More Robust Integrator cpp - c++

I'm trying to produce a relativistic voigt distribution, the convolution of a relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution and a gaussian function.
double relativisticBreitwigner_pdf(double energy, double width, double mass){
double massSquare = pow(mass,2);
double widthSquare = pow(width,2);
double gamma = sqrt(massSquare*(massSquare+widthSquare));
double k = (2*sqrt(2)*mass*width*gamma)/(M_PI*sqrt(massSquare + gamma) );
return k/(pow((pow(energy,2)-massSquare),2) + massSquare*widthSquare);
double gaussian_pdf(double energy, double sigma, double mass){
return (1.0/(sigma*sqrt(2*M_PI)))*exp(-(1.0/2.0)*pow((energy-mass)/sigma,2.0));
double relativisticVoigt_pdf(double energy, double width, double mass, double sigma, double range=100.0){
auto f = [&](double dummy) { return ( relativisticBreitwigner_pdf(dummy+mass,width,mass)*gaussian_pdf(energy-dummy,sigma,mass) );};
boost::math::quadrature::tanh_sinh<double> integrator;
return integrator.integrate(f,-range,range);
// return boost::math::quadrature::trapezoidal(f,-range,range,sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()),10000); }
This function relativisticVoigt_pdf(...) correctly produces a relativistic voigt distribution, however there are many 'dips' in the distribution which are incorrect which are due to the value returned from integrator.integrate(f,-range,range); not being correct.
If I reduce the integration range the size/number of these dips is smaller, but then the range of the relativistic voigt distribution is cutoff.
Attached a screenshot showing the relativistic voigt in black with that problem (compared to a nonrelativistic voigt in pink that doesn't have this problem just to check that the values outside of the dips are valid, the black curve should be close to the pink curve but slightly above it to the left of the peak and slightly below it to the right of the peak, as can be seen happens).
I assume the problem is to do with rounding errors in the integration method due to the many small numbers involved, but this is just a guess. Is there a more robust/reliable integrator that works well in this regime?
tanh_sinh integration range=100
trapezoidal integration range=250

For anyone in the future that has a similar problem, by dropping the tolerance of boost::math::quadrature::trapezoidal(...) from the default (sqrt(std::numeric_limits::epsilon()=1.48e-8, which in my code above I put in explicitly but this is the default value if it is not put in) to a larger value 1e-6 I manage to get the trapezoidal integrator to work over the full range.
I do not understand why this works, particularly since the dips do not all go to zero some of them just go a bit below the actual value. If they all went to zero I would understand it as perhaps it just not finding the integral to the required precision and hence returning zero. If anyone understands why having a more precise tolerance results in the integral being wrong I'd like to know.
While the above helped, it did not remove the problem. To solve the problem you can take the L1 parameter that is returned by trapezoidal as below:
double error;
double L1;
Then check if L1==0 or very small, if it is, vary the range until it isn't.


Largest floating point value that can be squared

I have a function that takes in an optional distance parameter dist, but my algorithm works with squared distances. If the user does not specify any value, I want dist to be as large a number as possible.
Result foo(double dist = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::max())) const;
Is the code above safe, or will it blow up because of rounding errors? Would it be better to use something (even) uglier like
Result foo(double dist = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::max() - 100)) const;
If you're careful, you can use std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity . It will do the right thing in comparisons and if you square it, it remains infinite.

Dart test with roughly equal

I am now trying to use dart:test features.
I can write something like:
expect(areaUnderCurveWithRectangleRule(f1, 0,1,1000), equals(2));
But as we know, in float/double calculation, there is no such thing as precise equal. So I am wondering if there is a roughly equal testing method? It will return true for two double values, if their difference is within a certain epsilon (say, 1E-6) or certain percentage?
If not, will this make a good feature request to Dart team?
dart:test provides a closeTo matcher for this purpose:
expect(areaUnderCurveWithRectangleRule(f1, 0,1,1000), closeTo(2, epsilon));
Note that closeTo uses an absolute delta, so a single threshold might not be appropriate for floating-point values that have very different magnitudes.
If you instead want a version that compares based on a percentage, it should be easy to wrap closeTo with your own function, e.g.:
Matcher closeToPercentage(num value, double fraction) {
final delta = value * fraction;
return closeTo(value, delta);
As far as I know there is no standart imlementation for this. But you can use the following:
expect(abs(x-y) < epsilon)
for some epsilon you defined ealier
Gives helpful errors, instead of just "false"
void near(double a, double b, {double eps = 1e-12, bool relative = false}) {
var bound = relative ? eps*b.abs() : eps;

