I'm trying to mock a call to AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient. I tried several solutions I found online, but I cannot get it to work.
This is my best effort so far:
import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk';
import * as dynamoDbUtils from '../../src/utils/dynamo-db.utils';
describe('dynamo-db.utils', () => {
describe('updateEntity', () => {
it('Should return', async () => {
AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.prototype.update.mockImplementation((_, cb) => {
cb(null, user);
await dynamoDbUtils.updateEntity('tableName', 'id', 2000);
I get error message
Property 'mockImplementation' does not exist on type '(params: UpdateItemInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: UpdateItemOutput) => void) => Request<UpdateItemOutput, AWSError>'.ts(2339)
My source file:
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
let db: AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient;
export function init() {
db = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({
region: ('region')
export async function updateEntity(tableName: string, id: string, totalNumberOfCharacters: number): Promise<AWS.DynamoDB.UpdateItemOutput> {
try {
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
Key: { 'id': id },
UpdateExpression: 'set totalNumberOfCharacters = :totalNumberOfCharacters',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':totalNumberOfCharacters': totalNumberOfCharacters
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW'
const updatedItem = await db.update(params).promise();
return updatedItem;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
Please advise how can I properly mock the response of AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.update
Have some way to do the that thing (I think so).
This is one of them:
You use AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient, then we will mock AWS object to return an object with DocumentClient is mocked object.
jest.mock("aws-sdk", () => {
return {
DynamoDB: {
DocumentClient: jest.fn(),
Now, AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient is mocked obj. Usage of update function like update(params).promise() => Call with params, returns an "object" with promise is a function, promise() returns a Promise. Do step by step.
updateMocked = jest.fn();
updatePromiseMocked = jest.fn();
promise: updatePromiseMocked,
mocked(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient).mockImplementation(() => {
return { update: updateMocked } as unknown as AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient;
mocked import from ts-jest/utils, updateMocked to check the update will be call or not, updatePromiseMocked to control result of update function (success/ throw error).
Complete example:
import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk';
import * as dynamoDbUtils from './index';
import { mocked } from 'ts-jest/utils'
jest.mock("aws-sdk", () => {
return {
DynamoDB: {
DocumentClient: jest.fn(),
describe('dynamo-db.utils', () => {
describe('updateEntity', () => {
let updateMocked: jest.Mock;
let updatePromiseMocked: jest.Mock;
beforeEach(() => {
updateMocked = jest.fn();
updatePromiseMocked = jest.fn();
promise: updatePromiseMocked,
mocked(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient).mockImplementation(() => {
return { update: updateMocked } as unknown as AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient;
it('Should request to Dynamodb with correct param and forward result from Dynamodb', async () => {
const totalNumberOfCharacters = 2000;
const id = 'id';
const tableName = 'tableName';
const updatedItem = {};
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
Key: { 'id': id },
UpdateExpression: 'set totalNumberOfCharacters = :totalNumberOfCharacters',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':totalNumberOfCharacters': totalNumberOfCharacters
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW'
const result = await dynamoDbUtils.updateEntity(tableName, id, totalNumberOfCharacters);
When I tried with basic repository provided typeorm, I think test is completed.
But to do 'unit test' with custom repository of typeorm is not working.
I think mocking custom repository has problem.
What I have to do for mocking custom repostitory?
Next are test file and source file to test.
