How to unset N right-most set bits - bit-manipulation

There is a relatively well-known trick for unsetting a single right-most bit:
y = x & (x - 1) // 0b001011100 & 0b001011011 = 0b001011000 :)
I'm finding myself with a tight loop to clear n right-most bits, but is there a simpler algebraic trick?
Assume relatively large n (n has to be <64 for 64bit integers, but it's often on the order of 20-30).
// x = 0b001011100 n=2
for (auto i=0; i<n; i++) x &= x - 1;
// x = 0b001010000
I've thumbed my TAOCP Vol4a few times, but can't find any inspiration.
Maybe there is some hardware support for it?

For Intel x86 CPUs with BMI2, pext and pdep are fast. AMD before Zen3 has very slow microcoded PEXT/PDEP ( so be careful with this; other options might be faster on AMD, maybe even blsi in a loop, or better a binary-search on popcount (see below).
Only Intel has dedicated hardware execution units for the mask-controlled pack/unpack that pext/pdep do, making it constant-time: 1 uop, 3 cycle latency, can only run on port 1.
I'm not aware of other ISAs having a similar bit-packing hardware operation.
pdep basics: pdep(-1ULL, a) == a. Taking the low popcnt(a) bits from the first operand, and depositing them at the places where a has set bits, will give you a back again.
But if, instead of all-ones, your source of bits has the low N bits cleared, the first N set bits in a will grab a 0 instead of 1. This is exactly what you want.
uint64_t unset_first_n_bits_bmi2(uint64_t a, int n){
return _pdep_u64(-1ULL << n, a);
-1ULL << n works for n=0..63 in C. x86 asm scalar shift instructions mask their count (effectively &63), so that's probably what will happen for the C undefined-behaviour of a larger n. If you care, use n&63 in the source so the behaviour is well-defined in C, and it can still compile to a shift instruction that uses the count directly.
On Godbolt with a simple looping reference implementation, showing that they produce the same result for a sample input a and n.
GCC and clang both compile it the obvious way, as written:
# GCC10.2 -O3 -march=skylake
unset_first_n_bits_bmi2(unsigned long, int):
mov rax, -1
shlx rax, rax, rsi
pdep rax, rax, rdi
(SHLX is single-uop, 1 cycle latency, unlike legacy variable-count shifts that update FLAGS... except if CL=0)
So this has 3 cycle latency from a->output (just pdep)
and 4 cycle latency from n->output (shlx, pdep).
And is only 3 uops for the front-end.
A semi-related BMI2 trick:
pext(a,a) will pack the bits at the bottom, like (1ULL<<popcnt(a)) - 1 but without overflow if all bits are set.
Clearing the low N bits of that with an AND mask, and expanding with pdep would work. But that's an overcomplicated expensive way to create a source of bits with enough ones above N zeros, which is all that actually matters for pdep. Thanks to #harold for spotting this in the first version of this answer.
Without fast PDEP: perhaps binary search for the right popcount
#Nate's suggestion of a binary search for how many low bits to clear is probably a good alternative to pdep.
Stop when popcount(x>>c) == popcount(x) - N to find out how many low bits to clear, preferably with branchless updating of c. (e.g. c = foo ? a : b often compiles to cmov).
Once you're done searching, x & (-1ULL<<c) uses that count, or just tmp << c to shift back the x>>c result you already have. Using right-shift directly is cheaper than generating a new mask and using it every iteration.
High-performance popcount is relatively widely available on modern CPUs. (Although not baseline for x86-64; you still need to compile with -mpopcnt or -march=native).
Tuning this could involve choosing a likely starting-point, and perhaps using a max initial step size instead of pure binary search. Getting some instruction-level parallelism out of trying some initial guesses could perhaps help shorten the latency bottleneck.


What is "MAX" referring to in the intel intrinsics documentation?

Within the intel intrinsics guide some operations are defined using a term "MAX". An example is __m256 _mm256_mask_permutexvar_ps (__m256 src, __mmask8 k, __m256i idx, __m256 a), which is defined as
FOR j := 0 to 7
i := j*32
id := idx[i+2:i]*32
IF k[j]
dst[i+31:i] := a[id+31:id]
dst[i+31:i] := 0
dst[MAX:256] := 0
. Please take note of the last line within this definition: dst[MAX:256] := 0. What is MAX referring to and is this line even adding any valuable information? If I had to make assumptions, then MAX probably means the amount of bits within the vector, which is 256 in case of _mm256. This however does not seem to change anything for the definition of the operation and might as well have been omitted. But why is it there then?
This pseudo-code only makes sense for assembly documentation, where it was copied from, not for intrinsics. (HTML scrape of Intel's vol.2 PDF documenting the corresponding vpermps asm instruction.)
(The same asm doc entry covers VL = 128, 256, and 512-bit versions, the vector width of the instruction.)
In asm, a YMM register is the low half of a ZMM register, and writing a YMM zeroes the upper bits out to the CPU's max supported vector width (just like writing EAX zero-extends into RAX).
The intrinsic you picked is for the masked version, so it requires AVX-512 (EVEX encoding), thus VLMAX is at least 5121. If the mask is a constant all-ones, it could get optimized to the AVX2 VEX encoding, but both still zero high bits of the full register out to VLMAX.
This is meaningless for intrinsics
The intrinsics API just has __m256 and __m512 types; an __m256 is not implicitly the low half of an __m512. You can use _mm512_castps256_ps512 to get a __m512 with your __m256 as the low half, but the API documentation says "the upper 256 bits of the result are undefined". So if you use it on a function arg, it doesn't force it to vmovaps ymm7, ymm0 or something to zero-extend into a ZMM register in case the caller left high garbage.
If you use _mm512_castps256_ps512 on a __m256 that came from an intrinsic in this function, it pretty much always will happen to compile with a zeroed high half whether it stayed in a reg or got stored/reloaded, but that's not guaranteed by the API. (If the compiler chose to combine a previous calculation with something else, using a 512-bit operation, you could plausibly end up with a non-zero high half.) If you want high zeros, there's no equivalent to _mm256_set_m128 (__m128 hi, __m128 lo), so you need some other explicit way.
