Why do we need primitive assembly after vextex post processing? - c++

The output of Vertex post processing is in Window space, here after (based on standard pipeline ) primitive assembling comes, why?
I know primitive assembly happens in many stages like before clipping, but why do we need PA at this stage.

Primitive assembly happens before clipping, but the specification isn't clear on exactly where before it. In fact:
After a primitive is formed, it is clipped to a clip volume.
That's all it says about its location (outside of needing to do it for tessellation or GS's).


Does clipping in openGL pipeline happen before or after primitive assembly?

Firstly, I'm not entirely sure how the clipping works, but I suppose it "cuts" off the fragments that are not seen by the viewer, although I don't know how this works in practice. However, does it happen before or after the primitive assembly?
The official documentation says this:
The purpose of the primitive assembly step is to convert a vertex stream into a sequence of base primitives. For example, a primitive
which is a line list of 12 vertices needs to generate 11 line base
The full primitive assembly step (including the processing below) will
always happen after Vertex Post-Processing. However, some Vertex
Processing steps require that a primitive be decomposed into a
sequence of base primitives. For example, a Geometry Shader operates
on each input base primitive in the primitive sequence. Therefore, a
form of primitive assembly must happen before the GS can execute.
This early primitive assembly only performs the conversion to base
primitives. It does not perform any of the below processing steps.
Such early processing must happen if a Geometry Shader or Tessellation
is active. The early assembly step for Tessellation is simplified,
since Patch Primitives are always sequences of patches.
It seems that there are two forms of primitive assembly, which I'm confused about.
First, we see that when the vertex data is first fed into the vertex shader for rendering, it has to interepret the stream of vertices as some triangle or line etc. This is called "rendering" I suppose.
But on the other hand, the primitive assembly as quoted above also does something so similar. What is the difference between the two processes?
The article on primitives says this:
The term Primitive in OpenGL is used to refer to two similar but
separate concepts. The first is the interpretive scheme used by OpenGL
to determine what a stream of vertices represents when being rendered.
Such sequences of vertices can be arbitrarily long.
The other meaning of "Primitive" is as the result of the
interpretation of a vertex stream, as part of Primitive Assembly.
Therefore, processing a vertex stream by one of these primitive
interpretations results in an ordered sequence of primitives. The
individual primitives are sometimes called "base primitives".
If we follow the quote above, it seems that there is no difference between the two apparently separate concepts. The "interpretation step" can view, say, a sequence of 10 vertices as 8 dependent triangles. But so can the primitive assembly steps, which views the "dependent triangles" as base primitives. What is concretely different between the two?
Basically, there are a lot of things called "primitive assembly". They all do the same thing (turn a sequence of vertices into individual primitives), but several of them happen at different times.
There is a specific chapter of the specification titled "Fixed-Function Primitive Assembly and Rasterization." One could argue that this is where "the" Primitive Assembly stage happens. But the standard also says that it happens after the VS, after the TES, and after the GS (where applicable).
The standard still talks about "the primitive assembly stage" as if there were only one, despite the fact that it clearly calls for multiple of them.
