // getVec defined somewhere and return me original vec.
std::vector<std::list<nl_net> >::iterator it = ccInfo.begin();
for(; it != ccInfo.end(); ++it) {
ccInfo.clear(); // Since it is an reference
std::vector<std::list<nl_net> >().swap(ccInfo); // This makes the capacity of the vector 0.
Well, after clearing up this vector, memory drops down to 100G. That is too much holding from an vector.
Would you all like to correct me what I am failing to understand here?
P.S. I can not reproduce it on smaller cases and it is coming in my project.
At this point, capacity and size of the vector would be 613284686
It would be at least 613284686. It could be more.
std::vector<std::list<nl_net> >().swap(ccInfo); // This makes the capacity of the vector 0.
Technically, there is no guarantee by the standard that a default constructed vector wouldn't have capacity other than 0... But in practice, this is probably true.
Now, since there are 3638243731 entries of pointers, I would expect memory taken by this vector is ~30Gb. 3638243731 * 8(bytes)
But the vector doesn't contain pointers. It contains std::list<ABC*> objects. So, you should expect vec.capacity() * sizeof(std::list<ABC*>) bytes used by the buffer of the vector itself. Each list has at least a pointer to beginning and the end.
Furthermore, you should expect each element in each of the lists to use memory as well. Since the list is doubly linked, you should expect about two pointers plus the data (a third pointer) worth of memory for each element.
Also, each pointer in the lists apparently points to an ABC object, and each of those use sizeof(ABC) memory as well.
Furthermore, since each element of the linked lists are allocated separately, and each dynamic allocation requires book-keeping so that they can be individually de-allocated, and each allocation must be aligned to the maximum native alignment, and the free store may have fragmented during the execution, there will be much overhead associated with each dynamic allocation.
Well, after clearing up this vector, memory drops down to 100G.
It is quite typical for the language implementation to retain (some) memory it has allocated from the OS. If your target system documents an implementation specific function for explicitly requesting release of such memory, then you could attempt using that.
However, if the vector buffer wasn't the latest dynamic allocation, then its deallocation may have left a massive reusable area in the free store, but if there exists later allocations, then all that memory might not be releasable back to the OS.
Even if the langauge implementation has released the memory to the OS, it is quite typical for the OS to keep the memory mapped for the process until another process actually needs the memory for something else. So, depending on how you're measuring memory use, the results might not necessarily be meaningful.
General rules of thumb that may be useful:
Don't use a vector unless you use all (or most) of the indices. In case where you don't, consider a sparse array instead (there is no standard container for such data structure though).
When using vector, reserve before resize if you know the upper bound of allocation.
Don't use linked lists without a good reason.
Don't rely on getting all memory back from peak usage (back to the OS that is; The memory is still usable for further dynamic allocations).
Don't stress about virtual memory usage.
std::list is a fragmented memory container. Typically each node MUST have the data it is storing, plus the 2 prev/next pointers, and then you have to add in the space required within the OS allocation table (typically 16 or 32 bytes per allocation - depending on OS). You then have to account for the fact all allocations must be returned on a 16byte boundary (on Intel/AMD based 64bit machines anyway).
So using the example of std::list<ABC*> the size of a pointer is 8, however you will need at least 48bytes to store each element (at least).
So memory usage for ONLY the list entries is going to be around: 3638243731 * 48(bytes) = ~162Gb.
This is of course assuming that there is no memory fragmentation (where there may be a block of 62bytes free, and the OS returns the entire block of 62 rather than the 48 requested). We are also assuming here that the OS has a minimum allocation size of 48 bytes (and not say, 64bytes, which would not be overly silly, but would push the usage up far higher).
The size of the std::lists themselves within the vector comes to around 18GB. So in total we are looking at 180Gb at least to store that vector. It would not be beyond the realm of possibility that the extra allocations are additional OS book keeping info, for all of those individual memory allocations (e.g. lists of loaded memory pages, lists of swapped out memory pages, the read/write/mmap permissions, etc, etc).
As a final note, instead of using swap on a newly constructed vector, you can just use shrink to fit.
The main vector needs some more consideration. I get the impression it will always be a fixed size. So why not use a std::array instead? A std::vector always allocates more memory than it needs to allow for growth. The bigger your vector the bigger the reservation of memory to allow for more even growth. The reasononing behind is to keep relocations in memory to a minimum. Relocations on really big vectors take up huge amounts of time so a lot of extra memory is reserved to prevent this.
No vector function that can delete elements (such as vector::clear and ::erase) also deallocates memory (e.g. lower the capacity). The size will decrease but the capacity doesn't. Again, this is meant to prevent relocations; if you delete you are also very likely to add again. ::shrink_to_fit also doesn't guarantuee you that all of the used memory is released.*
Next is the choice of a list to store elements. Is a list really applicable? Lists are strong in random access/insertion/removal operations. Are you really constantly adding and removing ABC objects to the list in random locations? Or is another container type with different properties but with contiguous memory more suitable? Another std::vector or std::array perhaps. If the answer is yes than you're pretty much stuck with a list and its scattered memory allocations. If no, than you could win back a lot of memory by using a different container type.
So, what is it you really want to do? Do you really need dynamic growth on both the main container and its elements? Do you really need random manipulation? Or can you use fixed-size arrays for both container and ABC objects and use iteration instead? When contemplating this you might want to read up on the available containers and their properties on en.cppreference.com. It will help you decide what is most appropriate.
*For the fun of it I dug around in VS2017's implementation and it creates an entirely new vector without the growth segment, copies the old elements and then reassigns the internal pointers of the old vector to the new one while deleting the old memory. So at least with that compiler you can count on memory being released.

