How i make function like void loop and void setup in arduino? - c++

I want make function like void loop or void setup like arduino main function which that function can input another execution code.
unsigned long NOW;
void setup() {
void loop() {
void doEvery(2){ //do Every 2 second
//Put Code that Execute every 2 second
void doEvery(4){ //do Every 4 second
//Put Code that Execute every 4 second
How to declare/define function doEvery?
i think that function must contain

Taking THIS as initial idea:
unsigned long previousMillis2 = 0, previousMillis100 = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
//doEvery 2
if (currentMillis - previousMillis2 >= 2) {
previousMillis2 = currentMillis; //stores last execution's timestamp
//CODE EVERY 2 millis
//doEvery 100
if (currentMillis - previousMillis100 >= 100) {
previousMillis100 = currentMillis; //stores last execution's timestamp
//CODE EVERY 100 millis
With this, you will use millis() to ask for how many millis passed since initialization of Arduino. Then you store last time you executed your code and compare how many time passed since it.
It's not a dynamic function for defining new intervals but if you only need a pair of it, you can code it easily.
If you need something more dynamic, you should use anonymous functions. SEE THIS or THIS The point here is function as parameter.

I've made an animation library out of this for the WS2812 ledstrip:
The timing stuff that jabujavi describes happens in the UpdateFrame function where every animation in the list advances to the next frame after it's configured milliseconds.
class AnimList
Animation *first = NULL;
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip;
AnimList(int nleds) : strip(nleds, 9, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800)
void UpdateFrame()
Animation **anim = &first;
while (*anim)
if (millis() - (*anim)->last >= (*anim)->ms)
if (!(*anim)->UpdateFrame(strip))
*anim = (*anim)->next;
(*anim)->last = millis();
anim = &(*anim)->next;
Now you just call AnimList::UpdateFrame as fast as possible inside loop()
void loop() {
if (!list->Find(&r1))
r1 = Rain (rand() % NUMLEDS, rand() % NUMLEDS, {BRIGHTNESS, 0, 15 }) ;
So if you want to execute code every 2 seconds you create a class which inherits from Animation and override Updateframe. Then put ms variable at the time you want to pass between frames.
Of course remove all Adafruit and animation references if you just want a task based lib.
class TaskA : public Task
TaskA() { ms = 2000; }
bool UpdateFrame()
Serial.println("2 seconds passed");
return true;
TaskA t;
void setup()
void loop()


