I am developing a space shooter game using OpenGL. Trying to create a thruster effect for the player's spaceship using particles. I am facing a problem where the base of the thruster is not circular under some angles of the spaceship. You can see the effect in the video.
This is the code for calculating the circular base :
float random = fmod(static_cast<float>(rand()) / 100.0, mSize);
glm::vec3 radius = (mUp * random) + (mRight * random);
float angle = (float)i / (float)mNumOfInstances * 360.0f;
float x = mPos.x + glm::cos(angle) * radius.x;
float y = mPos.y + glm::sin(angle) * radius.y;
float z = mPos.z + glm::cos(angle) * radius.z;
particle.Position = glm::vec3(x, y, z);
Can someone suggest any corrections to this code to fix the problem?
The solution was the following for anyone having the same problem:
glm::vec3 up = (mUp * random);
glm::vec3 right = (mRight * random);
particle.Position = mPos + glm::cos(angle) * up + sin(angle) * right;
mUp is the Up vector, mRight is the right vector of the spaceship, angle is the angle for the specific point (0-360) and random is a random radius because I want a filled circle.
I am a bit confused. I need help, I tried implementing an arcball camera. The theory I followed is here:
It "works" except it doesn;t behave like the arcball camera in Renderdoc:
So in mine when you try to rotate too far away from the screen center the rotation seems to be on the opposite direction of where it should be
vec3 ScreenToArcSurface(vec2 pos)
const float radius = 0.9f; // Controls the speed
if(pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y >= (radius * radius) / 2.f - 0.00001)
// This is equal to (r^2 / 2) / (sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) since the magnitude of the
// vector is sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
return {pos, (radius * radius / 2.f) / (length(pos))};
return {pos.x, pos.y, sqrt(radius * radius - (pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y))};
void ArcballCamera::UpdateCameraAngles(void* ptr, glm::vec2 position, glm::vec2 offset)
auto camera = reinterpret_cast<ArcballCamera*>(ptr);
vec3 vb = ScreenToArcSurface(position);
vec3 va = ScreenToArcSurface(position - offset);
float angle = acos(glm::min(1.f, dot(vb, va)));
vec3 axis = cross(va, vb);
camera->rotation *= quat(cos(angle) / 2.f, sin(angle) * axis);
camera->rotation = normalize(camera->rotation);
glm::mat4 ArcballCamera::GetViewMatrix()
return glm::lookAt(
look_at_point + rotation * (position - look_at_point),
rotation * up);
I don't understand what difference there is between what I implemented and what the khronos link is describing.
I fixed it by multiplying the position by -1;.
I don't understand why this fixes the math. The input coorindates are what i expect. the poisition is normalized from -1 to 1 and top left is (-,-) top right is (+,-), bottom left (-,+) and finally the last one is (+,+).
So I don;t know Why I need to work in a negated coordinate system for this to work.
The problem is that the Website I took this from defined the formula for the OpenGL coordinate system.
However I am working on vulkan, where the Y coordinate is flipped, which changes the handedness of the system. Due to this, using the formula as is uses the wrong half of the sphere.
The correct implementation for Vulkan just needs to negate the z component, i.e:
vec3 ScreenToArcSurface(vec2 pos)
const float radius = 0.9f; // Controls the speed
if(pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y >= (radius * radius) / 2.f - 0.00001)
// This is equal to (r^2 / 2) / (sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) since the magnitude of the
// vector is sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
return {pos, -(radius * radius / 2.f) / (length(pos))};
return {pos.x, pos.y, -sqrt(radius * radius - (pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y))};
I cannot understand the math behind this problem, I am trying to create an FPS camera where I can look freely with my mouse input.
I am trying to rotate and position my lookat point with 180 degrees of freedom. I understand the easier solution is to glRotate the world to fit my perspective, but I do not want this approach. I am fairly unfamiliar with the trigonometry involved here and cannot figure out how to solve this problem the way I want to...
here is my attempt to do this so far...