import { Test } from '#nestjs/testing';
import { getRepositoryToken } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { QuestsService } from 'src/quests/quests.service';
import { QuestRepository } from 'src/quests/repositories/quest.repository';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { Complete } from 'src/quests/entities/complete.entity';
import { Player } from 'src/players/entities/player.entity';
const mockRepository = () => ({
create: jest.fn(),
save: jest.fn(),
findOne: jest.fn(),
const mockQuestsRepository = {
save: jest.fn(),
findOne: jest.fn(),
findAllWithCompletes: jest.fn(),
findOneWithCompletes: jest.fn(),
type MockRepository<T = any> = Partial<Record<keyof Repository<T>, jest.Mock>>;
type MockQuestRepository = Partial<Record<keyof QuestRepository, jest.Mock>>;
describe('QuestsService', () => {
let service: QuestsService;
let playersRepository: MockRepository<Player>;
let completeRepository: MockRepository<Complete>;
let questsRepository: MockQuestRepository;
beforeAll(async () => {
const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [
provide: getRepositoryToken(Player),
useValue: mockRepository(),
provide: getRepositoryToken(Complete),
useValue: mockRepository(),
provide: QuestRepository,
useValue: mockQuestsRepository,
service = module.get<QuestsService>(QuestsService);
playersRepository = module.get(getRepositoryToken(Player));
completeRepository = module.get(getRepositoryToken(Complete));
questsRepository = module.get(QuestRepository);
describe('questComplete', () => {
it('should fail if quest does not exist', async () => {
const result = await service.questComplete(-1, 1);
ok: false,
message: 'cant find requested Quest.',
it('should fail if player does not exist', async () => {
const result = await service.questComplete(1, 1);
ok: false,
message: 'cant find player.',
export class QuestsService {
private readonly completes: Repository<Complete>,
private readonly quests: QuestRepository
) {}
async questComplete(questId: number, playerId: number) {
try {
const quest = await this.quests.findOne({ id: questId });
if (!quest)
return { ok: false, message: 'cant find requested Quest.' };
const player = await Player.findOne({ where: { id: playerId } });
if (!player)
return { ok: false, message: 'cant find player.' };
const isCompleted = await this.completes.findOne({ quest, player });
if (isCompleted)
return { ok: false, message: 'quest is already completed.' };
await this.completes.save(this.completes.create({ quest, player }));
return { ok: true };
} catch (error) {
return { ok: false, message: 'quest cant be completed.' };
I am trying to write a jest test for an authentication middleware for a resolver function. I am attempting to mock an implementation so that the next function is called so that the test passes.
The error I receive is "next is not a function". I can verify that the mocked function is called through expect(isAuth).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);, but there is clearly an issue with my mocked implementation. Any help is much appreciated.
//isAuth Middleware
import { MiddlewareFn } from "type-graphql";
import { Context } from "../utils/interfaces/context";
export const isAuth: MiddlewareFn<Context> = ({ context }, next) => {
const loggedInUserId = context.req.session.id;
if (!loggedInUserId) {
throw new Error("Not authenticated!");
return next();
jest.mock("../middleware/isAuth", () => {
return {
isAuth: jest.fn((_, next) => next()), //also tried (next) => next() and (next)=>Promise.resolve(next())
test("should create a txn successfully", async () => {
const user = await createUser(orm);
const txn = createTxnOptions();
const txnToBeCreated = { ...txn, userId: user.id };
const response = await testClientMutate(
variables: txnToBeCreated,
//expect(isAuth).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); passes so it's getting called
const newlyCreatedTxn: Transaction = (response.data as any)
const dbTxn = await em.findOne(Transaction, {
id: newlyCreatedTxn.id,
import { Transaction } from "../entities/Transaction";
import {
} from "type-graphql";
import { Context } from "../utils/interfaces/context";
import { isAuth } from "../middleware/isAuth";
#Mutation(() => Transaction)
async createTransaction(
#Arg("title") title: string,
#Arg("userId") userId: string,
#Ctx() { em }: Context
): Promise<Transaction> {
const transaction = em.create(Transaction, {
user: userId,
await em.persistAndFlush(transaction);
return transaction;
jest.mock("../middleware/isAuth", () => {
return {
isAuth: jest.fn((_, next) => next()), //also tried (next) => next() and (next)=>Promise.resolve(next())
