Can we set default value for limit in loopback framework find API? - loopbackjs

I have a API http://localhost:3000/todos?filter[where][type]=read&filter[limit]=2
Want to specify default limit as 20 and also want to validate limit value to be less than or equal to 20.
Wanted to check if we can have validation and also default value for limit filter?

You may handle it in your endpoint,
const filterData: Filter<Todos> = {...filter};
filterData['limit'] = filterData['limit'] && filterData['limit'] > 20 ? 20 : filterData['limit']
return this.todosRepository.find(filterData);


Dynamic pre-request script Postman

I have this pre-request script and using runner to send bulk requests each second
const moment = require('moment');
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("requestid", moment().format("0223YYYYMMDDHHmmss000000"));
I need the “requestid” to be unique every time.
first request: "022320221115102036000001"
second request: "022320221115102037000002"
third request: "022320221115102038000003"
and so on until let’s say 1000 requests.
Basically, I need to make the last 6 digits dynamic.
Your answer can be found on this postman request I've created for you. There's many ways to achieve this, given the little information provided, I've defaulted to:
Set a baseline prefix (before the last 6 numbers)
Give a start number for the last 6 numbers
If there IS NOT a previous variable stored initialized with the values above
If there IS a previous variable stored just increment it by one.
The variable date is your final result, current is just the increment
You can see here sequential requests:
And here is the code, but I would test this directly on the request I've provided above:
// The initial 6 number to start with
// A number starting with 9xxxxxx will be easier for String/Number converstions
const BASELINE = '900000'
const PREFIX = '022320221115102036'
// The previous used value if any
let current = pm.collectionVariables.get('current')
// If there's a previous number increment that, otherwise use the baseline
if (isNaN(current)) {
current = BASELINE
} else {
current = Number(current) + 1
const date = PREFIX + current
// Final number you want to use
pm.collectionVariables.set('current', current)
pm.collectionVariables.set('date', PREFIX + date)

Django Queryset GET (1 result) checking MAX value of one filed

Maybe the solution is to do it with Filter and then loop. But let's see if you guys can tell me a way to do it with GET
I have this query with GET as I need to be sure I get only one result
result = OtherModel.objects.get(months_from_the_avail__lte=self.obj.months_from_avail)
Months_from_avail is an Integer value.
months_from_the_avail = 22
In the other model there's 3 lines.
A) months_from_the_avail = 0
B) months_from_the_avail = 7
C) months_from_the_avail = 13
So, when I query it returns all of them as all are less than equal the value 22 but I need to get the 13 as is the last range.
range 1 = 0-6
range 2 = 7-12
range 3 = 13 ++
Is there any way that I haven't thought to do it? Or should I change it to filter() and then loop on the results?
you can get the first() section from the query order_by months_from_the_avail
Remember that django query are lazy, it won't execute until the query if finished calling so you can still use filter:
result = OtherModel.objects.filter(months_from_the_avail__lte=self.obj.months_from_avail).order_by('-months_from_the_avail').first()
#order by descending get first object which is the largest, return None if query set empty
another suggestion from Abdul which i think it's faster and better is using latest()

Using Javascript IF function to create Google Tag Manager Variable

I'm trying to create a custom variable in Google Tag Manager. I need it to show a 0 value when...
A customer purchases using a discount code which contains the words 'Gift Voucher'
It generates negative revenue.
Else it should just appear standard revenue (there are times when negative revenue is needed, hence why it should only appear as 0 when a gift voucher is used)
Ive tried the following
function () { if ({{Discount Code Used}} = str.includes("Gift Voucher") && {{Revenue}}<0 ) {return 0; } else { return {{Revenue}}; }}
But this is returning a undefined value
Is anyone able to help?
The first half of your if condition is a bit off:
{{Discount Code Used}} = str.includes('Gift Voucher')
The right way to use the .includes() method of a string is like this:
{{Discount Code Used}}.includes('Gift Voucher')
I would recommend using .indexOf() instead of .includes(), since it is supported by more browsers.
{{Discount Code Used}}.indexOf('Gift Voucher') !== -1
If it is still returning undefined, double check that Discount Code Used and Revenue are set to the correct values.

How to get/set vertical scroll filter property in OBS using C++?

It is necessary to get/set the value of the vertical speed property. The verticalSpeed property has a value of 500 (the maximum value of the slider), but in OBS I manually set 35.
How to get exactly the value 35?
A second question, how can I see all the available filter properties?
obs_data_t* source = obs_get_source_by_name("SOURCE_NAME");
obs_data_t* filter = obs_source_get_filter_by_name(source, "FILTER_NAME");
obs_data_t* settings = obs_source_get_settings(filter);
vspeed = obs_data_get_int(settings, "verticalSpeed");
Thank you for any help!
Ok, there is an GetSourceFilterInfo function that returns a list of filter properties.
Speed is a parameter speed_x and speed_y.

elasticsearch-dsl using from and size

I'm using python 2.7 with Elasticsearch-DSL package to query my elastic cluster.
Trying to add "from and limit" capabilities to the query in order to have pagination in my FE which presents the documents elastic returns but 'from' doesn't work right (i.e. I'm not using it correctly I spouse).
The relevant code is:
s = Search(using=elastic_conn, index='my_index'). \
filter("terms", organization_id=org_list)
hits = s[my_from:my_size].execute() # if from = 10, size = 10 then I get 0 documents, altought 100 documents match the filters.
My index contains 100 documents.
even when my filter match all results (i.e nothing is filtered out), if I use
my_from = 10 and my_size = 10, for instance, then I get nothing in hits (no matching documents)
Why is that? Am I misusing the from?
Documentation states:
from and size parameters. The from parameter defines the offset from the first result you want to fetch. The size parameter allows you to configure the maximum amount of hits to be returned.
So it seems really straightforward, what am I missing?
The answer to this question can be found in their documentation under the Pagination Section of the Search DSL:
To specify the from/size parameters, use the Python slicing API:
s = s[10:20]
# {"from": 10, "size": 10}
The correct usage of these parameters with the Search DSL is just as you would with a Python list, slicing from the starting index to the end index. The size parameter would be implicitly defined as the end index minus the start index.
Hope this clears things up!
Try to pass from and size params as below:
search = Search(using=elastic_conn, index='my_index'). \
filter("terms", organization_id=org_list). \
extra(from_=10, size=20)
result = search.execute()