code to get mouse coordinates relative to the center of the window, then process it in my camera object
#define DEG2RAD(a) (a * (M_PI / 180.0f))//convert to radians
static void glutPassiveMotionHandler(int x, int y) {
glf centerX = WinWidth / 2; glf centerY = WinHeight / 2;//get windows origin point
f speed = 0.2f;
f oldX = mouseX; f oldY = mouseY;
mouseX = DEG2RAD(-((x - centerX)));//get distance from 0 and convert to radians
mouseY = DEG2RAD(-((y - centerY)));//get distance from 0 and convert to radians
f diffX = mouseX - oldX; f diffY = mouseY - oldY;//get difference from last frame to this frame
if (mouseX != 0 || mouseY != 0) {
mainCamera->Rotate(diffX, diffY);
Code to rotate the camera
void Camera::Rotate(f angleX, f angleY) {
Camera::refrence = Vector3D::NormalizeVector(Camera::refrence * cos(angleX)) + (Camera::upVector * sin(angleY));//rot up
Camera::refrence = Vector3D::NormalizeVector((Camera::refrence * cos(angleY)) - (Camera::rightVector * sin(angleX)));//rot side to side
Camera::refrence is our lookat point, processing the lookat point is handled as follows
void Camera::LookAt(void) {
Camera::position.x, Camera::position.y, Camera::position.z,
Camera::refrence.x, Camera::refrence.y, Camera::refrence.z,
Camera::upVector.x, Camera::upVector.y, Camera::upVector.z
The camera is defined by a position point (position) a target point (refrence) and a up-vector upVector. If you want to change the orientation of the camera, then you've to rotate the direction vector from the position (position) to the target (refrence) rather then the target point by a Rotation matrix.
Note, since the 2 angles are angles which should change an already rotated view, you've to use a rotation matrix, to rotate the vectors which point in an arbitrary direction.
Write a function which set 3x3 rotation matrix around an arbitrary axis:
void RotateMat(float m[], float angle_radians, float x, float y, float z)
float c = cos(angle_radians);
float s = sin(angle_radians);
m[0] = x*x*(1.0f-c)+c; m[1] = x*y*(1.0f-c)-z*s; m[2] = x*z*(1.0f-c)+y*s;
m[3] = y*x*(1.0f-c)+z*s; m[4] = y*y*(1.0f-c)+c; m[5] = y*z*(1.0f-c)-x*s;
m[6] = z*x*(1.0f-c)-y*s; m[7] = z*y*(1.0f-c)+x*s; m[8] = z*z*(1.0f-c)+c };
Write a function which rotates a 3 dimensional vector by the matrix:
Vector3D Rotate(float m[], const Vector3D &v)
Vector3D rv;
rv.x = m[0] * v.x + m[3] * v.y + m[6] * v.z;
rv.y = m[1] * v.x + m[4] * v.y + m[7] * v.z;
rv.z = m[2] * v.x + m[5] * v.y + m[8] * v.z;
return rv;
Calculate the vector form the position to the target:
Vector3D los = Vector3D(refrence.x - position.x, refrence.y - position.y, refrence.z - position.z);
Rotate all the vectors around the z axis of the world by angleX:
float rotX[9];
RotateMat(rotX, angleX, Vector3D(0, 0, 1));
los = Rotate(rotX, los);
upVector = Rotate(rotX, upVector);
Rotate all the vectors around the current y axis of the view by angleY:
float rotY[9];
RotateMat(rotY, angleY, Vector3D(los.x, los.y, 0.0));
los = Rotate(rotY, los);
upVector = Rotate(rotY, upVector);
Calculate the new target point:
refrence = Vector3D(position.x + los.x, position.y + los.y, position.z + los.z);
U_Cam_X_angle is left right rotation.. U_Cam_Y_angle is up down rotation.
view_radius is the view distance (zoom) to U_look_point_x, U_look_point_y and U_look_point_z.
This is ALWAYS a negative number! This is because you are always looking in positive direction. Deeper in the screen is more positive.
This is all in radians.
The last three.. eyeX, eyeY and eyeZ is where the camera is in 3D space.
This code is in VB.net. Find a converter online for VB to C++ or do it manually.
