Delete All records in a Siebel List View - siebel

I need to Delete All the records in a list applet by a button clicked method. In order to achieve this, I have added a button to the list applet with "DeleteAllRecords" method and added a script to BC PreInvokeMethod function as below. Once clicked on the button all the records will get deleted, but the applet won't get refreshed. How Can I achieve that?
if(MethodName == "DeleteAllRecords")
var EmpBO = TheApplication().GetBusObject("XXXX");
var EmpBC = EmpBO.GetBusComp("XXXX");
SetSearchExpr("[XXXX] <> ' '");
var Frecord = FirstRecord();
Frecord = DeleteRecord();
Frecord = FirstRecord();
return (CancelOperation);
EmpBO = null;
EmpBC = null;
return (ContinueOperation);

You could try a few things.
1: A simple null query in the end after all deletions are done. ClearToQuery() and ExecuteQuery();
2: There is a BC method for RefreshBusComp (check documentation) which can be used with InvokeMethod(). Does pretty much the same thing as 1. I see you already tried it and probably did not work.
3: There are Business services which can refresh applets , like FINS Teller UI navigation.
4: You could also try a null query in browserscript/javascript, put that in InvokeMethod, so that it runs after the BC escript. Genb has to be run to generate bscripts.
One of these should work .


Is there any way to add a template doc at top of an another google document using google scripting?

I am trying to add a template doc into an existing google doc.The template is being added, but next time when i am trying to add the template again the template is appending at the bottom of the existing google doc but i want to insert the template at the top.
You can do this by getting the Body of one document and appending its child Elements to the current document.
function addtemplate() {
var thisDoc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var thisBody = thisDoc.getBody();
var templateDoc = DocumentApp.openById(''); //Pass in id of doc to be used as a template.
var templateBody = templateDoc.getBody();
for(var i=0; i<templateBody.getNumChildren();i++){ //run through the elements of the template doc's Body.
switch (templateBody.getChild(i).getType()) { //Deal with the various types of Elements we will encounter and append.
case DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH:
case DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM:
case DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE:
return thisDoc;
It sounds like your goal is to choose the position of the document where the content is added?
One option is to add the template at your current cursor location.
In the example below I have two functions. The first function creates a menu in Google Docs when I open the document (usually a few seconds delay).
The second function attempts to identify the position of my cursor. If it's successful it will insert the date at my cursor position.
Since I've created a menu item I don't have to go to the script editor to trigger this function.
function onOpen() {
// Add a menu item in Google Docs.
DocumentApp.getUi().createMenu('Insert Menu')
.addItem('Insert Current Date', 'insertCurrentDate')
function insertCurrentDate() {
var cursor = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getCursor();
if (cursor) {
// Attempt to insert text at the cursor position. If insertion returns null,
// then the cursor's containing element doesn't allow text insertions.
var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT", "yyyy-MM-dd");
var element = cursor.insertText(date);
if (element) {
} else {
DocumentApp.getUi().alert('Document does not allow inserted text at this location.');
} else {
DocumentApp.getUi().alert('Cannot find a cursor in the document.');
It's also possible that you want to clear the previous template before pasting the new one in? You can do that with the clear() function and then run the rest of your code.

Sitecore, moving item takes multiple tries

I have a saving event handler in Sitecore where when the date of an item changes (from say 8/7/2014 to 9/7/2014) I want it to be moved into another folder.
It currently somewhat does that, but only if I change the date twice.
If I go from 8/7/2014 > 9/6/2014 it does nothing. If I then change the same item's date to 9/7/2014 it moves it into the correct folder.
If I debug the code it follows the exact same path both times .. anyone have a reason as to why this might be happening?
One of the other problems was that the saving handler was running twice, once with the new date value, once with the old. Changing to the saved handler worked much better because I only have access to the newly saved values, not the old and new values.
Since there were a few comments asking for it, here's the working code to move and item from folder parent to parent > year > month. Keep in mind this is using glassmapper so it would be slightly different if not using glass mapper.
protected void MoveItemToMonthDateFolder<T>(T scItem, Func<T, DateTime> dateSelector, Models.Item parentFolder) where T : Models.Item
var date = dateSelector(scItem);
if (!parentFolder.Children.Any(x => x.Name.Contains(date.Year.ToString())))
var yearFolder = sitecoreService.Create(parentFolder, new Folder { Name = date.Year.ToString() });
var monthFolder = sitecoreService.Create(yearFolder, new Folder { Name = date.Month.ToString() });
sitecoreService.Move(scItem, monthFolder);
var yearFolder = parentFolder.Children.First(x => x.Name.Equals(date.Year.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
var monthFolder = yearFolder.Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(date.Month.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
if (monthFolder == null)
monthFolder = sitecoreService.Create(yearFolder, new Folder { Name = date.Month.ToString() });
sitecoreService.Move(scItem, monthFolder);

