Error: "couldn't infer template argument '_Tp' " when passing in {} into - c++

struct compar {
bool operator()(const vector<int>& a,
const vector<int>& b) const {
return a[1] < b[1];
auto it = lower_bound(events.begin(), events.end(), {0, events[i][0]}, compar());
This code gives me an error with the {0, events[i][0]}:
/bits/stl_algo.h:2022:5: note: candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument '_Tp'
lower_bound(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last,
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/bits/algorithmfwd.h:353:5: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 3 arguments, but 4 were provided
lower_bound(_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp&);
1 error generated.
But when I define it as a vector explicitly, it works as desired.
vector<int> point = {0, events[i][0]};
auto it = lower_bound(events.begin(), events.end(), point, compar());
Can someone explain why?

Braced-init-list has no type itself, it can't be used for deduction of template parameter. This is non-deduced context:
In the following cases, the types, templates, and non-type values that are used to compose P do not participate in template argument deduction, but instead use the template arguments that were either deduced elsewhere or explicitly specified. If a template parameter is used only in non-deduced contexts and is not explicitly specified, template argument deduction fails.
The parameter P, whose A is a braced-init-list, but P is not std::initializer_list, a reference to one (possibly cv-qualified), or a reference to an array:
As you're showed, you have to specify the type explicitly, e.g.
auto it = lower_bound(events.begin(), events.end(), vector<int>{0, events[i][0]}, compar());
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
Or specify template arguments as
auto it = lower_bound<decltype(events.begin()), std::vector<int>>(events.begin(), events.end(), {0, events[i][0]}, compar());
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Passing a lambda function to a template method

I have the following templated method:
auto clusters = std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<long>, math::Vector3f>>
template<class T>
void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, std::function<int(const T&, const T&)> func)
And I have a function that looks like
auto comp1 = [&](
const std::pair<std::vector<long>, math::Vector3f>& n1,
const std::pair<std::vector<long>, math::Vector3f>& n2
) -> int {
return 0;
math::eraserFunction(clusters, comp1);
However, I get a syntax error saying:
116 | void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, std::function<int(const T&, const T&)> func)
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
core.hpp:116:6: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
geom.cpp:593:23: note: 'math::method(const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int, float, int, int, float)::<lambda(const std::pair<std::vector<long int>, Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> >&, const std::pair<std::vector<long int>, Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> >&)>' is not derived from 'std::function<int(const T&, const T&)>'
593 | math::eraserFunction(clusters, comp1);
The function call tries to deduce T from both the first and second function parameter.
It will correctly deduce T from the first parameter, but fail to deduce it from the second parameter, because the second function argument is a lambda type, not a std::function type.
If deduction isn't possible from all parameters that are deduced context, deduction fails.
You don't really need deduction from the second parameter/argument here, since T should be fully determined by the first argument. So you can make the second parameter a non-deduced context, for example by using std::type_identity:
void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, std::type_identity_t<std::function<int(const T&, const T&)>> func)
This requires C++20, but can be implemented easily in user code as well if you are limited to C++11:
template<typename T>
struct type_identity { using type = T; };
and then
void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, typename type_identity<std::function<int(const T&, const T&)>>::type func)
std::identity_type_t<T> is a type alias for std::identity_type<T>::type. Everything left to the scope resolution operator :: is a non-deduced context, which is why that works.
If you don't have any particular reason to use std::function here, you can also just take any callable type as second template argument:
template<class T, class F>
void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, F func)
This can be called with a lambda, function pointer, std::function, etc. as argument. If the argument is not callable with the expected types, it will cause an error on instantiation of the function body containing the call. You can use SFINAE or since C++20 a type constraint to enforce this already at overload resolution time.

How to pass an n-dim Eigen tensor to a function?

