VS Code C++ rename symbol, skip comments - c++

I'm using VS Code v1.51.1 on Ubuntu 18.04.5. I'm trying to refactor a C++ project. When I use Rename Symbol on grid symbol, its instances in comments are to be renamed too, see the right pane on the screenshot below (preview mode). I don't want that. Find All References is able to skip grid occurrences in comments as shown in the left pane below:
Is there a way to use Find All References list to guide the renaming?


How to highlight everything up to a certain point

I am new to SAS Enterprise Guide, and I'm beginning to get familiar with some of the useful keyboard shortcuts. I just figured out that Shift+F8 highlights the current step and F8 runs it, but I was wondering if there is a way to set up a shortcut that highlights the current step AND everything before it.
For those of you familiar with RStudio, what I'm looking for is analagous to the "Run all chunks above" option.
I've tried looking at the Macros menu to see if there is an existing option, but I didn't find one.
CTRL+SHIFT+HOME will select everything from a line up to the start of the program

Vim isnt highlighting basic types in c/c++

I have recently started using vim and i see my syntax files are located in /usr/share/vim/vim74 (I'm on linux Mint) and my c.vim seems to make the basic things like int and double keywords however when I edit any c or c++ files none of the types are highlighted however some things like const are highlighted. I am not sure why this is happening. Can anyone help me out?
To check whether the syntax parsing works as expected, check (when editing a C / C++ file) with
:syntax list
that those keywords (like int) are defined. You'll also get a preview of the highlight coloring there. Alternatively, the colors are shown via
To change those, you have to switch to another :colorscheme or edit / augment the current one.
For advanced troubleshooting, I recommend the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin.

Eclipse CDT Generate method stubs from header file?

I'm wondering if there is a command or plugin for eclipse that will take a header file of mine and auto-generate all of the method stubs into the CPP file from that header? I've googled and the lack of results would say not so, yet I can see in the CDT preferences under templates that there is an option to enable stub generation... but cannot find the command to use it. Thanks!
Okay so, after doing some more searching I found the solution myself. In the header file, right click in white space and select "Implement Method" and a window will appear showing a list of method declarations within the header. You can select some or all, then click "Finish" and be done with it or "Next" to follow the rest of the guided wizard process.
I've noticed at times when using this that the formatting of the generated stubs can be screwed up, or can screw up the formatting of your existing CPP file. If that does happen, just right click within the CPP file white space, click "Source" and select "Format" to correct the issue.
Another Edit
For some reason after all this time, there's been a bunch of activity of people trying to edit my answer to change it completely. All the edit is trying to communicate is that there is apparently a CTRL+3 shortcut to bring up the implement methods window.
I got a little lost in the Eclipse CDT and could not find the Implement Method selection described above. So for clarity sake I am posting this.
In Eclipse CDT Mars (and maybe previous versions):
Right click on white-space inside the .h or header file. Initial menu appears...
Click on Source->Implement Method...
Popup window appears; check methods (stubs) to create in .cpp / implementation file.
You could also check out http://www.lazycplusplus.com/. It is more powerful than generating method-stubs. It generates header and source files. I managed to integrate it in Visual Studio, so it runs on every build. Maybe you can do that in Eclipse, too.
On my blog http://itmuckel.de I wrote an article about integrating Lazy C++ in Eclipse. It works really good. Here is the direct downloadlink of the tutorial: http://itmuckel.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/lzz_integration.pdf
It is written in german, but the screenshots of Eclipse show the english version. Besides that Google Translate will do a good job, too.

Eclipse copy code with syntax highlighting

I'm writing a document of programming guidelines for my developers team. I use MS Word. We work with Eclipse CDT (C++). I need to copy-paste C++ code with syntax highlighting from Eclipse to Word. I've tried Notepad++ and it can export text with syntax highlighting, but it's highlighting is limited to basic syntax (it doesn't know about defined class, enum etc...).
Eclipse syntax highlighting is very powerful and I wish to export directly from Eclipse to Word using it's syntax highlighting.
Is there any Eclipse plugin that achieve this purpose? Or some trick to do it (without taking a screen snapshot)?
When you copy the code to word document, you can choose the option "keep source formatting" and the highlighting will be the same as the one in eclipse.
As mentioned in the comments below, this won't work on folded code, so you can right click on the line numbers and select Folding > Expand All
Also mentioned in the comments, as of eclipse oxygen, the code is automatically copied with syntax highlighting
When I copy from Eclipse straight to PowerPoint some of the formatting is messed up. Bold and color seems to "keep going". But if I copy from Eclipse to Word -- and then from Word to PowerPoint (with the keep source formatting CNTRL-K) -- the formatting is correct. I recently upgraded Eclipse to Mars and Office to 2013. I still have to go through Word first.
I was trying it too and for some reason not every compile unit would keep the formating.
After a while I've seen that you also won't get the formating kept if there are parts of the code hidden, so for the ones that cannot make it work with the answers above, just make sure that there are no "+" signs on the left of your code (mine were where the imports at the beggining).
Copying of formatting is supported since version 3.2
Note that everything is copied: highlighting of spelling errors, marked variables/types/etc and underscoring of warnings/errors.
To avoid that, turn off spell checking, "Mark Occurrences" and "Report problems as you type" respectively.

Visual Studio addin for mass breakpoints

When I'm starting with some big code I don't know. I find useful to me to search for a constant or function name and then add a breakpoint at all the references so I can begin to understand the code. Is there a VS adding to do that quickly ?
You could add breakpoint on function as described here.
I dont know that, but you can easily find all references by issuing Find All References in the right click menu.