need to deploy a workload in the vm as iaas, issue is the legacy workload wont work in a cluster multi-instance environment, so can only have one instance in the entire vm scaleset. is there a way to heartbeat the vmss so that if the vm instance is down or service crashed, wake up another replica to start taking the load. Is this setting in the vmss level or at the load balancer level? thanks
You could use either Application Health extension or Load balancer health probes to enable application health monitoring for instances. Only one of these can be enabled at a time. As the extension reports health from within a VM, the extension can be used in situations where external probes such as Application Health Probes (that utilize custom Azure Load Balancer probes) can’t be used.
You also could perform instance repairs using automatic instance repairs. After the automatic repairs policy is enabled, when an instance is found to be unhealthy, the scale set will automatically delete the unhealthy instance and create a new one to replace it.
In my opinion, if there is no load balancer mechanism in front of your VMSS, you can directly deploy the Application Health extension on your VMSS instances, otherwise, you prefer to use the load balancer health probe to monitor your backend endpoint health.
I have a server (apache/php) running the front end of saas platform.
This will not receive high traffic and therefore does not need load balancing.
Does it make sense to add load balancer and auto scaling group (with count of 1 server) for security reasons?
It allows the server to be isolated in the VPC + it allow services such as WAF that increase security. The extra cost is not a problem.
It does make sense in the following ways,
It can help you in configuring health checks for your instance. If
you instance fails for some reasons, the load balancer will
instantiate another EC2 instance for you hence minimizing the
downtime of your application
Naturally makes your instance more secure by hiding it in a VPC (as you suggested)
Lastly, it will future-proof your architecture and will enable you
to quickly scale up your infrastructure if need be
As you said you have a single server and do not get much traffic add a load balancer to your server.
You can enable health checks so that by integrating it with SNS you will get notified if a health check fails( server unhealthy)
By adding WAF to your application load balancer you can monitor HTTP/S requests and control access to web applications.
It depends upon your requirement like with WAF you can
Block or allow traffic to your application from a specific region
Block or allow traffic to your application from a specified IP range
You can mention the specific number of requests to your application within 5 minutes if it exceeds you can block or count.
I've been trying to configure a Cloudformation template for ECS along with Application Load Balancer (ALB) with dynamic ports.
Does the AutoScalingGroup's (ASG) health check type need to be EC2? The examples seem to use EC2 and when I set it to ELB the health check seems to fail.
If it does indeed need to be set to EC2 then does ECS manage the health of the containers itself and the ALB only manages the health of the container instances and not the containers?
Having thought about this a bit more it probably makes sense to use EC2 health check since if I had multiple containers on the container instance then one unhealthy container shouldn't cause the whole container instance to go down. However if the ALB only monitors the instance then does ECS monitor the health of the containers?
Googling my question I came across this AWS blog but it references using ELB for health checks...
Your Auto Scaling Group health check is independent of the ECS/loadbalancer monitoring. I'm not exactly sure which health check setting of your ASG you mean for health checks.
In any case, for your ECS monitoring to be aware of the health of your container, you'll want to set the health check settings on your target groups that are connected to your services. ECS will use the information that's visible in the target group to kill containers that are not considered healthy.
The templates here are great:
The ECS templates for the cluster and on top of it the service include everything you need including auto-scaling, load-balancing, health-checks, you name it..
They require a bit of tweaking but they should get you started well even out of the box.
Pay attention to the stack dependencies. Before running the ecs service template, you need to install the stacks for vpc, vpc-s3-endpoint, alert,
nat-gateway (if you're building a service confined to private subnets), and the cluster layer itself.
Have fun!
With an ELB setup, there as healthcheck timeout, e.g. take a server out of the LB if it fails X fail checks.
For a real zero down time deployment, I actually want to be able to avoid these extra 4-5 seconds of down time.
Is there a simple way to do that on the ops side, or does this needs to be in the level of the web server itself?
If you're doing continuous deployment you should deregister the instance you're deploying to from ELB (say, aws elb deregister-instances-from-load-balancer), wait for the current connections to drain, deploy you app and then register an instance with ELB.
It is also a common strategy to deploy to another AutoScaling Group, then just switch ASG on the load balancer.
I have 5 instances in ELB and in Autoscaling Group.
I am using ansible rolling display so it shuts down old instance and create new instance.
My Problem is that i have to configure instance after creation and it almost takes 20 mins after creation that i can fully use instance.
I have Health check page /apps/status
WHats happenning is aws joins all new instances and replace old ones but all new instances are in state of OutOFService and it takes further 15 mins to become active.
Is there any way that AWS only replcaes new instance when health check is ok and then start with other instance
Make the Health Checks for your ELB setting to this value in the screenshot. You will save lots of time and the instance will be available more fast. With AWS ELB the options for customization becomes limited and for sure you cannot make the ELB select which instance to choose first so my solution will reduce your latency issue to great extend.
Check this description for AWS ELB your load balancer will automatically perform health checks on your EC2 instances and only route traffic to instances that pass the health check. If an instance fails the health check, it is automatically removed from the load balancer. Customize the health check to meet your specific needs. So health check customization is the only option that open to us when it comes to EC2 instance selection.
You will want to use lifecycle hooks. See
I am new to using web services but we have built a simple web service hosted in IIS on an Amazon EC2 instance with an Amazon RDS hosted database server, this all works fine as a prototype for our mobile application.
The next stage s to look at scale and I need to know how we can have a cluster of instances handling the web service calls as we expect to have a high number of calls to the web service and need to scale the number of instances handling the calls.
I am pretty new to this so at the moment I see we use an IP address in the call to the web service which implies its directed at a specific server> how do we build an architecture on Amazon where the request from the mobile device can be handled by one of a number of servers and in which we can scale the capacity to handle more web service calls by just adding more servers on Amazon
Thanks for any help
You'll want to use load balancing, that conveniently AWS also offers:
Elastic Load Balancing automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances. It enables you to achieve even greater fault tolerance in your applications, seamlessly providing the amount of load balancing capacity needed in response to incoming application traffic. Elastic Load Balancing detects unhealthy instances within a pool and automatically reroutes traffic to healthy instances until the unhealthy instances have been restored. Customers can enable Elastic Load Balancing within a single Availability Zone or across multiple zones for even more consistent application performance.
In addition to Elastic Load Balancing, you'll want to have an Amazon Machine Image created, so you can launch instances on-demand without having to do manual configuration on each instance you launch. The EC2 documentation describes that process.
There's also Auto Scaling, which lets you set specific metrics to watch and automatically provision more instances. I believe it's throttled, so you don't have to worry about creating way too many, assuming you set reasonable thresholds at which to start and stop launching more instances.
Last (for a simple overview), you'll want to consider being in multiple availability zones so you're resilient to any potential outages. They aren't frequent, but they do happen. There's no guarantee you'll be available if you're only in one AZ.