Ember context passed to a view

I'm trying to figure out what's wrong about sending action from parentView to one of its children view:
I've made a PhotoUploadView used to resize and then upload images; it adds canvas drawing the resized image in a div inside its template:
<div class="img-list">
//here the canvas will be added
The action "saveImages" in this view, acts like this:
var list = this.$('.img-list');
$.each(list.children(), function(index, value) {
//here the code to save
But this action is not called directly; because I need to save not only the images but also some records (an offer record and many products records, children of the offer; the images are associated to the product record);
So I have the action "save" on the parentView that is like this:
//save records {
newProducts.forEach(function(product, indexP) {
product.set('offer', savedOffer); {
//save photos by cycling the PhotoUploadViews that are inside ProductViews that are inside the mainView
this.get('childViews').forEach(function(view, index) {
if (index >= 4) { //the childView from the 4th are the ProductViews
var productId = view.get('product').get('id');
var folder = 'offer-' + controller.get('model').get('id') + '/product-' + productId + '/';
view.get('childViews')[0].send('saveImages', folder, productId); //the first childView of a ProductView is the UploadView
Well, this works and save the images correctly when you add images to an existing offer with existing product; but when you are creating a new offer, it fails since the folder will becone "offer-undefined/product-undefined" because of course you must wait the records to be saved in order to get their ID;
So I'm trying now to move the send action into the .then callback of product save:
var childViews = this.get('childViews'); //the childView starting from the 4th are the productsViews {
newProducts.forEach(function(product, indexP) {
product.set('offer', savedOffer); {
var currentPview = (childViews[4 + indexP]); //get the productView associated with the current product
var productId = savedProduct.get('id');
var folder = 'offer-' + savedOffer.get('id') + '/product-' + productId + '/';
currentPview.get('_childViews')[2].send('saveImages', folder, productId); //the object at index 2 of _childViews array is the photoUploadView
Here, the folder is built correctly but after sending action, the saveImages action crashes saying that list is undefined; trying to log the value of "this" inside "saveImages" I can see that also its value is undefined; Someone can please explain why calling the action from one point, it works, and calling it inside the .then callback of product save it doesn't?
I also would like to understand why in the first case I can do
to get the PhotoUploadView, but in the second I must do
since using get('childViews) it doesn't work anymore; What is the difference between childViews and _childViews? And why _childViews has more elements than childView?

Google Glass Mirror API - Is there a way to delete a bundle of cards?

