Swiftui: check if content fits scrollview without scrolling - swiftui

I wonder how to determine if the content inside ScrollView is fully visible without scrolling?
ScrollView {
LazyVStack {
I was going to use onAppear/onDisappear to tell if "1" and "7" are visible. Works for "1" as it's always visible from the very beginning... But if "7" is not visible - "onDisappear" event is not called right after load..
UPDATE: replaced VStack with LazyVStack


How to get rid of empty space when trying to insert a view flush to navigation bar, while simultaneously assigning navigation view a background color

To my knowledge, the only way to assign a navigation bar a background color that is separate from the rest of the screen, you set the background color to whatever object you have flush with the navigation view. (In this case, its a divider with the background set to red)
My intention is to then place a view flush to the divider in an attempt to create some sort of "subtitle view". The problem is, as you can see, there is a space between my Stack and my Divider... I'm not sure what is causing this space and I am not sure how to get rid of it.
My first thought was, perhaps there is some safe area being adhered to... That said, I tried ignoring that, but that didn't work.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
VStack {
.navigationTitle("Main Title")
// There is a space here
ZStack {
Rectangle().frame(height: 35)
Text("Subtitle View")
}.edgesIgnoringSafeArea([.top, .bottom])

How do I disable a SwiftUI NavigationView list item row on load?

I have an array of objects (employees) that I am displaying in a navigationview. Each object has a boolean property called "Active". If the employee is active I want the navigationlink for that list item to work as it normally would but if the employee is not active then I want that list item to be disabled so that the navigationlink or any swipe actions do not work. This is my code:
NavigationView {
List {
CustomSearchBar(searchText: $searchText, searchCategory: $searchCategory)
ForEach(Employees) { person in
ZStack {
NavigationLink(destination: DisplayDetails().environmentObject(person)) {
.swipeActions(edge: .leading, content: {
Button {
Employees.toggleArchiveFlag(for: person.id)
} label: {
Label("Archive", systemImage: !person.archived ? "square.and.arrow.down" : "trash")
.tint(!person.archived ? .blue : .red)
.navigationTitle("Current Employees")
.padding(.horizontal,-15) // remove the padding that the list adds to the screen
What ends up happing is that when the view initially loads everything is enabled regardless of each employee's active status. But if I click any of the navigationlinks to load the "DisplayDetails" detailed view and then return back to the main navigationview OR if I click on any of the searchbar toggles or use the searchbar to filter my list of people then the view updates and the correct people are disabled.
It is almost as if the statement ".disabled(!person.active)" is being called too late. If that is the case then where should I be calling it? I have tried moving that statement in the following places:
The closing bracket of the Zstack. But this does nothing
Right below the "ListItem().environmentObject(person)" statement but this still shows the same behavior as mentioned earlier and when the navigationlink is eventually disabled then the swipeactions are still enabled.
Any help at all would be appreciated!
Figured out that the issue was with the logic that set the person.active boolean value not with the presentation of the navigation view items. Thanks.

ToolbarItem: How to define which one should be hidden first if not enough space available

I have implemented a toolbar in a SwiftUI app as follows:
var body: some View {
NavigationView.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .automatic) {
Text("Not essential - should be hidden *first*")
ToolbarItem(placement: .automatic) {
Text("Essential - should be displayed whenever possible") // E.g. a search field
As it is, the items disappear starting from the right if the toolbar/window is too small to display all of them. Is there a way to manually define which ToolbarItem is hidden first if not enough space is available (e.g., so that the search field is visible whenever possible)?
Thank you for any help.

SwiftUI Buttons in a ScrollView is not tappable sometimes

I have a horizontal ScrollView on top of a MapView.
The ScorllView is a collection of Buttons. It is weird that the buttons in the ScrollView are sometime tapable and sometimes not. First tap always works but after that I have to scroll a bit, tap around different areas in the button, make some secret prayers and then it works!
I tried disabling/removing all other components in the view, but still unable to figure out the root cause.
Has anyone experience this ?
I stuck with a same issue with horizontal ScrollView on top and List. While debugging I added empty .onTapGesture to ScrollView and it somehow fix my issue.
VStack(spacing: 0) {
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
HStack {
Button("one") {}
Button("two") {}
Button("three") {}
.onTapGesture { // <---- fix
List {
I also faced the same issue for Horizontal Scroll view in Swiftui dark theme "CameraTimerItem" buttons not clickable (Problem with dark theme only). Then I put a onTapGesture without any action. It's starts to work normally. I think it's a error of SwiftUI.
VStack (alignment:.center){
ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
ForEach(timeSlots,id: \.self) { item in
CameraTimerItem(cellTitle: item)
.frame(width: AppUtils.width, alignment: .center)
.onTapGesture {
// <---- This is the solution
To anyone else having this issue, instead of adding an empty .onTapGesture view modifier, check that any HStacks in the ScrollView hierarchy have a .contentShape(Rectangle()) modifier. By default, HStacks don't accept taps in between their child views, and depending on your child view's layout this can cause taps to be missed even when it looks like they should be landing. .contentShape(Rectangle()) makes the entire frame of the HStack tappable.

How to do Apple Music-like navigation in SwiftUI? Custom List and NavigationView has highlight not going away

This is my example that I am trying to get to work:
struct ContentView: View {
let links = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4"]
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ScrollView {
Text("My Title")
List(links, id: \.self) {
link in
NavigationLink(destination: TestView()) {
.padding(.vertical, 4)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
.frame(height: 178)
Text("Some more content here")
Note: TestView is just some view with the text hello world on it.
I am trying to copy Apple Music's style of navigation. I tried putting a Button in the NavigationLink but tapping it on the text wouldn't change views, and I couldn't find a way to reliably change the color of the row when tapped, at the same time. Also in some approach, I managed to make it work, but the way the colors animate is different, i.e. it fades from A to B, over ~100ms whereas what I'm trying to achieve is to animate between the states instantly (like in Apple Music).
My current approach is using a List, putting NavigationLinks inside it and then cutting off the whole view by giving it a height. This way I can put it alongside other content.
It's working fine for now, but whenever I click on an row and go back, the row is still highlighted, when it shouldn't. Is there a way to make it so that it deselects when going back to the screen somehow?
I think this bug is being caused by the List being inside a ScrollView, since when I removed ScrollView, the list worked properly, and there wasn't this highlight bug. But I need to be able to put my content with the list, and I don't intend to have a list take up the whole screen.
Is there any way to fix this bug with this approach? I'm also willing for other ways to achieve the same result without using List.
Trying to use ForEach instead ofList?
With a view for row (CustomRow) where you can pass link item and set custom dividing line, background etc ...
ForEach(links, id: \.self) { link in
NavigationLink(destination: TestView()) {
CustomRow(item: link)
.frame(height: 178)