Read Timezoneinfo from windows registry (C++) - c++

I am trying to read the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION struct from windows registry with the following code:
void GetTimeZoneInfo(){
char *keyname="TZI";
DWORD size = sizeof(tz_data);
char *zone_key = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones\\Central Standard Time";
if ((RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, zone_key, 0, KEY_READ, &hk) == ERROR_SUCCESS))
if(RegQueryValueExA(hk, keyname, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &tz_data, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
{ /*Control enters here*/
/*Read the data*/
cout<<"Successful in retrieving the value"<<endl;
tz.Bias = tz_data.Bias;
tz.DaylightBias = tz_data.DaylightBias;
tz.DaylightDate = tz_data.DaylightDate;
tz.StandardBias = tz_data.StandardBias;
tz.StandardDate = tz_data.StandardDate;
else{ cout<<"Failure in retrieving the value"<<endl;}
else { cout<<"RegOpenKey Failure!"<<endl;}
It sets all to zero value, but don't see any error on running RegOpenKeyExA and RegQueryValueExA.
TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION is stored in registry as type: REG_BINARY
Is this the right way to read from registry?

According to MS docs TZI key contains the following time zone information:
typedef struct _REG_TZI_FORMAT
LONG Bias;
LONG StandardBias;
LONG DaylightBias;
SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
You are reading to a wrong struct - TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION.

A couple of things:
In most cases you should be using the DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure, as it supports the full range of data that is in the registry. Most of the Win32 time zone functions have alternative versions that work with the dynamic structures.
You don't need to load the information from the registry yourself. Instead, use EnumDynamicTimeZoneInformation. Enumerate them until the TimeZoneKeyName matches the one you are looking for.
As nevilad pointed out, the TZI entries in the registry data aligns with _REG_TZI_FORMAT, which is slightly different than TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure. (But again, you don't need to read from the registry yourself.


Use AES CBC with NCrypt in windows

I'm trying to use the NCrypt.dll to encrypt some data, in C++, and I'm having trouble handling keys and algorithms.
I would like to use AES with the CBC chainging method but, can't get the NCryptEncrypt function to work (I keep getting an invalid buffer size thrown).
I have created and stored a key (in the key storage provider) using the NCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM flag but, have no idea how to set the algorithm to use the CBC method.
secSt = NCryptCreatePersistedKey(phProvider, &keyHndl, NCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM, keyname, 0, 0);
I've tried a few property settings and had no success so, I would like to know if this is even possible with NCrypt?
I know the Bcrypt encrypt function allows this and tried to convert my NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE to a BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE without success (so I reckon this is not possible).
You can apply the chaining mode CBC by using NCryptSetProperty and the BCrypt constant BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_CBC.
Note that NCryptEncrypt does not seem to support padding for symmetric keys (see description of parameter dwFlags in NCryptEncrypt). So I had to apply some poor man's padding of the clear text to get a multiple of 16 bytes. Without the padding, I also get the status code 0xc0000206 (STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE).
// Clear text for testing
static const char* clearText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1234567890. ";
static const int clearTextLen = 64;
int main()
LPCWSTR keyName = L"NCryptTest";
// Open storage provider
status = NCryptOpenStorageProvider(&hProvider, NULL, 0);
// Get stored key
status = NCryptOpenKey(hProvider, &hKey, keyName, 0, 0);
if (status == NTE_BAD_KEYSET)
// Create key if it doesn't exist
status = NCryptCreatePersistedKey(hProvider, &hKey, BCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM, keyName, 0, 0);
status = NCryptFinalizeKey(hKey, 0);
// Set the chaining mode CBC
status = NCryptSetProperty(hKey, NCRYPT_CHAINING_MODE_PROPERTY, (PBYTE)chainMode, wcslen(chainMode) * 2 + 2, 0);
// Encrypt the text
DWORD outlen = -1;
unsigned char* cipherData = new unsigned char[clearTextLen];
status = NCryptEncrypt(hKey, (PBYTE)clearText, clearTextLen, NULL, cipherData, clearTextLen, &outlen, 0);
// Cleanup
delete[] cipherData;
return 0;

Exporting shared secret as BYTE array from BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE

I'm implementing ECDHE using crypto next generation APIs (CNG). I generate public and private keys successfully. For pre-shared key, I use BCryptSecretAgreement API, which returns me the pre-shared key secret handle (BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE).
How can I export the pre-shared key as BYTE array from the BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE?
Starting with Windows 10, you can call BCryptDeriveKey() with BCRYPT_KDF_RAW_SECRET.
The resulting key data is the raw secret.
Note 1: bcrypt.h indicates that this format works for "WINBLUE", which would be Windows 8.1, if I understand correctly, but I received STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED for the use of this KDF type on both Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2. This works, however, on Windows 10.)
Note2: I found the data returned using this KDF type to be little-endian (where everything else in BCrypt is big-endian). So, to use the value in an otherwise big-endian world, you need to byte-flip the data.
I needed to do the following, and here is an excerpt from my code which does the critical items, you will need to import the private and public keys before this segment
DWORD bCryptStatus;
BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE importedPublicKey = NULL;
BYTE *agreedSecret = NULL;
DWORD agreedSecretLength = 0;
//Import your keys here
//Generate the secret from the imported keys
bCryptStatus= BCryptSecretAgreement(privateKeyHandle, importedPublicKey, &secretHandle, 0);
//Now get the raw value of the secret agreement and copy it into an array
bCryptStatus= BCryptDeriveKey(
secretHandle, // Secret agreement handle
BCRYPT_KDF_RAW_SECRET, // Key derivation function (null terminated unicode string)
NULL, // KDF parameters
NULL, // Buffer that recieves the derived key
0, // Length of the buffer
&agreedSecretLength, // Number of bytes copied to the buffer
0); // Flags
agreedSecret = (PBYTE)MALLOC(agreedSecretLength);
if (NULL != agreedSecret)
_nCryptError = BCryptDeriveKey(
secretHandle, // Secret agreement handle
BCRYPT_KDF_RAW_SECRET, // Key derivation function (null terminated unicode string)
NULL, // KDF parameters
agreedSecret, // Buffer that recieves the derived key
agreedSecretLength, // Length of the buffer
&agreedSecretLength, // Number of bytes copied to the buffer
0); // Flags
//Free all the objects and the array when you are done, otherwise you will get memory leaks
if (NULL != importedPublicKey)
if (NULL != privateKeyHandle)
if (NULL != secretHandle)
if (NULL != agreedSecret)
As a side note, if you use NCrypt, this will work also (NCryptDeriveKey), I verified it on my production code.
As it was stated earlier, the array will be reversed, and you will need to reverse the array of bytes to get the secret.
Once you got your BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE, you use BCryptDeriveKey to obtain the actual symmetric encryption key.
After calling BCryptSecretAgreement, You need to use the BCryptDeriveKey function to retrieve the shared secret.
This can be done as follows:
// generates an ECDH shared secret from a public key and a private key
int get_ECDH_key(BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE pubkey, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE privkey, unsigned char **key,
unsigned int *keylen)
int _len;
// creates the shared secret, stored in a BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE
sstatus = BCryptSecretAgreement(privkey, pubkey, &secret, 0);
if (!BCRYPT_SUCCESS(sstatus)) {
printf("BCryptSecretAgreement failed with status %d", sstatus);
return 0;
// find out how much space is needed before retrieving the shared secret
sstatus = BCryptDeriveKey(secret, BCRYPT_KDF_HASH, NULL, NULL, 0, &_len, 0);
if (!BCRYPT_SUCCESS(sstatus)) {
printf("BCryptDeriveKey failed with status %d", sstatus);
return 0;
// allocate space for the shared secret
*key = malloc(_len);
if (*key == NULL) {
perror("malloc failed");
// retrieve the shared secret
sstatus = BCryptDeriveKey(secret, BCRYPT_KDF_HASH, NULL, *key, _len,
keylen, 0 );
if (!BCRYPT_SUCCESS(sstatus)) {
printf("BCryptDeriveKey failed with status %d", sstatus);
return 0;
return 1;
For the second parameter, the constant BCRYPT_KDF_HASH says to use a hash as the key derivation function. The hash to use can be specified in the third parameter. In this example, the third parameter is NULL, so it uses SHA1 by default.
Also, the fourth parameter, which is a pointer to the buffer to receive the key, can be NULL. If so, the key is not copied however the number of bytes that would be copied are written to the address given by the sixth parameter. This allows us to allocate the proper amount of space then call the function again, this time passing in the address of the allocated buffer.

