Post/Redirect/Get needed if you submit HTML fragments? - post-redirect-get

In the past I used the Post/Redirect/Get pattern:
the html for was submitted to the server via POST
the server processed the data.
if everything was ok, the server responsed with a http 302 (redirect
the client redirected the page to the new location.
Is this still needed if you submit html fragments via htmx?

By and large no, you will not need to implement the PRG pattern.
Since htmx uses AJAX for most interactions, there is no request sitting in the browser history, and hitting refresh will not re-submit a POST (or DELETE or whatever).
That said, htmx trys to be compatible with the PRG pattern, and tries to update the URL if a redirect occurs by detecting the :
If you do something like inline editing:
The point becomes moot to a large extent, since you can have the edit UI at the same URL as the view URL.


Django redirect to site root with variable....?

I'm trying to redirect the browser back to the site root and also pass a variable in order to trigger a JS notification function... This is all with Django.
What I have now is this:
url(r'^accounts/password/reset/complete/$', views.passwordResetComplete,
def passwordResetComplete(theRequest):
return redirect(home(theRequest, 'Password reset successful'))
def home(theRequest, myMessage=None):
return render_to_response('new/index.html',
"myTopbar": myTopbar,
"isLoggedIn": isLoggedIn,
"myMessage": myMessage
I get this error:
NoReverseMatch: Error importing 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8.......(gives full HTML of page)
I've been working around a few different solutions and nothing seems to work in the way that I need. The closest I've got is to redirect to '/?query-string' with a JS function in root to check for that query-string and run the function if it's present. However, that leaves the query-string in the URL for the duration of the user's navigation of the site (which is 100% AJAX). I want to avoid having any strings/long hrefs in the URL.
Would be really grateful if anyone can tell me how to solve this problem.
HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means that each and every request is entirely unique and separated from anything and everything that has ever been done before. Put more simply, the only way (in HTTP) to "pass a variable" with a URL is to add it to the URL itself (/someobject/1/, for example, where 1 is an object id) or in the querystring (?someobject=1). Either way, the information is embedded in the URL and it's up to your application to decipher that information out of the URL and do something with it.
The concept of a "session" was introduced as a way to provide state to the stateless protocol that is HTTP. The way it works is that the server sends the client a cookie containing some identifiable information (usually, just a session id). Then, the client sends the cookie back to the server in the request headers with every request. The server sees the cookie, looks up the session and continues on seamlessly with whatever is in progress. This is not true state, but it does provide the ability to essentially mimic state, and it's the only way to pass data between requests without actually embedding the data in the URL.
If all you need to return back is a message to the user such as "Password reset successful", you can and should simply use Django's messages framework, which itself uses the session pass the message. It sets a cookie for the client, so that you can redirect to any URL. The cookie will be passed back with the request for that new URL, and Django will add the message from the session into the appropriate place in your template for that URL.
If you need to actually invoke a bit of JavaScript, then you should make the request via AJAX. In the response, you can return any data you want in via JSON (and act on that data however you like) or even return Javascript to be run.
Following the redirect docs, you cannot simply redirect to a view, but only to a url or an object/view that is a assigned to a url already. Thus, you have 2 options:
a) Call the view directly like that:
return home(theRequest, 'Password reset successful')
b) Add a Url patterns like that:
url(r'^your_patterns/$', views.home, msg='',name='home'),
Then you will be able to do what you initally did:
return redirect(views.home,('Password reset successful',))
or from my point of view, even tidier:
return redirect('home',('Password reset successful',))

ajax request not sent in IE6

I am developing a webpage with all actions handled as ajax.It works fine in firefox,IE 8,7.But in IE 6 no request is being sent to the sever.Why does this happen.I amusing jquery.getjson and jquery.colourbox methods to fetch data and display in colorbox.
Change Password<span class=""></span> $('a.changepass').colorbox();
This is the html code and i need to open the contents of returned response in colorbox.This works fine with IE 7,8 and firefox.
I guess, this maybe a cache problem.
IE try caching everything requested from a url.
if u request the same url for 2nd time, ie will return the old data by 1st request without any network.
to solv ie's url cache, adding a "?" or current timestamp param to request url.
Have you read this about the UTF-8?