I'm sending a bundle of cards to Glass with the Mirror API (c# library)
I know that you can use the default delete menu item on single cards, but is there a way to provide delete functionality for an entire bundle, ideally the result of one action by the users?
I have successfully used the DELETE action on a menu item with the code below
MenuItem mi = new MenuItem();
mi.Action = "DELETE";
TimelineItem tli = new TimelineItem()
Html = itemHtml.ToString(),
Notification = new NotificationConfig() { Level = "DEFAULT" },
MenuItems = new List<MenuItem>() { mi }
Is there a way to add this delete menu item to a bundle cover? I know this may be tricky because clicking the bundle cover causes you to navigate into the child cards thus no menu is present like on single cards. I'm looking for something (which I did try but it just ignored the menu item) like this:
MenuItem mi = new MenuItem();
mi.Action = "DELETE";
TimelineItem tli = new TimelineItem()
Html = itemHtml.ToString(),
Notification = new NotificationConfig() { Level = "DEFAULT" },
IsBundleCover = true,
BundleId = bundleId,
MenuItems = new List<MenuItem>() { mi }
If not possible on a cover card, is there a way to do this for a bundle by adding delete menu items to the child cards?
Any suggestions would be appreciated
You can use customized menu to do this. The code below is using Java but C# should be similar:
Add customized menu item to the card:
List<MenuValue> menuValueList = new ArrayList<MenuValue>();
menuValueList.add(new MenuValue().setIconUrl(iconUrl).setDisplayName("Delete All"));
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem();
List<MenuItem> menuItemList = new ArrayList<MenuItem>();
Define the controller which handles the callback request of Mirror server notification:
if (notification.getCollection().equals("timeline") && notification.getUserActions().contains(new UserAction().setType("CUSTOM").setPayload("delete_bundle_A"))) {
deleteCards(credential, bundleId);
The delete card function:
// if bundleId is null or "", delete all cards
public static void deleteCards(Credential credential, String bundleId) throws IOException {
if (bundleId == null) {
bundleId = "";
Mirror.Timeline timelineItems = MirrorClient.getMirror(credential).timeline();
Mirror.Timeline.List list = timelineItems.list();
List<TimelineItem> timelineItemList = null;
do {
TimelineListResponse response = list.execute();
timelineItemList = response.getItems();
if (timelineItemList != null && timelineItemList.size() > 0) {
for (TimelineItem item : timelineItemList) {
if (bundleId == "" || bundleId.equalsIgnoreCase(item.getBundleId())) {"Deleting card " + item.getId());
MirrorClient.deleteTimelineItem(credential, item.getId());
} else {
} while (list.getPageToken() != null && list.getPageToken().length() > 0);
Finally, don't forget to subscribe timeline notification when application starts up:
String notifyUrl = "" + "";
Subscription subscription = MirrorClient.insertSubscription(credential, notifyUrl, userId, "timeline");
It isn't clear if you're asking how to create the menu items to delete the entire bundle at once, or if you're looking for code to do the actual delete.
Yuan provides some very good answers to both (not least of which because he actually provides code, which I won't), but there are three things you might also want to consider.
1) You can't have a menu on the bundle cover, but if you don't explicitly specify a bundle cover, then the most recent card will be shown as the cover and will also be shown as the first card in the bundle. You'd be able to get to the menu this way. (The default messaging app works this way, for example, but the first card has the same menu as the rest.)
2) You don't need to create a new menu item. You can leverage the DELETE menu item, if you wish. You'll get a delete notification for one of the cards in the bundle and you can then read the bundleId and delete the rest.
3) You don't need to loop through all the cards you've inserted just to find ones that have that bundleId. That is horribly inefficient. I am not fluent in C#, but from reading the documentation at, I get the sense that you can create a ListRequest and then set the bundleId before executing the query and get the results.
So I think you can change Yuan's code to something like:
Mirror.Timeline.List list = timelineItems.list();
list.BundleId = bundleId;
List<TimelineItem> timelineItemList = null;
do {
TimelineListResponse response = list.execute();
timelineItemList = response.getItems();
if (timelineItemList != null && timelineItemList.size() > 0) {
for (TimelineItem item : timelineItemList) {"Deleting card " + item.getId());
MirrorClient.deleteTimelineItem(credential, item.getId());
} else {
} while (list.getPageToken() != null && list.getPageToken().length() > 0);
(this should be treated as pseudo-code, at best)
If you're confident how many items you've put into a bundle, you might also be able to just set list.MaxResults and not have to iterate over the pages of results. So perhaps something more like
Mirror.Timeline.List list = timelineItems.list();
list.BundleId = bundleId;
list.MaxResults = 20; // Set to more than the max number of items in a bundle
TimelineListResponse response = list.execute();
List<TimelineItem> timelineItemList = response.getItems();
if (timelineItemList != null && timelineItemList.size() > 0) {
for (TimelineItem item : timelineItemList) {"Deleting card " + item.getId());
MirrorClient.deleteTimelineItem(credential, item.getId());
There doesn't appear to be a way to delete a bundle in one step but it's still possible...
You can do a GET on /Timeline to get a list of items your app has pushed to the users timeline. Filter that out to find the entries with the bundleId you want to delete. For each of those items, call DELETE /Timeline/{itemid}

Sitecore workbox change sort order

By default Sitecore workbox displays the Item name, and sort the item list by Item name.
In one of my previous posts regarding this I managed to change the item name to a custom field.
Now I need to sort workbox by this field. How can I do this?
Assuming that you already have your own implementation of the WorkboxForm as described in the post you linked in your question, you need to change the code of the DisplayState method.
The DataUri[] items inflow parameter of this method gives you the list of all items which are in given state of the workflows. You need to retrieve all the Sitecore items from this parameter and sort them:
DataUri[] items = new DataUri[0];
List<Item> sitecoreItems = items
.Select(uri => Context.ContentDatabase.Items[uri])
.OrderBy(item => item["YourCustomField"])
And use the new list for selecting the current page items. This solution is not optimized for the performance - you need to get every item in given state from database so you can access the custom field.
After studying Sitecore workbox modifications, I came across with following solution.
Step 1 - Modify the GetItems method as follows,
private DataUri[] GetItems(WorkflowState state, IWorkflow workflow)
if (workflow != null)
var items = workflow.GetItems(state.StateID);
Array.Sort(items, new Comparison<DataUri>(CompareDataUri));
return items;
return new DataUri[] { };
Here comes the "CompareDataUri" method,
private int CompareDataUri(DataUri x, DataUri y)
//Custom method written to compare two values - Dhanuka
Item itemX = Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase.GetItem(x);
Item itemY = Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase.GetItem(y);
string m_sortField = "__Updated";
bool m_descSort = false;
var res = 0;
res = string.Compare(itemX[m_sortField], itemY[m_sortField]);
if (m_descSort)
if (res > 0)
return -1;
if (res < 0)
return 1;
return res;
This approach is optimized for performance.