Reading from a very large text file resource in C++

We have some data in a text file which is built into our executable as a custom resource to be read at runtime. The size of this text file is over 7 million characters.
I can successfully search for and locate strings within the resource which appear near the top of the text file, but when attempting to search for terms a few million characters down, strstr returns NULL indicating that the string cannot be found. Is there a limit to the length of a string literal that can be stored in a char* or the amount of data that can be stored in an embedded resource? Code is shown below
char* data = NULL;
if(NULL != hRes)
HGLOBAL hData = LoadResource(hInst, hRes);
if (hData)
DWORD dataSize = SizeofResource(hInst, hRes);
data = (char*)LockResource(hData);
char* pkcSearchResult = strstr(data, "NumListDetails");
if ( pkcSearchResult != NULL )
// parse data
The problem might be the method you use for searching. strstr uses ANSI strings, and will terminate when it encounters a '\0' in the search domain.
You might use something like memstr (one of many implementations can be found here).
Do you get any output from GetLastError(), specifically after calling SizeofResource.
You can also check that dataSize > 0 to ensure an error hasn't occurred.
DWORD dataSize = SizeofResource(hInst, hRes);
if(dataSize > 0)
data = (char*)LockResource(hData);
//check error codes
The problem was null characters in the data which prematurely ended the char* variable. To get around this I just had to read the data into a void pointer then copy it into a dynamically created array.
DWORD dataSize = SizeofResource(hInst, hRes);
void* pvData = LockResource(hData);
char* pcData = new char[dataSize];

If Registry Key Does Not Exist

I'm adding my program to start up with:
HKEY newValue;
return 0;
And I wanted to add a check if key doesn't exists only then to create it. And something else is weird with my code I have checked the registry for my key and I see in the data column my application path + "..." (after .exe) and when I double click to check the data the popup opens and it's fine it's .exe only not .exe...
Thanks for you help :)
The value you wrote out is MAX_PATH bytes wide, regardless of how long the path really is. Thus you probably have a lot of non-printing characters after the .exe, and that's why you see the "...".
The documentation says the last parameter is the size in bytes of the string, including the null terminator. So we need to know the length of the string (lstrlen(szPath)), we need to account for the null terminator (+ 1), and we need to convert from TCHARs to bytes (sizeof(TCHAR)*).
const DWORD cbData = sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(szPath) + 1);
RegSetValueEx(newValue, "myprogram", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szPath, cbData);
This API is error prone, and should be used very carefully to avoid unintentional truncation or buffer overrun. (The fact that you need those casts to get it to compile should make you very cautious.) Many Windows functions that take pointers to strings want lengths in characters (which may not be bytes) or they figure out the length from the termination. This one doesn't do either of those things.
you can check the registry function output....
Here I am giving the Idea you can use it...
bool function()
HKEY hKey;
LPCTSTR subValue;
HKEY resKey;
DWORD dataLen;
subKey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run";
long key = RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, subKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &resKey);
if(key == ERROR_SUCCESS)
subValue = "ProgramData";
long key = RegQueryValueExA(resKey, subValue, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return false;
std::string data = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\program.exe";
DWORD dataLen = data.size()+1;
long key = RegSetValueExA(resKey, subValue, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)data.c_str(), dataLen);
if(key == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return true;
return false;
return false;
You can use RegCreateKeyEx() to create a new key or open an existing key.
The "..." you see in RegEdit is because the column is not wide enough -- double-click at the end of the column-header to resize the column.
I suggest what is suggest in the MSDN: You should enumerate the Subkeys/Values in a Key with RegEnumKey(Ex)() or RegEnumValue() and then check wether the key is listed
and for an example.
Hope this helps.

Why, after using 'CryptSetHashParam', can I no longer add data to my MD5 hash object?

