IDWriteFactory::CreateTextLayout method causes window to suddenly close - c++

In the app that I'm building using the Windows API, I am currently working on writing text to the screen. I am trying to use the CreateTextLayout method, but with that particular function, I am running into problems that I can't figure out how to solve. When I just run my app, I starts fine and the just exits with no error warnings of any kind. Using breakpoints, I traced the issue to that function. Here is the code I am using to call it:
IDWriteFactory* writeFactory;
IDWriteTextFormat* writeTextFormat;
IDWriteTextLayout* writeTextLayout;
HRESULT App::CreateDeviceIndependentResources()
// Create a Direct2D factory.
hr = D2D1CreateFactory(
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = DWriteCreateFactory(
if (writeFactory == NULL)
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = writeFactory->CreateTextFormat(
L"Times New Roman",
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Create a DirectWrite text format object.
hr = writeFactory->CreateTextLayout(
L"Projects", // The string to be laid out and formatted.
8, // The length of the string.
writeTextFormat, // The text format to apply to the string (contains font information, etc).
10.0f, // The width of the layout box.
10.0f, // The height of the layout box.
&writeTextLayout // The IDWriteTextLayout interface pointer.
I feel like this is pretty basic becuase I just followed the tutorial on; however, something is clearly wrong. My guess is that it could be related to writeTextFormat. It is an IDWriteTextFormat object. Additionally, all of these objects are initialized in the CreateDeviceIndependentResources() functions. Should I initialize them elsewhere?

You confuse the use of D2D1CreateFactory and DWriteCreateFactory.
D2D1CreateFactory is used to create the ID2D1Factory interface, which is used to create an ID2D1HwndRenderTarget and an ID2D1SolidColorBrush to render text.
DWriteCreateFactory is used to create an IDWriteFactory interface, which is the root factory interface for all DirectWrite objects. And the DirectWrite objects are used to format the text.
Such as:
ID2D1HwndRenderTarget* pRT_;
wszText_, // The string to render.
cTextLength_, // The string's length.
pTextFormat_, // The text format.
layoutRect, // The region of the window where the text will be rendered.
pBlackBrush_ // The brush used to draw the text.
Maybe you can start from Part 2: Create Device Independent Resources.
Some code:
IDWriteFactory* pDWriteFactory_;
hr = DWriteCreateFactory(
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Create a DirectWrite text format object.
hr = pDWriteFactory_->CreateTextLayout(
L"Projects", // The string to be laid out and formatted.
8, // The length of the string.
writeTextFormat, // The text format to apply to the string (contains font information, etc).
10.0f, // The width of the layout box.
10.0f, // The height of the layout box.
&writeTextLayout // The IDWriteTextLayout interface pointer.
Official example: HelloWorld


Visual Studio C++ How do I stop images from being scaled wrong when I maximize window D3D11 and D2D1

So I'm trying to iron out kinks of how I'm rendering images with direct stuff. Right now it works as a DXGISwapchain with D3D11 and I make a ID2D1RenderTarget which I draw to using bitmaps. My issue is when I hit the maximize button on the window my images are off, or at least the ones using data from the window grabbed with GetClientRect (the others seem... close enough but probably still off and I want to be able to use the client space to scale and draw things later as well). I have a D2D1::RectF set with the top left at 0.0f and the bottom right as the window's height and width grabbed via GetClientRect (along with a few others just for additional fooling around). Looked around and it seems like I need to call recreate the ID2D1RenderTarget and/or resize the buffers. Calling a function to recreate the ID2D1RenderTarget before making objects which contain the bitmaps and the functions which draw them did not help with the issue at all. I tried resizing the buffers but I keep getting errors, first set were regarding parameters, but before fixing that I realized I needed to release the objects, but now my it seems since I have made the objects with ComPtr it seems how it deals with deleting them is having issues. client.h is calling an exception: "Access violation executing location " with the unsigned long InternalRelease() function. This occurs with the function to adjust the buffers and target. So right now I'm lost as to what to do in order to get the desired