Update speed while going to position

Need to update potentiometer values all time not only once, try different ways but nothing works :(
I think that main problem is that this function while(digitalRead(gotoPositionAPin)); blocks
Now it's read value and save speed
workflow of code
press button right save position a
press button left save position b
update pot speed (set speed)
update pot acceleration (set accel)
press button go to position A (its going with previous set of speed and acceleration)
press button go to position B (its going with previous set of speed and acceleration)
#include <AccelStepper.h>
// Define some steppers and the pins the will use
AccelStepper stepper1(1, 12, 11);
#define stepsPerRev 1600
#define stepPin 12
#define dirPin 11
#define ledPin 13
#define rotateLeftPin 7
#define rotateRightPin 6
#define savePositionAPin 5
#define savePositionBPin 4
#define gotoPositionAPin 3
#define gotoPositionBPin 2
#define maxSpeedPin 0
#define accelPin 1
// Set this to zero if you don't want debug messages printed
#define printDebug 0
// These are the constants that define the speed associated with the MaxSpeed pot
#define MAX_STEPS_PER_SECOND 1000 // At 200 s/r and 1/8th microstepping, this will be 333 rev/minute
#define MIN_STEPS_PER_SECOND 27 // At 200 steps/rev and 1/8th microstepping, this will be 1 rev/minute
// Change this value to scale the acceleration pot's scaling factor
#define ACCEL_RATIO 1
int buttonState = 0;
int stepNumber = 0;
int curSpeed = 100;
int dir = 0;
int maxSpeed = 0;
int accel = 0;
long savedPosA = 0;
long savedPosB = 0;
int loopCtr = 0;
float fMaxSpeed = 0.0;
float fStepsPerSecond = 0.0;
void setup()
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rotateLeftPin, INPUT);
pinMode(rotateRightPin, INPUT);
pinMode(savePositionAPin, INPUT);
pinMode(savePositionBPin, INPUT);
pinMode(gotoPositionAPin, INPUT);
pinMode(gotoPositionBPin, INPUT);
if (printDebug)
// Initialize the Serial port
// blink the LED:
// Grab both speed and accel before we start
maxSpeed = analogRead(maxSpeedPin);
// Do the math to scale the 0-1023 value (maxSpeed) to
fMaxSpeed = maxSpeed / 1023.0;
if (fStepsPerSecond > 1000)
fStepsPerSecond = 1000;
accel = analogRead(accelPin)/ACCEL_RATIO;
void loop()
// First, we need to see if either rotate button is down. They always take precidence.
else if (digitalRead(rotateRightPin))
// Go see if we need to update our analog conversions
// Check to see if user is trying to save position A or B
savedPosA = stepper1.currentPosition();
if (printDebug)
Serial.print("Saved A at :");
savedPosB = stepper1.currentPosition();
if (printDebug)
Serial.print("Saved B at :");
// Check to see if the user wants to go to position A or B
if (digitalRead(gotoPositionAPin))
if (printDebug)
// Yup, let's go to position A
Serial.print("cur pos = ");
Serial.print("Going to A = ");
Serial.print("Speed = ");
Serial.print("Accel = ");
if (printDebug)
Serial.print("new pos = ");
else if (digitalRead(gotoPositionBPin))
// Yup, let's go to position B
if (printDebug)
Serial.print("cur pos = ");
Serial.print("Going to B = ");
Serial.print("Speed = ");
Serial.print("Accel = ");
if (printDebug)
Serial.print("new pos = ");
// Blink the reset LED:
void blink(int howManyTimes)
int i;
for (i=0; i < howManyTimes; i++)
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
void CheckPots(void)
// Only read these once in a while because they take a LONG time
if (loopCtr == 100)
maxSpeed = analogRead(maxSpeedPin);
// Do the math to scale the 0-1023 value (maxSpeed) to
fMaxSpeed = maxSpeed / 1023.0;
if (fStepsPerSecond > 1000)
fStepsPerSecond = 1000;
// Read in the acceleration analog value
// This needs to be scaled too, but to what?
if (loopCtr >= 200)
accel = analogRead(accelPin)/ACCEL_RATIO;
loopCtr = 0;
If you're looking into "continuous operation" but don't want to introduce interrupts into your code (which will have special requirements in and of itself) there are a couple of things you need to get rid of:
Endless loops like: while(digitalRead(savePositionAPin));
System waits like: delay(200); as in your blink()
and instead use state variables. State variables are more or less what the name says: variables that hold the state of something, so you know what value the button, or timer, or counter had last time.
So, instead of a while-loop waiting for a button to be released, just set a global or static boolean that knows what state you were in the last time loop() ran, so you don't trigger the button action again. You need one boolean flag for each button.
And instead of delays, either create a state variable that holds "passed time" which you can get from millis() for example. So don't wait but instead you should just check if a certain amount of time has passed so you can toggle the state of the LED.
Adding a blinking LED to loop() - (untested example):
#define LEDWAIT 300
unsigned long myTime = 0;
bool onoff = false;
if (myTime == 0)
myTime = millis();
if ((millis() - myTime) > LEDWAIT) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, onoff ? HIGH : LOW);
onoff = !onoff;
myTime = millis();
// do other things
It is not entirely clear to me what your program is supposed to do and what the error is, so please correct me if I am wrong: You want to update a value based on which button is pressed? What is your opinion on using interrupts for triggering the updates?
You may want to edit the formating of your question.