What's clear is that the process of clipping knows about the individual primitives, so some primitive assembly has happened prior to reaching that stage.
I found something in the Specification of OpenGL Version 4.6 (Core Profile):
The output of Vertex Shader:
If the output variables are passed directly to the vertex processing stages lead- ing to rasterization, the values of all outputs are expected to be interpolated across the primitive being rendered, unless flatshaded. Otherwise the values of all out- puts are collected by the primitive assembly stage and passed on to the subsequent pipeline stage once enough data for one primitive has been collected.
Seems that if there is no TES and GS, the "Primitive Assembly" will be done later. Otherwise where will be an "early primitive assembly " as said in official documentation.
However in "11.1.3 Shader Execution" of the specification:
The following sequence of operations is performed:
Vertices are processed by the vertex shader (see section 11.1) and assembled into primitives as described in sections 10.1 through 10.3.
If the current program contains a tessellation control shader, each indi- vidual patch primitive is processed by the tessellation control shader (sec- tion 11.2.1). Otherwise, primitives are passed through unmodified. If active, the tessellation control shader consumes its input patch and produces a new patch primitive, which is passed to subsequent pipeline stages.
If the current program contains a tessellation evaluation shader, each indi- vidual patch primitive is processed by the tessellation primitive generator (section 11.2.2) and tessellation evaluation shader (see section 11.2.3). Oth- erwise, primitives are passed through unmodified. When a tessellation eval- uation shader is active, the tessellation primitive generator produces a new collection of point, line, or triangle primitives to be passed to subsequent pipeline stages. The vertices of these primitives are processed by the tes- sellation evaluation shader. The patch primitive passed to the tessellation primitive generator is consumed by this process.
If the current program contains a geometry shader, each individual primitive is processed by the geometry shader (section 11.3). Otherwise, primitives are passed through unmodified. If active, the geometry shader consumes its input patch primitive. However, each geometry shader invocation may emit new vertices, which are arranged into primitives and passed to subsequent pipeline stages.
Following shader execution, the fixed-function operations described in chap- ter 13 are applied.
Have a look at the "fixed-function operations" in chapter 13, there will do all the "Vertex Post-processing" such as clipping, perspective-divide, viewport transform and Transform-feedback. In chapter 13, I found:
After programmable vertex processing, the following fixed-function operations are applied to vertices of the resulting primitives:...
My understand
I think the accurate time of "Primitive Assembly" happened maybe is a little hard to tell, but I tend to believe that this is done just after vertex process. As Nicol said What's clear is that the process of clipping knows about the individual primitives, so some primitive assembly has happened prior to reaching that stage..
I think one of main task of the so-called "Primitive Assembly" stage which between vertex process and rasterization is the face culling. (I am not familiar with multi-draw maybe this stage is to do with this too.)
A figure of vertex process:
A simple pipeline based on my simple understand:
# Start
(Vertices Data)
Vertex Shader # Do primitive assembly here
| (primitives)
[Tessellation Shaders]
| (primitives)
[Geometry Shader]
| (primitives)
Vertex Post-processing
| (primitives)
Primitive Assembly # Mainly do face culling
| (primitives)
| (fragment)
Fragment Shader
# [] means can be ignored

