I have a problem with opening clipboard multiple times. It opens up fine on the first call, however, my program needs to access the clipboard several times, but shuts down on the second call of OpenClipboard(NULL) with the CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN error).
This is a function that opens the clipboard
void Translator::process_copied()
//cout << "processing" << endl;
if (OpenClipboard(NULL))
HANDLE clip;
clip = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT);
HANDLE res = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR)*wcslen((WCHAR*)clip)+1);
res = clip;
SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, res);
std::cout << GetLastError();
//throw clipboard_did_not_open;
//cout << "error in opening clipboard" << endl;
I suspect that the problem appears in the SetClipboardData() function, because if I remove it, clipboard doesn't have any problem opening multiple times. The same goes to res = clip; line.
I am new to WinAPI and C++ in general, so I apologize if my question is silly.
When storing a memory block on the clipboard, the HANDLE given to SetClipboardData() must be allocated with the GMEM_MOVEABLE flag, per the SetClipboardData() documentation:
If the hMem parameter identifies a memory object, the object must have been allocated using the [GlobalAlloc] function with the GMEM_MOVEABLE flag.
As such, you must call GlobalLock() on the HANDLE returned by GetClipboardData() in order to access the data, per the GlobalAlloc() documentation:
Allocates movable memory. Memory blocks are never moved in physical memory, but they can be moved within the default heap.
The return value is a handle to the memory object. To translate the handle into a pointer, use the GlobalLock function.
Don't just type-cast the HANDLE as-is, like you can for a memory object allocated with the GMEM_FIXED flag.
You are also not putting any character data in the res memory that you allocate with GlobalAlloc(). Which is moot, since you are not putting your allocated memory on the clipboard at all, you are actually putting the original HANDLE from GetClipboardData() back onto the Clipboard, and then leaking your res memory.
Try something more like this instead:
void Translator::process_copied()
//cout << "processing" << endl;
HWND hwnd = ...; // a window that YOU own
if (OpenClipboard(hwnd))
HANDLE clip = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT);
if (clip)
WCHAR *text = (WCHAR*) GlobalLock(clip);
HANDLE res = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVABLE, (wcslen(text)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (res)
WCHAR *newText = (WCHAR*) GlobalLock(res);
// put characters in newText as needed...
wcscpy(newText, text);
if (!SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, res))
std::cout << GetLastError();
//throw clipboard_did_not_set;
//cout << "error in setting clipboard data" << endl;
std::cout << GetLastError();
//throw global_memory_not_allocated;
//cout << "error in allocating memory" << endl;
std::cout << GetLastError();
//throw clipboard_data_not_get;
//cout << "error in getting clipboard data" << endl;
std::cout << GetLastError();
//throw clipboard_did_not_open;
//cout << "error in opening clipboard" << endl;
This question already has an answer here:
OpenFileMapping issues, can't find filemap
(1 answer)
Closed last year.
I'm trying to use WinApi to CreateFileMapping, MapViewOfFile and CopyMemory. It's not showhing me errors and buffor is being filed with my PID
int write_pid_to_memory(const char *t_pid)
_tprintf(TEXT("[write_pid_to_memory] t_pid: (%s).\n"), t_pid);
HANDLE h_map_file;
LPCTSTR p_buf;
h_map_file = CreateFileMapping(
INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // use paging file
NULL, // default security
PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access
0, // maximum object size (high-order DWORD)
BUF_SIZE, // maximum object size (low-order DWORD)
t_name); // name of mapping object
if (h_map_file == NULL)
_tprintf(TEXT("[write_pid_to_memory] Could not create file mapping object (%d).\n"),
return 1;
p_buf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(
h_map_file, // handle to map object
FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission
if (p_buf == NULL)
_tprintf(TEXT("[write_pid_to_memory] Could not map view of file (%d).\n"),
return 1;
std::cout << "[write_pid_to_memory] strlen(t_pid) * sizeof(char) " << strlen(t_pid) * sizeof(char) << std::endl;
CopyMemory((PVOID)p_buf, t_pid, (strlen(t_pid) * sizeof(char)));
std::cout << "p_buf " << p_buf << std::endl;
return 0;
... but then there is reading from memmory
int access_pid_from_memory()
HANDLE h_map_file;
LPCTSTR p_buf;
h_map_file = OpenFileMapping(
FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write access
FALSE, // do not inherit the name
t_name); // name of mapping object
if (h_map_file == NULL)
_tprintf(TEXT("[access_pid_from_memory] Could not open file mapping object (%d).\n"),
return 1;
p_buf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(
h_map_file, // handle to map object
FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission
if (p_buf == NULL)
_tprintf(TEXT("[access_pid_from_memory] Could not map view of file (%d).\n"),
return 1;
MessageBox(NULL, p_buf, TEXT("[access_pid_from_memory] Process2"), MB_OK);
return 0;
where I get System Error (2) while trying to open Mapping.