Global variable doesn't update prior to next loop

I'm trying to build a tachometer in C++ for my ESP32. When I uncomment Serial.printf("outside rev: %d \n", rev); outside of the conditional it works, but when I comment it I get values that are orders of magnitude greater than they should be (700 revolutions without, vs 7 revolutions with). My best guess is that the print statement is slowing the loop() down just enough for incrementRevolutions() to toggle the global variable passedMagnet from true to false before the next loop. That would make sense, since a delay in updating passedMagnet would allow newRevCount++; to be triggered multiple times. But this is obviously something I can't debug with either print statements or step-through debugging given the time-sensitive nature of the race condition.
bool passedMagnet = true;
int incrementRevolutions(int runningRevCount, bool passingMagnet)
// Serial.printf("passedMagnet: %d , passingMagnet %d , runningRevCount: %d \n", passedMagnet, passingMagnet, runningRevCount);
int newRevCount = runningRevCount;
if (passedMagnet && passingMagnet)
{ //Started a new pass of the magnet
passedMagnet = false;
else if (!passedMagnet && !passingMagnet)
{ //The new pass of the magnet is complete
passedMagnet = true;
return newRevCount;
unsigned long elapsedTime = 0;
unsigned long intervalTime = 0;
int rev = 0;
void loop()
intervalTime = millis() - elapsedTime;
rev = incrementRevolutions(rev, digitalRead(digitalPin));
// Serial.printf("outside rev: %d \n", rev);
if (intervalTime > 1000)
Serial.printf("rev: %d \n", rev);
rev = 0;
elapsedTime = millis();
Is this a known gotcha with Arduino or C++ programming? What should I do to fix it?
I think the test is to blame. I had to rename and move things a bit to visualize the logic, sorry about that.
bool magStateOld = false; // initialize to digitalRead(digitalPin) in setup()
int incrementRevolutions(int runningRevCount, bool magState)
int newRevCount = runningRevCount;
// detect positive edge.
if (magState && !magStateOld) // <- was eq. to if (magState && magStateOld)
// the large counts came from here.
magStateOld = magState; // record last state unconditionally
return newRevCount;
You could also write it as...
int incrementRevolutions(int n, bool magState)
n += (magState && !magStateOld);
magStateOld = magState;
return n;
But the most economical (and fastest) way of doing what you want would be:
bool magStateOld;
inline bool positiveEdge(bool state, bool& oldState)
bool result = (state && !oldState);
oldState = state;
return result;
void setup()
// ...
magStateOld = digitalRead(digitalPin);
void loop()
// ...
rev += (int)positiveEdge(digitalRead(digitalPin), magStateOld);
// ...
It's reusable, and saves both stack space and unnecessary assignments.
If you cannot get clean transitions from your sensor (noise on positive and negative edges, you'll need to debounce the signal a bit, using a timer.
constexpr byte debounce_delay = 50; // ms, you may want to play with
// this value, smaller is better.
// but must be high enough to
// avoid issues on expected
// RPM range.
// 50 ms is on the high side.
byte debounce_timestamp; // byte is large enough for delays
// up to 255ms.
// ...
void loop()
// ...
byte now = (byte)millis();
if (now - debounce_timestamp >= debounce_delay)
debounce_timestamp = now;
rev += (int)positiveEdge(digitalRead(digitalPin), magStateOld);
// ...

How to write function for multiple analog pins? (arduino)

