Function composition with variable function arguments - clojure

I am currently struggling with an assignment to create an anonymous function, in order to fulfil the following test cases:
Test case 1:
(= [3 2 1] ((__ rest reverse) [1 2 3 4]))
Test case 2:
(= 5 ((__ (partial + 3) second) [1 2 3 4]))
Test case 3:
(= true ((__ zero? #(mod % 8) +) 3 5 7 9))
Test case 4:
(= "HELLO" ((__ #(.toUpperCase %) #(apply str %) take) 5 "hello world"))
I came up with the solution:
(fn [& fs]
(fn [& items] (reduce #(%2 %1)
(flatten items)
(reverse fs))))
My idea was to create a list of the functions bound to the outer function, and then to apply a reducer on this function list, beginning with array "items".
As this works fine for chaining single arity functions in test cases 1 and 2, I have no idea how to modify the inner Lambda-function, in order to deal with multi-arity functions:
(apply + ___ ) ;; first function argument of test case 3
(take 5 ___ ) ;; first function argument of test case 4
Is there still a way to get around this problem?
Many thanks!
4Clojure - Problem 58
Addendum: I came across a "funky" solution using:
(fn [& fs] (reduce (fn [f g] #(f (apply g %&))) fs))
I don't fully understand this approach, to be honest...
Addendum 2: There was a similar discussion on this topic 7 years ago:
Clojure: Implementing the comp function
There I found the following solution:
(fn [& xs]
(fn [& ys]
(reduce #(%2 %1)
(apply (last xs) ys) (rest (reverse xs)))))
However, I still do not understand how we are able to kick off the reducer on the expression (apply (last xs) ys) , which represents the left-most function in the function chain.
In test case 1, that would translate to (apply rest [1 2 3 4]), which is wrong.

This is very similar to how comp is implemented in clojure.core.
(defn my-comp
([f] f)
([f g]
([] (f (g)))
([x] (f (g x)))
([x y] (f (g x y)))
([x y & args] (f (apply g x y args)))))
([f g & fs]
(reduce my-comp (list* f g fs))))
The key to understanding higher order function like comp is to think about what needs to happen when we compose functions.
What is the simplest case ? (comp f) Comp only receiving a single function, so we just return that function, there is no composition yet. How about second most simple case: Comp receiving two functions, like (comp f g), now we need to return another function which when called, does the composition, like (f (g)). But this returned function needs to support zero or more arguments, so we make it variadic. Why does it need to support zero or more arguments ? Because of function g, the inner most function can have zero or more arguments.
For example: what does (comp dec inc) return ?
It returns this fn:
([] (dec (inc)))
([x] (dec (inc x)))
([x y] (dec (inc x y)))
([x y & args] (dec (apply inc x y args)))))
It assumes that inc (the inner most function which gets executed first) could receive zero or more args. But in reality inc only supports one argument, so you would get the arity exception if you called this function with more than one argument like this ((comp dec inc) 1 2), but calling it with single argument would work, because the inner most function inc has a single arity, ((comp dec inc) 10). I hope I am clear here, why this returned function needs to be variadic.
Now for the next step, what if we compose three or more functions ? This is simple now, because the bread and butter was already implemented with two argument function that my-comp supports. So we just call this 2 argument function while we reduce through a list of supplied functions. Each step returns a new function which wraps the input function.

