Why union Transformation is Active? - informatica

Union Transformation is used to combine or merge multiple sources having same structure and data types. if I combine 2 sources one having 10 records and another having 10 records and the output is 20. so here input and output record is same. then why should we call Union is Active. need a example for this

Because if you consider the path from a single source to a single target then a UNION transformation between them can/will change the number of rows


Which one is better performance wise in Informatica Powercenter? Use sorter transformation or add number of sorted ports on source qualifier?

I have a mapping in Informatica Powercenter which combines data from two sources. One source has around 22 million rows of data while the other have >389 million rows of data. Will it be better performance-wise if I add Sorter transformation or is it better to add number of sorted ports in the Source Qualifier?
Also, what factors that makes one way better than the other(in case of sorter transformation vs adding number of sorted ports in SQ)?
If both tables are from same DB, without a doubt - sort in the SQ using number of sorted ports.
Informatica sorter brings whole data into infa server and then sort it. So, sorting 300M resultant data is going to take lot of time + resource.
Now, joining 389 M and 22M table in source and sort the result in source itself will take less time and resource. Informatica doesnt have to bring any data into its server.
Now, if they are from different data bases, then, sorting them in source qualifier will give perf boost while joining. You have to join them using joiner to get whole data set. And i think data order will be same if your sort key is same as join key and you do not have to sort again using sorter. Issue is joining both will take time.

spotfire plot list of elements

I have a data table that has this format :
and I want to plot temperature to time, any idea how to do that ?
This can be done in a TERR data function. I don't know how comfortable you are integrating Spotfire with TERR, there is an intro video here for instance (demo starts from about minute 7):
With that in mind, I wrote the script without loading any library, so it is quite verbose and explicit, but hopefully simpler to follow step by step. I am sure there is a more elegant way, and there are better ways of making it flexible with column names, but this is a start.
Your input will be a data table (dt, the original data) and the output a new data table (dt.out, the transformed data). All column names (and some values) are addressed explicitly in the script (so if you change them it won't work).
#remove the []
#separate into two different data frames, one for time and one for temperature
#split the columns we want to separate into a list of vectors
#rearrange times
dt2.time=stack(dt2.time) #stack vectors
dt2.time$id=c(1:nrow(dt2.time)) #assign running id for merging later
#rearrange temperatures
dt2.temperature=stack(dt2.temperature) #stack vectors
dt2.temperature$id=c(1:nrow(dt2.temperature)) #assign running id for merging later
#merge time and temperature
because all of the example rows you've shown here contain exactly four list items and you haven't specified otherwise, I'll assume that all of the data fits this format.
with this assumption, it becomes pretty trivial, albeit a little messy, to split the values out into columns using the RXReplace() expression function.
you can create four calculated columns, each with an expression like:
the third argument "\\1" determines which number in the list to extract. backslashes are doubled ("escaped") per the requirements of the RXReplace() function.
note that this example assumes the numbers are all whole numbers. if you have decimals, you'd need to adjust each "phrase" of the regular expression to ([\\d\\-\\.]+), and you'd need to wrap the expression in Real() rather than Int() (if you leave this part out, the result will be a String type which could cause confusion later on when working with the data).
once you have the four columns, you'll be able to unpivot to get the data easily.

Fixed Length Flat file Parsing

I have a flat file tables say, student.tbl and employee.tbl. Both files are fixed length files. I have a supporting files for both files with the information field code, field description, field Offset and field size.
for example,
ename string 0 10
eage number 10 2
ecity string 12 10
I wrote code to fetch data from the flat files using STL in c++. I am using vector to load those data.
My simple algorithm to load data from Fixed Length file.
1) Read Supporting file.
2) Load supporting file data into a 2D vector string say,
3) Read Table file.
4) Get First Line from the Table File, say Data Line.
5) Get First Column Information from the supporting Table Which is
First Row of column_records.
6) Chop Data Line based on the column_record
7) Push the chopped data into a One Dimensional Vector say,
8) Do Step 5, Until the Last Column Information has processed.
9) Push record_vector into 2D vector say,Table_Vector.
10) Do Step 4, Until the last line of the Fixed File has reached.
Well. I did it well. It works fine. But my problem is, in Step 5.
For every fixed length data, I feel there was some repeat Iterations.
I know for a fact, First Fixed Length data itself can have retain the column descriptions for other fixed length data. But I repeatedly doing the Iteration N*M. I wish to my iteration should be 1*M.
I know that I can store my column description in a Structure array. But I have many type of tables. say students.tbl and employee.tbl. Both have different set of columns. So I think it will be bad Idea to have 'N'-struct declaration to load 'N'-supporting Tables.
I wish to use same routine to fetch data from the both tables or 'N' tables. My supporting table format will not be changed. It is in tab delimited format. This is my case.
How do I fetch data from table with 1*M iteration?
I hope I can use enumeration to do this. But I don't know how to do that? will using enumeration or macro solve this issue?
I hope my working source code will not be needed for this Question. If you think source code are needed to answer this question, definitely I will update this question with that source code. I have medium level of English Knowledge. So Sorry for Inconvenience.
Thank You.

Exporting a map with changing number of elements to CSV

I need to export data from 3 maps to preferably a single CSV and would like to be able to do so without simply making a column for every possible key (there may be up to 65024 of them).
The output would be a CSV containing the value at each of the keys at each timestep (may be several hundred thousand).
Anyone got any ideas?
Reduce the granularity by categorizing your keys into groups and store them with one timestep per row. Then you can plot one datapoint per line.
Let me know if you need clarification, i'd need some more info.

kettle sample rows for each type

I have a set of rows let's say "rowId","type","value". I need on output set of 10 sample rows for each "type". How can I do it? "type" has aprox. 100 different, and changing values, so switch is not good option.
Well I've figured a walkaround from this situation. I splited transformation in parts. First part collects all data to a temp table, finds unique types, and copies them to the result.
The second one runs for every input row (where we have types), and collects data of a given type from temp table. Then you need no grouping to do stratified sample.