I am new to powerShell and need to input a text file, parse it to extract the data we need and write the result to a .csv file. However, at this point I still am unable to parse the file and am totally confused about which PS commands to use and how to incorporate regular expressions. While I could write out all of the ways I've tried to get this to work I think it would be more beneficial to just ask for help and then ask questions on anything I don't fully understand. FYI: we're running Win10 and my only 2 scripting options are batch or PowerShell.
We have a JSON file that was formatted by notepad++ and looks like this:
"issue": [{
"field": [{
"name": "someName",
"value": [],
"values": []
"field": [{
"name": "numberinproject",
"value": ["81"],
"values": ["81"]
"field": [{
"name": "summary",
"value": ["This is a summary for 81."],
"values": ["This is a summary for 81."]
"text": "someText for 81 - 01",
"permitted group":null
"text": "someText for 81 - 02",
"permitted group":null
"text": "someText for 81 - 03",
"permitted group":null
"field": [{
"name": "someNameTwo",
"value": [],
"values": []
"field": [{
"name": "numberinproject",
"value": ["83"],
"values": ["83"]
"field": [{
"name": "summary",
"value": ["This is a summary for 83."],
"values": ["This is a summary for 83."]
What I am attempting to do is extract the numberinproject, summary and Comment text, created and Author.
Notice that there could be Zero to multiple comments per project number. The comment.created field is a 13 digit epoch number that has to be converted into mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM
I had hoped to export this data into a .csv file but at this time would be happy just getting the data parsed out of the file.
Thanks for whatever feedback you can give.
By request: Here are some of the things I tried and I apologise for this being such a mess. Since the "json" file was not in a format that convertfrom-json could use I assumed the file was actually text and that is where this starts.
What I've picked up has been from Searching on the web. If anyone can suggest a good article, please let me know and I will read it.
Set-Variable -Name "inputFile" -Value "inputFile.txt"
Set-Variable -Name "outputTXTFile" -Value "outputTXTFile.txt"
Set-Variable -Name "outputFile" -Value "outputFile.csv"
numberinProject = \"value\"\:\s\[\"\d+
summary = \"value\"\:\s\[\".+\"\],
comment - text = \"text\"\:\s\".+\",
comment - created = \"created\"\:\d{13}
comment - author = \"Author\"\:\"\w+\.\w+
## This actually worked. Though it grabbed the whole line, my plan was to then parse it a for a substring.
$results = Get-Content -Path $inputFile | Select-String -Pattern '"values": ' -CaseSensitive -SimpleMatch
# ------------------------------------------------
# However, If I tried using regex, the parse failed
$results = Get-Content -Path $inputFile | Select-String -Pattern \"values\"\:\s\[\"\d+ -CaseSensitive -SimpleMatch
# I also tried this
#$A = Get-ChildItem $inputFile | Select-String -Pattern '(<ID>\"value\"\:\s\[\"\d'
# $results | Export-CSV $outputFile -NoTypeInformation
$results | Out-File $outputTXTFile
# ---------------------------------------------------------
#I tried to output the file as a single string for manipulation - it didn't work
Get-Content -Path $inputFile) -join "`r`n" | Out-File $outputTXTFile
# I tried to use "patterns" to find the data but that didn't work
$issueIDPattern = "(<ID>\"value\"\:\s\[\"\d+)"
$summaryPattern = "\"value\"\:\s\[\".+\"\],"
$commentTextPattern = "\"text\"\:\s\".+\","
$commentDatePattern = "\"created\"\:\d{13}"
$commentAuthorPattern = "\"Author\"\:\"\w+\.\w+
Get-ChildItem $inputFile|
Select-String -Pattern $issueIDPattern |
Foreach-Object {
$ID = $_.Matches[0].Groups['ID'].Value
[PSCustomObject] #{
issueNum = $ID
### Also tried a variation of this
Get-Content C:\Path\To\File.txt) -join "`r`n" -Split "(?m)^(?=\S)" |
Where{$_} |
Clear-Variable commentauthor,commentcreated,commenttext,summary,numberinProject
$commentcreated = #()
$numberinProject = ($_ -split "`r`n")[0].trim()
Switch -regex ($_ -split "`r`n"){
"^\s+summary:" {$summary = ($_ -split ':',2)[-1].trim();Continue}
"^\s+.:\\" {$commentcreated += $_.trim();continue}
"^\s+commenttext" {$commenttext = [RegEx]::Matches($_,"(?<=commenttext installed from )(.+?)(?= \[)").value;continue}
[PSCustomObject]#{'numberinProject' = $numberinProject;'summary' = $summary; 'commenttext' = $commenttext; 'commentcreated' = $commentcreated}
I am trying to parse the output of a rest api query of the form
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers
$response.name | Select-String -Pattern ^role
returns an output similar to this below (elements separated by ::)
I need to read this output line by line and parse.
