How to know the required interface/contract of template arguments in C++? - c++

Sorry for the newbie question, but I have a feeling I am missing something here:
If I have a certain class template which looks like this (basically the only way to pass a lambda to a function in C++, unless I am mistaken):
template<typename V, typename F>
class Something
int some_method(V val, F func) {
double intermediate = val.do_something();
return func(intermediate);
By reading the implementation of this class, I can see that the V class must implement double do_something(), and that F must be a function/functor with the signature int F(double).
However, in languages like Java or C#, the constraints for the generic parameters are explicitly stated in the generic class signature, so they are obvious without having to look at the source code, e.g.
class Something<V> where V : IDoesSomething // interface with the DoSomething() method
// func delegate signature is explicit
public int SomeMethod(V val, Func<double, int> func)
double intermediate = val.DoSomething();
return func(intermediate);
My question is: how do I know how to implement more complex input arguments in practice? Can this somehow be documented using code only, when writing a library with template classes in C++, or is the only way to parse the code manually and look for parameter usage?
(or third possibility, add methods to the class until the compiler stops failing)

C# and Java Generics have similar syntax and some common uses with C++ templates, but they are very different beasts.
Here is a good overview.
In C++, by default template checking was done by instantiation of code, and requrements are in documentation.
Note that much of the requirements of C++ templates is semantic not syntactic; iterators need not only have the proper operations, those operations need to have the proper meaning.
You can check syntactic properties of types in C++ templates. Off the top of my head, there are 6 basic ways.
You can have a traits class requirement, like std::iterator_traits.
You can do SFINAE, an accidentally Turing-complete template metaprogramming technique.
You can use concepts and/or requires clauses if your compiler is modern enough.
You can generate static_asserts to check properties
You can use traits ADL functions, like begin.
You can just duck type, and use it as if it had the properties you want. If it quacks like a duck, it is a duck.
All of these have pluses and minuses.
The downside to all of them is that they can be harder to set up than "this parameter must inherit from the type Foo". Concepts can handle that, only a bit more verbose than Java.
Java style type erasure can be dominated using C++ templates. std::function is an example of a duck typed type eraser that allows unrelated types to be stored as values; doing something as restricted as Java is rarely worthwhile, as the machinery to do it is harder than making something more powerful.
C# reification cannot be fully duplicated by C++, because C#'s runtime environment ships with a compiler, and can effectively compile a new type when you instantiate at runtime. I have seen people ship compilers with C++ programs, compile dynamic libraries, then load and execute them, but that isn't something I'd advise.
Using modern c++20, you can:
template<Number N>
struct Polynomial;
where Number is a concept which checks N (a type) against its properties. This is a bit like the Java signature stuff on steroids.
And by c++23 you'll be able to use compile time reflection to do things that make templates look like preprocessor macros.


Is CRTP in C++ a way to express what in other languages are traits and/or ADT?