The first two test cases have the rest params: [[1 2 3 4]], not [1 2 3 4].
So it's not (apply rest [1 2 3 4]) but (apply rest [[1 2 3 4]]) or (rest [1 2 3 4]).
To drill it home:
(rest-ex [& rst]
(rst 1 2 3) ;;=> [1 2 3]
(rst [1 2] 3) ;;=> [[1 2] 3]
(rst [1 2 3]) ;;=> [[1 2 3]]
Using apply:
; rest example one
(apply + [1 2 3]) ;;=> 6
; rest example two
(apply conj [[1 2] 3]) ;;=> [1 2 3]
; rest example three
(apply reverse [[1 2 3]]) ;;=> (3 2 1)
For both your funky solution and comp itself, it's like taking a car (the first function), beefing it up with a turbo, installing speakers (the following function). The car, w/ the turbo and amazing sound system, is available for the next group of friends to use (the apply turns it from a one-seat stock car to having as many "seats" as you want). In your case, the reducer function uses apply w/ a rest parameter, so it's like offering the option for more doors w/ each function added (but it chooses one door anyway).
The first two test cases are simple, and reduce isn't needed but can be used.
;; [[1 2 3 4]]
;; [rest reverse]
((fn [& fs] (reduce (fn [f g] #(f (apply g %&))) fs)) rest reverse) ;; is functionally equivalent to
((fn [& fs] #((first fs) (apply (second fs) %&))) rest reverse)
#(rest (apply reverse %&))
;; So
(((fn [& fs] (reduce (fn [f g] #(f (apply g %&))) fs)) rest reverse) [1 2 3 4]) ;; (3 2 1)
(((fn [& fs] #((first fs) (apply (second fs) %&))) rest reverse) [1 2 3 4]) ;; (3 2)
(#(rest (apply reverse %&)) [1 2 3 4]) ;;=> (3 2 1)
The third test case, on the second round of reduce, after it's started, looks like:
;; [3 5 7 9]
;; [zero? #(mod % 8) +]
;; ^ ^ The reducer function runs against these two f's
;; Which turns the original:
(fn [& fs] (reduce (fn [f g] #(f (apply g %&))) fs))
;; into an equivalent:
(reduce #(zero? (apply (fn [v] (mod v 8)) [g])) [+])
;; which ultimately results in (wow!):
((fn [& args] (zero? (apply (fn [v] (mod v 8)) [(apply + args)]))) 3 5 7 9)
Pay careful attention to the %& in the reducer function. that's why I wrapped (apply + args) in a vector.
While going through this, I realized what I intuited from my use of reduce is a tiny bit more involved than I realized--esp. w/ function composition, rest params, and apply at play.
It's not that simple, but it's understandable.


Make (map f c1 c2) map (count c1) times, even if c2 has less elements

When doing
(map f [0 1 2] [:0 :1])
f will get called twice, with the arguments being
0 :0
1 :1
Is there a simple yet efficient way, i.e. without producing more intermediate sequences etc., to make f get called for every value of the first collection, with the following arguments?
0 :0
1 :1
2 nil
Edit Addressing question by #fl00r in the comments.
The actual use case that triggered this question needed map to always work exactly (count first-coll) times, regardless if the second (or third, or ...) collection was longer.
It's a bit late in the game now and somewhat unfair after having accepted an answer, but if a good answer gets added that only does what I specifically asked for - mapping (count first-coll) times - I would accept that.
You could do:
(map f [0 1 2] (concat [:0 :1] (repeat nil)))
Basically, pad the second coll with an infinite sequence of nils. map stops when it reaches the end of the first collection.
An (eager) loop/recur form that walks to end of longest:
(loop [c1 [0 1 2] c2 [:0 :1] o []]
(if (or (seq c1) (seq c2))
(recur (rest c1) (rest c2) (conj o (f (first c1) (first c2))))
Or you could write a lazy version of map that did something similar.
A general lazy version, as suggested by Alex Miller's answer, is
(defn map-all [f & colls]
(when-not (not-any? seq colls)
(apply f (map first colls))
(apply map-all f (map rest colls))))))
For example,
(map-all vector [0 1 2] [:0 :1])
;([0 :0] [1 :1] [2 nil])
You would probably want to specialise map-all for one and two collections.
just for fun
this could easily be done with common lisp's do macro. We could implement it in clojure and do this (and much more fun things) with it:
(defmacro cl-do [clauses [end-check result] & body]
(let [clauses (map #(if (coll? %) % (list %)) clauses)
bindings (mapcat (juxt first second) clauses)
nexts (map #(nth % 2 (first %)) clauses)]
`(loop [~#bindings]
(if ~end-check
(recur ~#nexts))))))
and then just use it for mapping (notice it can operate on more than 2 colls):
(defn map-all [f & colls]
(cl-do ((colls colls (map next colls))
(res [] (conj res (apply f (map first colls)))))
((every? empty? colls) res)))
in repl:
user> (map-all vector [1 2 3] [:a :s] '[z x c v])
;;=> [[1 :a z] [2 :s x] [3 nil c] [nil nil v]]