If there are just 2 elements eg. role::servicing2 ignore the line
If there are 3 elements, ignore the first element "role", prepend puppet_ to the second element and it becomes the project, the third element is the role (OS is unknown)
If there are 4 or more elements, ignore the first element "role", prepend puppet_ to the second element and it becomes the project, if the third element is "windows" or "linux" that is the OS, else OS is "unknown", and the last element \:\:'(\w+)'$ is the role.
Need an output in the form of an array or table or list in this format
(Don't necessarily need header)
Project OS Role
puppet_collaboration unknown lei
puppet_commercial_lines unknown npds
puppet_nvp windows ucce_gold
puppet_oracle linux oracle_oid
puppet_splunk unknown add_on
I have tried various regex expressions. Couldn't figure out the logic of walking this line by line and parsing appropriately into a list or array.
I think below code should do what you want:
$roles = #'
'# -split '\r?\n'
$result = $roles | ForEach-Object {
$parts = $_ -split '::'
switch ($parts.Count) {
2 { continue } # ignore this line
3 {
'Project' = 'puppet_{0}' -f $parts[1]
'OS' = 'unknown'
'Role' = $parts[2]
default {
'Project' = 'puppet_{0}' -f $parts[1]
'OS' = if ('windows', 'linux' -contains $parts[2]) {$parts[2]} else {'unknown'}
'Role' = $parts[-1]
# output on screen
# output to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\roles.csv' -NoTypeInformation
For testing I have put the result of your $response.name | Select-String -Pattern ^role in a here-string.
Project OS Role
------- -- ----
puppet_collaboration unknown lei
puppet_commercial_lines unknown npds
puppet_nvp windows ucce_gold
puppet_oracle linux oracle_oid
puppet_splunk unknown add_on
I'm new to both Postman and Newman.
I have created my simple test which uses the Environment Variables JSON for some properties values.
It runs fine when the value for this key is hardcoded in the environment.json but it's failing if I'm trying to pass/replace the value for the key from the command-line.
I do not have global variable json, and if possible, prefer not to use it.
Here is my command-line:
newman run "C:\Users\Automation\Postman\postman_autotest.json" --folder "AUTO" --global-var "client_secret=XXXX" --environment "C:\Users\Automation\Postman\postman_environment.json"
This value is essential for the API to work/connect, thus I'm getting 400 error back.
here is this key in the environment.json
"id": "673a4256-f5a1-7497-75aa-9e47b1dbad4a",
"name": "Postman Env Vars",
"values": [
"key": "client_secret",
"value": "",
"description": {
"content": "",
"type": "text/plain"
"enabled": true
"_postman_variable_scope": "environment",
"_postman_exported_at": "2019-04-03T20:31:04.829Z",
"_postman_exported_using": "Postman/6.7.4"
Just a thought... You can use a wrapper powershell script to replace the key at runtime then delete the file.