So, I'm struggling to grasp the whole CRTP thing in C++. A few (1) (2) of the rationales I found online about why should you even care to use it is that it allows to add a functionality to your code in a semi automatic way. What I mean is that I can let the compiler deduce some functionality for me, asking me only for a few small implementation.
As an example, I may want to formalize a Comparable "trait" (using a Rust word), forcing the user to provide an implementation for < and ==, and deducing all other comparisons using just these two. IIRC, this is what happens when you instantiate a std::set of a custom class (the compiler asks you for a operator<() implementation).
So, I have two question about C++'s CRTP:
In this sense, is the usage of the word "trait" appropriate? And may I even go further and say abstract data type? Is CRTP the C++ idiom to achieve this (C++ purists, forgive me)? Because to me they seem very similar: you define some basic implementation, and following some deduction rules you can get other behavior/functionality
Can I get the same thing ("trait"-like thing) by using an abstract class? If so, why should I use a CRTP instead?
EDIT: in the comments I have been advised that in C++ the word "trait" refers to a particular concept, which is different to the one used for instance in Rust. So I slightly change/clarify my question: is CRTP similar to Rust's traits (IIUC, specifically the #[derive]d ones)?
The CRTP idiom is a tool that injects generic functionality into a class, specifically by inserting members into it. The general, language-neutral, term for this kind of thing is a "mixin." Mechanically, "mixin" usually refers to ways of injecting members into a class without using a base class. Since the CRTP uses base classes, it does not strictly fit the definition of a mixin. But this is a matter of mechanism, not concept; a CRTP base class fulfills the general function of a mixin even if not by the usual means.
Rust traits are kind of like mixins as well. But the CRTP is not like a Rust trait for one very important reason. The whole point of Rust traits is that the class on the receiving end does not have to know that they are being given a trait. In Rust, you can force a type to have a trait interface without that type having any idea that the trait even exists.
The CRTP can't do that. A class must choose to opt-into a CRTP-based mixin interface.
So no, I would not call the CRTP a Rust trait. Indeed, the C++ concept you found called "traits" are much more like Rust traits. C++ traits define an interface that any type could adopt, and via template specialization, a user can adapt its normal interface to the traits interface. Same idea, just via a different mechanism.
The nominal similarity is not a coincidence: the makers of Rust recognized the utility of the C++ traits idiom and built a language feature specifically to facilitate it (and thus dodging all of the cruft that comes from using traits-based interfaces in C++).
In addition to #Nicol Bolas excellent answer I would like to add some comments on #[derive] traits. In rust, you can automatically implement some traits for your structs using this keyword. Here is an example taken from the link above:
struct Foo<T> {
a: i32,
b: T,
The equivalent in C++ would be an automatic mixin of code, such that Foo fufills the std::equality_comparable concept. This is currently impossible because an automatic implementation would require a built-in reflection system, which C++ does not have: We would have to inject an equality operator, that checks all data members for equality, so we need to know about all data members of the type we are injecting the functionality into. There is a current proposal for built-in reflection, but even with it, it would probably be impossible to write a CRTP base class PartialEq that implements a meaningful bool operator==(X const& other) const noexcept for you. Consider the following example:
// hypothetical crtp mixin
template <typename T>
struct Foo : public PartialEq<Foo<T>> {
int a;
T b;
PartialEq<Foo<T>> needs to know about all datamembers of Foo<T>, but at time of the definition of PartialEq, Foo<T> is incomplete: It must be defined afterwards, because it depends on PartialEq through inheritence.
But there is yet another proposal on facilitating metaprogramming in C++ that introduces features somewhat similar to procedural macros in rust. If it gets accepted and implemented, it will be added no earlier than 2026. This proposal includes something called a metaclass, which pretty much is very close to a #[derive] trait in rust - without CRTP. The syntax would look like this:
template <typename T>
struct Foo(PartialEq) {
int a;
T b;
This usage scenario is even explicitly mentioned in the proposal paper, though there is a talk of a regular interface (a supertrait, in rust-speak), that injects code to satisfy the equality_comparable concept together with some other code.

Equivalent to `<T extends MyClass>` in C++

In Java you can define a generic type, that should interhit from anoter, by <T extends MyClass> void myMethod(T item)
Is there an equivalent in cpp? I tried template<class T : Draw_Shape> class MyClass, but dont work.
When reading below, please be aware that I am not a Java programmer. My knowledge of Java is almost entirely abstract, and possibly out of date. So if Java implemented reification of generics in the last version or two I don't know about it.
So Java Generics and C++ templates share some common syntax and uses, but they are very different things under the hood.
Java Generics are a wrapper of automatically written casts and compile time type checks around a single core type.
C++ templates on the other hand generate new unrelated types for each set of template arguments.
The extends MyClass syntax in Java does two things. First, it permits that "core" type of the generic to know that the T is not merely an Object, but actually a subclass of some interface. This is required for the "core" type to use methods safely (without can-fail-at-runtime dynamic casts).
In C++ this doesn't happen because there is no "core" type generated by a template instantiation. Each template instantiation is independently compiled, and so knows if the operations are valid or not.
The second thing it does is it gives type errors when the wrong type is passed to the generic. The third thing it does is it allows Java to check the Generic code for validity prior to it being instantiated.
For the second, C++ can use concepts (if your compiler is new enough) or use a technique known as SFINAE that is equally powerful, but syntactically awful and honestly its ability to solve this problem was an accident of language development (it is accidentally Turing complete).
For the third, checked templates in C++, it has been proposed many times, but keeps running into compile time performance issues. So there isn't a way to do it in C++, short of instantiating a template.
Do nothing:
No, seriously. Embrace duck typing and don't constrain template parameters. The only big downside is ugly error messages, and rarely "same named operation has different meanings".
template<class T> class MyClass{
this generates clean error messages. There are some downsides in that other code cannot test if MyClass<X> is a valid instantiation without a hard compiler error.
template<class T,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Draw_Shape,T>, bool> =true
class MyClass{
note that the =true does not compare the test to the value true. It is not ==true. What is going on here is ridiculously complex and annoying; using SFINAE for this purpose is a hack, and this is just a monkey-see monkey-do way to make it clean.
template<class T> requires std::is_base_of_v<Draw_Shape,T>
class MyClass{
template<std::is_derived_from<Draw_Shape> T>
class MyClass{
note that concepts requires a modern C++ complier and std library.