Map a function on every two elements of a list

I need a function that maps a function only on every other element, e.g.
(f inc '(1 2 3 4))
=> '(2 2 4 4)
I came up with:
(defn flipflop [f l]
(loop [k l, b true, r '()]
(if (empty? k)
(reverse r)
(recur (rest k)
(not b)
(conj r (if b
(f (first k))
(first k)))))))
Is there a prettier way to achieve this ?
(map #(% %2)
(cycle [f identity])
It's a good idea to look at Clojure's higher level functions before using loop and recur.
user=> (defn flipflop
[f coll]
(mapcat #(apply (fn ([a b] [(f a) b])
([a] [(f a)]))
(partition-all 2 coll)))
user=> (flipflop inc [1 2 3 4])
(2 2 4 4)
user=> (flipflop inc [1 2 3 4 5])
(2 2 4 4 6)
user=> (take 11 (flipflop inc (range))) ; demonstrating laziness
(1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 9 9 11)
this flipflop doesn't need to reverse the output, it is lazy, and I find it much easier to read.
The function uses partition-all to split the list into pairs of two items, and mapcat to join a series of two element sequences from the calls back into a single sequence.
The function uses apply, plus multiple arities, in order to handle the case where the final element of the partitioned collection is a singleton (the input was odd in length).
also, since you want to apply the function to some specific indiced items in the collection (even indices in this case) you could use map-indexed, like this:
(defn flipflop [f coll]
(map-indexed #(if (even? %1) (f %2) %2) coll))
Whereas amalloy's solution is the one, you could simplify your loop - recur solution a bit:
(defn flipflop [f l]
(loop [k l, b true, r []]
(if (empty? k)
(recur (rest k)
(not b)
(conj r ((if b f identity) (first k)))))))
This uses couple of common tricks:
If an accumulated list comes out in the wrong order, use a vector
Where possible, factor out common elements in a conditional.

misunderstanding of variable arguments type

I am trying to solve a clojure problem where I implement my own comp function.
I have the following expression that works how I expect:
(reduce #(apply %2 [%1]) [1 2 3 4] [rest reverse])
This gives an output of
(4 3 2)
I have tried abstracting this into a function like this:
(((fn [& funcs]
(fn [& args]
(reduce #(apply %2 [%1]) args funcs)
)) rest reverse) [1 2 3 4])
But I get the following error when I run it:
CompilerException java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.ArraySeq
cannot be cast to java.lang.Number,
To me the only difference that I can see is how that funcs and args are different types than the vectors that I created in the first example.
Why does reduce and apply behave differently in the second example?
(defn my-comp [& fns]
(fn [x] (reduce #(%2 %1) x fns)))
((my-comp rest reverse) [1 2 3 4])
;(4 3 2)
As it should, my-comp returns an identity function for an empty argument list.
But it expects all functions, including the first applied,
to take a single argument.
To get round (2), adapt it as follows:
(defn my-comp [& fns]
(if (empty? fns)
(let [[f & fs] fns]
(fn [& args] (reduce #(%2 %1) (apply f args) fs)))))
Apart from (1), this merely rephrases Mark's answer.
For fun ...
We could define my-comp in terms of the standard comp:
(defn my-comp [& fns] (apply comp (reverse fns)))
But it probably makes more sense the other way round, since comp has to reverse its argument list in general:
(defn comp [& fns] (apply my-comp (reverse fns)))
We could even define an argument reverser
(defn rev-args [f] (fn [& args] (apply f (reverse args))))
... which turns a function into one that does the same thing to a reversed argument list.
(def comp (rev-args my-comp))
or vice-versa:
(def my-comp (rev-args comp))
First of all, I don't get any error messages (nor correct result):
user> (((fn [& funcs]
(fn [& args]
(reduce #(apply %2 [%1]) args funcs))) rest reverse) [1 2 3 4])
;; => ()
Difference between the two examples is that in the first one you pass value [1 2 3 4] into reduce, while in the second one you pass [[1 2 3 4]] (because args is meant to keep all arguments of the function as one vector.
This will work:
user> (((fn [& funcs]
(fn [args]
(reduce #(apply %2 [%1]) args funcs))) rest reverse) [1 2 3 4])
;; => (4 3 2)
However, to get a function for functional composition that will be able to take any number of arguments, you should write something like this:
user> (defn my-comp [& fncs]
(fn [& args]
(reduce #(%2 %1) ; you can omit apply here, as %2 is already function
; and %1 is always one value, as noisesmith noticed
(apply (first fncs) args)
(rest fncs))))
;; => #'user/my-comp
user> (def my-fnc (my-comp rest reverse))
;; => #'user/my-fnc
user> (my-fnc [1 2 3 4])
;; => (4 3 2)
It will work fine, because only first function should have ability to take many arguments, as others will be applied to value returned by previously called function.