Django: how to redirect to mailto

I have a Django admin action called "Email selected members". Check some members and click the Go button and the user's mail program is opened. The emails of the selected members have been pre-entered.
This works by a Django HttpResponseRedirect(uri) with the uri being "mailto:email1,email2..
where the addresses email1, email2 ... were looked up on the server.
The only problem is that that the browser re-directs to a blank page as well a opening the client mail program.
Is there any way to avoid this?
-- Peter
This question is a little old, but I just went through this and I think I can help anyone looking for an answer in the future.
I ran into this problem because the website I was building had a built-in tracking system that tracked the URLs of outbound links for self-hosted ads. If I don't redirect, there is no way (without changing the way it was implemented) to track the click, since I'm not using an API or anything.
The easy fix was to do what you did, sending back an HttpResponse() whose content is the meta tag
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;" />
This causes the page to refresh on load, which triggers the mailto: action.
Now we're left with an open window, but we can't close the window using Javascript's window.close() method. I do believe that this solution should work, however. Call that Javascript function after the refresh has been successful.
Unfortunately, I haven't tested this, but these two methods should accomplish a mailto: redirect that does not leave a blank window/tab behind.
Hope this helps!
Don't use HttpResponseRedirect. Just make the mailto: line a link. Email selected members
I don't think it is possible. RFC 2616 says re 302 redirect:
The temporary URI SHOULD be given by
the Location field in the response.
Unless the request method was HEAD,
the entity of the response SHOULD
contain a short hypertext note with a
hyperlink to the new URI(s)
So the blank page that I see is the (very) short hypertext note. The browser gets the redirect instruction, pops up a temporary page with the redirect message, then retrieves the redirected URL. But with a mailto: URL the temporary page obviously remains.

How to transfer Raphaeljs variable in a JSP page?

I'm in a position to get a value from JavaScript, which uses Raphaeljs and send it to a Servlet/JSP page for Display & DB related work. Kindly assist me for that.
You are going to have to do AJAX for this one. Be sure to load jQuery so is easy to do it.
Simply collect the var value and send it to the JSP using .get or .post. Then you can add your validation in the JSP for the value sent and do whatever you want with it.
Hope this helps!
Jorge C.
As far as i understand this is not Raphael related.
What you need to make sure is, that you understand the difference between client and server side. Javascript runs client side (given we're not talking about a server side application written with JS/nodejs) in the browser while JSPs are executed on the server
If you collect values via JS and want the server to process it then you you can either send it to the server with an AJAX request (which wont reload the page) or manipulate a form and submit it (which will be a GET or a POST request then and will reload the whole page).
On the server you can accept the values and process them and then render the response.
For Ajax request you could look at jQuery.

Setting up cache with Django to work around the "page has expired" IE problem

I have got a familiar problem. I am using Django-0.97, and cannot upgrade -- though the version of Django being used should not play any part in the cause of the problem.
I have a search view that presents a form to the user, and, on submission of the form via POST, performs heavy computations and displays a list of items that are generated as a result of those computations. Users may click on the "more info" link of any of those items to view the item detail page.
Users on IE, once they are on the item detail page for any item from the search results page, get the familiar "webpage has expired, click on refresh button, yadda yadda yadda" error when they hit the "back" button on the browser. Sadly, a good majority of the users of the site use IE, are not tech savvy, and are complaining about this problem.
Thinking that setting up a cache backend may solve the problem, I configured a simple cache backend. I juggled with per-site cache and per-view cache, but to no avail. And now, I am not too sure I have set up the cache stuff properly.
Any hints, suggestions that may help in mitigating the problem will be hugely appreciated.
UPDATE (20 July 2009)
I have used Fiddler to inspect the HTTP headers of both the request and response. IE is sending the Pragma: no-cache header in the POST request. The HTTP response generated as a result of the request has the following headers:
Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600
Date: someDateHere
Vary: Cookie
And, yes, I am not using the PRG pattern.
You may find you need to use the PRG pattern (Post/Redirect/Get). With this pattern, the handler for the POST will:
perform the heavy computations, determine the search results, and store them in the user's session (or store them in the db keyed by the user's session).
Send a response with a redirect header to an idempotent page, which is then fetched by the browser using a GET, when it follows the redirection.
When the redirected-to page is accessed, the server displays the search results page, computed from the stored data in the session, and at a different URL from the URL that was POSTed to. You should be able to use normal caching headers for this (search results) page, depending on how volatile your search results will be.
Under RFC2616, "POST" is not an idempotent method, which means that the browser will not resend the request unless the user confirms that resend. So, to prevent the prompt, you must ensure that the CLIENT caches the page.
To do so, use the Cache Control header: and ensure that you are not sending back any Vary or Pragma: no-cache headers:
It would be helpful for you to capture your HTTP POST's response headers (e.g. with Fiddler) and update your question with them.