So I'm writing this little function for some pot pins. The pot sends a value only when its being turned, at rest, it sends nothing. Which is how I want it to function.
It works fine with one pin.
I've gotten it to a point where it half works with multiple pins. So if I call it twice in the loop with two pins, I get back the right values on both those pins. But I loose the functionality of the if statement. Basically I can't figure out the last half of this. Arrays have been suggested I'm just unsure of how to proceed.
Suggestions? Thank you.
byte pots[2] = {A0, A2};
int lastPotVal = 0;
void setup(){
void loop(){
// get the pin out of the array
void rePot(const int potPin){
// there is probably an issue around here somewhere...
int potThresh = 2;
int potFinal = 0;
int potVal = 0;
// set and map potVal
potVal = (analogRead(potPin));
potVal = map(potVal, 0, 664, 0, 200);
if(abs(potVal - lastPotVal) >= potThresh){
potFinal = (potVal/2);
lastPotVal = potVal;
} // end of if statement
} // end of rePot
This uses a struct to mange a pot and the data associated with it (the pin it's on, the last reading, threshold, etc). Then, the rePot() function is changed to take one of those structs as input, instead of just the pin number.
struct Pot {
byte pin;
int threshold;
int lastReading;
int currentReading;
// defining an array of 2 Pots, one with pin A0 and threshold 2, the
// other with pin A2 and threshold 3. Everything else is automatically
// initialized to 0 (i.e. lastReading, currentReading). The order that
// the fields are entered determines which variable they initialize, so
// {A1, 4, 5} would be pin = A1, threshold = 4 and lastReading = 5
struct Pot pots[] = { {A0, 2}, {A2, 3} };
void rePot(struct Pot * pot) {
int reading = map(analogRead(pot->pin), 0, 664, 0, 200);
if(abs(reading - pot->lastReading) >= pot->threshold) {
pot->currentReading = (reading/2);
pot->lastReading = reading;
void setup(){
void loop() {
A slightly different take on this is to change rePot() into a function that takes the whole array as input, and then just updates the whole thing. Like this:
void readAllThePots(struct Pot * pot, int potCount) {
for(int i = 0; i < potCount; i++) {
int reading = map(analogRead(pot[i].pin), 0, 664, 0, 200);
if(abs(reading - pot[i].lastReading) >= pot[i].threshold) {
pot[i].currentReading = (reading/2);
pot[i].lastReading = reading;
void loop() {
readAllThePots(pots, 2);

Steptimer.getTotalSeconds within steptimer.h returning 0, c++ visual studio 2013, directx app