Footnote 1: Or with some hypothetical future extension, VLMAX aka MAXVL could be even wider. It's determined by the current value of XCR0. This documentation is telling you these instructions will still zero out to whatever that is.
(I haven't looked into whether changing VLMAX is possible on a machine supporting AVX-512, or if it's read-only. IDK how the CPU would handle it if you can change it, like maybe not running 512-bit instructions at all. Mainstream OSes certainly don't do this even if it's possible with privileged operations.)
SSE didn't have any defined mechanism for extension to wider vectors, and some existing code (notably Windows kernel drivers) manually saved/restored a few XMM registers for their own use. To support that, AVX decided that legacy SSE would leave the high part of YMM/ZMM registers unmodified. But to run existing machine code using non-VEX legacy SSE encodings efficiently, it needed expensive state transitions (Haswell and Ice Lake) and/or false dependencies (Skylake): Why is this SSE code 6 times slower without VZEROUPPER on Skylake?
Intel wasn't going to make this mistake again, so they defined AVX as zeroing out to whatever vector width the CPU supports, and document it clearly in every AVX and AVX-512 instruction encoding. Thus VEX and EVEX can be mixed freely, even being useful to save machine-code size:
What is the most efficient way to clear a single or a few ZMM registers on Knights Landing?
What is the penalty of mixing EVEX and VEX encoded scheme? (none), with an answer discussing more details of why SSE/AVX penalties are a thing. Agner Fog's 2008 post on Intel's forums about AVX, when it was first announced, pointing out the problem created by the lack of foresight with SSE.
Does vzeroall zero registers ymm16 to ymm31? - interestingly no; since they're not accessible via legacy SSE instructions, they can't be part of a dirty-uppers problem.
Bits in the registers are numbered with high indices on the “left” and low indices on the “right”. This matches how we write and talk about binary numerals: 100102 is the binary numeral for 18, with bit number 4, representing 24 = 16, on the left and bit number 0, representing 20 = 1, on the right.
R[m:n] denotes the set of bits of register R from m down to n, with m being the “left” end of the set and n being the “right” end. If m is less than n, then it is the empty set. Therefore, for registers with 512 bits, dst[511:256] := 0 says to set bits 511 to 256 to zero, and, for registers with 256 bits, dst[255:256] := 0 says to do nothing.
dst[MAX:256] := 0 sets all bits above (and including) 256th bit to zero. It is only relevant to registers having more than 256 bits. So MAX can be 256 if the register is 256 bits long or 512 if the processor is using 512 bits registers.

Analog of _mm256_cmp_epi32_mask for AVX2

I have 8 32-bit integers packed into __m256i registers. Now I need to compare corresponding 32-bit values in two registers. Tried
__mmask8 m = _mm256_cmp_epi32_mask(r1, r2, _MM_CMPINT_EQ);
that flags the equal pairs. That would be great, but I got an "illegal instruction" exception, likely because my processor doesn't support AVX512.
Looking for an analogous intrinsic to quickly get indexes of the equal pairs.
Found a work-around (there is no _mm256_movemask_epi32); is the cast legal here?
__m256i diff = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(m1, m2);
__m256 m256 = _mm256_castsi256_ps(diff);
int i = _mm256_movemask_ps(m256);
Yes, cast intrinsics are just a reinterpret of the bits in the YMM registers, it's 100% legal and yes the asm you want the compiler to emit is vpcmpeqd / vmovmaskps.
Or if you can deal with each bit being repeated 4 times, vpmovmskb also works, _mm256_movemask_epi8. e.g. if you just want to test for any matches (i != 0) or all-matches (i == 0xffffffff) you can avoid using a ps instruction on an integer result which might cost 1 extra cycle of bypass latency in the critical path.
But if that would cost you extra instructions to e.g. scale by 4 after using _mm_tzcnt_u32 to find the element index instead of byte index of the first 1, then use the _ps movemask. The extra instruction will definitely cost latency, and a slot in the pipeline for throughput.

fastest way to convert two-bit number to low-memory representation

I have a 56-bit number with potentially two set bits, e.g., 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011. In other words, two bits are distributed among 56 bits, so that we have bin(56,2)=1540 possible permutations.
I now look for a loss-free mapping of such an 56 bit number to an 11-bit number that can carry 2048 and therefore also 1540. Knowing the structure, this 11-bit number is enough to store the value of my low-density (of ones) 56 bit number.
I want to maximize performance (this function should run millions or even billions of times per second if possible). So far, I only came up with some loop:
int inputNumber = 24; // 11000
int bitMask = 1;
int bit1 = 0, bit2 = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < 54; ++n, bitMask *= 2)
if((inputNumber & bitMask) != 0)
if(bit1 != 0)
bit1 = n;
bit2 = n;
and using these two bits, I can easily generate some 1540 max number.
But is there no faster version than using such a loop?
Most ISAs have hardware support for a bit-scan instruction that finds the position of a set bit. Use that instead of a naive loop or bithack for any architecture where you care about this running fast. has some tricks that are better than nothing, but those are all still much worse than a single efficient asm instruction.
But ISO C++ doesn't portably expose clz/ctz operations; it's only available via intrinsics / builtins for various implementations. (And the x86 intrinsincs have quirks for all-zero input, corresponding to the asm instruction behaviour).
For some ISAs, it's a count-leading-zeros giving you 31 - highbit_index. For others, it's a CTZ count trailing zeros operation, giving you the index of the low bit. x86 has both. (And its high-bit finder actually directly finds the high-bit index, not a leading-zero count, unless you use BMI1 lzcnt instead of traditional bsr) has a table of what different ISAs have.
GCC portably provides __builtin_clz and __builtin_ctz; on ISAs without hardware support, they compile to a call to a helper functions. See What is the fastest/most efficient way to find the highest set bit (msb) in an integer in C? and Implementation of __builtin_clz
(For 64-bit integers, you want the long long versions: like __builtin_ctzll GCC manual.)
