Glue crawler is not combining data - also no visible data in tables - amazon-web-services

I'm testing this architecture: Kinesis Firehose → S3 → Glue → Athena. For now I'm using dummy data which is generated by Kinesis, each line looks like this: {"ticker_symbol":"NFLX","sector":"TECHNOLOGY","change":-1.17,"price":97.83}
However, there are two problems. First, a Glue Crawler creates a separate table per file. I've read that if the schema is matching Glue should provide only one table. As you can see in the screenshots below, the schema is identical. In Crawler options, I tried ticking Create a single schema for each S3 path on and off, but no change.
Files also sit in the same path, which leads me to the second problem: when those tables are queried, Athena doesn't show any data. That's likely because files share a folder - I've read about it here, point 1, and tested several times. If I remove all but one file from S3 folder and crawl, Athena shows data.
Can I force Kinesis to put each file in a separate folder or Glue to record that data in a single table?

Regarding the AWS Glue creating separate tables there could be some reasons based on the AWS documentation:
Confirm that these files use the same schema, format, and compression type as the rest of your source data. It seems this doesn't your issue but still to make sure I suggest you test it with smaller files by dropping all the rows except a few of them in each file.
combine compatible schemas when you create the crawler by choosing to Create a single schema for each S3 path. For this case, file schema should be similar, setting should be enabled, and data should be compatible. For more information, see How to Create a Single Schema for Each Amazon S3 Include Path.
When using CSV data, be sure that you're using headers consistently. If some of your files have headers and some don't, the crawler creates multiple tables
One another really important point is, you should have one folder at root and inside it, you should have partition sub-folders. If you have partitions at S3 bucket level, it will not create one table.(mentioned by Sandeep in this Stackoverflow Question)
I hope this could help you to resolve your problem.


Athena tables having history of records of every csv

I am uploading CSV files in the s3 bucket and creating tables through glue crawler and seeing the tables in Athena, making connection between Athena and Quicksight, and showing the result graphically there in quicksight.
But what I need to do now is keep the history of the files uploaded, instead of a new CSV file being uploaded and crawler updating the table, can I have crawler save each record separately? or is it even a reasonable thing to do? since I wonder it would then create so many tables and it'll be a mess?
I'm just trying to figure out a way to keep a history of previous records. how can i achieve this?
When you run an Amazon Athena query, Athena will look at the location parameter defined in the table's DDL. This specifies where the data is stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Athena will include all files in that location when it runs the query on that table. Thus, if you wish to add more data to the table, simply add another file in that S3 location. To replace data in that table, you can overwrite the file(s) in that location. To delete data, you can delete files from that location.
There is no need to run a crawler on a regular basis. The crawler can be used to create the table definition and it can be run again to update the table definition if anything has changed. But you typically only need to use the crawler once to create the table definition.
If you wish to preserve historical data in the table while adding more data to the table, simply upload the data to new files and keep the existing data files in place. That way, any queries will include both the historical data and the new data because Athena simply looks at all the files in that location.

Having trouble setting up multiple tables in AWS glue from a single bucket

So, I've used Glue before, but it's been with a single file <> single folder relationship.
What I'm trying to do now is to have a structure like this create individual tables for each folder:
- Data Bucket
- Table 1 Folder
- file1.csv
- file2.csv
- Table 2 Folder
- file1.csv
- file2.csv
...and so on.
But every time I create the crawler and set the Data Bucket as the data source, I only get a single table created. I've tried every combo of the "create single schema ...etc" I can think of.
I'm hoping that I don't have to add each sub-folder as a separate data source as my ultimate goal is to translate it eventually into an RDS instance. Hoping to keep the high-level bucket as the single data source if possible. I can easily tweak folder/file structure if needed.
And yes, I'm aware of partitioning, but isn't that only applicable to individual tables?
I ran into the same issue and digging into Glue docs, I found that setting table level in crawler's output configurations do the trick.
Table level seems to be set from the bucket level, in your case, I believe setting table level to 2 (the first folder after the root), would do the trick. 2 means that the tables definition starts at that point
I've been trying to accomplish the same thing. I was hoping that Glue would magically see the different folders and automatically create separate tables. Glue seems to want to create a single table, especially when the schemas overlap. In my example, I'm using US census data so there are some common fields, especially in the beginning of each file.
In the end, I was able to get this to work by creating multiple data stores in the Glue Crawler. By doing this, it would create the five separate tables I wanted, but I had to add each folder manually. Still hoping to find a way to get Glue to discover them automatically.

