What is the NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore equivalent for watchOS? - icloud

App Groups is sadly not supported on watchOS still and NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore is available for every platform except watchOS. I've read the Keeping Your watchOS Content Up to Date and mentions iCloud and they make it sound so easy but don't provide an example. It seems I have to create a whole client-side CloudKit infrastructure to support it and seems like overkill, then requires the rest of the platforms to do the same just because watchOS is the odd ball.
Is there a simple key/value iCloud store equivalent in watchOS that I'm missing? It seems really difficult to share cloud data when you add watchOS to the mix. I tried using the iPhone as a source of truth and communicate with watchOS, but was very clunky and requires them to be in range with each other or they become out of sync. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore is available starting with watchOS 9.0
Doc: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsubiquitouskeyvaluestore


Alternative to Stepper in WatchOS with SwiftUI

G'Day All from Brisbane,
I have been starting to develop some trial watch apps and I came across something interesting and a bit odd. The SwiftUI Stepper is not available in WatchOS. This meant I had to modify my app code from the iOS version and now it uses the Digital Crown instead. That’s a bit annoying as the crown is not integer which means extra code to convert stuff. I cannot find any comments about the Stepper not being in watchOS in the internet which was a surprise. 😮. Anyone got a better solution ?
Stepper is now available as of watchOS 9 🥳

Is it possible to design for CarPlay with SwiftUI?

I have been playing around with SwiftUI since the beta launched and was curious if anyone has figured out way to design for CarPlay in Xcode using SwiftUI? It doesn't seem to be available in Apple's list of devices and so far I haven't been able to find a way to enable it as a secondary screen.
Currently using Xcode 11 Beta 5. Tried seeing if CarPlay could be added as a .previewDevice, but that is specifically for hardware.
You don't need MFi for CarPlay, you need CarPlay entitlement.
Still not sure about SwiftUI and CarPlay.
I am sure SwiftUI will not support some specific CarPlay categories such as Media Playback and Messaging & VoIP, but maybe with Navigation or Automaker.
You won't be able to see CarPlay in Xcode because it's only for people who are enrolled with Apple MFi Program. This gives you access to the tools, documentation, technical specs and the license itself to develop for CarPlay. Please see here for the MFI program and here for the MFI FAQ.
A very good write up on StackOverflow can also be found here.
It is also currently unknown if CarPlay can be developed with SwiftuI because people who develop CarPlay apps need to sign a NDA. But I think Apple will continue to push SwiftUI so I don't see why it's not possible

Is there a list of Android widgets present on Google Glass XE11?

As seen by the GDK sample code, there is a set of Android Widget classes (TextView, etc) that are supported on Google Glass. Has anyone compiled a list? I would love to know what options I am working with prior to the official GDK.
According to what I have gathered, you should be able to use any UI element within your application using GDK (it's simply an Android activity displayed in Glass). There are some services that aren't available though, that is really the only limitation at the moment. Some limitations I've spotted are: SpeechRecognizer not available - use RecognizerIntent instead, GPS might have some issues/limitations.
Since Glass is built on Android, all of the standard Android widgets are available. You should, however, restrict yourself to widgets that provide a high-quality user experience on Glass. For example, buttons and checkboxes aren't very usable since the user can't click on them directly.

Web Developer curious about developing for the Android

Hey there,
So I've been heavily focused on design/development using web technology for the last few years (php/mysql, javascript, etc), and I'm a bit hesitant to start learning C++.. At the same time, I see it as a potentially enjoyable learning experience.
To keep things brief, right now I'm developing an online app that plots out certain locations on a map, and you can sort through these locations and do a bunch of other nifty things..sorry to be vague. The point is: I don't see any real advantages of making this an actual "app" when the entire functionality of the app itself can do quite fine through the modern mobile browser..
Not to mention that, by living in a browser, it's much less proprietary
So, my question is: Is there any way to make a simple app that's basically porting the user to my site? I guess it'd be convenient that as an app, the user has a nice little icon to click on when they do need to access it..
Android development relies heavily on Java. So you are all ready on the right track.
However if you just want to make an app that brings people to your website, running javascript I am guessing, this is easy to do with android.
Android supports the webkit browser and has a view group called WebView. Your app can be nothing more than a shortcut on a desktop that opens a webview directly pointed to your website. It could add other options to point to other parts of your website like bookmarks.
WebView webview = new WebView(this);
A lot of apps on the market are actually based around a WebView. There are other classes that allow you more control over the view, like whether links are opened in the webview or in a new browser, or whether the user is allowed to use the resize options, etc.
Welcome to Android.
There is a massive article on exactly this type of idea. It discusses a number of different things and is well worth the read if you are indeed interested in making a cross-phone web-app. It talks about an html5 facility in the works for creating such a thing as you describe, but it isn't quite universal yet.
Here is an article on making an iphone app in html5.
You can also use phonegap to port your design to andorid.
also, check out a jquery plugin calld jqtouch if you are interseted in developing touch capable applications quickly.
If you are worried about speed and the issue of internet connectivity, you can use html5 local storage features which are available on both android and itouch. Ibm has a great series on these issues and part 2 covers local storage.
No. The problem with web technology on a mobile device is the delay. You are far away from the server, so a lot of the things you can easily do with a normal client creates a very bad user experience on a mobile device. The roundtrip time is simply too large. You have to move much more functionality to the client. This client is also less powerfull, and tends to have limits on caching large elements
How is this related to C++?
There is also a C++ API which is only recently available. Google calls it the NDK (Native Development Kit). Information about it can be found here: http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html
I personally haven't developed using the NDK. The only real reason someone would really need to would be to write a high-performance application that can't stand the overhead of the Java JVM--which is getting more and more rare these days IMO.
As far as creating a simple app with a web container in it, see Phobos' response. That is exactly how I'd do it personally.

Using Windows media foundation

Ok so my new gig is high performance video (think Google streetview but movies) - the hard work is all embedded capture and image processing but:
I was looking at the new MS video offerings to display content = Windows Media Foundation.
Is anyone actually using this ?
There are no books on the topic.
The only documentation is a developer
team blog with a single entry 9 months old.
I thought we had got past having to learn an MS api by spying on the com control messages!
Is it just another wrapper around the same old activeX control?
I read the Media Foundation Programming Guide, and it's as complete as everything else is w/ MS, in that you have all the information you need, no clue on how to find it, and no idea what's important when.
I'm trying to use MMF, but I'm currently not getting anywhere, and am thinking that going back to DirectShow might be the better approach as there is more example code with explanations.
No, it does not appear to be just another wrapper around the same ActiveX controls.
Did you read Media Foundation Programming Guide? It looks pretty complete.
To get started with Media Foundation you might want to read this. Media Foundation was first introduced in Windows Vista. Thus, you must have Vista or later versions of Windows to develop Media Foundation apps. If you are targeting Windows XP users then, D-Show might be a better option.