I'm looking to make a loss function that can take 2 tensors of any dimensions as parameters, but the dimensions of tensor 1 (t1) and tensor (t2) must match. Below are the templates that I tried to use to can pass the tensors into the function. I was thinking that T would be a type and N would model the number of indexes possible without explicitly writing a type for infinitely possible tensor dimensions.
#include <iostream>
namespace Loss {
template<class T, std::size_t N>
void loss(Eigen::Tensor<T, N, 0>& predicted, Eigen::Tensor<T, N, 0>& actual) {
std::cout << "Loss::loss() not implemented" << std::endl;
#include "loss.h"
int main() {
Eigen::Tensor<double, 3> t1(2, 3, 4);
Eigen::Tensor<double, 3> t2(2, 3, 4);
Loss::loss(t1, t2);
return 0;
The type error that I get before compiling from my editor:
no instance of function template "Loss::loss" matches the argument list -- argument types are: (Eigen::Tensor<double, 3, 0, Eigen::DenseIndex>, Eigen::Tensor<double, 3, 0, Eigen::DenseIndex>
And this is the message I get once I compile (unsuccessfully):
note: candidate template ignored: substitution failure [with T = double]: deduced non-type template argument does not have the same type as the corresponding template parameter ('int' vs 'std::size_t' (aka 'unsigned long'))
void loss(Eigen::Tensor<T, N, 0>& predicted, Eigen::Tensor<T, N, 0>& actual) {
1 error generated.
The error message is pointing out the type of the non-type template parameter is size_t, but in the declaration of t1 and t2 the value of that parameter is 3, which has type int. This mismatch makes the template argument deduction fail.
You can fix this by changing the type of the non-type template parameter to int
template<class T, int N>
void loss( // ...
or just let it be deduced
template<class T, auto N>
void loss( // ...
number literals are signed integers, and you’ve specified the number type of your template as size_t Which is unsigned. So the types don’t match. Try Eigen::Tensor<double, 3u> … in your main program to use unsigned literals.

C++ Candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting types for parameter 'T' ('std::__1::basic_string<char>' vs. 'char [4]')

I have the following code that fails when I call a bfs function and pass string literal as an argument:
template<typename T>
using Graph = unordered_map<T, vector<T> >;
template<typename T>
vector<T> bfs(const Graph<T>& graph, const T& root) {
int main() {
Graph<string> social_network = {
{"you", {"tony", "steve", "nick"}},
{"tony", {"clint"}},
{"nick", {"thor", "natasha"}},
{"steve", {"phil", "clint"}}
bfs(social_network, "you"); <-- the problem is here
The error is the following:
Candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting types for parameter 'T' ('std::__1::basic_string<char>' vs. 'char [4]')
if I explicitly specify string type for the argument, the code compiles successfully:
bfs(social_network, string("you"));
Is there a way to pass a string literal as an argument and make this code compile as well:
bfs(social_network, "you");
You can make type of root as being ignored in deduction of template parameters by using type_identity_t (required c++20), then T is taken from graph parameter:
const std::type_identity_t<T>& root

std::bind on a generic lambda - auto type deduction

Consider the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
int main() {
auto run = [](auto&& f, auto&& arg) {
auto foo = [](int &x) {};
int var;
auto run_foo = std::bind(run, foo, var);
return 0;
Which gives the following compilation error when compiled with clang:
$ clang++ -std=c++14 my_test.cpp
my_test.cpp:6:9: error: no matching function for call to object of type 'const (lambda at my_test.cpp:8:16)'
/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/../../../../include/c++/6.3.1/functional:998:14: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'main()::(anonymous class)::operator()<const (lambda at my_test.cpp:8:16) &, const int &>' requested here
= decltype( std::declval<typename enable_if<(sizeof...(_Args) >= 0),
/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/../../../../include/c++/6.3.1/functional:1003:2: note: in instantiation of default argument for 'operator()<>' required here
operator()(_Args&&... __args) const
my_test.cpp:11:12: note: while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'operator()' [with _Args = <>, _Result = (no value)]
my_test.cpp:8:16: note: candidate function not viable: 1st argument ('const int') would lose const qualifier
auto foo = [](int &x) {};
my_test.cpp:8:16: note: conversion candidate of type 'void (*)(int &)'
1 error generated.
Why is arg deduced to be const int& instead of just int&?
std::bind documentation says:
Given an object g obtained from an earlier call to bind, when it is
invoked in a function call expression g(u1, u2, ... uM), an invocation
of the stored object takes place, as if by std::invoke(fd,
std::forward(v1), std::forward(v2), ...,
std::forward(vN)), where fd is a value of type std::decay_t the
values and types of the bound arguments v1, v2, ..., vN are determined
as specified below.
Otherwise, the
ordinary stored argument arg is passed to the invokable object as
lvalue argument: the argument vn in the std::invoke call above is
simply arg and the corresponding type Vn is T cv &, where cv is the
same cv-qualification as that of g.
But in this case, run_foo is cv-unqualified. What am I missing?
#include <functional>
int main() {
int i;
std::bind([] (auto& x) {x = 1;}, i)();
[func.bind]/(10.4) states that the cv-qualifiers of the argument passed to the lambda are those of the argument to bind, augmented by the cv-qualifiers of the call wrapper; but there are none, and thus a non-const int should be passed in.
Both libc++ and libstdc++ fail to resolve the call. For libc++, reported as #32856, libstdc++ as #80564. The main problem is that both libraries infer the return type in the signature somehow, looking like this for libstdc++:
// Call as const
template<typename... _Args, typename _Result
= decltype( std::declval<typename enable_if<(sizeof...(_Args) >= 0),
typename add_const<_Functor>::type&>::type>()(
_Mu<_Bound_args>()( std::declval<const _Bound_args&>(),
std::declval<tuple<_Args...>&>() )... ) )>
_Result operator()(_Args&&... __args) const
During template argument deduction as necessitated by overload resolution, the default template argument will be instantiated, which causes a hard error due to our ill-formed assignment inside the closure.
This can be fixed by perhaps a deduced placeholder: remove _Result and its default argument entirely, and declare the return type as decltype(auto). This way, we also get rid of SFINAE which influences overload resolution and thereby induces incorrect behaviour:
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
struct A {
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_const<T>{}> operator()(T&) const;
int main() {
int i;
std::bind(A{}, i)();
This should not compile—as explained above, the argument passed to A::operator() should be non-const because i and the forwarding call wrapper are. However, again, this compiles under libc++ and libstdc++, because their operator()s fall back on const versions after the non-const ones fail under SFINAE.