effect. Only other things to note is the ID3D11RenderTargetView I made is used to clear to a color since for I had errors with calling Clear(D2D1::ColorF(D2D1::ColorF::White)); on my ID2D1RenderTarget. I don't care if the solution to this resizes the ID3D11RenderTargetView unless it will improve speed for the program or prevent some sort of unforeseen issue elsewhere since I don't intend to use it aside for that. If I could call clear on the ID2D1RenderTarget and no longer need the ID311RenderTargetView and keep the swapchain while resolving the issue that would work too. Also I intend to work out fullscreen mode next so a method that works with that would also be very much desired. I'm also open to take any other advice here, while it's not polished and just in a form to get things working first, I probably will miss things even when tidying up. Anyway here's the code:
Here's the Graphics class where I make the swapchain, buffers and rendertargets and such and the function in which I try and reset the buffers. Side note I followed some tutorials on my way here to get me to understand enough of the direct stuff to get here and get to the point where I'm looking into to stuff on Microsoft and understanding it somewhat to solve problems I have. Anyway one of them went through making some exceptions and that is what stuff like Graphic_Throw_Failure() are for. (though I did it wrong or the errors are doing something and I can't see the pop up window half the time, sometimes it stops in the exception code but I can still read the message)
//not in the cpp file but just how some variables exist for clarity.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Device> pDevice = nullptr;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr < IDXGISwapChain> pSwapChain = nullptr;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr < ID3D11DeviceContext> pContext = nullptr;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr < ID3D11RenderTargetView> pRTarget = nullptr;
ID2D1RenderTarget* p2dRenderTarget = nullptr;
ID2D1Factory* p2DFactory = nullptr;
Graphics::Graphics(HWND hwnd) {
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC swapchainDesc = {};
ZeroMemory(&swapchainDesc, sizeof(DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC));
swapchainDesc.Windowed = true;
swapchainDesc.BufferCount = 1;
swapchainDesc.BufferDesc.Height = 0;
swapchainDesc.BufferDesc.Width = 0;
swapchainDesc.BufferDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
swapchainDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
swapchainDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
swapchainDesc.SwapEffect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_DISCARD;
swapchainDesc.BufferUsage = DXGI_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_OUTPUT;
swapchainDesc.BufferDesc.RefreshRate.Numerator = 1;
swapchainDesc.BufferDesc.RefreshRate.Denominator = 60;
swapchainDesc.OutputWindow = hwnd;
//3Dbuffer setup
wrl::ComPtr<ID3D11Resource> p3dbuffer = nullptr;
Graphic_Throw_Failure(pSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Resource), &p3dbuffer));
Graphic_Throw_Failure(pDevice->CreateRenderTargetView(p3dbuffer.Get(), nullptr, &pRTarget));
//2D buffer Setup
IDXGISurface* pBackBuffer = nullptr;
//makes 2d Factory
Graphic_Throw_Failure(D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_SINGLE_THREADED, &p2DFactory));
//sets up DXGI buffer for 2d
FLOAT dpi;
dpi = GetDpiForWindow(hwnd);
//p2DFactory->GetDesktopDpi(&dpiX, &dpiY);
pBackBuffer, &p2dRTprops, &p2dRenderTarget
//the adjusting function I failed to make. could also be missing somethings I need to clear before
//calling ResizeBuffers
void Graphics::adjustRenderTargets(HWND hwnd) {
//3Dbuffer setup
wrl::ComPtr<ID3D11Resource> p3dbuffer = nullptr;
Graphic_Throw_Failure(pSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Resource), &p3dbuffer));
Graphic_Throw_Failure(pDevice->CreateRenderTargetView(p3dbuffer.Get(), nullptr, &pRTarget));
//2D buffer Setup
IDXGISurface* pBackBuffer = nullptr;
Graphic_Throw_Failure(pSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pBackBuffer)));
//makes 2d Factory
Graphic_Throw_Failure(D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_SINGLE_THREADED, &p2DFactory));
//sets up DXGI buffer for 2d
FLOAT dpi;
dpi = GetDpiForWindow(hwnd);
//p2DFactory->GetDesktopDpi(&dpiX, &dpiY);
pBackBuffer, &p2dRTprops, &p2dRenderTarget
if (pBackBuffer != nullptr)
//and the destructor in case there is something still wrong there though
//currently not giving me issues since I set the objects in it to nullptr after releasing it.
//didn't work for the ComPtr.