If we only have a CLZ, use high=63-CLZ(n) and low= 63-CLZ((-n) & n) to isolate the low bit. Note that x86's bsr instruction actually produces 63-CLZ(), i.e. the bit-index instead of the leading-zero count. So 63-__builtin_clzll(n) can compile to a single instruction on x86; IIRC gcc does notice this. Or 2 instructions if GCC uses an extra xor-zeroing to avoid the inconvenient false dependency.
If we only have CTZ, do low = CTZ(n) and high = CTZ(n & (n - 1)) to clear the lowest set bit. (Leaving the high bit, assuming the number has exactly 2 set bits).
If we have both, low = CTZ(n) and high = 63-CLZ(n). I'm not sure what GCC does on non-x86 ISAs where they aren't both available natively. The GCC builtins are always available even when targeting HW that doesn't have it. But the internal implementation can't use the above tricks because it doesn't know there are always exactly 2 bits set.
(I wrote out the full formulas; an earlier version of this answer had CLZ and CTZ reversed in this part. I find that happens to me easily, especially when I also have to keep track of x86's bsr and bsr (bitscan reverse and forward) and remember that those are leading and trailing, respectively.)
So if you just use both CTZ and CLZ, you might end up with slow emulation for one of them. Or fast emulation on ARM with rbit to bit-reverse for clz, which is 100% fine.
AVX512CD has SIMD VPLZCNTQ for 64-bit integers, so you could encode 2, 4, or 8x 64-bit integers in parallel with that on recent Intel CPUs. For SSSE3 or AVX2, you can build a SIMD lzcnt by using pshufb _mm_shuffle_epi8 byte-shuffle as a 4-bit LUT and combining with _mm_max_epu8. There was a recent Q&A about this but I can't find it. (It might have been for 16-bit integers only; wider requires more work.)
With this, a Skylake-X or Cascade Lake CPU could maybe compress 8x 64-bit integers per 2 or 3 clock cycles once you factor in the throughput cost of packing the results. SIMD is certainly useful for packing 12-bit or 11-bit results into a contiguous bitstream, e.g. with variable-shift instructions, if that's what you want to do with the results. At ~3 or 4GHz clock speed, that could maybe get you over 10 billion per clock with a single thread. But only if the inputs come from contiguous memory. Depending what you want to do with the results, it might cost a few more cycles to do more than just pack them down to 16-bit integers. e.g. to pack into a bitstream. But SIMD should be good for that with variable-shift instructions that can line up the 11 or 12 bits from each register into the right position to OR together after shuffling.
There's a tradeoff between coding efficiency and encode performance. Using 12 bits for two 6-bit indices (of bit positions) is very simple both to compress and decompress, at least on hardware that has bit-scan instructions.
Or instead of bit-indices, one or both could be leading zero counts, so decoding would be (1ULL << 63) >> a. 1ULL>>63 is a fixed constant that you can actually right-shift, or the compiler could turn it into a left-shift of 1ULL << (63-a) which IIRC optimizes to 1 << (-a) in assembly for ISAs like x86 where shift instructions mask the shift count (look only at the low 6 bits).
Also, 2x 12 bits is a whole number of bytes, but 11 bits only gives you a whole number of bytes every 8 outputs, if you're packing them. So indexing a bit-packed array is simpler.
0 is still a special case: maybe handle that by using all-ones bit-indices (i.e. index = bit 63, which is outside the low 56 bits). On decode/decompress, you set the 2 bit positions (1ULL<<a) | (1ULL<<b) and then & mask to clear high bits. Or bias your bit indices and have decode right shift by 1.
If we didn't have to handle zero then a modern x86 CPU could do 1 or 2 billion encodes per second if it didn't have to do anything else. e.g. Skylake has 1 per clock throughput for bit-scan instructions and should be able to encode at 1 number per 2 clocks just bottlenecked on that. (Or maybe better with SIMD). With just 4 scalar instructions, we can get the low and high indices (64-bit tzcnt + bsr), shift by 6 bits, and OR together.1 Or on AMD, avoid bsr / bsf and manually do 63-lzcnt.
A branchy or branchless check for input == 0 to to set the final result to whatever hard-coded constant (like 63 , 63) should be cheap, though.
Compression on other ISAs like AArch64 is also cheap. It has clz but not ctz. Probably your best bet there is use an intrinsic for rbit to bit-reverse a number (so clz on the bit-reversed number directly gives you the bit-index of the low bit. Which is now the high bit of the reversed version.) Assuming rbit is as fast as add / sub, this is cheaper than using multiple instructions to clear the low bit.
If you really want 11 bits then you need to avoid the redundancy of 2x 6-bit being able to have either index larger than the other. Like maybe have 6-bit a and 5-bit b, and have a<=b mean something special like b+=32. I haven't thought this through fully. You need to be able to encode 2 adjacent bits either near the top or bottom of the registers, or the 2 set bits could be as far apart as 28 bits, if we consider wrapping at the boundaries like a 56-bit rotate.
Melpomene's suggestion to isolate the low and high set bits might be useful as part of something else, but is only useful for encoding on targets where you only have one direction of bit-scan available, not both. Even so, you wouldn't actually use both expressions. Leading-zero count doesn't require you to isolate the low bit, you just need to clear it to get at the high bit.
Footnote 1: decoding on x86 is also cheap: x |= (1<<a) is 1 instruction: bts. But many compilers have missed optimizations and don't notice this, instead actually shifting a 1. bts reg, reg is 1 uop / 1 cycle latency on Intel since PPro, or sometimes 2 uops on AMD. (Only the memory destination version is slow.)
Best encoding performance on AMD CPUs requires BMI1 tzcnt / lzcnt because bsr and bsf are slower (6 uops instead of 1 On Ryzen, lzcnt is 1 uop, 1c latency, 4 per clock throughput. But tzcnt is 2 uops.
With BMI1, the compiler could use blsr to clear the lowest set bit of a register (and copy it). i.e. modern x86 has an instruction for dst = (SRC-1) bitwiseAND ( SRC ); that are single-uop on Intel but 2 uops on AMD.
But with lzcnt being more efficient than tzcnt on AMD Ryzen, probably the best asm for AMD doesn't use it.
Or maybe something like this (assuming exactly 2 bits, which apparently we can do).
(This asm is what you'd like to get your compiler to emit. Don't actually use inline asm!)