jest.mock("../middleware/isAuth", () => {
return {
isAuth: (_, next) => next()
I am trying to use sinon to test a piece of code that is using an DynamoDB SDK method batchGet. Below the code:
const fetchSingleUser = async (userId) => {
try {
let queryParams = {RequestItems: {}};
queryParams.RequestItems['users'] = {
Keys: [{'UserId': userId}],
ProjectionExpression: 'UserId,Age,#UserName',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {'#UserName': 'Name'}
const res = await docClient.batchGet(queryParams).promise();
return res.Responses.users[0];
} catch (e) {
console.log('users::fetch::error - ', e);
Below the test using sinon:
'use strict';
const sinon = require('sinon');
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru();
let assert = require('assert');
describe('DynamoDB Mock Test', function () {
let AWS;
let scriptToTest;
let batchGetFunc;
before(function () {
batchGetFunc = sinon.stub();
AWS = {
DynamoDB: {
DocumentClient: sinon.stub().returns({
batchGet: batchGetFunc
scriptToTest = proxyquire('../index', {
'aws-sdk': AWS
it('Should scan using async/await and promise', async function () {
let result = { UserId: 'segf876seg876', Age: 33, Name: 'Paul' }
promise: () => result
const data = await scriptToTest.fetchSingleUser('segf876seg876');
console.log('--data: ', data)
assert.equal(data.UserId, 'segf876seg876');
The Problem:
const data = await scriptToTest.fetchSingleUser('segf876seg876') always returns 'undefined'
Function fetchSingleUser always returns 'undefined' because you do not return anything after catch (after error happens). You only define return value on success.
But why errors happens, because const res does not contain Responses.users[0].
Simple solution:
change let result = { UserId: 'segf876seg876', Age: 33, Name: 'Paul' } to satisfy code Responses.users[0] to
const result = {
Responses: {
users: [{ UserId: 'segf876seg876', Age: 33, Name: 'Paul' }],
Note: use const if you not change variable value.
I'm having troubles stubbing out an async action for redux-thunk. Mocha keeps giving me timeout:
// actions.js
const fetchUserThings = userId => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve([{ foo: 'bar' }]);
const displayUserThings = userThings => ({
type: 'DISPLAY',
export const loadUserThings = userId => {
return dispatch => {
.then(userThings => displayUserThings(userThings));
And here's my mocha test. I'm using redux on version 3.3.1 and redux-mock-store on version 0.0.6.
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import * as actions from './actions';
const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
describe('actions', () => {
it('creates DISPLAY after fetching', done => {
const userId = 1;
const userThings = [{ foo: 'bar' }];
const expectedActions = [
{ type: 'DISPLAY', userThings }
const store = mockStore({userThings: []}, expectedActions, done);
What am I missing?
I'm currently trying to test my thunk action (getUserFeatureNames) to see if it calls a success action(getUserFeatureNamesSuccess) using jest. getUserFeatureNames thunk action currently resides in loginActions.js file which is import homeQueries(which i'm trying to mock). So far I'm getting the following error when running my jest test..
TypeError: _homeQueries2.default.getFeatureNames is not a function
How do i mock homeQueries.getFeatureNames?
function createStore(state = {}, expectActions = {}){
const mockStore = configureMockStore([thunk]);
return mockStore(state, expectActions);
describe("home_async_tests", () => {
test("getUserFeatureNamesSuccess action is called if request was success", (done) => {
jest.mock('../../../graphQL/homeQueries', () => {
return jest.fn(() => {
getFeatureNames: () =>{
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let array = [{iconFile: 'Personalization.png', description: 'Personalization'},{iconFile: 'Home.png', description: 'Home'}];
let homeActions = require('../../../app/redux/actions/homeActions');
const expectedAction = {type: types.userFeatureNamesSuccess, payLoad: {isError: false, data: '' }};
const store = createStore();
store.dispatch(homeActions.getUserFeatureNames({token:"fdis4554" })).then(() => {
const actions = store.getActions();
I assume that the module just return an object and not a function that returns an object, so your mock should look like this:
jest.mock('../../../graphQL/homeQueries', () = > ({
getFeatureNames: () = > {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
let array = [{
iconFile: 'Personalization.png',
description: 'Personalization'
}, {
iconFile: 'Home.png',
description: 'Home'