My PID: 19516
[access_pid_from_memory] Could not open file mapping object (2).
[write_pid_to_memory] t_pid: (19516).
[write_pid_to_memory] strlen(t_pid) * sizeof(char) 5
p_buf 19516
Envariamental variable = NEW
Env var value length = 3
Env var value compare resault = 0
Mutex created sucesfully
Code of those functions is from
and only thing I've changed is
CopyMemory((PVOID)p_buf, t_pid, (strlen(t_pid) * sizeof(char)));
Instead of
CopyMemory((PVOID)pBuf, szMsg, (_tcslen(szMsg) * sizeof(TCHAR)));
Where t_pid is just a const char *, becouse I was tired of Windows TCHAR types and I had no clue how to convert DWORD ProcessID to TCHAR to pass it to memcopy.
Well, I'm clueless why I'm unable to open Mapping. Windows is probably beyond me and I have no idea
TCHAR t_name[] = TEXT("Global\\MyFileMappingObject");
is supposed to be recognised by system to find memory from which I want to read a message.
Whole programm is supposed to lock execution for only one process and if there is a System variable named "SO2" of value "NEW", new process should stop execution of previous process and continoue locking program for himself.
Locking mechanism is with mutex and to find previous porcess ID, I wanted my current process ID to be saved in memory, for next process to read it form, to close it when sys var will be "NEW".
Nothing crazy. All of this in Linux I've done in one day, but Windows is killing me.
Please help
There is main if someone would be intrested:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 2048
#define ENV_KEY "SO2"
#define ENV_VAL "NEW"
#define BUF_SIZE 256
TCHAR t_name[] = TEXT("Global\\MyFileMappingObject");
HANDLE h_mutex;
int write_pid_to_memory(const char *dw_pid);
int access_pid_from_memory();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
DWORD dw_pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
std::stringstream stream;
stream << dw_pid;
const char *t_pid = stream.str().c_str();
// int legnth = s_pid.length()
// const char *t_pid = (char*)malloc( * sizeof(char));
// const char t_pid = (char)malloc(strlen(dw_pid) * sizeof(char));
std::cout << "My PID: " << dw_pid << std::endl;
std::string env_val(ENV_VAL);
char c_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
LPCSTR lp_name = ENV_KEY;
LPSTR lp_buffer = c_buffer;
DWORD get_env_var;
//Write to memory your pid for other process to access it and close you
get_env_var = GetEnvironmentVariable(
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND)
std::cout << "Couldn't find envariamental variable \"SO2\"." << std::endl;
if (BUFFER_SIZE == get_env_var)
std::cout << "Buffer for function [GetEnvironmentVariable] is too small. Function failed." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Envariamental variable = " << lp_buffer << std::endl;
std::string str_buffer(lp_buffer);
std::cout << "Env var value length = " << str_buffer.length() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Env var value compare resault = " << str_buffer.compare(env_val) << std::endl;
HANDLE h_mutex = NULL;
h_mutex = OpenMutex(
if (NULL != h_mutex)
if (str_buffer.compare(env_val) == 0)
//Realease mutex3
//Close previous process
throw std::runtime_error("Instance of a program is already running");
h_mutex = CreateMutex(
if (h_mutex == NULL)
std::cout << "Failed to create mutex: error - " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "Mutex created sucesfully" << std::endl;
DWORD dw_wait_res;
dw_wait_res = WaitForSingleObject(
h_mutex, // handle to mutex
INFINITE); // no time-out interval
for (;;)
return 0;
Your logging clearly shows [access_pid_from_memory] occurs before [write_pid_to_memory].
And we can clearly see in your main() function that it calls access_pid_from_memory() first (which attempts to open the memory map and then closes it), and then afterwards calls write_pid_to_memory() (which creates the memory map and then closes it). Since there is no active handle referring to the mapping, it gets destroyed as soon as write_pid_to_memory() exits.