How to create AWS Athena table via Glue crawler when the s3 data store has both json and .gz compressed files?

I have two problems in my intended solution:
My S3 store structure is as following:
All json files have the same schema and I want to make a crawler pointing to mainfolder/ which can then create a table in Athena for querying.
I have already tried with just one file format, e.g. if the files are just json or just gz then the crawler works perfectly but I am looking for a solution through which I can automate either type of file processing. I am open to write a custom script or any out of the box solution but need pointers where to start.
The second issue that my json data has a field(column) which the crawler interprets as struct data but I want to make that field type as string. Reason being that if the type remains struct the date/hour partitions get a mismatch error as obviously struct data has not the same internal schema across the files. I have tried to make a custom classifier but there are no options there to describe data types.
I would suggest skipping using a crawler altogether. In my experience Glue crawlers are not worth the problems they cause. It's easy to create tables with the Glue API, and so is adding partitions. The API is a bit verbose, especially adding partitions, but it's much less pain than trying to make a crawler do what you want it to do.
You can of course also create the table from Athena, that way you can be sure you get tables that work with Athena (otherwise there are some details you need to get right). Adding partitions is also less verbose using SQL through Athena, but slower.
Crawler will not take compressed and uncompressed data together , so it will not work out of box.
It is better to write spark job in glue and use

AWS Glue crawler need to create one table from many files with identical schemas

We have a very large number of folders and files in S3, all under one particular folder, and we want to crawl for all the CSV files, and then query them from one table in Athena. The CSV files all have the same schema. The problem is that the crawler is generating a table for every file, instead of one table. Crawler configurations have a checkbox option to "Create a single schema for each S3 path" but this doesn't seem to do anything.
Is what I need possible? Thanks.
Glue crawlers claims to solve many problems, but in fact solves few. If you're slightly outside the scope of what they designed for you're out of luck. There might be a way to configure it to do what you want, but in my experience trying to make Glue crawlers do things that aren't perfectly aligned with it is not worth the effort.
It sounds like you have a good idea of what the schema of your data is. When that is the case Glue crawlers also provide very little value. You probably have a better idea of what the schema should look than Glue will ever be able to figure out.
I suggest that you manually create the table, and write a one off script that lists all the partition locations on S3 that you want to include in the table and generate ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION … SQL, or Glue API calls to add those partitions to the table.
To keep the table up to date when new partition locations are added, have a look at this answer for guidance:
One way to do what you want is to use just one of the tables created by the crawler as an example, and create a similar table manually (in AWS Glue->Tables->Add tables, or in Athena itself, with
`column1` string,
`column2` string, ...
using existing table as an example, you can see the query used to create that table in Athena when you go to Database -> select your data base from Glue Data Catalog, then click on 3 dots in front of the one "automatically created by crawler table" that you choose as an example, and click on "Generate Create table DDL" option. It will generate a big query for you, modify it as necessary (I believe you need to look at LOCATION and TBLPROPERTIES parts, mostly).
When you run this modified query in Athena, a new table will appear in Glue data catalog. But it will not have any information about your s3 files and partitions, and crawler most likely will not update metastore info for you. So you can in Athena run "MSCK REPAIR TABLE tablename;" query (it's not very efficient, but works for me), and it will add missing file information, in the Result tab you will see something like (in case you use partitions on s3, of course):
Partitions not in metastore: tablename:dt=2020-02-03 tablename:dt=2020-02-04
Repair: Added partition to metastore tablename:dt=2020-02-03
Repair: Added partition to metastore tablename:dt=2020-02-04
After that you should be able to run your Athena queries.

how to combine multiple s3 files into one using Glue

I need some help in combining multiple files in different company partition in S3 into one file with company name in the file as one of the column.
I am new and I am not able to find any information also I did spoke to support and they say it is not supported. But in DataStage it is a basic function to combin multiple files into one.
Please throw some light
If the Column names are same in the file and number of columns are also same, Glue will automatically combine them.
Make sure the files you want to combine are in same folder on s3 and your glue crawler is pointing to the folder.
Review the AWS Glue examples, particularly the Join and Rationalize Data in S3 example. It shows you how to use a Python script to do joins and filters with transforms.