Graphics::~Graphics() {
if (p2DFactory != nullptr) {
if (p2dRenderTarget != nullptr) {
This is the class which holds the bitmaps and deals with them and drawing them. Once again I made some exceptions for this class
//some variables in the header file
ID2D1Bitmap* Bittmap=nullptr;
Graphics* GFX;
Sprites::Sprites(const wchar_t* filename, Graphics* gfx) {
GFX = gfx;
//makes WIC Factory
IWICImagingFactory* WICfactory = NULL;
//Makes the Decoder
IWICBitmapDecoder* WICdecode = NULL;
//Read the frame (should be only one so read the image)
IWICBitmapFrameDecode* WICframe = NULL;
Sprite_Throw_Failure(WICdecode->GetFrame(0, &WICframe));
//Format converter
IWICFormatConverter* WICconverter = NULL;
//makes the converter set up to create a 32bpp BGRA bitmap
//makes the bitmap
if (WICfactory) WICfactory->Release();
if (WICdecode) WICdecode->Release();
if (WICconverter)WICconverter->Release();
if (WICframe)WICframe->Release();
//draws the sprites
void Sprites::Draw(D2D1_RECT_F location) {
location, //destination rect
1.0f, //opacity
1980.0f, 2850.0f, 3000.0f,
3600.0f) //source rect
Sprite_Throw_Failure(GFX->Get2DRenderTarget()-> EndDraw());
Sprites::~Sprites() {
if (Bittmap != nullptr) {
This is the class which the main loop is handled wnd is the windowclass I made which makes and manages the window. I use it here to get the graphics object the window uses which has all the direct stuff. here are some variables that appear, forgive the name bob.
//in header file
Window wnd;
//in cpp file
Sprites* testsprite;
Sprites* testsprite2;
D2D1_RECT_F bob;
within the function that calls over and over for the duration of the program at the part where I render:
//inefficient constant adjusting of rendering just so I can quickly assess
//the change and make sure it works so when I implement how I intend the windows to be scaled it
//will already be done
//clearing the ID3D11RenderTargetView to a color
wnd.GFX().ClearBuffer(0.3f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
//drawing calls
const wchar_t* filename = L"\environmentsketches 02.png";
//this creates a Sprites object getGraphix returns the a pointer to the graphics object
//only really used to get the ID2D1RenderTarget but I may use it for other things, will
//remove later if not needed and just pass the render target unless issues arise.
testsprite = new Sprites(filename, wnd.GFX().getGraphix());
bob = D2D1::RectF(
0.0f, 0.0f, wnd.getwindowWidth(),
//This draws the bitmap of a predetermined portion of the image but uses bob to
// to determine where to draw the bitmap
bob = D2D1::RectF(
0.0f, 0.0f, wnd.getwindowWidth()/(16.0f/9.0f),
filename= L"\envrioment sketch march 1.png";
bob = D2D1::RectF(
100.0f, 100.0f, 600.f,
testsprite2 = new Sprites(filename, wnd.GFX().getGraphix());
//EndFrame just calls present on the IDXGISwapChain
If you read through this thank you and thank you for any advice you have to offer.
Don't code late or tired. So first thing I realized is one when posting the code here I forgot to include the call for SwapChain->ResizeBuffers(0,width,height, DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, 0)) which is where the mistake was. I changed my pointers from smart to regular to manage their release manually for this, but the issue was more so that the last parameter wasn't 0, it was D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT instead of a proper swapchain flag and was reading as another (I believe DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_DISPLAY_ONLY) which I couldn't use because of how I made my swapchain resulting in an error and it just not running.
In all the solution to my problem was to release my render targets (I already released by buffers after I made the targets), resize the buffers and then remake the ID2D1RenderTarget. Just don't put a wrong flag in, (or make sure the call is in when posting it for feedback to the mistake might be caught by others.)

SaveWICTextureToFile and SwapChainPanel with DirectXTK

I'm trying to use the SaveWICTextureToFile method from DirectXTK to grab a screenshot in my Windows Store app (Windows 8.1). I'm using XAML with a SwapChainPanel element. Unfortunately, the method always saves a rectangle of the screen size filled with solid color rather than the current screen content. Every time I call the SaveWICTextureToFile method it saves a different color.
This is my code (simplified):
void DirectXPage::SaveButton_Click(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e)
critical_section::scoped_lock lock(m_main->GetCriticalSection());
auto folder = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->TemporaryFolder;
wcscpy_s(fname, folder->Path->Data());
wcscat_s(fname, L"\\screenshot.png");
auto context = m_deviceResources->GetD3DDeviceContext();
auto swapChain = m_deviceResources->GetSwapChain();
ID3D11Texture2D* backBuffer = nullptr;
HRESULT hr = swapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(*backBuffer), (LPVOID*)&backBuffer);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
HRESULT hr = SaveWICTextureToFile(context, backBuffer, GUID_ContainerFormatPng, fname);
// ... mode code for FileSavePicker etc.
