WebStorm: changing linter underline color - webstorm

WebStorm seems like the IDE for web dev, and I've been enjoying it very much. The only problem is the linter's error underlines:
Due to such light color I've spent quite some time debugging while the error shouldn't had happened in the first place, I looked around and didn't find a way to change the color. Is this possible in WebStorm?
Even dark themes don't have a harsh and contrasty underline. Can we change it?

What inspection does the issue come from?
Place the caret at the highlighted line and press Alt+Enter
Click the arrow next to the inspection to open the submenu, choose Edit inspection profile settings to jump to inspection definition
either choose the inspection severity per instructions at https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/2020.3/configuring-inspection-severities.html#change-severity or configure the color/effects used for specific severity as described in https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/2020.3/configuring-inspection-severities.html#change_highlighting


How do I disable suggestions when I type '#'

When I type '#' vscode suggests "#pragma region" and "#pragma endregion". I never use those snippets and the suggestions can be quite annoying especially if I intend to navigate using arrow keys after typing '#'. I figured out that the suggestions come from snippets in the built-in extension "C/C++ Language Basics". Disabling that extension is not an option because syntax highlighting goes away with it.
Individual snippets may be disabled by opening the command palette (ctrl+shift+p), typing "insert snippet", pressing enter, and clicking with the mouse on the pictogram of an eye with a line over it thus removing the line.
I don't know how to do the last part without a mouse. If you know please comment.

Codelite page gone blank

I have been writing code in codelite for c++ since past 20 days, today morning while writing code, by mistake i clicked somewhere and the top menu of options and side menu of projects vanished. I tried many things but i couldnt get them back. I am not a technical person and learning c++ from a tutorial. Now my codelite page is blank and i am stuck. I have unistalled and installed again but when i opened it, it still shows the blank page . I dont know what to do. Is there any history i need to delete from my laptop(for reinstallation) or need to do something in codelite , to get back default codelite page which comes when newly installed.Please help.
might be a little late here but I think I had your problem, if someone encounters similar
Double check what "perspective" you are on
Ctrl + M key can minimize several open views such as the "workspace view" and the "debugger view"
It's pretty simple, this happened to me too. It happens just because you are on full screen mode, and because you are currently in the workspace folder in which your source code is. Just follow these:
press Alt+M to you exit full screen mode. You should now be
able to view the top menu.
now go to view in the top menu and click on the Workspace pane.
After the Workspace pane appears, you will notice that you are now
in the workspace folder rather than on the source code file. Now, to go
to the file, click on the workspace on which your file is, click on
the project name under which your source code is, click on src,
then click on the file, e.g. main.cpp
Post your doubts if you still have any

How can I improve the usability/readability of Toad

I have installed Toad 12.8 and I had a pretty big mistake in executing code. I executed code out of sequence, despite triple checking my work. Some how the tab I had selected was unselected and another script was ran. I still wince in embarrassment a week later.
I just wanted to know if there are ways to improve usability/readability of Toad. For instance, can I highlight the tab I have selected? Can I review scripts in a viewer to showcase scripts that I have open and manage which have been executed and not?
I have changed the tab style to 'Flat Buttons', which better showcases the script you are viewing among the many you have open, but thats just 1 small change.
Anyone else have options they like to use? Im not seeing a lot of options here under View Options...
I'm on 12.5. Current tab is highlighted (i.e. has a different color than other tabs). You could, though, change the window background color (by default, it is white).
Open "Configure TOAD options" and search for "TAB", you'll find quite a few options in there.
If you want to review what you've executed, navigate to "Query Viewer" tab in the Editor window. Sort results by "Start Time" in descending order and it'll show what you executed, when, how many time was spent on it, how many rows were affected ... quite useful.
As of running code you didn't mean to: well, what can I say? I'm sorry you did that, but - after all - it is you who should pay attention to what you are doing. No highlighting will solve that problem (also know as we have met the enemy, and it is us).
Something I like to do to is to change the color of TEST vs PROD in order to make them stand out. On the session/new connection window, scroll right and you'll see a "color" column. I set PROD connections to Red and TEST to Blue. Give it a try, maybe you'll like it for a visual reminder for the environment you are working in. It will change the status bar background color so it's not that intrusive.