I'm trying to use the given code within steptimer.h to set up code that will run every two seconds. However with the code below, timer.GetTotalSeconds() always returns 0.
Unfortunately there isn't much information readily available on StepTimer.h (at least I believe due to a lack of useful search results), so I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light as to why the timer isn't recording the elapsed seconds. Am I using it incorrectly?
Code from Game.h, Game.cpp and StepTimer.h are included below. Any help is greatly appreciated.
From Game.cpp:
double time = timer.GetTotalSeconds();
if (time >= 2) {
Initialised in Game.h:
DX::StepTimer timer;
From Common/StepTimer.h:
#pragma once
#include <wrl.h>
namespace DX
// Helper class for animation and simulation timing.
class StepTimer
StepTimer() :
m_targetElapsedTicks(TicksPerSecond / 60)
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&m_qpcFrequency))
throw ref new Platform::FailureException();
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&m_qpcLastTime))
throw ref new Platform::FailureException();
// Initialize max delta to 1/10 of a second.
m_qpcMaxDelta = m_qpcFrequency.QuadPart / 10;
// Get elapsed time since the previous Update call.
uint64 GetElapsedTicks() const { return m_elapsedTicks; }
double GetElapsedSeconds() const { return TicksToSeconds(m_elapsedTicks); }
// Get total time since the start of the program.
uint64 GetTotalTicks() const { return m_totalTicks; }
double GetTotalSeconds() const { return TicksToSeconds(m_totalTicks); }
// Get total number of updates since start of the program.
uint32 GetFrameCount() const { return m_frameCount; }
// Get the current framerate.
uint32 GetFramesPerSecond() const { return m_framesPerSecond; }
// Set whether to use fixed or variable timestep mode.
void SetFixedTimeStep(bool isFixedTimestep) { m_isFixedTimeStep = isFixedTimestep; }
// Set how often to call Update when in fixed timestep mode.
void SetTargetElapsedTicks(uint64 targetElapsed) { m_targetElapsedTicks = targetElapsed; }
void SetTargetElapsedSeconds(double targetElapsed) { m_targetElapsedTicks = SecondsToTicks(targetElapsed); }
// Integer format represents time using 10,000,000 ticks per second.
static const uint64 TicksPerSecond = 10000000;
static double TicksToSeconds(uint64 ticks) { return static_cast<double>(ticks) / TicksPerSecond; }
static uint64 SecondsToTicks(double seconds) { return static_cast<uint64>(seconds * TicksPerSecond); }
// After an intentional timing discontinuity (for instance a blocking IO operation)
// call this to avoid having the fixed timestep logic attempt a set of catch-up
// Update calls.
void ResetElapsedTime()
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&m_qpcLastTime))
throw ref new Platform::FailureException();
m_leftOverTicks = 0;
m_framesPerSecond = 0;
m_framesThisSecond = 0;
m_qpcSecondCounter = 0;
// Update timer state, calling the specified Update function the appropriate number of times.
template<typename TUpdate>
void Tick(const TUpdate& update)
// Query the current time.
LARGE_INTEGER currentTime;
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&currentTime))
throw ref new Platform::FailureException();
uint64 timeDelta = currentTime.QuadPart - m_qpcLastTime.QuadPart;
m_qpcLastTime = currentTime;
m_qpcSecondCounter += timeDelta;
// Clamp excessively large time deltas (e.g. after paused in the debugger).
if (timeDelta > m_qpcMaxDelta)
timeDelta = m_qpcMaxDelta;
// Convert QPC units into a canonical tick format. This cannot overflow due to the previous clamp.
timeDelta *= TicksPerSecond;
timeDelta /= m_qpcFrequency.QuadPart;
uint32 lastFrameCount = m_frameCount;
if (m_isFixedTimeStep)
// Fixed timestep update logic
// If the app is running very close to the target elapsed time (within 1/4 of a millisecond) just clamp
// the clock to exactly match the target value. This prevents tiny and irrelevant errors
// from accumulating over time. Without this clamping, a game that requested a 60 fps
// fixed update, running with vsync enabled on a 59.94 NTSC display, would eventually
// accumulate enough tiny errors that it would drop a frame. It is better to just round
// small deviations down to zero to leave things running smoothly.
if (abs(static_cast<int64>(timeDelta - m_targetElapsedTicks)) < TicksPerSecond / 4000)
timeDelta = m_targetElapsedTicks;
m_leftOverTicks += timeDelta;
while (m_leftOverTicks >= m_targetElapsedTicks)
m_elapsedTicks = m_targetElapsedTicks;
m_totalTicks += m_targetElapsedTicks;
m_leftOverTicks -= m_targetElapsedTicks;
// Variable timestep update logic.
m_elapsedTicks = timeDelta;
m_totalTicks += timeDelta;
m_leftOverTicks = 0;
// Track the current framerate.
if (m_frameCount != lastFrameCount)
if (m_qpcSecondCounter >= static_cast<uint64>(m_qpcFrequency.QuadPart))
m_framesPerSecond = m_framesThisSecond;
m_framesThisSecond = 0;
m_qpcSecondCounter %= m_qpcFrequency.QuadPart;
// Source timing data uses QPC units.
LARGE_INTEGER m_qpcFrequency;
LARGE_INTEGER m_qpcLastTime;
uint64 m_qpcMaxDelta;
// Derived timing data uses a canonical tick format.
uint64 m_elapsedTicks;
uint64 m_totalTicks;
uint64 m_leftOverTicks;
// Members for tracking the framerate.
uint32 m_frameCount;
uint32 m_framesPerSecond;
uint32 m_framesThisSecond;
uint64 m_qpcSecondCounter;
// Members for configuring fixed timestep mode.
bool m_isFixedTimeStep;
uint64 m_targetElapsedTicks;
Alrighty got what I wanted with the code below. Was missing the .Tick(####) call.
timer.Tick([&]() {
double time = timer.GetTotalSeconds();
if (time >= checkpt) {
checkpt += 2;
Just fixed an integer checkpt to increment by 2 each time so that it runs every 2 seconds. There's probably a better way to do it, but it's 3.30am so I'm being lazy for the sake of putting my mind at ease.