So, you are doing operations out of order, which is why OpenFileMapping() is failing. At no point does the mapping actually exist when access_pid_from_memory() is trying to open it.
You need to do the following instead:
in one process, create the mapping first, and leave it open.
THEN, in another process, open the mapping while it is still open in the previous process.
THEN, use the mapped memory as needed.
THEN, close the mapping in both processes.
There are other issues with your code, too:
converting the process ID to a string just to share it. You can share the ID as a binary DWORD instead.
access_pid_from_memory() doesn't actually read anything from the mapping (if it were able to open it at all).
main() is assigning t_pid to point at dangling memory. The call to stream.str() produces a temporary std::string that is destroyed as soon as c_str() exits.
I don't even know what you are attempting to do with your environment variable and mutex, and what that has to do with sharing memory. For purposes of this post, you should remove that code until you have your shared memory working properly.
I know this code is sloppy, but I'm wondering why when I'm using the ReadProcessMemory() function I can't see the string stored in the relevant address.
//If the game window is open then this function grabs the process ID.
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &procID);
//All so access you can read and write to process memory.
if(procID = NULL)
cout << "Error: Failed to Obtain Process ID" << endl;
//To read the process memory this line writes the memory data to buffer
//Remember to change the address every time you boot the process or it will not work.
ReadProcessMemory(handle, (PBYTE*)0xDC8F1AA904,&Cursor,sizeof(Cursor),0);
cout << Cursor << endl;
cout << "Test" << endl;
if(procID = NULL)
Sadly, this if statement will always evaluate to false, you are missing the second "=". This also means that from this point procID is NULL.
What about the rest of the code? Can you show us how the definition of the Cursor looks like and how do you implemented operator<<?
I`m struggling for the past many hours with the following problem: I try to read a file using CreateFile and ReadFile methods.
Here is the code:
char* Utils::ReadFromFile(wchar_t* path) {
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(
path, // long pointer word string file path (16 bit UNICODE char pointer)
GENERIC_READ, // access to file
0, // share mode ( 0 - prevents others from opening/readin/etc)
NULL, // security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // action to take on file -- returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, // readonly and offset possibility
NULL // when opening an existing file, this parameter is ignored
std::cout << "File opening failed" << endl;
std::cout << "Details: \n" << Utils::GetLastErrorMessage() << endl;
hFile = NULL;
return nullptr;
LARGE_INTEGER largeInteger;
GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &largeInteger);
LONGLONG fileSize = largeInteger.QuadPart;
if (fileSize == 0) {
std::cout << "Error when reading file size" << endl;
std::cout << "Details: \n" << Utils::GetLastErrorMessage() << endl;
hFile = NULL;
return nullptr;
cout << "File size: " << fileSize << endl;
char* bytesRead;
bytesRead = new char(fileSize);
int currentOffset = 0;
int attempts = 0;
int nBytesToBeRead = BYTES_TO_READ;
//DWORD nBytesRead = 0;
OVERLAPPED overlap{};
errno_t status;
while (currentOffset < fileSize) {
overlap.Offset = currentOffset;
if (fileSize - currentOffset < nBytesToBeRead)
nBytesToBeRead = fileSize - currentOffset;
status = ReadFile(
hFile, // file handler
bytesRead + currentOffset, // byted read from file
nBytesToBeRead, // number of bytes to read
NULL, // number of bytes read
&overlap // overlap parameter
if (status == 0) {
std::cout << "Error when reading file at offset: " << currentOffset << endl;
std::cout << "Details: \n" << Utils::GetLastErrorMessage() << endl;
std::cout << "Attempt: " << attempts << endl;
if (attempts == 3) {
cout << "The operation could not be performed. Closing..." << endl;
hFile = NULL;
return nullptr;
else {
cout << "Read from offset: " << currentOffset;// << " -- " << overlap.InternalHigh << endl;
currentOffset += nBytesToBeRead;
if (currentOffset == fileSize) {
cout << "File reading completed" << endl;
return bytesRead;
When running this method I get some weird results:
One time it worked perfectly
Very often I get Access violation reading location for currentOffset variable and overlap.InternalHigh ( I commented last one), with last method from CallStack being
msvcp140d.dll!std::locale::locale(const std::locale & _Right) Line 326 C++
Sometimes the function runs perfectly, but I get access violation reading location when trying to exit main function with last method from CallStack being
ucrtbased.dll!_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(const void * block) Line 1385 C++
I read the windows documentation thoroughly regarding the methods I use and checked the Internet for any solution I could find, but without any result. I don't understand this behaviour, getting different errors when running cod multiple times, and therefore I can`t get to a solution for this problem.