What am I doing wrong?

Can not reuse brush to draw both text and rectangle

I am trying to learn to print with XPS Document API.
For a simple start, I have decided to draw a rectangle, and some text below it.
After going through the official examples I was able to achieve my goal.
Basically, I have concatenated 2 code examples provided from the above link. Now I wanted to polish the code, mainly to use single brush to draw both rectangle and the text.
After rewriting the code, I get the following error:
First-chance exception at 0x7555D3CF in XPS printing.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: SplException::THResultException at memory location 0x002CEF9C.
If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.
Below is the function I rewrote. I have marked the crashing point with the appropriate comments.
void XPS_TEST()
IXpsOMObjectFactory *xpsFactory;
// Init COM for this thread if it hasn't
// been initialized, yet.
hr = CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
hr = CoCreateInstance(
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Declare the variables used in this section.
IOpcPartUri *opcPartUri = NULL;
IXpsOMPackage *xpsPackage = NULL;
IXpsOMDocumentSequence *xpsFDS = NULL;
IXpsOMDocumentCollection *fixedDocuments = NULL;
IXpsOMDocument *xpsFD = NULL;
IXpsOMPage *xpsPage = NULL;
IXpsOMPageReferenceCollection *pageRefs = NULL;
IXpsOMPageReference *xpsPageRef = NULL;
// test size of the document
XPS_SIZE pageSize = { 200, 200 };
// Create the package.
hr = xpsFactory->CreatePackage(&xpsPackage);
// Create the URI for the fixed document sequence part and then
// create the fixed document sequence
hr = xpsFactory->CreatePartUri(
L"/FixedDocumentSequence.fdseq", &opcPartUri);
hr = xpsFactory->CreateDocumentSequence(opcPartUri, &xpsFDS);
// Release this URI to reuse the interface pointer.
if (NULL != opcPartUri) { opcPartUri->Release(); opcPartUri = NULL; }
// Create the URI for the document part and then create the document.
hr = xpsFactory->CreatePartUri(
L"/Documents/1/FixedDocument.fdoc", &opcPartUri);
hr = xpsFactory->CreateDocument(opcPartUri, &xpsFD);
// Release this URI to reuse the interface pointer.
if (NULL != opcPartUri) { opcPartUri->Release(); opcPartUri = NULL; }
// Create a blank page.
hr = xpsFactory->CreatePartUri(
L"/Documents/1/Pages/1.fpage", &opcPartUri);
hr = xpsFactory->CreatePage(
&pageSize, // Page size
L"en-US", // Page language
opcPartUri, // Page part name
// Release this URI to reuse the interface pointer.
if (NULL != opcPartUri) { opcPartUri->Release(); opcPartUri = NULL; }
// Create a page reference for the page.
hr = xpsFactory->CreatePageReference(&pageSize, &xpsPageRef);
// Add the fixed document sequence to the package.
hr = xpsPackage->SetDocumentSequence(xpsFDS);
// Get the document collection of the fixed document sequence
// and then add the document to the collection.
hr = xpsFDS->GetDocuments(&fixedDocuments);
hr = fixedDocuments->Append(xpsFD);
// Get the page reference collection from the document
// and add the page reference and blank page.
hr = xpsFD->GetPageReferences(&pageRefs);
hr = pageRefs->Append(xpsPageRef);
hr = xpsPageRef->SetPage(xpsPage);
//======================== draw rectangle ====================//
XPS_COLOR xpsColor;
IXpsOMSolidColorBrush *xpsFillBrush = NULL;
// the brush I want to reuse !!
IXpsOMSolidColorBrush *xpsStrokeBrush = NULL;
// Set the fill brush color to RED.
xpsColor.colorType = XPS_COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
xpsColor.value.sRGB.alpha = 0xFF; = 0xFF; = 0x00; = 0x00;
// Use the object factory to create the brush.
hr = xpsFactory->CreateSolidColorBrush(
NULL, // color profile resource
// The color profile resource parameter is NULL because
// this color type does not use a color profile resource.