Public Sub set_eyes()
Dim sin_x, sin_y, cos_x, cos_y As Single
sin_x = Sin(U_Cam_X_angle + angle_offset)
cos_x = Cos(U_Cam_X_angle + angle_offset)
cos_y = Cos(U_Cam_Y_angle)
sin_y = Sin(U_Cam_Y_angle)
cam_y = Sin(U_Cam_Y_angle) * view_radius
cam_x = (sin_x - (1 - cos_y) * sin_x) * view_radius
cam_z = (cos_x - (1 - cos_y) * cos_x) * view_radius
Glu.gluLookAt(cam_x + U_look_point_x, cam_y + U_look_point_y, cam_z + U_look_point_z, _
U_look_point_x, U_look_point_y, U_look_point_z, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F)
eyeX = cam_x + U_look_point_x
eyeY = cam_y + U_look_point_y
eyeZ = cam_z + U_look_point_z
End Sub
My plan:
1. Calculate mouse direction [x, y] [success]
I my Mouse Move event:
int directionX = lastPosition.x - position.x;
int directionY = lastPosition.y - position.y;
2. Calculate angles [theta, phi] [success]
float theta = fmod(lastTheta + sensibility * directionY, M_PI);
float phi = fmod(lastPhi + sensibility * directionX * -1, M_PI * 2);
Edit {
bug fix:
float theta = lastTheta + sensibility * directionY * -1;
if (theta < M_PI / -2)theta = M_PI / -2;
else if (theta > M_PI / 2)theta = M_PI / 2;
float phi = fmod(lastPhi + sensibility * directionX * -1, M_PI * 2);
Now I have given theta, phi, the centerpoint and the radius and I want to calculate the position and the rotation [that the camera look at the centerpoint]
3. Calculate position coordinates [X,Y,Z] [failed]
float newX = radius * sin(phi) * cos(theta);
float newY = radius * sin(phi) * sin(theta);
float newZ = radius * cos(phi);
Solution [by meowgoesthedog]:
float newX = radius * cos(theta) * cos(phi);
float newY = radius * sin(theta);
float newZ = radius * cos(theta) * sin(phi);
4. Calculate rotation [failed]
float pitch = ?;
float yaw = ?;
Solution [by meowgoesthedog]:
float pitch = -theta;
float yaw = -phi;
Thanks for your solutions!
Your attempt was almost (kinda) correct:
As the diagram shows, in OpenGL the "vertical" direction is conventionally taken to be Y, whereas your formulas assume it is Z
phi and theta are in the wrong order
Very simple conversion: yaw = -phi, pitch = -theta (from the perspective of the camera)
Fixed formulas:
float position_X = radius * cos(theta) * cos(phi);
float position_Y = radius * sin(theta);
float position_Z = radius * cos(theta) * sin(phi);
(There may also be some sign issues with the mouse deltas but they should be easy to fix.)
My Question
Can someone please link a good article/tutorial/anything or maybe even explain how to correctly cast a ray from the mouse coordinates to pick objects in 3D?
I already have the Ray and intersection works, now I only need to create the ray from the mouse click.
I would just like have something which I know actually should work, thats why I ask the professionals here, not something where I am unsure if it is even correct in the first place.
State right now
I have a ray class, which actually works and detects intersection if I set the origin and direction to be the same as the camera, so when I move the camera it actually selects the right thing.
Now I would like to actually have 3D picking with the mouse, not camera movement.
I have read so many other questions about this, 2 tutorials, and especially so much different math stuff, since I am really not good at it.
But that didn't help me much, because the people there often use some "unproject" functions, which seem to actually be deprecated and which I have no idea how to use and also don't have access to.
Right now I set the ray origin to the camera position and then try to get the direction of the ray from the calculations in this tutorial.
And it works a little bit, meaning the selection works when the camera is pointed at the object and also sometimes along the whole y-axis, I have no idea what is happening.