C++ concepts vs static_assert

What is exactly new in c++ concepts? In my understanding they are functionally equal to using static_assert, but in a 'nice' manner meaning that compiler errors will be more readable (as Bjarne Stroustup said you won't get 10 pages or erros, but just one).
Basically, is it true that everything you can do with concepts you can also achieve using static_assert?
Is there something I am missing?
Compared to static_asserts, concepts are more powerful because:
they give you good diagnostic that you wouldn't easily achieve with static_asserts
they let you easily overload template functions without std::enable_if (that is impossible only with static_asserts)
they let you define static interfaces and reuse them without losing diagnostic (there would be the need for multiple static_asserts in each function)
they let you express your intents better and improve readability (which is a big issue with templates)
This can ease the worlds of:
static polymorphism
and be the building block for interesting paradigms.
What are concepts?
Concepts express "classes" (not in the C++ term, but rather as a "group") of types that satisfy certain requirements. As an example you can see that the Swappable concept express the set of types that:
allows calls to std::swap
And you can easily see that, for example, std::string, std::vector, std::deque, int etc... satisfy this requirement and can therefore be used interchangeably in a function like:
template<typename Swappable>
void func(const Swappable& a, const Swappable& b) {
std::swap(a, b);
Concepts always existed in C++, the actual feature that will be added in the (possibly near) future will just allow you to express and enforce them in the language.
Better diagnostic
As far as better diagnostic goes, we will just have to trust the committee for now. But the output they "guarantee":
error: no matching function for call to 'sort(list<int>&)'
note: template constraints not satisfied because
note: `T' is not a/an `Sortable' type [with T = list<int>] since
note: `declval<T>()[n]' is not valid syntax
is very promising.
It's true that you can achieve a similar output using static_asserts but that would require different static_asserts per function and that could get tedious very fast.
As an example, imagine you have to enforce the amount of requirements given by the Container concept in 2 functions taking a template parameter; you would need to replicate them in both functions:
template<typename C>
void func_a(...) {
// ...
template<typename C>
void func_b(...) {
// ...
Otherwise you would loose the ability to distinguish which requirement was not satisfied.
With concepts instead, you can just define the concept and enforce it by simply writing:
template<Container C>
void func_a(...);
template<Container C>
void func_b(...);
Concepts overloading
Another great feature that is introduced is the ability to overload template functions on template constraints. Yes, this is also possible with std::enable_if, but we all know how ugly that can become.
As an example you could have a function that works on Containers and overload it with a version that happens to work better with SequenceContainers:
template<Container C>
int func(C& c);
template<SequenceContainer C>
int func(C& c);
The alternative, without concepts, would be this:
template<typename T>
> func(T& c);
template<typename T>
> func(T& c);
Definitely uglier and possibly more error prone.
Cleaner syntax
As you have seen in the examples above the syntax is definitely cleaner and more intuitive with concepts. This can reduce the amount of code required to express constraints and can improve readability.
As seen before you can actually get to an acceptable level with something like:
but at that point you would loose the great diagnostic of different static_assert. With concepts you don't need this tradeoff.
Static polymorphism
And finally concepts have interesting similarities to other functional paradigms like type classes in Haskell. For example they can be used to define static interfaces.
For example, let's consider the classical approach for an (infamous) game object interface:
struct Object {
// …
virtual update() = 0;
virtual draw() = 0;
virtual ~Object();
Then, assuming you have a polymorphic std::vector of derived objects you can do:
for (auto& o : objects) {
Great, but unless you want to use multiple inheritance or entity-component-based systems, you are pretty much stuck with only one possible interface per class.
But if you actually want static polymorphism (polymorphism that is not that dynamic after all) you could define an Object concept that requires update and draw member functions (and possibly others).
At that point you can just create a free function:
template<Object O>
void process(O& o) {
And after that you could define another interface for your game objects with other requirements. The beauty of this approach is that you can develop as many interfaces as you want without
modifying your classes
require a base class
And they are all checked and enforced at compile time.
This is just a stupid example (and a very simplistic one), but concepts really open up a whole new world for templates in C++.
If you want more informations you can read this nice article on C++ concepts vs Haskell type classes.