// Set the stroke brush color to BLACK.
xpsColor.colorType = XPS_COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
xpsColor.value.sRGB.alpha = 0xFF; = 0x00; = 0x00; = 0x00;
// Use the object factory to create the brush.
hr = xpsFactory->CreateSolidColorBrush(
NULL, // This color type does not use a color profile resource.
// test rectangle
XPS_RECT rect = { 0, 0, 200, 20 };
IXpsOMGeometryFigure *rectFigure;
IXpsOMGeometry *imageRectGeometry;
IXpsOMGeometryFigureCollection *geomFigureCollection;
// Define the start point and create an empty figure.
XPS_POINT origin = { rect.x, rect.y };
hr = xpsFactory->CreateGeometryFigure(&origin, &rectFigure);
// Define the segments of the geometry figure.
// First, define the type of each segment.
XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE segmentTypes[3] =
XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE_LINE, // each segment is a straight line
// Define the x and y coordinates of each corner of the figure
// the start point has already been defined so only the
// remaining three corners need to be defined.
FLOAT segmentData[6] =
rect.x, (rect.y + rect.height),
(rect.x + rect.width), (rect.y + rect.height),
(rect.x + rect.width), rect.y
// Describe if the segments are stroked (that is if the segment lines
// should be drawn as a line).
BOOL segmentStrokes[3] =
TRUE, TRUE, TRUE // Yes, draw each of the segment lines.
// Add the segment data to the figure.
hr = rectFigure->SetSegments(
// Set the closed and filled properties of the figure.
hr = rectFigure->SetIsClosed(TRUE);
hr = rectFigure->SetIsFilled(TRUE);
// Create the geometry object.
hr = xpsFactory->CreateGeometry(&imageRectGeometry);
// Get a pointer to the figure collection interface of the geometry...
hr = imageRectGeometry->GetFigures(&geomFigureCollection);
// ...and then add the figure created above to this geometry.
hr = geomFigureCollection->Append(rectFigure);
// If not needed for anything else, release the rectangle figure.
// when done adding figures, release the figure collection.
IXpsOMPath *rectPath = NULL;
IXpsOMVisualCollection *pageVisuals = NULL;
// Create the new path object.
hr = xpsFactory->CreatePath(&rectPath);
// Add the geometry to the path.
// imageRectGeometry is initialized outside of this example.
hr = rectPath->SetGeometryLocal(imageRectGeometry);
// Set the short description of the path to provide
// a textual description of the object for accessibility.
hr = rectPath->SetAccessibilityShortDescription(L"Red Rectangle");
// Set the fill and stroke brushes to use the brushes
// created in the first section.
hr = rectPath->SetFillBrushLocal(xpsFillBrush);
hr = rectPath->SetStrokeBrushLocal(xpsStrokeBrush);
// Get the visual collection of this page and add this path to it.
hr = xpsPage->GetVisuals(&pageVisuals);
hr = pageVisuals->Append(rectPath);
// If not needed for anything else, release the rectangle path.
// When finished with the brushes, release the interface pointers.
if (NULL != xpsFillBrush) xpsFillBrush->Release();
//******************** I have commented out below code, ****************//
//******************** because I plan to use the brush to draw text ****//
//if (NULL != xpsStrokeBrush) xpsStrokeBrush->Release();
// When done with the geometry interface, release it.
//========================= draw text =====================//
GUID fontNameGuid;
WCHAR guidString[128] = { 0 };
WCHAR uriString[256] = { 0 };
IStream *fontStream = NULL;
IOpcPartUri *fontUri = NULL;
IXpsOMFontResource *fontResource = NULL;
// Create font stream.
hr = xpsFactory->CreateReadOnlyStreamOnFile(
// I have hardcoded Arial here, just for testing
// Create new obfuscated part name for this resource using a GUID.
hr = CoCreateGuid(&fontNameGuid);
hr = StringFromGUID2(
// Create a URI string for this font resource that will place
// the font part in the /Resources/Fonts folder of the package.
wcscpy_s(uriString, ARRAYSIZE(uriString), L"/Resources/Fonts/");
// Create the part name using the GUID string as the name and
// ".odttf" as the extension GUID string start and ends with
// curly braces so they are removed.
wcsncat_s(uriString, ARRAYSIZE(uriString),
guidString + 1, wcslen(guidString) - 2);
wcscat_s(uriString, ARRAYSIZE(uriString), L".odttf");
// Create the font URI interface.
hr = xpsFactory->CreatePartUri(
// Create the font resource.