How to stop wireless clicker skipping incremental content on slides

I like creating my presentations in RMarkdown using slidy.
It seems like Slidy needs to see right and left arrows for moving forwards and backwards through the incremental display of a slide.
It also seems that most remote clickers send Page Down and Page Up.
(Looks like I have a Logitech R400.)
For Slidy, these are causing a jump to the next slide, and is skipping the incremental display of the bullets on my slide.
Is there a way to get Slidy to process the Page Up / Down differently? To treat them the same as Right/Left?
Also open to any apps that could intercept the clicker and convert it, but that may be better posted in a different community; hoping for a software fix at it's more likely to be portable when presenting on other machines.
Monkey Patch fix :
I went to self_contained: false in the YAML top-matter, then went to
Circa line 2089, found block beginning if (key == 34) // Page Down.
Inside that block, found the line w3c_slidy.next_slide(false);.
Changed that to w3c_slidy.next_slide(!event.shiftKey); (copied from the Right arrow block a little further down) and now I get the behaviour I want.
Suspect it may not be robust. May get trashed when I re-knit the RMarkdown.

Visual Studio 2010 Improperly underlining code/comments with red error line when there is no error

I am working on a rather large project, and I am having strange problems with the IDE in terms of error checking and somewhat with IntelliSense.
Usually if I were to type something boneheaded, like "int a = "aa";", it would underline "aa" in red. However I am seeing VS do this to random parts of my code when I make insignificant changes.
For example:
Some comment here, just going to stretch it out for my example..
int proto1();
int proto2();
If I make changes to other parts of the project, sometimes random functions will get underlined, and even part of a comment. Like just 30 minutes ago it underlined the equivalent of half of that comment beginning in the middle of the word "comment", also it underlined all of int proto1(); and part of int proto2();
I would post screenshots but I am bound by contract not to disclose any work, and I can't easily replicate it in smaller projects.
I don't understand why it does this. When I compile the project, any fake errors and underlining it did goes away and it compiles fine. The point though, is there are no errors. It's making up random errors and underlining random lines/words/half words. I would also like to note that there seems to be a large delay in loading new intellisense information, almost by 2-3 minutes or longer.
I'll try and reproduce it in an unrelated project and post here if I can. However, any help would be appreciated.
*Edit: Forgot to note that hitting the space key several times will on occasion correct the errors however this isn't reliable and does not always work.
Intellisense sometimes can really get stuck with complicated code. I guess until VS2012 release comes out, there's nothing we can do.
There's however one trick that I'm using if this happens - switch your build configuration Debug -> Release and then back again. You don't have to wait, you can just click two times on this drop-down box. It should refresh IS cache and make red error underlines dissappear.
Intellisense is often off, but make sure you have latest updates installed.
I just installed sp1 yesterday and lot of Intellisense issues went way.
I see this is a stale question but some may find this helpful.
I just had this same issue. I tried many of the solutions outlined here and elsewhere. I finally tried running Visual Studio as another user (Shift Right Click Run As Different User) and the issue did not present. I then logged into my computer as another user and deleted the profile of the user I was having the issue with.
If your profile is important to you or there is information within it that is important I highly recommend backing up relevant information first. If you don't understand what information you profile contains make sure you do prior to deleting it.
1) Log in as different user (with admin privileges) than you want to delete
2) Open Properties for Computer
3) Advanced system settings (on the left side)
4) Settings for User Profiles (in the middle)
5) Select the profile you want to delete and click the delete button
6) Reboot
Credit to:
I had the same issue, and in my case it was mostly related to library functions and types defined in libraries. This one fixed it for me:
Open command line parameters. You can use following to reach there:
Project > ProjectName Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Command Line
In the Additional Options box at the bottom add
/I "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include"
You will of course need the correct path where Visual Studio is installed.
Bingo! I hope it works for you too. :)