Templates accepting "anything" in C++

I have a simple template struct associating a string with a value
template<typename T> struct Field
std::string name; T self;
I have a function that I want to accept 1-or-more Fields of any type, and the Fields may be of possible different types, so I'm using a std::initializer_list because C++, to my knowledge, lacks typed variadic arguments, cannot determine the size of variadic arguments, and must have at least one other argument to determine where to start.
The problem is that I don't know how to tell it to accept Fields that may be of different types. In Java, I would just use foo(Field<?> bar, Field<?>... baz), but C++ lacks both typed variadic arguments and wildcards. My only other idea is to make the parameter of type
std::initializer_list<Field<void*>>, but that seems like a bad solution... Is there a better way to do it?
A couple of things...
C++11 (which you seem to have since you are talking about std::initializer_list) does have typed variadic arguments, in particular they are named variadic templates
Java generics and C++ templates are completely different beasts. Java generics create a single type that stores a reference to Object and provides automatic casting in and out to the types in the interface, but the important bit is that it performs type erasure.
I would recommend that you explain the problem you want to solve and get suggestions for solutions to your problem that are idiomatic in C++. If you want to really mimic the behavior in Java (which, I cannot insist enough is a different language and has different idioms) you can use type erasure in C++ manually (i.e. use boost::any). But I have very rarely feel the need for full type erasure in a program... using a variant type (boost::variant) is a bit more common.
If your compiler has support for variadic templates (not all compilers do), you can always play with that, but stashing the fields for later in a vector may be a bit complicated for a fully generic approach unless you use type erasure. (Again, what is the problem to solve? There might be simpler solutions...)
Java generics are closer to just stuffing a boost::any into the self variable than to C++ templates. Give that a try. C++ templates create types that have no runtime or dynamic relarionship to each other by default.
You can introduce such a relationship manually, say via a common parent and type erasure and judicious use of pImpl and smart pointers.
C type variardic arguments are out of style in C++11. Variardic template arguments are very type safe, so long as your compiler has support for them (Nov 2012 CTP for MSVC 2012 has support for them (not update 1, the CTP), as does clang, and non-ancient versions of gcc).
Templates in C++ is a kind of metaprogramming, closer to writing a program that writes a program than it is to Java Generics. A Java Generic has one shared "binary" implementation, while each instance of a C++ template is a completely different "program" (which, via procedures like COMDAT folding, can be reduced to one binary implementation), whose details are described by the template code.
template<typename T>
struct Field {
T data;
is a little program that says "here is how to create Field types". When you pass in an int and double, the compiler does something roughly like this:
struct Field__int__ {
int data;
struct Field__double__ {
double data;
and you wouldn't expect these two types to be convertible between.
Java generics, on the other hand, create something like this:
struct Field {
boost::any __data__;
template<typename T>
T __get_data() {
template<typename T>
void __set_data(T& t) {
property data; // reading uses __get_data(), writing uses __set_data()
where boost::any is a container that can hold an instance of any type, and access to the data field redirects through those accessors.
C++ provides means to write something equivalent to Java generics using template metaprogramming. To write something like C++ templates in Java, you'd have to have your Java program output custom Java byte or source code, then run that code in a way that allows a debugger to connect back to the code that writes the code as the source of the bugs.
There is no need to use wildcards in C++ templates, since in C++ it always knows the type, and is not "erased" like in Java. To write void foo(Field<?> bar, Field<?>... baz) method(or function) in C++, you would write:
template<class T, class... Ts>
void foo(Field<T> bar, Field<Ts>... baz);
Each Field<Ts> can be a different type. To use the variadic parameters inside the function, you just use baz.... So say you want to call another function:
template<class T, class... Ts>
void foo(Field<T> bar, Field<Ts>... baz)
You can also expand the type with Field<Ts>..., so if you want to put it in a tuple(you can't put them in array since they can be different types):
template<class T, class... Ts>
void foo(Field<T> bar, Field<Ts>... baz)
std::tuple<Field<Ts>...> data(baz...);
This is not very idiomatic for C++. It can be done, perhaps; Coplien's book might have some ideas. But C++ is strongly typed because it believes in typing; trying to turn it into Smalltalk or fold it like a pheasant may lead to tears.

Can C++ class templates take method names as template parameters?

Just like the title asks, can C++ class templates take method names as template parameters?
For instance,
template <T>
class Foo
void T(int bar);
Unfortunately, the C++ core language does not have any means of handling names.
Some possibilities:
Handle names via the preprocessor, ie., ugly macros.
Note: the Boost parameters library uses some undocumented Boost macro trickery that is very relevant here. I used that for a general options class thing once. Sorry I can't remember much about it, but essentially it supports a kind of variadic macros for C++03.
Do your own custom preprocessing, i.e. script based.
Put the burden on the client code programmer, somehow.
For those who wonder, what does one need this for?, a case in point is how to something like Python's library "named tuple" class, in C++, where the programmer provides the names of the tuple members.