I am trying to use the Microsoft 'Crypt...' functions to generate an MD5 hash key from the data that is added to the hash object. I am also trying to use the 'CryptSetHashParam' to set the hash object to a particular hash value before adding data to it.
According to the Microsoft documentation (if I am interpreting it correctly), you should be able to do this by creating a duplicate hash of the original object, use the 'CryptGetHashParam' function to retrieve the hash size then use 'CryptSetHashParam' on the original object to set the hash value accordingly. I am aware that after using 'CryptGetHashParam' you are unable to add additional data to a hash object (which is why I thought you needed to create a duplicate), but I can't add data to either the original hash object or the duplicate hash object after using either 'CryptGetHashParam' (as expected), or 'CryptSetHashParam' (which I didn't expect).
Below are code extracts of the class I am writing and an example of how I am using the class functions:
The result I get after running the code is:
"AddDataToHash function failed - Errorcode: 2148073484.", which translates to: "Hash not valid for use in specified state.".
I've tried many different ways to try and get this working as intended, but the result is always the same. I accept that I am doing something wrong, but I can't see what it is I'm doing wrong. Any ideas please?
m_dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
m_hCryptProv = NULL;
m_hHash = NULL;
m_hDuplicateHash = NULL;
if(!CryptAcquireContext(&m_hCryptProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET))
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
if (m_dwLastError == 0x80090016 )
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
m_hCryptProv = NULL;
if(!CryptCreateHash(m_hCryptProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &m_hHash))
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
m_hHash = NULL;
bool CAuthentication::SetHashKeyString(char* pszKeyBuffer)
bool bHashStringSet = false;
DWORD dwHashSize = 0;
DWORD dwHashLen = sizeof(DWORD);
if(pszKeyBuffer != NULL && strlen(pszKeyBuffer) == DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_LENGTH)
if(CryptDuplicateHash(m_hHash, NULL, 0, &m_hDuplicateHash))
if(CryptGetHashParam(m_hDuplicateHash, HP_HASHSIZE, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&dwHashSize), &dwHashLen, 0))
char*pPtr = pszKeyBuffer;
ULONG ulTempVal = 0;
for(ULONG ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < dwHashSize; ulIdx++)
sscanf(pPtr, "%02X", &ulTempVal);
byHash[ulIdx] = static_cast<BYTE>(ulTempVal);
pPtr+= 2;
if(CryptSetHashParam(m_hHash, HP_HASHVAL, &byHash[0], 0))
bHashStringSet = true;
pszKeyBuffer = "";
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
if(m_hDuplicateHash != NULL)
return bHashStringSet;
bool CAuthentication::AddDataToHash(BYTE* pbyHashBuffer, ULONG ulLength)
bool bHashDataAdded = false;
if(CryptHashData(m_hHash, pbyHashBuffer, ulLength, 0))
bHashDataAdded = true;
m_dwLastError = GetLastError();
return bHashDataAdded;
CAuthentication auth;
if(!auth.AddDataToHash(pbyHashBuffer, ulDataLen))
TRACE("CryptHashData function failed - Errorcode: %lu.\n", auth.GetAuthError());
You can't do it because it doesn't make any sense. CryptGetHashParam with the HP_HASHVAL option finalizes the hash, so there is no way to add data to it. If you want to "fork" the hash so that you can finalize it at some point as well as add data to it, you must duplicate the hash object prior to finalizing. Then you add the data to one of the hash objects and finalize the other. For example, you might do this if you wanted record a cumulative hash after every 1024 bytes of a data stream. You should not call CryptSetHashParam on the hash object that you are continuing to add data to.
CryptSetHashParam with the HP_HASHVAL option is a brutal hack to overcome a limitation in the CryptoAPI. The CryptoAPI will only sign a hash object, so if you want to sign some data that might have been hashed or generated outside of CAPI, you have to "jam" it into a hash object.
Based on your comment, I think you are looking for a way to serialize the hash object. I cannot find any evidence that CryptoAPI supports this. There are alternatives, however, that are basically variants of my "1024 bytes" example above. If you are hashing a sequence of files, you could simply compute and save the hash of each file. If you really need to boil it down to one value, then you can compute a modified hash where the first piece of data you hash for file i is the finalized hash for files 0, 1, 2, ..., i-1. So:
H-1 = empty,
Hi = MD5 (Hi-1 || filei)
As you go along, you can save the last successfully computed Hi value. In case of interruption, you can restart at file i+1. Note that, like any message digest, the above is completely sensitive to both order and content. This is something to consider on a dynamically changing file system. If files can be added or changed during the hashing operation, the meaning of the hash value will be affected. It might be rendered meaningless. You might want to be certain that both the sequence and content of the files you are hashing is frozen during the entire duration of the hash.