Is to round a correct way for making float-double comparison

With this question as base, it is well known that we should not apply equals comparison operation to decimal variables, due numeric erros (it is not bound to programming language):
bool CompareDoubles1 (double A, double B)
return A == B;
The abouve code it is not right.
My questions are:
It is right to round to both numbers and then compare?
It is more efficient?
For instance:
bool CompareDoubles1 (double A, double B)
double a = round(A,4);
double b = round(B,4)
return a == b;
It is correct?
I'm considering round is a method that take a double (number) and int (precition):
bool round (float number, int precision);
I consider that a better idea of what I mean with this question will be expressed with this compare method:
bool CompareDoubles1 (double A, double B, int precision)
//precition could be the error expected when rounding
double a = round(A,precision);
double b = round(B,precision)
return a == b;
Usually, if you really have to compare floating values, you'd specify a tolerance:
bool CompareDoubles1 (double A, double B, double tolerance)
return std::abs(A - B) < tolerance;
Choosing an appropriate tolerance will depend on the nature of the values and the calculations that produce them.
Rounding is not appropriate: two very close values, which you'd want to compare equal, might round in different directions and appear unequal. For example, when rounding to the nearest integer, 0.3 and 0.4 would compare equal, but 0.499999 and 0.500001 wouldn't.
A common comparison for doubles is implemented as
bool CompareDoubles2 (double A, double B)
return std::abs(A - B) < 1e-6; // small magic constant here
It is clearly not as efficient as the check A == B, because it involves more steps, namely subtraction, calling std::abs and finally comparison with a constant.
The same argument about efficiency holds for you proposed solution:
bool CompareDoubles1 (double A, double B)
double a = round(A,4); // the magic constant hides in the 4
double b = round(B,4); // and here again
return a == b;
Again, this won't be as efficient as direct comparison, but -- again -- it doesn't even try to do the same.
Whether CompareDoubles2 or CompareDoubles1 is faster depends on your machine and the choice of magic constants. Just measure it. You need to make sure to supply matching magic constants, otherwise you are checking for equality with a different trust region which yields different results.
I think comparing the difference with a fixed tolerance is a bad idea.
Say what happens if you set the tolerance to 1e-6, but the two numbers you compare are
1.11e-9 and 1.19e-9?
These would be considered equal, even if they differ after the second significant digit. This may not what you want.
I think a better way to do the comparison is
equal = ( fabs(A - B) <= tol*max(fabs(A), fabs(B)) )
Note, the <= (and not <), because the above must also work for 0==0. If you set tol=1e-14, two numbers will be considered equal when they are equal up to 14 significant digits.
Sidenote: When you want to test if a number is zero, then the above test might not be ideal and then one indeed should use an absolute threshold.
If the round function used in your example means to round to 4th decimal digit, this is not correct at all. For example, if A and B are 0.000003 and 0.000004 they would be rounded to 0.0 and would therefore be compared to be equal.
A general purpose compairison function must not work with a constant tolarance but with a relative one. But it is all explained in the post you cite in your question.
There is no 'correct' way to compare floating point values (Even a f == 0.0 might be correct). Different comparison may be suitable. Have a look at
Similar to other posts, but introducing scale-invariance: If you are doing something like adding two sets of numbers together and then you want to know if the two set sums are equal, you can take the absolute value of the log-ratio (difference of logarithms) and test to see if this is less than your prescribed tolerance. That way, e.g. if you multiply all your numbers by 10 or 100 in summation calculations, it won't affect the result about whether the answers are equal or not. You should have a separate test to determine if two numbers are equal because they are close enough to 0.

out put of the cross product

i am trying to get the 'cross product' of two vectors. these two vectors represent two planes. so, my vectors are as a1,b1,-1 and a2,b2,-1. (I used, my plane equation as ax+by-z+d=0).
this was my defined function to get the cross product;
vector<double> cross_vector(vector<double> plane1,vector<double> plane2){
vector<double> cross_product;
double; double;
double; double;
int c1,c2=-1;
double cross_a=(b1*c2)-(b2*c1);
double cross_b=(a2*c1)-(a1*c2);
double cross_c=(a1*b2)-(a2*b1);
return cross_product;
for the result i got as below result for different plane combinations;
523554 -1.3713e+006 -0.00160687
556340 -1.43908e+006 0.00027957
-568368 1.46225e+006 -0.00034963
143455 -380017 -0.00027957
i can't understand the values like 1.46225e+006? is there any wrong with my function?
i know, my resultant cross vector should be directed exactly horizontal. So, could you also tell me how can i check whether my cross-vector is horizontal or not?
hope your advices.
int c1,c2=-1;
This leaves c1 uninitialized. Use:
int c1=-1, c2=-1;
The math looks correct. Placing a quick A = <1,0,0> and B = <0, 1, 0> gave a reasonable result on the backside of <0, 0, 1>. The e notatin represent the number times 10 to the power after the e. So those might be reasonable as well, but it's hard to say as from your example I can't tell what your input values were. I wouldn't personnaly return the value directly though - I'd prefer to return as a reference or pointer to prevent needless copying. Also, as the above poster mentioned, you do have an initialized var.