Time class issue

I am designing a time class that will only perform an action after a predefined time but I still cannot figure out the way to reset the time. Is that anyway to reset the time back to zero or temporarily stop and resume the time?
so, my goal is to reset the time each time the condtion A meets so that it won't screw up delayTime function that it still keep the previous time and end up wrong time calculation.
if ( condition A )
if ( time.delayTime( 5.0f ) )
#ifndef _TIMECLASS_H_
#define _TIMECLASS_H_
#include <windows.h>
class TimeClass
bool delayTime( float second );
float getSecond();
void reset();
float getGameTime();
float currentTime;
UINT64 ticks;
float time;
float timeAtGameStart;
UINT64 ticksPerSecond;
#include "TimeClass.h"
// We need to know how often the clock is updated
if( !QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&ticksPerSecond) )
ticksPerSecond = 1000;
// If timeAtGameStart is 0 then we get the time since
// the start of the computer when we call GetGameTime()
timeAtGameStart = 0;
timeAtGameStart = getGameTime();
float TimeClass::getGameTime()
// This is the number of clock ticks since start
if( !QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&ticks) )
ticks = (UINT64)timeGetTime();
// Divide by frequency to get the time in seconds
time = (float)(__int64)ticks/(float)(__int64)ticksPerSecond;
// Subtract the time at game start to get
// the time since the game started
time -= timeAtGameStart;
return time;
bool TimeClass::delayTime( float second )
currentTime = getGameTime();
static float totalTime = second + getGameTime();
if ( currentTime >= totalTime )
totalTime = second + getGameTime();
return true;
return false;
float TimeClass::getSecond()
currentTime = getGameTime();
static float totalTime = 1 + getGameTime();
if ( currentTime >= totalTime )
totalTime = 1 + getGameTime();
return currentTime;
return currentTime;
void TimeClass::reset()
timeAtGameStart = 0;
timeAtGameStart = getGameTime();
Standard Library
As already stated simply use the std::chrono::high_resolution_clock. If you use the Visual C++ Compiler there is an actual bug report on the resolution of the high_resolution_clock and it's NOT the same as the QueryPerformanceCounter.
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// Do something
auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
double dt = duration.count();
The main problem you're facing right now is that you are using static variables. You are looking for a way to reset the static variable from another function than the delayTime. If you would introduce member variables to get rid of the static variables it would make things a lot easier (Note: static variables within functions are bad practice as they are holding the state => bad for multi-threading). Well what about something like this:
class Event {
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point lastEventOccurred;
double timeBetweenEvents;
Event(double timeBetweenEvents)
: timeBetweenEvents(timeBetweenEvents)
, lastEventOccurred(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()) { }
bool ready() {
auto currentTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto elapsedTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(currentTime - lastEventOccurred).count();
if(elapsedTime > timeBetweenEvents) {
return true;
} else
return false;
void reset() {
lastEventOccurred = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
Event evtDelay = Event(5.0);
if(condition A) {
if(evtDelay.ready()) {
} else if(condition B) {
Another approach would be to use a capturing state and an update method. As I can see you are using this for a game so the updating could be done in the update method of your game. Assuming the event would have a state like {Active, Inactive} and a member for the elapsed time, every time you call update you add the elapsed time since the last update call if the state is Active. Therefore the ready function would only check if the elapsed time is greater than the defined threshold.
class Event {
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point lastUpdateCall;
double timeBetweenEvents;
double elapsedTime;
bool active;
Event(double timeBetweenEvents)
: timeBetweenEvents(timeBetweenEvents)
, lastUpdateCall(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now())
, elapsedTime(0.0)
, active(true) { }
bool ready() {
return elapsedTime >= timeBetweenEvents;
void reset() {
elapsedTime = 0.0;
void setActive(bool state) {
active = state;
void update() {