Ryzen_encode_scalar: ; input in RDI, output in EAX
lzcnt rcx, rdi ; 63-high bit index
tzcnt rdx, rdi ; low bit
mov eax, 63
sub eax, ecx
shl edx, 6
or eax, edx ; (low_bit << 6) | high_bit
ret ; goes away with inlining.
Shifting the low bit-index balances the lengths of the critical path, allowing better instruction-level parallelism, if we need 63-CLZ for the high bit.
Throughput: 7 uops total, and no execution-unit bottlenecks. So at 5 uops per clock pipeline width, that's better than 1 per 2 clocks.
Skylake_encode_scalar: ; input in RDI, output in EAX
tzcnt rax, rdi ; low bit. No false dependency on Skylake. GCC will probably xor-zero RAX because there is on Broadwell and earlier.
bsr rdi, rdi ; high bit index. same,same reg avoids false dep
shl eax, 6
or eax, edx
ret ; goes away with inlining.
This has 5 cycle latency from input to output: bitscan instructions are 3 cycles on Intel vs. 1 on AMD. SHL + OR each add 1 cycle.
For throughput, we only bottleneck on one bit-scan per cycle (execution port 1), so we can do one encode per 2 cycles with 4 uops of front-end bandwidth left over for load, store, and loop overhead (or something else), assuming we have multiple independent encodes to do.
(But for the multiple independent encode case, SIMD may still be better for both AMD and Intel, if a cheap emulation of vplzcntq exists and the data is coming from memory.)
Scalar decode can be something like this:
decode: ;; input in EDI, output in RAX
xor eax, eax ; RAX=0
bts rax, rdi ; RAX |= 1ULL << (high_bit_idx & 63)
shr edi, 6 ; extract low_bit_idx
bts rax, rdi ; RAX |= 1ULL << low_bit_idx
This has 3 shifts (including the bts) which on Skylake can only run on port0 or port6. So on Intel it only costs 4 uops for the front-end (so 1 per clock as part of doing something else). But if doing only this, it bottlenecks on shift throughput at 1 decode per 1.5 clock cycles.
On a 4GHz CPU, that's 2.666 billion decodes per second, so yeah we're doing pretty well hitting your targets :)
Or Ryzen, bts reg,reg is 2 uops , with 0.5c throughput, but shr can run on any port. So it doesn't steal throughput from bts, and the whole thing is 6 uops (vs. Ryzen's pipeline being 5-wide at the narrowest point). So 1 encode per 1.2 clock cycles, just bottlenecked on front-end cost.
With BMI2 available, starting with a 1 in a register and using shlx rax, rbx, rdi can replace the xor-zeroing + first BTS with a single uop, assuming the 1 in a register can be reused in a loop.
(This optimization is totally dependent on your compiler to find; flag-less shifts are just more efficient ways to copy-and-shift that become available with -march=haswell or -march=znver1, or other targets that have BMI2.)
Either way you're just going to write retval = 1ULL << (packed & 63) for decoding the first bit. But if you're wondering which compilers make nice code here, this is what you're looking for.

Mysteries of C++ optimization

Take the two following snippets:
int main()
unsigned long int start = utime();
__int128_t n = 128;
for(__int128_t i=1; i<1000000000; i++)
n = (n * i);
unsigned long int end = utime();
cout<<(unsigned long int) n<<endl;
cout<<end - start<<endl;
int main()
unsigned long int start = utime();
__int128_t n = 128;
for(__int128_t i=1; i<1000000000; i++)
n = (n * i) >> 2;
unsigned long int end = utime();
cout<<(unsigned long int) n<<endl;
cout<<end - start<<endl;
I am benchmarking 128 bit integers in C++. When executing the first one (just multiplication) everything runs in approx. 0.95 seconds. When I also add the bit shift operation (second snippet) the execution time raises to an astounding 2.49 seconds.
How is this possible? I thought that bit shifting was one of the lightest operations for a processor. How comes that there is so much overhead due to such a simple operation? I am compiling with O3 flag activated.
Any idea?
This question has been bugging me for the past few days, so I decided to do some more investigation. My initial answer focused on the difference in data values between the two tests. My assertion was that the integer multiplication unit in the processor finishes an operation in fewer clock cycles if one of the operands is zero.
While there are instructions that are clearly documented to work that way (integer division, for example), there are very strong indications that integer multiplication is done in a constant number of cycles in modern processors, regardless of input. The note in Intel's documentation that initially made me think that the number of cycles for integer multiplication can depend on input data doesn't seem to apply to these instructions. Also, I did some more rigorous performance tests with the same sequence of instructions on both zero and non-zero operands and the results didn't yield significant differences. As far as I can tell, harold's comment on this subject is correct. My mistake; sorry.
While contemplating the possibility of deleting this answer altogether, so that it doesn't lead people astray in the future, I realized there were still quite a few more things worth saying on this subject. I also think there's at least one other way in which data values can influence performance in such calculations (included in the last section). So, I decided to restructure and enhance the rest of the information in my initial answer, started writing, and... didn't quite stop for a while. It's up to you to decide whether it was worth it.
The information is structured into the following sections:
What the code does
What the compiler does
What the processor does
What you can do about it
Unanswered questions
What the code does
It overflows, mostly.
In the first version, n starts overflowing on the 33rd iteration. In the second version, with the shift, n starts overflowing on the 52nd iteration.
In the version without the shift, starting with the 128th iteration, n is zero (it overflows "cleanly", leaving only zeros in the least significant 128 bits of the result).
In the second version, the right shift (dividing by 4) takes out more factors of two from the value of n on each iteration than the new operands bring in, so the shift results in rounding on some iterations. Quick calculation: the total number of factors of two in all numbers from 1 to 128 is equal to
128 / 2 + 128 / 4 + ... + 2 + 1 = 26 + 25 + ... + 2 + 1 = 27 - 1
while the number of factors of two taken out by the right shift (if it had enough to take from) is 128 * 2, more than double.
Armed with this knowledge, we can give a first answer: from the point of view of the C++ standard, this code spends most of its time in undefined behaviour land, so all bets are off. Problem solved; stop reading now.