Using only part of a varying variable

Let's say I have a varying variable between any two GLSL shader stages (e.g. the vertex and fragment stage) declared as a vec4:
in/out/varying vec4 texCoord;
What happens if I only use part of that variable (say, through swizzling) in both shaders, i.e. I only write to a part of it in the vertex shader and only read from that same part in the fragment shader?
// vertex shader
texCoord.st = ...
// fragment shader
... = texture2D(..., texCoord.st);
Is that guartanteed (i.e. by specification) to always produce sane results? It seems reasonable that it does, however I'm not too well-versed in the intricacies of GLSL language-lawyering and don't know if that varying variable is interpreted as somehow "incomplete" by the compiler/linker because it isn't fully written to in the preceding stage. I'm sure the values of texCoord.pq will be undefined anyway, but does that affect the validity of texCoord.st too or does the whole varying system operate on a pure component level?
I haven't found anything to that effect in the GLSL specification on first glance and I would prefer answers based either on the actual specification or any other "official" guarantees, rather than statements that it should work on reasonable hardware (unless of course this case simply is unspecified or implementation-defined). I would also be interested in any possible changes of that throughout GLSL history, including all the way back to its appliance to deprecated builtin varying variables like gl_TexCoord[] in good old GLSL 1.10.
I'm trying to argue that your code will be fine, as per the specification. However, I'm not sure if you will find my reasoning 100% convincing, because I think that the spec seems somewhat imprecise about this. I'm going to refer to the OpenGL 4.5 Core Profile Specification and the OpenGL Shading language 4.50 specification.
Concerning input and output variables, the GLSL spec established the following in section 4.3.4
Shader input variables are declared with the storage qualifier in. They form the input interface between
previous stages of the OpenGL pipeline and the declaring shader. [...] Values from the previous pipeline stage are copied into input variables at the beginning of
shader execution.
and 4.3.6, respectively:
Shader output variables are declared with a storage qualifier using the storage qualifier out. They form
the output interface between the declaring shader and the subsequent stages of the OpenGL pipeline. [...]
During shader execution they will behave as normal
unqualified global variables. Their values are copied out to the subsequent pipeline stage on shader exit.
Only output variables that are read by the subsequent pipeline stage need to be written; it is allowed to
have superfluous declarations of output variables.
Section 5.8 "Assignments" establishes that
Reading a variable before writing (or initializing) it is legal, however the value is undefined.
Since the assignment of the .st vector will write to the sub-vector, we can establish that this variable will contain two intialized and two un-initialized components at the end of the shader invocation, and the whole vector will be copied to the output.
Section of the GL spec states:
If the output variables are passed directly to the vertex processing
stages leading to rasterization, the values of all outputs are
expected to be interpolated across the primitive being rendered,
unless flatshaded. Otherwise the values of all outputs are collected
by the primitive assembly stage and passed on to the subsequent
pipeline stage once enough data for one primitive has been collected.
"The values of all outputs" are determined by the shader, and although some components have undefined values, they still have values, and there is no undefined or implementation-defined behavior here. The interpolation formulas for the line and polygon primitives (sections 14.5.1 and 14.6.1) also never mix between the components, so any defined component value will result in a defined value in the interpolated datum.
Section also contains this statement about the vertex shader outputs:
When a program is linked, all components of any outputs written by a
vertex shader will count against this limit. A program whose vertex
shader writes more than the value of MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS
components worth of outputs may fail to link, unless device-dependent
optimizations are able to make the program fit within available
hardware resources.
Note that this language implies that the full 4 components of a vec4 are counted against the limit as soon as a single component is written to.
On output variables, the specification says:
Their values are copied out to the subsequent pipeline stage on shader exit.
So the question boils down to two things:
What is the value of such an output variable?
That is easily answered. The section on swizzling makes it clear that writing to a swizzle mask will not modify the components that are not part of the swizzle mask. Since you did not write to those components, their values are undefined. So undefined values will be copied out to the subsequent pipeline stage.
Will interpolation of undefined values affect the interpolation of defined values?
No. Interpolation is a component-wise operation. The result of one component's interpolation cannot affect another's.
So this is fine.

Setting gl_TessLevel only for one output vertex?

On the Internet I found some examples of TCS code, where gl_TessLevel* variables are set only for one output patch vertex
// first code snippet
if ( gl_InvocationID == 0 ) // set tessellation level, can do only for one vertex
gl_TessLevelOuter [0] = foo
gl_TessLevelOuter [1] = bar;
instead of just
// second code snippet
gl_TessLevelOuter [0] = foo;
gl_TessLevelOuter [1] = bar;
It works similarly with and without condition checking, but I didn't find anything about such usage on OpenGL wiki.
If to think logically, it should be OK to set these variables only in one TCS invocation, and it would be weird to set them to different values based on gl_InvocationID. So my questions are:
Is this way of setting gl_TessLevel* correct and may it cause errors or crashes on some platforms?
If it's correct, should it be used always? Is it idiomatic?
And finally, how do both snippets affect performance? May the first snippet slow-down performance due to branching? May the second snippet cause redundant and/or idle invocations of subsequent pipeline stages, also slowing down performance?
What you are seeing here is an attempt by the shader's author to establish a convention similar to provoking vertices used by other primitive types.
OpenGL Shading Language 4.50 - 2.2 Tessellation Control Processor - p. 7
Tessellation control shader invocations run mostly independently, with undefined relative execution order.
However, the built-in function barrier() can be used to control execution order by synchronizing invocations, effectively dividing tessellation control shader execution into a set of phases.
Tessellation control shaders will get undefined results if one invocation reads a per-vertex or per-patch attribute written by another invocation at any point during the same phase, or if two invocations attempt to write different
values to the same per-patch output in a single phase.
It is unclear given the shader psuedo-code whether foo and bar are uniform across all TCS invocations. If they are not, the second shader snippet invokes undefined behavior due to the undefined relative ordering.
Arbitrarily deciding that the first invocation is the only one that is allowed to write the per-patch attribute solves this problem and is analogous to a first-vertex provoking convention. A last-vertex convention could just as easily be implemented since the number of patch vertices is known to all invocations.
None of this is necessary if you know foo and bar are constant, however.

Is it legal to reuse Bindings for several Shader Storage Blocks

Suppose that I have one shader storage buffer and want to have several views into it, e.g. like this:
layout(std430,binding=0) buffer FloatView { float floats[]; };
layout(std430,binding=0) buffer IntView { int ints[]; };
Is this legal GLSL?
opengl.org says no:
Two blocks cannot use the same index.
However, I could not find such a statement in the GL 4.5 Core Spec or GLSL 4.50 Spec (or the ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object extension description) and my NVIDIA Driver seems to compile such code without errors or warnings.
Does the OpenGL specification expressly forbid this? Apparently not. Or at least, if it does, I can't see where.
But that doesn't mean that it will work cross-platform. When dealing with OpenGL, it's always best to take the conservative path.
If you need to "cast" memory from one representation to another, you should just use separate binding points. It's safer.
There is some official word on this now. I filed a bug on this issue, and they've read it and decided some things. Specifically, the conclusion was:
There are separate binding namespaces for: atomic counters, images, textures, uniform buffers, and SSBOs.
We don't want to allow aliasing on any of them except atomic counters, where aliasing with different offsets (e.g. sharing a binding) is allowed.
In short, don't do this. Hopefully, the GLSL specification will be clarified in this regard.
This was "fixed" in the revision 7 of GLSL 4.5:
It is a compile-time or link-time error to use the same binding number for more than one uniform block or for more than one buffer block.
I say "fixed" because you can still perform aliasing manually via glUniform/ShaderStorageBlockBinding. And the specification doesn't say how this will work exactly.

How to ensure correct struct-field alignment between C++ and OpenGL when passing indirect drawing commands for use by glDrawElementsIndirect?

The documentation for glDrawElementsIndirect, glDrawArraysIndirect, glMultiDrawElementsIndirect, etc. says things like this about the structure of the commands that must be given to them:
The parameters addressed by indirect are packed into a structure that takes the form (in C):
typedef struct {
uint count;
uint instanceCount;
uint firstIndex;
uint baseVertex;
uint baseInstance;
} DrawElementsIndirectCommand;
When a struct representing a vertex is uploaded to OpenGL, it's not just sent there as a block of data--there are also calls like glVertexAttribFormat() that tell OpenGL where to find attribute data within the struct. But as far as I can tell from reading documentation and such, nothing like that happens with these indirect drawing commands. Instead, I gather, you just write your drawing-command struct in C++, like the above, and then send it over via glBufferData or the like.
The OpenGL headers I'm using declare types such as GLuint, so I guess I can be confident that the ints in my command struct will be the right size and have the right format. But what about the alignment of the fields and the size of the struct? It appears that I just have to trust OpenGL to expect exactly what I happen to send--and from what I read, that could in theory vary depending on what compiler I use. Does that mean that, technically, I just have to expect that I will get lucky and have my C++ compiler choose just the struct format that OpenGL and/or my graphics driver and/or my graphics hardware expects? Or is there some guarantee of success here that I'm not grasping?
(Mind you, I'm not truly worried about this. I'm using a perfectly ordinary compiler, and planning to target commonplace hardware, and so I expect that it'll probably "just work" in practice. I'm mainly only curious about what would be considered strictly correct here.)
It is a buffer object (DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER to be precise); it is expected to contain a contiguous array of that struct. The correct type is, as you mentioned, GLuint. This is always a 32-bit unsigned integer type. You may see it referred to as uint in the OpenGL specification or in extensions, but understand that in the C language bindings you are expected to add GL to any such type name.
You generally are not going to run into alignment issues on desktop platforms on this data structure since each field is a 32-bit scalar. The GPU can fetch those on any 4-byte boundary, which is what a compiler would align each of the fields in this structure to. If you threw a ubyte somewhere in there, then you would need to worry, but of course you would then be using the wrong data structure.
As such there is only one requirement on the GL side of things, which stipulates that the beginning of this struct has to begin on a word-aligned boundary. That means only addresses (offsets) that are multiples of 4 will work when calling glDrawElementsIndirect (...). Any other address will yield GL_INVALID_OPERATION.