auto currentTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if(active) {
auto dt = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(currentTime - lastUpdateCall).count();
elapsedTime += dt;
lastUpdateCall = currentTime;
From your questions it is not quite clear what exactly you want to achieve: clock resetting, pausing/resuming, interval measuring, or timed triggers, or all of this. So I will just describe all of this. =)
Just to make it clear
do not use static variables in member functions (methods), it makes your code harder to understand and error-prone. Instead use class member variables (fields)
do not store time in (milli)seconds float format. I has too low precision. Even double is not recommended. Instead, store it in API-native format: some kind of CPU ticks: let's wrap it in struct time_point and convert to float only when user asks for it:
struct time_point
The functions you'll need from your underlying API are:
function to get current time: let's call it
time_point now(); // Here you wrap QueryPerformanceCounter() or `boost::chrono::...::now();` stuff
functions to reinterpret difference (time duration) between two time_point to usable units (such as nanoseconds long long of (milli)seconds float)
float Duration(const time_point& from, const time_point& to); // Here you divide by frequence
(also, you can make time_point class and make this functions members)
All other functions can be API-agnostic.
Following this design, you can abstract out underlying API from user and make your app more portable.
Is that anyway to reset the time back to zero
But, wait, you've already implemented "reset the time back to zero":
void TimeClass::reset()
//timeAtGameStart = 0;
timeAtGameStart = getGameTime();
(timeAtGameStart = 0; commented as it non needed)
You just saying that start is now(), so difference between start and now() becomes zero.
Stopping and resuming
or temporarily stop and resume the time?
you can achieve "time stop/resume" effect by:
adding bool isPaused member varible (don't forget to init it to false in constructor)
adding timePaused member varible (of type of your time units: time_point in my case)
altering your getGameTime() function: when paused it will return timePaused instead of current time
and of course, introducing Pause()/Resume() functions
Here is example code (naming is a little different to yours)
void Pause()
if (!isPaused)
timePaused = clock::now();
isPaused = true;
void Resume()
if (isPaused)
isPaused = false;
start -= clock::now() - timePaused;
float Now() const
if (isPaused)
return Duration(start, timePaused);
return Duration(start, clock::now()); // basically it is your getGameTime()
Delta (basic interval measuring)
Sometimes you will want to know how much time passed between some places in your program. For example, to measure FPS in game, you will need to know delta time between frames.
To implement this we will need members:
time_point prevTick; // time of previous tick
time_point currTick; // time of current tick
void Tick() // user must call it each frame
prevTick = currTick;
currTick = clock::now();
const float GetDelta() const // user must call it to know frame time
return Duration(prevTick, currTick);
Stopwatch (advanced interval measuring)
Now, we need to have some kind of timed trigger. It is a good idea to separate this triggerfrom timer, so:
you can have multiple trigger with different start time and different trigger intervals
all of this triggers must be independent from each other
global clocks will not be altered, so all triggers remain valid
So let's wrap it to class:
class Stopwatch
float m_Interval;
float m_Time;
float m_PrevTime;
Stopwatch(float interval_ms = 1000.0f) :
float GetRefreshInterval() const { return m_Interval; }
void SetRefreshInterval(float interval_ms) { m_Interval = interval_ms; }
// Update as frequent as possible
inline void Update(float dt)
m_Time += dt;
// Check if time interval reached
inline bool IsAboutTime()
if (m_Time >= m_Interval)
m_PrevTime = m_Time;
m_Time = 0.0f;
return true;
return false;
// exact value of last interval
inline float GetLastTime() const
return m_PrevTime;
Usage example:
Stopwatch stopwatch(5000.0f); // will trigger each 5 seconds
stopwatch.Update(timer.GetDelta()); // GetDelta() returns time difference between update frames
if ( condition A )
if ( stopwatch.IsAboutTime() )
Another possible ways to design stopwatch are:
inherit from clock
pass current time to IsAboutTime() so no need to Update()
Happy coding! =)