What the compiler does
If you're still reading, from this point forward we'll ignore the overflows and look at some implementation details. "The compiler", in this case, means GCC 4.9.2 or Clang 3.5.1. I've only done performance measurements on code generated by GCC. For Clang, I've looked at the generated code for a few test cases and noted some differences that I'll mention below, but I haven't actually run the code; I might have missed some things.
Both multiplication and shift operations are available for 64-bit operands, so 128-bit operations need to be implemented in terms of those. First, multiplication: n can be written as 264 nh + nl, where nh and nl are the high and low 64-bit halves, respectively. The same goes for i. So, the multiplication can be written:
(264 nh + nl)(264 ih + il) = 2128 nh ih + 264 (nh il + nl ih) + nl il
The first term doesn't have any non-zero bits in the lower 128-bit part; it's either all overflow or all zero. Since ignoring integer overflows is valid and common for C++ implementations, that's what the compiler does: the first term is ignored completely.
The parenthesis only contributes bits to the upper 64-bit half of the 128-bit result; any overflow resulting from the two multiplications or the addition is also ignored (the result is truncated to 64 bits).
The last term determines the bits in the low 64-bit half of the result and, if the result of that multiplication has more than 64 bits, the extra bits need to be added to the high 64-bit half obtained from the parenthesis discussed before. There's a very useful multiplication instruction in x86-64 assembly that does just what's needed: takes two 64-bit operands and places the result in two 64-bit registers, so the high half is ready to be added to the result of the operations in the parenthesis.
That is how 128-bit integer multiplication is implemented: three 64-bit multiplications and two 64-bit additions.
Now, the shift: using the same notations as above, the two least significant bits of nh need to become the two most significant bits of nl, after the contents of the latter is shifted right by two bits. Using C++ syntax, it would look like this:
nl = nh << 62 | nl >> 2 //Doesn't change nh, only uses its bits.
Besides that, nh also needs to be shifted, using something like
nh >>= 2;
That is how the compiler implements a 128-bit shift. For the first part, there's an x86-64 instruction that has the exact semantics of that expression; it's called SHRD. Using it can be good or bad, as we'll see below, and the two compilers make slightly different choices in this respect.
What the processor does
... is highly processor-dependent. (No... really?!)
Detailed information about what happens for Haswell processors can be found in harold's excellent answer. Here, I'll try to cover more ground at a higher level. For more detailed data, here are some sources:
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual
Software Optimization Guide for AMD Family 15h Processors
Agner Fog's microarchitecture manual and instruction tables.
I'll refer to the following architectures:
Intel Sandy Bridge / Ivy Bridge - abbreviated "IntelSB" going forward;
Intel Haswell / Broadwell - "IntelH" going forward;
I'll just use "Intel" for things that are the same between SB and H.
AMD Bulldozer / Piledriver / Steamroller - "AMD" going forward.
I have measurement data taken on an IntelSB system; I think it's precise enough, as long as the compiler doesn't act up. Unfortunately, when working with such tight loops, this can happen very easily. At various points during testing, I had to use all kinds of stupid tricks to avoid GCC's idiosyncrasies, usually related to register use. For example, it seems to have a tendency to shuffle registers around unnecessarily, when compiling simpler code than for other cases when it generates optimal assembly. Ironically, on my test setup, it tended to generate optimal code for the second sample, using the shift, and worse code for the first one, making the impact of the shift less visible. Clang/LLVM seems to have fewer of those bad habits, but then again, I looked at fewer examples using it and I didn't measure any of them, so this doesn't mean much. In the interest of comparing apples with apples, all measurement data below refers to the best code generated for each case.
First, let's rearrange the expression for 128-bit multiplication from the previous section into a (horrible) diagram:
nh * il
+ -> tmp
/ \
nl * ih + -> next nh
high 64 bits
nl * il --------
low 64 bits
-> next nl
(sorry, I hope it gets the point across)
Some important points:
The two additions can't execute until their respective inputs are ready; the final addition can't execute until everything else is ready.
The three multiplications can, theoretically, execute in parallel (no input depends on another multiplication's output).
In the ideal scenario above, the total number of cycles to complete the entire calculation for one iteration is the sum of the number of cycles for one multiplication and two additions.
The next nl can be ready early. This, together with the fact that the next il and ih are very cheap to calculate, means the nl * il and nl * ih calculations for the next iteration can start early, possibly before the next nh has been computed.
Multiplications can't really execute entirely in parallel on these processors, as there's only one integer multiplication unit for each core, but they can execute concurrently through pipelining. One multiplication can begin executing on each cycle on Intel, and every 4 cycles on AMD, even if previous multiplications haven't finished executing yet.
All of the above mean that, if the loop's body doesn't contain anything else that gets in the way, the processor can reorder those multiplications to achieve something as close as possible to the ideal scenario above. This applies to the first code snippet. On IntelH, as measured by harold, it's exactly the ideal scenario: 5 cycles per iteration are made up of 3 cycles for one multiplication and one cycle each for the two additions (impressive, to be honest). On IntelSB, I measured 6 cycles per iteration (closer to 5.5, actually).
The problem is that in the second code snippet something does get in the way:
nh * il
\ normal shift -> next nh
+ -> tmp /
/ \ /
nl * ih + ----> temp nh
/ \
high 64 bits \
/ "composite" shift -> next nl
nl * il -------- /
\ /
low 64 bits /
\ /
-> temp nl ---------
The next nl is no longer ready early. temp nl has to wait for temp nh to be ready, so that both can be fed into the composite shift, and only then will we have the next nl. Even if both shifts are very fast and execute in parallel, they don't just add the execution cost of one shift to an iteration; they also change the dynamics of the loop's "pipeline", acting like a sort of synchronizing barrier.
If the two shifts finish at the same time, then all three multiplications for the next iteration will be ready to execute at the same time, and they can't all start in parallel, as explained above; they'll have to wait for one another, wasting cycles. This is the case on IntelSB, where the two shifts are equally fast (see below); I measured 8 cycles per iteration for this case.