hr = xpsFactory->CreateFontResource(
FALSE, // isObfSourceStream
if (NULL != fontUri) fontUri->Release();
LPCWSTR unicodeString = L"Test string";
// move test string below our rectangle
origin.y += 30.0f;
FLOAT fontEmSize = 7.56f;
IXpsOMGlyphsEditor *glyphsEditor = NULL;
IXpsOMGlyphs *xpsGlyphs = NULL;
// Create a new Glyphs object and set its properties.
hr = xpsFactory->CreateGlyphs(fontResource, &xpsGlyphs);
hr = xpsGlyphs->SetOrigin(&origin);
hr = xpsGlyphs->SetFontRenderingEmSize(fontEmSize);
//*************** I GET A CRASH BELOW !!!! ***************//
hr = xpsGlyphs->SetFillBrushLocal(xpsStrokeBrush); // <<---
// Some properties are inter-dependent so they
// must be changed by using a GlyphsEditor.
hr = xpsGlyphs->GetGlyphsEditor(&glyphsEditor);
hr = glyphsEditor->SetUnicodeString(unicodeString);
hr = glyphsEditor->ApplyEdits();
// Add the new Glyphs object to the page
hr = pageVisuals->Append(xpsGlyphs);
// Release interface pointers.
if (NULL != xpsGlyphs) xpsGlyphs->Release();
if (NULL != glyphsEditor) glyphsEditor->Release();
if (NULL != pageVisuals) pageVisuals->Release();
//******************** Releasing the brush here *******//
if (NULL != xpsStrokeBrush) xpsStrokeBrush->Release();
//========================= write to file ====================//
hr = xpsPackage->WriteToFile(
FALSE); // Optimize Markup Size
//========================== cleanup ==================//
// Release interface pointer
if (NULL != xpsPage) xpsPage->Release();
if (NULL != pageRefs) pageRefs->Release();
if (NULL != fixedDocuments) fixedDocuments->Release();
if (NULL != xpsPageRef) xpsPageRef->Release();
if (NULL != xpsFD) xpsFD->Release();
if (NULL != xpsFDS) xpsFDS->Release();
if (NULL != xpsPackage) xpsPackage->Release();
// Uninitialize COM when finished
How can I use the same brush ( xpsStrokeBrush from the above example ) for drawing both the text and the rectangle outline?
per SetStrokeBrushLocal documentation:
After you call SetStrokeBrushLocal, the stroke brush lookup key is released and GetStrokeBrushLookup returns a NULL pointer in the lookup parameter.
You could use Clone on the brush before using it.
But, if you plan on re-using brushes, then use the CreateDictionary, SetDictionaryLocal and then Append your brush there; which will let you use SetFillBrushLookup.

Accessing IDWriteTextFormat instead of creaing new (FW1FontWrapper line spacing)

I'm using FW1FontWrapper library to wrap the font using in my DirectX 11 C++ application.
I want to change the line spacing (distance between two lines of text) in the text rendered with FW1FontWrapper.
I know that in DirectX I can use to it IDWriteTextFormat::SetLineSpacing(DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD_UNIFORM, 30.0f, 20.0f).
Unfortunatelly, I don't know how to access the right IDWriteTextFormat structure.
I have tried to:
HRESULT hResult = FW1CreateFactory(FW1_VERSION, &FW1Factory);
hResult = FW1Factory->CreateFontWrapper(device, L"Arial", &fontWrapper);
//my attemp - first get the IDWriteFactory
IDWriteFactory *pDWriteFactory;
hResult = fontWrapper->GetDWriteFactory(&pDWriteFactory);
//and now the IDWriteTextFormat
IDWriteTextFormat *pTextFormat;
hResult = pDWriteFactory->CreateTextFormat(L"Arial", NULL,
DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL, 10.0f, L"", &pTextFormat);
pTextFormat->SetLineSpacing(DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD_UNIFORM, 100.f, 20.0f);
I guess it doesn't work, because that way I create and modify the new IDWriteTextFormat, not the one that will have affect on the rendering by:
s2ws(content).c_str(),// String
fontSize,// Font size
startTextPosition.getX(),// X position
startTextPosition.getY(),// Y position
color,// Text color, 0xAaBbGgRr
FW1_RESTORESTATE// Flags (for example FW1_RESTORESTATE to keep
//context states unchanged)
So, how access the right IDWriteTextFormat (the one that when I will modify, will have impact on the rendering; not the new one)?