Note: The reason I am reading the file in repeated calls is not relevant. I tried reading with a single call and the result is the same.
Thank you in advance
You are allocating a single char for bytesRead, not an array of fileSize chars:
char* bytesRead;
bytesRead = new char(fileSize); // allocate a char and initialize it with fileSize value
bytesRead = new char[fileSize]; // allocate an array of fileSize chars
So, i'm injecting a code in the memory of another process like this:
void RemoteInj::ExecuteFunction(DWORD Start, DWORD End, DWORD Entry, RemoteArgs* Args)
unsigned long Id;
int size = End - Start;
cout << size << endl;
void* Func = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, size+10, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
void* ep = (void*)(Entry-Start+(DWORD)(Func));
WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, Func, (void*)Start, size, NULL);
void* Data = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, sizeof(RemoteArgs)+1, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, Data, (void*)Args, sizeof(RemoteArgs), NULL);
cout << hex << Func << endl;
cout << "Function: 0x" << hex << Start << endl << "End: 0x" << hex << End << endl;
CreateRemoteThread(hProcess, NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ep, Data, NULL, NULL);
My problem is: If i use calls in that thread, for example:
void F(RemoteArgs* arg)
while (true)
arg->pSleep(50); //Works
Sleep(50); //doesnt work
No need to explain why it doesn't work, i know, it's another process....My question is: Is there a way to make function like this(Sleep()) work, i could try importing to the process also the IAT with the proper distance, do you have a better idea?Thanks!
As you suspect, the reason this doesn't work right off the bat is that the call to Sleep in your process actually goes to a location in your import address table (IAT) which has a jump to the real Sleep implementation in kernel32.dll. Even though the other process also imports kernel32.dll (all processes do), it obviously does not have an identical IAT.
There are ways, but none that I know of are trivial.
I am having a really hard time with some API calls to the Wininet dll. I am trying to read cookies client side set by IE 9. Here's the code.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <WinInet.h>
#include <iostream>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
DWORD dwSz = 500;
std::cout << "Hello Chris" << std::endl;
lpData = new TCHAR[dwSz];
std::wcout << "Arg 0: " << argv[1] << std::endl;
bool val = InternetGetCookieEx(argv[1], argv[2], lpData, &dwSz, INTERNET_COOKIE_THIRD_PARTY | INTERNET_FLAG_RESTRICTED_ZONE, NULL);
if (!val)
std::cout << "Insufficent Buffer size" << std::endl;
lpData = new TCHAR[dwSz];
val = InternetGetCookieEx(argv[1], argv[2], lpData, &dwSz, INTERNET_COOKIE_THIRD_PARTY | INTERNET_FLAG_RESTRICTED_ZONE, NULL);
if (val)
std::cout << "Cookie Data: " << lpData << std::endl;
std::cout << "ERROR Code: " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
int err = GetLastError();
std::cout << "ERROR Code: " << err << std::endl;
std::cout << "Cookie Data: " << lpData << std::endl;
return 0;
The problem that I am having is that when I call InternetGetCookeEx I always return false and get an error code of 259, which means no more data available. When you consult the API essentially what that means is that it couldn't find my cookie.
Because I am using IE 9 the names for files that the cookie is being stored in are obviously mangled , which is why I am trying to read my cookie data that way.
I have removed the company name to protect the company. Essentially what I am trying to do is. Find the lUsrCtxPersist cookie value. Therefore I am calling the code as such CookieReader.ext http://[CompanyDomain].com lUsrCtxPersist.
However I always get a false and an error code of 259. Any light you might be able to shed on this would be greatly appreciated.
Try to use IEGetProtectedModeCookie
Assuming the cookie name is correct, then try removing the INTERNET_COOKIE_THIRD_PARTY and/or INTERNET_FLAG_RESTRICTED_ZONE flags and see what happens. Or try calling InternetGetCookie() instead, which has no such flags available.
On a separate note, when InternetGetCookieEx() returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, you are leaking memory. You need to delete[] your existing buffer before then calling new[] to allocate a new buffer.