If the two shifts don't finish at the same time, it will typically be the normal shift that finishes first (the composite shift is slower on most architectures). This means that the next nh will be ready early, so the top multiplication can start early for the next iteration. However, the other two multiplications still have to wait more (wasted) cycles for the composite shift to finish, and then they'll be ready at the same time and one will have to wait for the other to start, wasting some more time. This is the case on IntelH, measured by harold at 9 cycles per iteration.
I expect AMD to fall under this last category as well. While there's an even bigger difference in performance between the composite shift and normal shift on this platform, integer multiplications are also slower on AMD than on Intel (more than twice as slow), making the first sample slower to begin with. As a very rough estimate, I think the first version could take about 12 cycles on AMD, with the second one at around 16. It would be nice to have some concrete measurements, though.
Some more data on the troublesome composite shift, SHRD:
On IntelSB, it's exactly as cheap as a simple shift (great!); simple shifts are about as cheap as they come: they execute in one cycle, and two shifts can start executing each cycle.
On IntelH, SHRD takes 3 cycles to execute (yes, it got worse in the newer generation), and two shifts of any kind (simple or composite) can start executing each cycle;
On AMD, it's even worse. If I'm reading the data correctly, executing an SHRD keeps both shift execution units busy until execution finishes - no parallelism and no pipelining possible; it takes 3 cycles, during which no other shift can start executing.
What you can do about it
I can think of three possible improvements:
replace SHRD with something faster on platforms where it makes sense;
optimize the multiplication to take advantage of the data types involved here;
restructure the loop.
1. SHRD can be replaced with two shifts and a bitwise OR, as described in the compiler section. A C++ implementation of a 128-bit shift right by two bits could look like this:
__int128_t shr2(__int128_t n)
using std::int64_t;
using std::uint64_t;
//Unpack the two halves.
int64_t nh = n >> 64;
uint64_t nl = static_cast<uint64_t>(n);
//Do the actual work.
uint64_t rl = nl >> 2 | nh << 62;
int64_t rh = nh >> 2;
//Pack the result.
return static_cast<__int128_t>(rh) << 64 | rl;
Although it looks like a lot of code, only the middle section doing the actual work generates shifts and ORs. The other parts merely indicate to the compiler which 64-bit parts we want to work with; since the 64-bit parts are already in separate registers, those are effectively no-ops in the generated assembly code.
However, keep in mind that this amounts to "trying to write assembly using C++ syntax", and it's generally not a very bright idea. I'm only using it because I verified that it works for GCC and I'm trying to keep the amount of assembly code in this answer to a minimum. Even so, there's one surprise: the LLVM optimizer detects what we're trying to do with those two shifts and one OR and... replaces them with an SHRD in some cases (more about this below).
Functions of the same form can be used for shifts by other numbers of bits, less than 64. From 64 to 127, it gets easier, but the form changes. One thing to keep in mind is that it would be a mistake to pass the number of bits for shifting as a runtime parameter to a shr function. Shift instructions by a variable number of bits are slower than the ones using a constant number on most architectures. You could use a non-type template parameter to generate different functions at compile time - this is C++, after all...
I think using such a function makes sense on all architectures except IntelSB, where SHRD is already as fast as it can get. On AMD, it will definitely be an improvement. Less so on IntelH: for our case, I don't think it will make a difference, but generally it could shave once cycle off some calculations; there could theoretically be cases where it could make things slightly worse, but I think those are very uncommon (as usual, there's no substitute for measuring). I don't think it will make a difference for our loop because it will change things from [nh being ready after once cycle and nl after three] to [both being ready after two]; this means all three multiplications for the next iteration will be ready at the same time and they'll have to wait for one another, essentially wasting the cycle that was gained by the shift.
GCC seems to use SHRD on all architectures, and the "assembly in C++" code above can be used as an optimization where it makes sense. The LLVM optimizer uses a more nuanced approach: it does the optimization (replaces SHRD) automatically for AMD, but not for Intel, where it even reverses it, as mentioned above. This may change in future releases, as indicated by the discussion on the patch for LLVM that implemented this optimization. For now, if you want to use the alternative with LLVM on Intel, you'll have to resort to assembly code.
2. Optimizing the multiplication: The test code uses a 128-bit integer for i, but that's not needed in this case, as its value fits easily in 64 bits (32, actually, but that doesn't help us here). What this means is that ih will always be zero; this reduces the diagram for 128-bit multiplication to the following:
nh * il
+ -> next nh
high 64 bits
nl * il
low 64 bits
-> next nl
Normally, I'd just say "declare i as long long and let the compiler optimize things" but unfortunately this doesn't work here; both compilers go for the standard behaviour of converting the two operands to their common type before doing the calculation, so i ends up on 128 bits even if it starts on 64. We'll have to do things the hard way:
__int128_t mul(__int128_t n, long long i)
using std::int64_t;
using std::uint64_t;
//Unpack the two halves.
int64_t nh = n >> 64;
uint64_t nl = static_cast<uint64_t>(n);
//Do the actual work.
movq %0, %%r10
imulq %2, %%r10
mulq %2
addq %%r10, %0
)" : "+d"(nh), "+a"(nl) : "r"(i) : "%r10");
//Pack the result.
return static_cast<__int128_t>(nh) << 64 | nl;
I said I tried to avoid assembly code in this answer, but it's not always possible. I managed to coax GCC into generating the right code with "assembly in C++" for the function above, but once the function is inlined everything falls apart - the optimizer sees what's going on in the complete loop body and converts everything to 128 bits. LLVM seems to behave in this case, but, since I was testing on GCC, I had to use a reliable way to get the right code in there.
Declaring i as long long and using this function instead of the normal multiplication operator, I measured 5 cycles per iteration for the first sample and 7 cycles for the second one on IntelSB, a gain of one cycle in each case. I expect it to shave one cycle off the iterations for both examples on IntelH as well.
3. The loop can sometimes be restructured to encourage pipelined execution, when (at least some) iterations don't really depend on previous results, even though it may look like they do. For example, we could replace the for loop for the second sample with something like this:
__int128_t n2 = 1;
long long j = 1000000000 / 2;
for(long long i = 1; i < 1000000000 / 2; ++i, ++j)
n *= i;
n2 *= j;
n >>= 2;
n2 >>= 2;
n *= (n2 * j) >> 2;
This takes advantage of the fact that some partial results can be calculated independently and only aggregated at the end. We're also hinting to the compiler that we want to pipeline the multiplications and shifts (not always necessary, but it does make a small difference for GCC for this code).