If someone wants to take a look at my code right now:
public Ray2(Camera cam, float mouseX, float mouseY) {
origin = cam.getEye();
float height = 600;
float width = 600;
float aspect = (float) width / (float) height;
float x = (2.0f * mouseX) / width - 1.0f;
float y = 1.0f - (2.0f * mouseX) / height;
float z = 1.0f;
Vector ray_nds = vecmath.vector(x, y, z);
Vector4f clip = new Vector4f(ray_nds.x(), ray_nds.y(), -1.0f, 1.0f);
Matrix proj = vecmath.perspectiveMatrix(60f, aspect, 0.1f, 100f);
proj = proj.invertRigid();
float tempX = proj.get(0, 0) * clip.x + proj.get(1, 0) * clip.y
+ proj.get(2, 0) * clip.z + proj.get(3, 0) * clip.w;
float tempY = proj.get(0, 1) * clip.x + proj.get(1, 1) * clip.y
+ proj.get(2, 1) * clip.z + proj.get(3, 1) * clip.w;
float tempZ = proj.get(0, 2) * clip.x + proj.get(1, 2) * clip.y
+ proj.get(2, 2) * clip.z + proj.get(3, 2) * clip.w;
float tempW = proj.get(0, 3) * clip.x + proj.get(1, 3) * clip.y
+ proj.get(2, 3) * clip.z + proj.get(3, 3) * clip.w;
Vector4f ray_eye = new Vector4f(tempX, tempY, tempZ, tempW);
ray_eye = new Vector4f(ray_eye.x, ray_eye.y, -1.0f, 0.0f);
Matrix view = cam.getTransformation();
view = view.invertRigid();
tempX = view.get(0, 0) * ray_eye.x + view.get(1, 0) * ray_eye.y
+ view.get(2, 0) * ray_eye.z + view.get(3, 0) * ray_eye.w;
tempY = view.get(0, 1) * ray_eye.x + view.get(1, 1) * ray_eye.y
+ view.get(2, 1) * ray_eye.z + view.get(3, 1) * ray_eye.w;
tempZ = view.get(0, 2) * ray_eye.x + view.get(1, 2) * ray_eye.y
+ view.get(2, 2) * ray_eye.z + view.get(3, 2) * ray_eye.w;
tempW = view.get(0, 3) * ray_eye.x + view.get(1, 3) * ray_eye.y
+ view.get(2, 3) * ray_eye.z + view.get(3, 3) * ray_eye.w;
Vector ray_wor = vecmath.vector(tempX, tempY, tempZ);
// don't forget to normalise the vector at some point
ray_wor = ray_wor.normalize();
direction = ray_wor;
First,unproject() method is the way to go.It is not deprecated at all.You can find it implemented in GLM math library for example.Here is my implementation of Ray based 3D picking:
// let's check if this renderable's AABB is clicked:
const glm::ivec2& mCoords = _inputManager->GetMouseCoords();
int mouseY = _viewportHeight - mCoords.y;
//unproject twice to build a ray from near to far plane"
glm::vec3 v0 = glm::unProject(glm::vec3(float(mCoords.x), float(mouseY), 0.0f),_camera->Transform().GetView(),_camera->Transform().GetProjection(), _viewport);
glm::vec3 v1 = glm::unProject(glm::vec3(float(mCoords.x), float(mouseY), 1.0f),_camera->Transform().GetView(),_camera->Transform().GetProjection(), _viewport);
glm::vec3 dir = (v1 - v0);
Ray r(_camera->Transform().GetPosition(),dir);
float ishit ;
//construct AABB:
glm::mat4 aabbMatr = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0),renderable->Transform().GetPosition());
aabbMatr = glm::scale(aabbMatr,renderable->Transform().GetScale());
//transforms AABB vertices(need it if the origianl bbox is not axis aligned as in this case)
//this method makes typical Ray-AABB intersection test:
But I would suggest you also to take a look at color based 3d picking which is pixel perfect and even easier to implement.
Is there a way to calculate the XYZ position in front of a quaternion (XYZW) rotation, preferably using GLM?
I know the Quat rotation and the Position of the object I want to calculate the position in front of.
I know how to calculate the position in front of a rotation matrix where you have a Front vector, Up vector and Right vector, but in this case I only have XYZW values (where W is always 0, I never see it becomming 1..?)
In very short:
The data I have: Quat (X Y Z W) and Position(X Y Z) and I want to calculate PositionInFront(Position, Quat, Distance, &X, &Y, &Z)
How to accomplish this goal?
I tried a cast to 3x3matrix and perform the Up,Right,Front (because a 3x3 matrix cast is these values, right?) calculations but they do not return the correct positions.
Or would it be possible to determine the objects Z Angle? (rotation around world Z / height axis only)
It seemed that there were 2 more quaternion structures for the vehicle which I forgot to use. and those 3 are the complete set needed for the Front,Right,Up calculation formula:
float offX = 10.0f;
float offY = 0.0f;
float offZ = 0.0f;
float x = offX * info.Rotation.Front.x + offY * info.Rotation.Right.x + offZ * info.Rotation.Up.x + info.Pos.x;
float y = offX * info.Rotation.Front.y + offY * info.Rotation.Right.y + offZ * info.Rotation.Up.y + info.Pos.y;
float z = offX * info.Rotation.Front.z + offY * info.Rotation.Right.z + offZ * info.Rotation.Up.z + info.Pos.z;
float Angle = (atan2(x-info.Pos.x, y-info.Pos.y) * 180.0f / PI);