Optimization of Point to Voxel mapping

I used a profiler to look over some code which does not yet run fast enough. It found that the following function took most of the time, and half of the time in this function was spent in floor. Now, there are two possibilities: optimizing this function or going one level above and reducing the calls to this function. I wonder, if the first one is possible.
int Sph::gridIndex (Vector3 position) const {
int mx = ((int)floor(position.x / _gridIntervalSize) % _gridSize);
int my = ((int)floor(position.y / _gridIntervalSize) % _gridSize);
int mz = ((int)floor(position.z / _gridIntervalSize) % _gridSize);
if (mx < 0) {
mx += _gridSize;
if (my < 0) {
my += _gridSize;
if (mz < 0) {
mz += _gridSize;
int x = mx * _gridSize * _gridSize;
int y = my * _gridSize;
int z = mz * 1;
return x + y + z;
Vector3 is just some simple class which stores three floats and provides some overloaded operators. _gridSize is of type int and _gridIntervalSize is a float. There are _gridSize ^ 3 buckets.
The purpose of the function is to provide hash table support. Every 3d-point is mapped to an index, and points which lie in the same voxel of size _gridIntervalSize ^ 3 should land in the same bucket.
First rule of optimization when there is math involved: Eliminate division, square roots, and trig functions.
inverse_size = 1 / _gridIntervalSize;
....that should be done only once, not once per call.
int mx = ((int)floor(position.x * inverse_size) % _gridSize);
int my = ((int)floor(position.y * inverse_size) % _gridSize);
int mz = ((int)floor(position.z * inverse_size) % _gridSize);
I would also recommend dropping the mod operation because that's another division - if your grid size is a power of 2 you can use & (gridsize-1) which will also allow you to delete the conditional code at the bottom which is another big savings.
On another note, using overloaded operators may be hurting you. This is a touchy subject here so I'll let you experiment with it and decide for yourself.
I assume you use floor because negative values are possible, and because you don't want an anomaly due to the default truncation when you cast to int (values rounding toward zero from both sides, making some oversized voxels).
If you can specify a safe most-negative value for each value in the vector, you could subtract that (negative) value, or rather the nearest more-negative multiple of _gridIntervalSize, before the cast, and drop the floor.
Using fmod may ensure you have a safe most-negative value, and replace the integer %, but it's probably an anti-optimisation. Still, as a quick change, it may be worth checking.
Also, check whether your platform supports vector instructions, and whether your compiler can easily be encouraged to use them. x86 chips certainly have integer vector instructions as well as float (the old Pentium 1 MMX instructions, for a start) and might be able to handle this much more efficiently than the "normal" CPU instruction set. This may even be a case for digging out the list of vector instruction intrinsics for your compiler and doing some hand-optimisation. Just check what the compiler can do for you first - I'm not sure how much of this kind of optimisation compilers will do for you already.
One probably trivial piece of micro-optimisation...
return (mx * _gridSize + my) * _gridSize + mz;
Saves one integer multiplication. Trivial, of course, and the compiler may catch it anyway, but this is an old habitual thing.
Oh - watch the leading underscores. Those are reserved identifiers. Not likely to cause a problem, but you can't complain if they do.
Another way to avoid the floor is to handle positive and negative separately. If you are willing to accept that items bang-on-the-edge of a grid cell may be in the wrong cell (possible anyway since floats should be considered approximate). Just apply a -1 offset in the negative case, to pull it away from the zero by almost exactly right amount to compensate for the truncation. You might consider a bit-fiddling increment-the-mantissa afterwards (to get already integer values in the cell you'd expect) but this is probably unnecessary.
If you can impose power-of-two limitations to your sizes, there may be a bit-fiddling way to efficiently extract the grid position from a float, avoiding some or all of the multiply, floor and % for each of x, y and z, assuming a standard floating point representation (ie this is non-portable). Again, handle positive and negative separately. Extract the exponent, bit-shift the mantissa accordingly, then mask out unwanted bits.
I think you need to look higher up the hierarchy to get real speed improvements. That is, is storing points in a hash-map really the most efficent solution? I assume you have an array of Vector3 arrays, i.e:
Vector3 *points [size][size][size]
where each element in the 3D array is an array of Vector3.
The algorithm you're using doesn't guarantee uniform distribution of points in each Vector3 array, which may be a problem. A cluster of points within _gridIntervalSize will map to the same array.
An alternative method would be to use oct-trees, which are like binary trees but each node has eight child nodes. Each node requires the min/max x/y/z values to define the volume the node covers. To add values to the tree:
Recursive search tree to find smallest node that can contain point
Add point to node
If number of points in node > upper limit to number of points in a node
Create child nodes and move points to child nodes
You may want to use quad-trees if there is little variation in values along a particular axis. Another method is to use BSPs - divide the world into two halves and recurse to find the container to add your point to. Again, these can be dynamic.
Converting the floats to ints and having the division planes lie on integer values will speed up the process as well.
Googling the above terms will lead you to more in depth analysis of the algorithms.
Finally, using floats (or doubles) for co-ordinates in an infinite plane is a bad idea - the further you get from (0,0,0) the less precision you have (the gaps between floating point values increases as the value increases). You will need to 'reset' the floating point values to keep the precision. One method is to 'tile' the space and change the co-ordinates to use integer and floating point parts. The integer part defines the 'tile' and the floating point part defines the position in the tile. This method gets you a much simpler hashing method - just use the integer parts, no call to floor required and only integer calculations required. Another approach is to use fixed-point values rather than floating point values, but this would constrain your precision. This would make calculations accross tile boundaries much easier.
If you could expand on what the top-level requriements of your coordinate system is, there are probably better algorithms available to you.