As far as I know FW1FontWrapper has no own method to set line spacing.
Looking at the source code of the FW1FontWrapper module, you can see that DrawString internally uses a default IDWriteTextFormat that you can't access.
The solution is to use DrawTextLayout instead of DrawString.
To do this (using your variable names), first create the factory and IFW1FontWrapper as in your existing code:
HRESULT hResult = FW1CreateFactory(FW1_VERSION, &FW1Factory);
hResult = FW1Factory->CreateFontWrapper(device, L"Arial", &fontWrapper);
Then get the DWrite factory and create the IDWriteTextFormat with the required line spacing (again, this is your existing code):
// get the DirectWrite factory used by the font-wrapper
IDWriteFactory *pDWriteFactory;
hResult = fontWrapper->GetDWriteFactory(&pDWriteFactory);
// create an IDWriteTextFormat and set line spacing
IDWriteTextFormat *pTextFormat;
hResult = pDWriteFactory->CreateTextFormat(L"Arial", NULL,
DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL, 10.0f, L"", &pTextFormat);
pTextFormat->SetLineSpacing(DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD_UNIFORM, 100.f, 20.0f);
Next, create a IDWriteTextLayout for your string (using your variable names) and using the IDWriteTextFormat created above:
// create a DirectWrite text layout for the string
// using the above IDWriteTextFormat
IDWriteTextLayout *pTextLayout;
unsigned int stringLength = s2ws(content).size();
hResult = pDWriteFactory->CreateTextLayout(
Set the font size in the IDWriteTextLayout object:
// set the required font size
DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE allText = {0, stringLength};
pTextLayout->SetFontSize(fontSize, allText);
And finally, draw the text using DrawTextLayout (again, using your variable names) :
// draw the text
// tidy up interfaces
pTextLayout = NULL;
I may have made some wrong assumptions from your existing code, but you can see how you can use your own IDWriteTextFormat via an IDWriteTextLayout instance and then use DrawTextLayout instead of DrawString. I hope this helps.

WIC Direct2D CreateBitmapFromMemory: limitations on width and height?

CreateBitmapFromMemory executes successfully when _nWidth is equal to or less than 644.
If the value exceeds this value, the HRESULT value is -2003292276
Do limits exist on the width and height?
#include <d2d1.h>
#include <d2d1helper.h>
#include <wincodecsdk.h> // Use this for WIC Direct2D functions
void test()
IWICImagingFactory *m_pIWICFactory;
ID2D1Factory *m_pD2DFactory;
IWICBitmap *m_pEmbeddedBitmap;
ID2D1Bitmap *m_pD2DBitmap;
unsigned char *pImageBuffer = new unsigned char[1024*1024];
int _nHeight = 300;
int _nWidth = 644;
If nWidth exceeds 644, CreateBitmapFromMemory returns an Error.
//_nWidth = 648;
if (m_pIWICFactory == 0 )
// Create WIC factory
hr = CoCreateInstance(
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Create D2D factory
hr = D2D1CreateFactory( D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_SINGLE_THREADED, &m_pD2DFactory );
hr = m_pIWICFactory->CreateBitmapFromMemory(
_nHeight, // height
_nWidth, // width
GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppRGB, // pixel format of the NEW bitmap
_nWidth*3, // calculated from width and bpp information
1024*1024, // height x width
pImageBuffer, // name of the .c array
&m_pEmbeddedBitmap // pointer to pointer to whatever an IWICBitmap is.
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
char *buffer = "Error in CreateBitmapFromMemory\n";
Error code is 0x88982F8C WINCODEC_ERR_INSUFFICIENTBUFFER and the reason is now obvious?
The first parameter is width, and the second is height. You have them in wrong order. All in all you provide incorrect arguments resulting in bad buffer.
Are you sure you passed in the correct pixelFormat for function CreateBitmapFromMemory? you hard code it to GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppRGB, I think this is the root cause, you should make sure this format same as the format with the source bitmap which you are copy the data from. try use the GetPixelFormat function to get the correct format instead of hard code.
There is an upper limit on the dimensions of images on the GPU.
Call GetMaximumBitmapSize on the render target.;k(DevLang-C%2B%2B);k(TargetOS-Windows)&rd=true
What you get back is the max pixels of either vertical or horiz.
For larger images you'd have to load them into a software render target such as a bitmap render target and then render what you want from that.