The code above is nothing more than a naive proof of concept. Real code would need to handle the total number of iterations in a more reliable way. The bigger problem is that this code won't generate the same results as the original, because of different behaviour in the presence of overflow and rounding. Even if we stop the loop on the 51st iteration, to avoid overflow, the result will still be different by about 10%, because of rounding happening in different ways when shifting right. In real code, this would most likely be a problem; but then again, you wouldn't have real code like this, would you?
Assuming this technique is applied to a case where the problems above don't occur, I measured the performance of such code in a few cases, again on IntelSB. The results are given in "cycles per iteration", as before, where "iteration" means the one from the original code (I divided the total number of cycles for executing the whole loop by the total number of iterations executed by the original code, not for the restructured one, to have a meaningful comparison):
The code above executes in 7 cycles per iteration, a gain of one cycle over the original.
The code above with the multiplication operator replaced with our mul() function needs 6 cycles per iteration.
The restructured code does suffer from more register shuffling, which can't be avoided unfortunately (more variables). More recent processors like IntelH have architecture improvements that make register moves essentially free in many cases; this could make the code yield even larger gains. Using new instructions like MULX for IntelH could avoid some register moves altogether; GCC does use such instructions when compiling with -march=haswell.
Unanswered questions
None of the measurements that we have so far explain the large differences in performance reported by the OP, and observed by me on a different system.
My initial timings were taken on a remote system (Westmere family processor) where, of course, a lot of things could happen; yet, the results were strangely stable.
On that system, I also experimented with executing the second sample with a right shift and a left shift; the code using a right shift was consistently 50% slower than the other variant. I couldn't replicate that on my controlled test system on IntelSB, and I don't have an explanation for those results either.
We can discard all of the above as unpredictable side effects of compiler / processor / overall system behaviour, but I can't shake the feeling that not everything has been explained here.
It's true that it doesn't really make much sense to benchmark such tight loops without a controlled system, precise tools (counting cycles) and looking at the generated assembly code for each case. Compiler idiosyncrasies can easily result in code that artificially introduces differences of 50% or more in performance.
Another factor that could explain large differences is the presence of Intel Hyper-Threading. Different parts of the core behave differently when this is enabled, and the behaviour has also changed between processor families. This could have strange effects on tight loops.
To top everything off, here's a crazy hypothesis: Flipping bits consumes more power than keeping them constant. In our case, the first sample, working with zero values most of the time, will be flipping far fewer bits than the second one, so the latter will consume more power. Many modern processors have features that dynamically adjust the core frequency depending on electrical and thermal limits (Intel Turbo Boost / AMD Turbo Core). This means that, theoretically, under the right (or wrong?) conditions, the second sample could trigger a reduction of the core frequency, thus making the same number of cycles take longer time, and making the performance data-dependent.
After benchmarking both (using the assembly generated by GCC 4.7.3 on -O2) on my 4770K, I found that the first one takes 5 cycles per iteration and the second one takes 9 cycles per iteration. Why so much difference?
It turns out to be an interplay between throughput and latency. The main killer is shrd, which takes 3 cycles and is on the critical path. Here's a picture of it (I ignore the chain for i because it is faster and there is plenty of spare throughput for it to just run ahead, it will not interfere):
The edges here are dependencies, not dataflow.
Based solely on latencies in this chain, the expected time would be 8 cycles per iteration. But it is not. The problem here is that for 8 cycles to happen, mul2 and imul3 have to be executed in parallel, and integer multiplication only has a throughput of 1/cycle. So it (either one) has to wait a cycle, and holds up the chain by a cycle. I verified this by changing that imul to an add, which reduced the time to 8 cycles per iteration. Changing the other imul to an add had no effect, as predicted based on this explanation (it doesn't depend on shrd and can thus be scheduled earlier, without interfering with the other multiplications).
These exact details are only for Haswell.
The code I used was this:
section .text
global cmp1
proc_frame cmp1
mov r8, rsi
mov r9, rdi
mov esi, 1
xor edi, edi
mov eax, 128
xor edx, edx
mov rcx, rdx
mov rdx, rdi
imul rdx, rax
imul rcx, rsi
add rcx, rdx
mul rsi
add rdx, rcx
add rsi, 1
mov rcx, rsi
adc rdi, 0
xor rcx, 10000000
or rcx, rdi
jne .L2
mov rdi, r9
mov rsi, r8
global cmp2
proc_frame cmp2
mov r8, rsi
mov r9, rdi
mov esi, 1
xor edi, edi
mov eax, 128
xor edx, edx
mov rcx, rdi
imul rcx, rax
imul rdx, rsi
add rcx, rdx
mul rsi
add rdx, rcx
shrd rax, rdx, 2
sar rdx, 2
add rsi, 1
mov rcx, rsi
adc rdi, 0
xor rcx, 10000000
or rcx, rdi
jne .L3
mov rdi, r9
mov rsi, r8
Unless your processor can support native 128-bit operations, the operations will have to be software coded to use the next best option.
Your 128-bit operations are using the same scheme as the 8-bit processors did when using 16-bit operations, and this takes time.
For example, a 128-bit right shift, by one bit, using 64-bit registers requires:
Shift the Most Significant register right into carry. The Carry flag will contain the bit that was shifted out.
Shift the Least Significant register right, with carry. The bits will be shifted right, with the carry flag being shifted into the Most Significant Bit position.
Without support for native 128-bit operations, you code will take twice as many operations as the same 64-bit operations; sometimes more (such as multiplication). This is why you are seeing such poor performance.
I highly recommend only using 128-bits in places where it is extremely necessary.

Do modern compilers optimize the x * 2 operation to x << 1?

Does the C++ compiler optimize the multiply by two operation x*2 to a bitshift operation x<<1?
I would love to believe that yes.
