Not enough resources when executing - c++

// End Of Line.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
ifstream input_file;
int EOL = 0;
int main()
//Enter end of line data into file"EOL Data", ios::in);
cout << "\n" << "\n" << "\n" << "\n";
} while (EOL == 0);
// Run program: Ctrl + F5 or Debug > Start Without Debugging menu
// Debug program: F5 or Debug > Start Debugging menu
// Tips for Getting Started:
// 1. Use the Solution Explorer window to add/manage files
// 2. Use the Team Explorer window to connect to source control
// 3. Use the Output window to see build output and other messages
// 4. Use the Error List window to view errors
// 5. Go to Project > Add New Item to create new code files, or Project > Add Existing Item to add
existing code files to the project
// 6. In the future, to open this project again, go to File > Open > Project and select the .sln
When trying to execute the above, get the error" Not enough resources to execute the program". Not
sure why this error is being posted.

Found the problem, opening the file is input, should have been opened as output. Not sure why this would generate a resource limitation problem.


Cannot write an array in a Ubuntu device using C++ (Debug Assertion Failed. Expression (stream !=NULL))

I am working on Windows and I am trying to write an array into a Ubuntu device using C++ in Visual Studio 2019. Here's a sample of my code:
int Run_WriteCalibTable(char *pcIPAddress, int iNumArgs, float *fArgs, int *iAnsSize, char *sAns)
char pcFolderName[256];
char pcFileName[256];
sprintf(pcFolderName, "%s\\%s",pcSavePath, pcUUTSerialNumber);
sprintf(pcFileName, "%s\\calib_rfclock.conf",pcFolderName);
FILE *pFileW;
pFileW = fopen(pcFileName,"wb");
fwrite(&CalibTable, sizeof(char), CalibTable.hdr.v1.u32Len, pFileW);
return 0;
However, I keep having this pop-up from Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library that says:
Debug Assertion Failed:
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\sefl_x86\crt\src\fwrite.c
Line: 77
Expression: (stream != NULL)
I found this thread and I tried logging in as root on my Ubuntu device. I also tried:
mount -o remount,rw /path/to/parent/directory
chmod 777 /path/to/parent/directory
And I can also create/edit manualy any file in the directory I'm trying to write into with my code, but I get the same error when running it.
Anyone knows what could cause this? I think it could be on the Windows side, but I don't know what I am doing wrong. Thanks a lot in advance.
You never check that opening the file succeeds - and it most likely fails, which is why you get the debug pop-up. Your use of \ as directory delimiters may be the only reason why it fails, but you should check to be sure.
I suggest that you use std::filesystem::path (C++17) to build your paths. That makes it easy to create paths in a portable way. You could also make use of a C++ standard std::ofstream to create the file. That way you don't need to close it afterwards. It closes automatically when it goes out of scope.
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
int Run_WriteCalibTable(char *pcIPAddress, int iNumArgs, float *fArgs,
int *iAnsSize, char *sAns)
// Build std::filesystem::paths:
auto pcFolderName = std::filesystem::path(pcSavePath) / pcUUTSerialNumber;
auto pcFileName = pcFolderName / "calib_rfclock.conf";
// only try to write to the file if opening the file succeeds:
if(std::ofstream pFileW(pcFileName, std::ios::binary); pFileW) {
// Successfully opened the file, now write to it:
pFileW.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&CalibTable),
} else {
// Opening the file failed, print the reason:
std::cerr << pcFileName << ": " << std::strerror(errno) << std::endl;

This breakpoint will not be hit

I looked at numerous posts concerning this problem but none of them apply in my case.
I have a C++ class in one file that has 3 methods. I can set a breakpoint in one method. However, I cannot set a breakpoint on any line of code in the other two methods. This class is build as a library with DEBUG set. All optimizations are turned off.
Below is the code for the two problem methods in this class.
#include "pch.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <afxwin.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <io.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Log.h"
ptLog = NULL; // this is the file ptr
void CLog::Init()
int iFD;
DWORD iLength;
int iStat;
std::string sPath;
std::string sFile;
int i;
hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); // handle to this execuatble
std::cout << "Module = " << hMod;
// Use two bytes ASCII (UNICODE) if set by compiler
char acFile[120];
// Full path name of exe file
GetModuleFileName(hMod, acFile, sizeof(acFile));
std::cout << "File Name = " << acFile<<"\n";
// extract file name from full path and append .log
sPath = acFile;
i = sPath.find_last_of("\\/");
sFile = sPath.substr(i + 1);
sFile.copy(acFile, 120);
std::cout << " File Name Trunc = " << sFile;
iStat = fopen_s(&ptLog,, "a+"); // append log data to file
std::cout << "fopen stat = " << iStat;
if (iStat != 0) // failed to open error log
iFD = _fileno(ptLog);
iLength = _filelength(iFD);
// Check length. If too large rename and create new file.
if (iLength > MAX_LOG_SIZE)
char acBakFile[80];
strcpy_s(acBakFile, 80, acFile);
strcat_s(acBakFile, ".bak"); // new name of old log file
remove(acBakFile); // remove previous bak file if it exists
rename(acFile, acBakFile);
fopen_s(&ptLog, acFile, "a+"); // Create new log file
}// end if (hMod)
ptLog is declared as FILE *
This class is invoked with the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include "..\Log\Log.h"
int main()
CLog Logger;
Logger.vLog((char *) "Hello \n");
This code is also compiled as debug. If a set a breakpoint on "Loggger.Init()"
the debugger will hit the breakpoint. If select 'Step Into' it will not enter
the code in the Init() method. The code does execute since I can see the text on the console. If I put breakpoints anywhere in the Init() method they do not break.
I did the following:
Removed log.lib from the input to the Linker.
Obviously, the Link failed due to unresolved externals.
Put back log.lib and rebuilt.
Turned off the option "Require source files that exactly match the original version"
Debug and breakpoints worked.
Enabled the option.
Retried debug and the breakpoints still worked.
Did a full rebuild and breakpoints worked.
I don't really understand it because I had performed numerous cleans and rebuilds
I did find another issue. I had '/clr' option on.
This is for Common Language Runtime support for the .lib.
The module linked to it did not have Common Language Runtime on. In this case,
the breakpoints were ignored. When I turned off '/ clr', the breakpoints
functioned properly