Param (
$envFile = "C:\Users\Automation\Postman\postman_environment.json"
$envFileWithKey = "C:\Users\Automation\Postman\postman_environment_w_key.json"
$json = Get-Content $envFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$json.values[0].key = $Secret
ConvertTo-Json $json -Depth 10 | Out-File $envFileWithKey -Force
newman run "C:\Users\Automation\Postman\postman_autotest.json" --folder "AUTO" --environment $envFileWithKey
Remove-Item -Path $envFileWithKey
Then just:
.\RunAutomation.ps1 -Secret "this_is_a_secret_sshhhhhh"
I'm trying to extract data using Regex positive lookbehind. I have created a .ps1 file with the following content:
$input_path = ‘input.log’
$output_file = ‘Output.txt’
$regex = ‘(?<= "name": ")(.*)(?=",)|(?<= "fullname": ")(.*)(?=",)|(?<=Start identity token validation\r\n)(.*)(?=ids: Token validation success)|(?<= "ClientName": ")(.*)(?=",\r\n "ValidateLifetime": false,)’
select-string -Path $input_path -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value } >$output_file
The input file looks like this:
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11 ids: Start end session request
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11 ids: Start end session request validation
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11 ids: Start identity token validation
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11 ids: Token validation success
"ClientId": "te_triouser",
"ClientName": "TE Trio User",
"ValidateLifetime": false,
"Claims": {
"iss": "http://sv-trio17.adm.linkoping.se:34000/core/",
"aud": "te_triouser",
"exp": "1552054900",
"nbf": "1552054600",
"nonce": "f1ae9044-25f9-4e7f-b39f-bd7bdcb9dc8d",
"iat": "1552054600",
"at_hash": "Wv_7nNe42gUP945FO4p0Wg",
"sid": "9870230d92cb741a8674313dd11ae325",
"sub": "23223",
"auth_time": "1551960154",
"idp": "tecs",
"name": "tele2",
"canLaunchAdmin": "1",
"isLockedToCustomerGroup": "0",
"customerGroupId": "1",
"fullname": "Tele2 Servicekonto Test",
"tokenIdentifier": "2Ljta5ZEovccNlab9QXb8MPXOqaBfR6eyKst/Dc4bF4=",
"tokenSequence": "bMKEXP9urPigRDUguJjvug==",
"tokenChecksum": "NINN0DDZpx7zTlxHqCb/8fLTrsyB131mWoA+7IFjGhAV303///kKRGQDuAE6irEYiCCesje2a4z47qvhEX22og==",
"idpsrv_lang": "sv-SE",
"CD_UserInfo": "23223 U2 C1",
"amr": "optional"
If i run the regex through http://regexstorm.net/tester i get the right matches. But when i run my script with powershell on my computer I dont get the matches where I have \r\n in the regex question. I only get the matches from the first two regex questions.
I agree with #AdminOfThings to use Get-Content with the -raw parameter.
also don't use typographic quotes in scripts.
If the number of leading spaces aren't really fixed replace with one space and + or * quantifier.
make the \r optional => \r?.
A minimal complete verifiable example should also include your expected output.
EDIT changed Regex to be better readable
The following script
## Q:\Test\2019\03\22\SO_55298614.ps1
$input_path = 'input.log'
$output_file = 'Output.txt'
$regexes = ('(?<= *"(full)?name": ")(.*)(?=",)',
'(?<=Start identity token validation\r?\n)(.*)(?=ids: Token validation success)',
'(?<= *"ClientName": ")(.*)(?=",\r?\n *"ValidateLifetime": false,)')
$regex = [RegEx]($regexes -join'|')
Get-Content $input_path -Raw | Select-String -pattern $regex -AllMatches |
ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Value }
yields this sample output:
> Q:\Test\2019\03\22\SO_55298614.ps1
08:15.27.47-922: T= 11
TE Trio User
Tele2 Servicekonto Test
I am creating a script to parse outlook email body, so that I can get say an (ID number, date, name) after strings ID: xxxxxx Date: xxxxxx Name:xxxxx. I was looking around and could not fine anything that allows me to take the string after a match.
What I manage so far is to query for the email that was send by the specific users from outlook.
Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$inbox = $namespace.GetDefaultFolder([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders]::olFolderInbox)
foreach ($items in $inbox.items){if (($items.to -like "*email*") -or ($items.cc -like "*email.add*")){$FindID = $items.body}}
Now that I have the email body in the for loop I am wondering how I can parse the content?