Vector object that allocates on stack for small size, or on heap for larger ones

In real-time applications, e.g. audio programming, you should avoid allocating memory in the heap during callbacks, because execution time is unbounded. Indeed, if your executable has run out of memory, you'll need to wait for the OS to allocate a new chunk, which can take longer than the next callback call. I could store memory on the stack, e.g. using variable-length arrays (VLA) or alloca(), but if the array is too large you get a stack overflow.
Instead, I was thinking of defining a class with an interface similar to std::vector, but that internally uses the stack if the size is smaller than a certain threshold, and the heap otherwise (I prefer a possible unbounded operation to a certain stack overflow). For the heap part I could use an std::vector or new/delete. But what about the stack? VLAs and alloca() are deallocated when they get out of scope. What alternative could I use?
I could use an std::array<T, threshold>, but that would waste memory. I expect my threshold to be in the order of 2048.
If there is a possibility that data might need to be stored on the stack, and whether the size is greater than the threshold is only determined at run-time, then your type will have to include some stack container big enough to hold something of size threshold (whether std::array or something else), making your concern
I could use an std::array, but that would waste memory.
I expect my threshold to be in the order of 2048.
unavoidable. I don't think there is any way around this. E.g. in code like
uint32_t N = code_that_determines_size_at_runtime();
ThresholdContainer container(N);
the compiler cannot know whether N is above or below the threshold. So for this to work, the memory layout for ThresholdContainer has to contain the stack memory for data up to size threshold, which would be unused and wasted when N > threshold. (Stitching together the stack and heap memory with some iterator that goes between the two would be horrendous, and you probably want contiguous memory).
If on the other hand, the size versus threshold is known at compile time, you could define a class templated on the size N that essentially holds an std::array if N< threshold or a vector otherwise, and provides a common interface.

Declare large array on Stack

I am using Dev C++ to write a simulation program. For it, I need to declare a single dimensional array with the data type double. It contains 4200000 elements - like double n[4200000].
The compiler shows no error, but the program exits on execution. I have checked, and the program executes just fine for an array having 5000 elements.
Now, I know that declaring such a large array on the stack is not recommended. However, the thing is that the simulation requires me to call specific elements from the array multiple times - for example, I might need the value of n[234] or n[46664] for a given calculation. Therefore, I need an array in which it is easier to sift through elements.
Is there a way I can declare this array on the stack?
No there is no(we'll say "reasonable") way to declare this array on the stack. You can however declare the pointer on the stack, and set aside a bit of memory on the heap.
double *n = new double[4200000];
accessing n[234] of this, should be no quicker than accessing n[234] of an array that you declared like this:
double n[500];
Or even better, you could use vectors
std::vector<int> someElements(4200000);
someElements[234];//Is equally fast as our n[234] from other examples, if you optimize (-O3) and the difference on small programs is negligible if you don't(+5%)
Which if you optimize with -O3, is just as fast as an array, and much safer. As with the
double *n = new double[4200000];
solution you will leak memory unless you do this:
delete[] n;
And with exceptions and various things, this is a very unsafe way of doing things.
You can increase your stack size. Try adding these options to your link flags:
It might be too large though (I'm not sure if Windows places an upper limit on stack size.) In reality though, you shouldn't do that even if it works. Use dynamic memory allocation, as pointed out in the other answers.
(Weird, writing an answer and hoping it won't get accepted... :-P)
Yes, you can declare this array on the stack (with a little extra work), but it is not wise.
There is no justifiable reason why the array has to live on the stack.
The overhead of dynamically allocating a single array once is neglegible (you could say "zero"), and a smart pointer will safely take care of not leaking memory, if that is your concern.
Stack allocated memory is not in any way different from heap allocated memory (apart from some caching effects for small objects, but these do not apply here).
Insofar, just don't do it.
If you insist that you must allocate the array on the stack, you will need to reserve 32 megabytes of stack space first (preferrably a bit more). For that, using Dev-C++ (which presumes Windows+MingW) you will either need to set the reserved stack size for your executable using compiler flags such as -Wl,--stack,34000000 (this reserves somewhat more than 32MiB), or create a thread (which lets you specify a reserved stack size for that thread).
But really, again, just don't do that. There's nothing wrong with allocating a huge array dynamically.
Are there any reasons you want this on the stack specifically?
I'm asking because the following will give you a construct that can be used in a similar way (especially accessing values using array[index]), but it is a lot less limited in size (total max size depending on 32bit/64bit memory model and available memory (RAM and swap memory)) because it is allocated from the heap.
int arraysize= 4200000;
int *heaparray= new int[arraysize];
k= heaparray[456];
delete [] heaparray;