Writing the Lp norm function

I'm attempting to write the Lp norm function as to generalize the standard L2 norm (Euclidean distance) used. Here is what I have come up with so far, given how I had written the L2 norm:
(defn foo [a b p]
(reduce + (map (comp (map #(power a %) p) -) a b)))
However I am getting the error ClassCastException whenever I try to implement this function. Part of the interim code is from a previously asked question Raising elements in a vector to a power where the following code was provided:
(defn compute [exp numbers]
(map #(power exp %) numbers))
Consider factoring your code.
First define the p-norm
(defn p-norm [p x]
(if (= p :infinity)
(apply max (for [xi x] (Math/abs xi)))
(reduce + (for [xi x] (Math/pow xi p)))
(/ 1 p))))
And then use the p-norm to define your p-metric
(defn p-metric [p x y]
(p-norm p (map - x y)))
(p-metric 2 [0 0] [3 4])
;=> 5.0
(p-metric :infinity [0 0] [3 4])
;=> 4
Your inner (map):
(map #(power a %) p)
Returns a sequence and you can't feed that to (comp). 'comp' is for 'Function Composition'.
In the REPL:
(doc comp)
([] [f] [f g] [f g h] [f1 f2 f3 & fs])
Takes a set of functions and returns a fn that is the composition
of those fns. The returned fn takes a variable number of args,
applies the rightmost of fns to the args, the next
fn (right-to-left) to the result, etc.
Start breaking your code into smaller steps. (let) form is quite handy, don't be shy to use it.

Piping data through arbitrary functions in Clojure

I know that the -> form can be used to pass the results of one function result to another:
(f1 (f2 (f3 x)))
(-> x f3 f2 f1) ; equivalent to the line above
(taken from the excellent Clojure tutorial at ociweb)
However this form requires that you know the functions you want to use at design time. I'd like to do the same thing, but at run time with a list of arbitrary functions.
I've written this looping function that does it, but I have a feeling there's a better way:
(defn pipe [initialData, functions]
(loop [
frontFunc (first functions)
restFuncs (rest functions)
data initialData ]
(if frontFunc
(recur (first restFuncs) (rest restFuncs) (frontFunc data) )
data )
) )
What's the best way to go about this?
I must admit I'm really new to clojure and I might be missing the point here completely, but can't this just be done using comp and apply?
user> (defn fn1 [x] (+ 2 x))
user> (defn fn2 [x] (/ x 3))
user> (defn fn3 [x] (* 1.2 x))
user> (defn pipe [initial-data my-functions] ((apply comp my-functions) initial-data))
user> (pipe 2 [fn1 fn2 fn3])
You can do this with a plain old reduce:
(defn pipe [x fs] (reduce (fn [acc f] (f acc)) x fs))
That can be shortened to:
(defn pipe [x fs] (reduce #(%2 %1) x fs))
Used like this:
user> (pipe [1 2 3] [#(conj % 77) rest reverse (partial map inc) vec])
[78 4 3]
If functions is a sequence of functions, you can reduce it using comp to get a composed function. At a REPL:
user> (def functions (list #(* % 5) #(+ % 1) #(/ % 3)))
user> ((reduce comp functions) 9)
apply also works in this case because comp takes a variable number of arguments:
user> (def functions (list #(* % 5) #(+ % 1) #(/ % 3)))
user> ((apply comp functions) 9)