In between the paragraphs will be a text something like this
ID: xxxxxxxx
Name: xxxxxxxxx
Date Of Birth : xxxxxxxx
I did some testing on the below to see if I can add that into the for loop but it seem like I cannot break the paragraphs.
$FindID| ForEach-Object {if (($_ -match 'ID:') -and ($_ -match ' ')){$testID = ($_ -split 'ID: ')[1]}}
I get the following results which I cannot get just the ID.
Sample Result when i do $testID
Name: xxxxxxxxx
Date Of Birth : xxxxxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx
How do I get just the results I want? I am just struggling at that portion.
You'll need a Regular Expression with (named) capture groups to grep the values. See example on rexgex101.com.
Provdid $item.bodyis not html and a single string, this could work:
## Q:\Test\2018\07\24\SO_51492907.ps1
Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$inbox = $namespace.GetDefaultFolder(
## see $RE on https://regex101.com/r/1B2rD1/1
$RE = [RegEx]'(?sm)ID:\s+(?<ID>.*?)$.*?Name:\s+(?<Name>.*?)$.*?Date Of Birth\s*:\s*(?<DOB>.*?)$.*'
$Data = ForEach ($item in $inbox.items){
if (($item.to -like "*email*") -or
($item.cc -like "*email.add*")){
if (($item.body -match $RE )){
ID = $Matches.ID
Name = $Matches.Name
DOB = $Matches.DOB
$Data | Export-CSv '.\data.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Sample output with above anonimized mail
> Q:\Test\2018\07\24\SO_51492907.ps1
-- ---- ---
xxxxxx... xxxxxxx... xxxxxx...
I don't have Outlook available at the moment, but i think this will work
Add-Type -Assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
$Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$inbox = $namespace.GetDefaultFolder([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders]::olFolderInbox)
$inbox.items | Where-Object { $_.To -like "*email*" -or $_.CC -like "*email.add*"} {
$body = $_.body
if ($body -match '(?s)ID\s*:\s*(?<id>.+)Name\s*:\s*(?<name>.+)Date Of Birth\s*:\s*(?<dob>\w+)') {
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
'Subject' = $_.Subject
'Date Received' = ([datetime]$_.ReceivedTime).ToString()
'ID' = $matches['id']
'Name' = $matches['name']
'Date of Birth' = $matches['dob']
I am trying to use a power shell script to read the contents of a file and pick a specific type of word from it. I need to load the word that is found as a variable which I intend to use further downstream.
This is how my input file looks like:
"AvailabilityZone": "ap-northeast-1b",
"VolumeType": "gp2",
"VolumeId": "vol-087238f9",
"State": "creating",
"Iops": 100,
"SnapshotId": "",
"CreateTime": "2016-09-15T12:17:27.952Z",
"Size": 10
The specific word I would like to pick is vol-xxxxxxxx.
I used this link to write my script
How to pass a variable in the select-string of powershell
This is how I am doing it:
$Filename = "c:\reports\volume.jason"
$regex = "^[vol-][a-z0-9]{8}$"
$newvolumeid=select-string -Pattern $regex -Path $filename > C:\Reports\newVolumeid.txt
When I run this script it runs but does not give any response. Seems somehow the output of select string is not loaded into the variable $newvolumeid.
Any idea how to resolve this? Or what I am missing?
PS: The post mentioned above is about 3 years old and doesn't work hence I am reposting.
You are trying to read a property of a JSON object. Instead of using regex, you can parse the JSON and select the property using:
Get-Content 'c:\reports\volume.jason' | ConvertFrom-Json | select -ExpandProperty VolumeId
Try this
$Inpath = "E:\tests\test.txt"
$INFile = Get-Content $Inpath
$NeedsTrimming = $INFile.Split(" ") | ForEach-Object {if ($_ -like '*vol-*'){$_}}
$FirstQuote = $NeedsTrimming.IndexOf('"')
$LastQuote = $NeedsTrimming.LastIndexOf('"')
$vol = $NeedsTrimming.Substring(($FirstQuote + 1),($LastQuote - 1))