Function Overloading, Could Not Deduce Template Argument

I'm trying to overload a Sum function which accepts a [list or vector] start and end iterator as arguments. This compiler error is really confusing me. Relevant code is as follows:
template <typename T1, typename T2>
const double Sum(const typename T1::const_iterator& start_iter, const typename T2::const_iterator& end_iter)
{// overloaded function that calculates sum between two iterators
typename T1::const_iterator iterator_begin = start_iter;
typename T2::const_iterator iterator_end = end_iter;
double my_sum = 0;
for (iterator_begin; iterator_begin != iterator_end; iterator_begin++)
my_sum += *iterator_begin;
return my_sum;
int main()
list<double> test_list(10,5.1);
cout << Sum(test_list.begin(), test_list.end()); // compiler errors here
I get the following compiler errors:
iterators.cpp(72): error C2783: 'const double Sum(const
T1::const_iterator &,const T2::const_iterator &)' : could not deduce
template argument for 'T1'
iterators.cpp(72): error C2783: 'const double Sum(const
T1::const_iterator &,const T2::const_iterator &)' : could not deduce
template argument for 'T2'
iterators.cpp(72): error C2780: 'const double Sum(const
std::map &)' : expects 1 arguments - 2 provided
iterators.cpp(72): error C2780: 'const double Sum(const T &)' :
expects 1 arguments - 2 provided
How is the compiler not recognizing I'm trying to call the Sum function with two inputs? I'm calling the function incorrectly?
You dont need to tell it that iterators have to be members of some types T1 and T2, just template it on iterator type itself:
template <typename Iter>
const double Sum(Iter iterator_begin, Iter iterator_end)
double my_sum = 0;
for (; iterator_begin != iterator_end; ++iterator_end)
my_sum += *iterator_begin;
return my_sum;
int main()
std::list<double> test_list;
std::cout << Sum(test_list.begin(), test_list.end());
return 0;
also there is a standard std::accumulate that does this:
int main()
std::list<double> test_list;
std::cout << std::accumulate(test_list.begin(), test_list.end(), 0.0);
return 0;
First, I don't think you want to do this. Not all sequences have an
underlying container. (Think of istream_iterators, for example.) And
more importantly, you're distinctly allowing (and even encouraging)
begin and end iterators from different containers; there is no case
where you could legally use this function where T1 and T2 have
different types. The template should have a single parameter, which
should be an iterator; and by convention, the constraints on the
iterator should be expressed in the name of the parameter, e.g.
InputIterator (the case here), ForwardIterator, etc.
As to why your code doesn't compile:
In most cases, the types, templates, and non-type values that are used
to compose P participate in template argument deduction. That is, they
may be used to determine the value of a template argument, and the
value so determined must be consistent with the values determined
elsewhere. In certain contexts, however, the value does not
participate in type deduction, but instead uses the values of template
arguments that were either deduced elsewhere or explicitly specified.
If a template parameter is used only in non-deduced contexts and is
not explicitly specified, template argument deduction fails.
The non-deduced contexts are:
— The nested-name-specifier of a type that was specified using a
(From §,5.)
Call method like this..
Sum<list<double>,list<double> >(test_list.begin(), test_list.begin());