Actually VS2008 optimizes this to x+x:
01391000 push ecx
int x = 0;
scanf("%d", &x);
01391001 lea eax,[esp]
01391004 push eax
01391005 push offset string "%d" (13920F4h)
0139100A mov dword ptr [esp+8],0
01391012 call dword ptr [__imp__scanf (13920A4h)]
int y = x * 2;
01391018 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+8]
0139101C lea edx,[ecx+ecx]
In an x64 build it is even more explicit and uses:
int y = x * 2;
000000013FB9101E mov edx,dword ptr [x]
printf("%d", y);
000000013FB91022 lea rcx,[string "%d" (13FB921B0h)]
000000013FB91029 add edx,edx
This is will the optimization settings on 'Maximize speed' (/O2)
This article from Raymond Chen could be interesting:
When is x/2 different from x>>1? :
Quoting Raymond:
Of course, the compiler is free to recognize this and rewrite your multiplication or shift operation. In fact, it is very likely to do this, because x+x is more easily pairable than a multiplication or shift. Your shift or multiply-by-two is probably going to be rewritten as something closer to an add eax, eax instruction.
Even if you assume that the shift fills with the sign bit, The result of the shift and the divide are different if x is negative.
(-1) / 2 ≡ 0
(-1) >> 1 ≡ -1
The moral of the story is to write what you mean. If you want to divide by two, then write "/2", not ">>1".
We can only assume it is wise to tell the compiler what you want, not what you want him to do: The compiler is better than an human is at optimizing small scale code (thanks for Daemin to point this subtle point): If you really want optimization, use a profiler, and study your algorithms' efficiency.
VS 2008 optimized mine to x << 1.
x = x * 2;
004013E7 mov eax,dword ptr [x]
004013EA shl eax,1
004013EC mov dword ptr [x],eax
EDIT: This was using VS default "Debug" configuration with optimization disabled (/Od). Using any of the optimization switches (/O1, /O2 (VS "Retail"), or /Ox) results in the the add self code Rob posted. Also, just for good measure, I verified x = x << 1 is indeed treated the same way as x = x * 2 by the cl compiler in both /Od and /Ox. So, in summary, cl.exe version 15.00.30729.01 for x86 treats * 2 and << 1 identically and I expect nearly all other recent compilers do the same.
Not if x is a float it won't.
Yes. They also optimize other similar operations, such as multiplying by non-powers of two that can be rewritten as the sums of some shifts. They will also optimize divisions by powers of 2 into right-shifts, but beware that when working with signed integers, the two operations are different! The compiler has to emit some extra bit twiddling instructions to make sure the results are the same for positive and negative numbers, but it's still faster than doing a division. It also similarly optimizes moduli by powers of 2.
The answer is "if it is faster" (or smaller). This depends on the target architecture heavily as well as the register usage model for a given compiler. In general, the answer is "yes, always" as this is a very simple peephole optimization to implement and is usually a decent win.
That's only the start of what optimizers can do. To see what your compiler does, look for the switch that causes it to emit assembler source. For the Digital Mars compilers, the output assembler can be examined with the OBJ2ASM tool. If you want to learn how your compiler works, looking at the assembler output can be very illuminating.
I'm sure they all do these kind of optimizations, but I wonder if they are still relevant. Older processors did multiplication by shifting and adding, which could take a number of cycles to complete. Modern processors, on the other hand, have a set of barrel-shifters which can do all the necessary shifts and additions simultaneously in one clock cycle or less. Has anyone actually benchmarked whether these optimizations really help?
Yes, they will.
Unless something is specified in a languages standard you'll never get a guaranteed answer to such a question. When in doubt have your compiler spit out assemble code and check. That's going to be the only way to really know.
#Ferruccio Barletta
That's a good question. I went Googling to try to find the answer.
I couldn't find answers for Intel processors directly, but this page has someone who tried to time things. It shows shifts to be more than twice as fast as ads and multiplies. Bit shifts are so simple (where a multiply could be a shift and an addition) that this makes sense.
So then I Googled AMD, and found an old optimization guide for the Athlon from 2002 that lists that lists the fastest ways to multiply numbers by contants between 2 and 32. Interestingly, it depends on the number. Some are ads, some shifts. It's on page 122.
A guide for the Athlon 64 shows the same thing (page 164 or so). It says multiplies are 3 (in 32-bit) or 4 (in 64-bit) cycle operations, where shifts are 1 and adds are 2.
It seems it is still useful as an optimization.
Ignoring cycle counts though, this kind of method would prevent you from tying up the multiplication execution units (possibly), so if you were doing lots of multiplications in a tight loop where some use constants and some don't the extra scheduling room might be useful.
But that's speculation.
Why do you think that's an optimization?
Why not 2*x → x+x? Or maybe the multiplication operation is as fast as the left-shift operation (maybe only if only one bit is set in the multiplicand)? If you never use the result, why not leave it out from the compiled output? If the compiler already loaded 2 to some register, maybe the multiplication instruction will be faster e.g. if we'd have to load the shift count first. Maybe the shift operation is larger, and your inner loop would no longer fit into the prefetch buffer of the CPU thus penalizing performance? Maybe the compiler can prove that the only time you call your function x will have the value 37 and x*2 can be replaced by 74? Maybe you're doing 2*x where x is a loop count (very common, though implicit, when looping over two-byte objects)? Then the compiler can change the loop from
for(int x = 0; x < count; ++x) ...2*x...
to the equivalent (leaving aside pathologies)
int count2 = count * 2
for(int x = 0; x < count2; x += 2) ...x...
which replaces count multiplications with a single multiplication, or it might be able to leverage the lea instruction which combines the multiplication with a memory read.
My point is: there are millions of factors deciding whether replacing x*2 by x<<1 yields a faster binary. An optimizing compiler will try to generate the fastest code for the program it is given, not for an isolated operation. Therefore optimization results for the same code can vary largely depending on the surrounding code, and they may not be trivial at all.
Generally, there are very few benchmarks that show large differences between compilers. It is therefore a fair assumption that compilers are doing a good job because if there were cheap optimizations left, at least one of the compilers would implement them -- and all the others would follow in their next release.
It depends on what compiler you have. Visual C++ for example is notoriously poor in optimizing. If you edit your post to say what compiler you are using, it would be easier to answer.