A method to auto-update the directory of a file using C++?

A method to auto-update the directory of a file using C++ ?
I have a program which aims to first input the password from the user, and once the password matches, the program will open a file using the ShellExecute() function.
This file is a C++ executable file in .exe format.
The program needs to automatically update the directory in the ShellExecute() function instead of having the programmer or other users manually change it in the code each time the executable file's location is changed. What is the best approach to do so ? I have gone through some of these links, but to no avail :
[1] Finding the last created FILE in the directory, C++
[2] How do I make a file self-update (Native C++)
Please feel free to browse my code provided below :
using namespace std;
int main(void)
string pw="";
char ch;
int attempts=3;
cout<<"Password ?\n--> ";
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:\\Users\\agm\\Documents\\easypeasy.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
else if(pw!="a32bx#$123")
cout<<"\n\nIncorrect password. You now have "<<attempts<<" attempts remaining. Loading back the main screen...";
sleep(3); //This gives time for the user to read the line before it moves to the label named Initiation.
goto Initiation;
cout<<"\n\nAborting now !";
Note : I'm also open to any suggestions on how to improve the overall code.

Oculus SDK and Visual Studio 2015 setup

I am very new to Visual Studio, C++ and the Oculus SDK, but have experience with Fortran, Matlab, and coding in general.
I have got the basic C++ libraries working, so #include iostream works.
I have got the LibOVR directory included, so that #include OVR_CAPI.h works.
I opened the LibOVR project into VS2015 and rebuilt it, which worked, creating a new LibOVR.lib file.
I moved the new .lib file into my project folder and also added this file path to the Linker -> Input.
But when I try to compile my own code, the basic ovr_initialize() command is said to be undefined.
I am just trying to get a basic code setup to extract the head position data from the IMU in the Oculus Rift, and eventually hoping to integrate this with some matlab code.
Here is my starting code, mostly commented out for now:
#include <iostream>
// Include the OculusVR SDK
#include <OVR_CAPI.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int MyNumb;
cout << "Please, enter an integer: ";
cin >> MyNumb;
cout << "You entered: " << MyNumb;
return 1;
void application()
ovrresult result = ovr_initialize(nullptr); *THIS LINE GIVES ERROR*
// if (ovr_failure(result))
// return;
// ovrsession session;
// ovrgraphicsluid luid;
// result = ovr_create(&session, &luid);
// if (ovr_failure(result))
// {
// ovr_shutdown();
// return;
// }
// ovrhmddesc desc = ovr_gethmddesc(session);
// ovrsizei resolution = desc.resolution;
// ovr_destroy(session);
// ovr_shutdown();
Any help getting this up and running would be greatly appreciated!!

std::cout not showing on screen

This is a fairly simple problem I can't get my head around. It was working before and suddenly now that I'm using std::cout, in the Visual Studio 2013 output window I do not see the output, but I see a bunch of background executions happening. I feel I have messed up something. This is App Game Kit project using C++.
Here's the simple code to output:
#include "template.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace AGK;
app App;
void app::Begin(void)
agk::SetVirtualResolution (1024, 768);
agk::SetClearColor( 151,170,204 );
std::cout << "Hello"; // SIMPLE PRINT
void app::Loop (void)
agk::Print( agk::ScreenFPS() );
// std::cout << "Hello"; // TRIED HERE TOO (works like update() in Unity3D)
This is what my debug window is showing, instead of printing "Hello":
FYI, the program is working perfectly without any errors. Am I looking at the wrong window? where can find my output?
for logging, i write my entries to a file. here is the Contents of my log method in cpp:
void MyFileUtils::log(string msg)
ofstream log("logfile.txt", ios_base::app | ios_base::out);
log << msg << endl;
i then just call this whenever i want to log something. i have it as a singleton. Then i just look in my media subfolder to see the contents of logfile.txt
Try using this before you return from the method: