Trouble using utcoffset with Chart.js - chart.js

I'm trying to use Chart.js with a datetime x axis, and I need to adjust all my values by subtracting 5 hours. Here's some of my code:
var timeFormat = 'MM/DD HH:mm';
time: {
format: timeFormat,
tooltipFormat: 'll',
parser: function(utcMoment) {
return moment(utcMoment).utcOffset(5, true);
Without the parser function, my values are normal (10:00, January 10, 2021), but with the parser function, for some reason my values are set back all the way to 2001. Yes two-thousand-and-one.(10:00, January 10, 2001) Note that the time is not actually changed (So two errors: 1.time not adjusted when it should be. 2:years adjusted when it shouldn't be). Why could this be?

I will assume that the reason you want to roll it back by 5 hours is because of a timezone difference. If that's the case, you should use moment-timezone instead of moment.
With that said, subtracting 5 hours from the current date is actually simpler than what you're doing.
Before feeding a date into moment, you need to convert it to the js Date object like so: new Date('2021-01-10 00:00:00'). Since your parser function accepts the date in m/d H:M format, you would need to append the year to it first.
So here is how your code should look:
parser: function(utcMoment) {
const new_date = utcMoment.split(' ')[0] + '/' + (new Date().getFullYear()) + ' ' + utcMoment.split(' ')[1];
return moment(new Date(new_date)).subtract({hours: 5})


How to delete a row, if condition on a date is met, through script (half solved)

I have soma data, starting from A10 to column M, until the 59th row.
I have some dates in column F10:F that are text strings, converted to official dates in column N (here the question with the process)
M3 is set to =NOW().
In cell N3 I have: =M3+14.
I want to delete all the rows, with a date in column N10:N that comes before [today + 2 weeks] (so cell N3).
When I create a script in Apps Script, it doesn't run the if statement, but if I leave it in comments, it can go in the for loop and deletes the rows, so I'm pretty sure the problem is, again, date formatting.
In this question I ask: how do I compare the values of N10:N with N3, in order to delete all the rows that don't meet the condition if(datesNcol <= targetDate)? (in code is written as if (rowData[i] < flatArray))
I leave also a demo sheet with this problem explained in detail and two alternatives (getBackground condition and numeric days condition).
This is a simplified code example:
const gen = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Generatore');
const bVals = gen.getRange('B10:B').getValues();
const bFilt = bVals.filter(String);
const dataLastRow = bFilt.length;
function deleteExpired() {
dateCorrette(); //ignore, formula that puts corrected dates from N10 to dataLastRow
var dateCorrect = gen.getRange(10,14,dataLastRow,1).getValues();
var targetDate = gen.getRange('N3').getValues();
var flatArray = [].concat.apply([], targetDate);
for (var i = dateCorrect.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var rowData = dateCorrect[i];
if (rowData[i] < flatArray) {
If run the script, nothing is deleted.
If I //comment the if function and the closing bracket, it delets all the rows of the list one by one.
I can't manage to meet that condition.
Right now, it logs this [Sun Jan 01 10:33:20 GMT-05:00 2023] as flatArray
and this [Wed Dec 21 03:00:00 GMT-05:00 2022] as dateCorrect[49], so the first row to delete, that is the 50th (is correct for all the dateCorrect[i] dates).
I tried putting a getTime() method in the targetDate variable, but it only functions if there is the getValue() method, not getValues(), so I then don't know how to use getTime() method on rowData, which is based on dateCorrected[i], which have to use the getValues() method. And then it also doesn't accept the flatArray variable, that has to be commented out (or it logs [ ] for flatArray, not the corrected date)
I leave the other attempts in the demo sheet, because I want to prioritize this problem around the date and make it clear in my head.
Thanks for all the help.
DEMO SHEET, ITA Locale time
I don't know how the demo sheet works with Apps Script, I suggest to copy the code in a personal sheet
I've also tried putting an extra column, with an IF built-in function that writes "del" if the function has to be deleted.
And then
var boba = gen.getRange(10,16,bLast,1).getDisplayValues();
if (boba[i] == 'del')
This does the job. But I can't understand why the other methods don't work.
Try this. It seems like you do a lot of things that aren't necessary. Unless I'm missing something.
A few notes. I typically do not use global variable, unless absolutely necessary. I don't create a variable for last row unless I have to use that value multiple times in my script. I use the method Sheet.getLastRow(). dataCorrect is a 2D array of 1 column so the second index can only be [0]. And getRange('N4') is a single cell so getValue() is good enough.
function deleteExpired() {
const gen = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Generatore');
var dateCorrect = gen.getRange(10,14,gen.getLastRow()-9,1).getValues();
var targetDate = gen.getRange('N3').getValue();
for (var i = dateCorrect.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (dataCorrect[i][0] < targetDate) {
Try this:
function delRows() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const gsh = ss.getSheetByName('Generatore');
const colB = gsh.getRange('B10:B' + gsh.getLastRow()).getValues();
var colN = gsh.getRange('N10:N' + gsh.getLastRow()).getValues();
var tdv = new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getMonth(), new Date().getDate() + 14).valueOf();//current date + 14
let d = 0;
colN.forEach((n, i) => {
if (new Date(n).valueOf() < tdv) {
gsh.deleteRow(i + 10 - d++);

DynamoDB - Get all items which overlap a search time interval

My application manages bookings of a user. These bookings are composed by a start_date and end_date, and their current partition in dynamodb is the following:
USER#1#BOOKINGS BOOKING#1 {s: '20190601', e: '20190801'}
[GOAL] I would query all reservations which overlap a search time interval as the following:
I tried to find a solution for this issue but I found only a way to query all items inside a search time interval, which solves only this problem:
I decided to make an implementation of it to try to make some change to solve my problem but I didn't found a solution, following you can find my implementation of "query inside interval" (this is not a dynamodb implementation, but I will replace isBetween function with BETWEEN operand):
import { zip } from 'lodash';
const bookings = [
{ s: '20190601', e: '20190801', i: '' },
{ s: '20180702', e: '20190102', i: '' }
const search_start = '20190602'.split('');
const search_end = '20190630'.split('');
// s:20190601 e:20190801 -> i:2200119900680011
for (const b of bookings) {
b['i'] = zip(b.s.split(''), b.e.split(''))
.reduce((p, c) => p + c.join(''), '');
// (start_search: 20190502, end_search: 20190905) => 22001199005
const start_clause: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < search_start.length; i += 1) {
if (search_start[i] === search_end[i]) {
start_clause.push(search_start[i] + search_end[i]);
} else {
const s_index = start_clause.join('');
// (end_search: 20190905, start_search: 20190502) => 22001199009
const end_clause: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < search_end.length; i += 1) {
if (search_end[i] === search_start[i]) {
end_clause.push(search_end[i] + search_start[i]);
} else {
const e_index = (parseInt(end_clause.join('')) + 1).toString();
const isBetween = (s: string, e: string, v: string) => {
const sorted = [s,e,v].sort();`sorted: ${sorted}`)
return sorted[1] === v;
const filtered_bookings = bookings
.filter(b => isBetween(s_index, e_index, b.i));`filtered_bookings: ${JSON.stringify(filtered_bookings)}`)
There’s not going to be a beautiful and simple yet generic answer.
Probably the best approach is to pre-define your time period size (days, hours, minutes, seconds, whatever) and use the value of that as the PK so for each day (or hour or whatever) you have in that item collection a list of the items touching that day with the sort key of the start time (so you can do the inequality there) and you can use a filter on the end time attribute.
If your chosen time period is days and you need to query across a week then you’ll issue seven queries. So pick a time unit that’s around the same size as your selected time periods.
Remember you need to put all items touching that day (or whatever) into the day collection. If an item spans a week it needs to be inserted 7 times.
Disclaimer: This is a very use-case-specific and non-general approach I took when trying to solve the same problem; it picks up on #hunterhacker 's approach.
Observations from my use case:
The data I'm dealing with is financial/stock data, which spans back roughly 50 years in the past up to 150 years into the future.
I have many thousands of items per year, and I would like to avoid pulling in all 200 years of information
The vast majority of the items I want to query spans a time that fits within a year (ie. most items don't go from 30-Dec-2001 to 02-Jan-2002, but rather from 05-Mar-2005 to 10-Mar-2005)
Based on the above, I decided to add an LSI and save the relevant year for every item whose start-to-end time is within a single year. The items that straddle a year (or more) I set that LSI with 0.
The querying looks like:
if query_straddles_year:
# This doesn't happen often in my use case
result = query_all_and_filter_after()
# Most cases end up here (looking for a single day, for instance)
year_constrained_result = query_using_lsi_for_that_year()
result_on_straddling_bins = query_using_lsi_marked_with_0() # <-- this is to get any of the indexes that do straddle a year
filter_and_combine(year_constrained_result, result_on_straddling_bins)

How to put colon inbetween elements of a big number using python

My question is my title . I want to put colon to number 2034820. It should look like 2:03:48:20
Basically this is my time data in HHMMSSMS format i.e hour minute second and millisecond.I want to plot other data with respect to this time format. How can I plot my data in y-axis and time of given format in x-axis.
data = numpy.genfromtxt('inputfile.dat') fig=plt.figure()
ax1 = plt.subplot(111) sat1=ax1.plot(data[:,1],'b',linewidth=1,label='SVID-127')
sat2 = ax1.plot(data[:,2],'m-',linewidth=1,label='SVID-128')
Any help is highly appreciated.
you can parse the time with datetime.strptime and then re-format it:
from datetime import datetime
tme = datetime.strptime('{:08d}'.format(2034820), '%H%M%S%f').time()
strg = '{0:%H:%M:%S:%f}'.format(tme)
print(strg[:-4]) # cut the trailing '0000'
# 02:03:48:20
this assumes your input is an integer (which will be converted to a zero-padded string of length 8 with '{:08d}'.format(2034820); if the data comes as string you need to convert it to an int first: '{:08d}'.format(int('2034820'))).
from your comments: you seem to be getting the number of seconds that have passed since midnight. for those you could to this:
from datetime import time
def convert(timefloat):
hours, rest = divmod(timefloat, 3600)
mins, rest = divmod(rest, 60)
secs, rest = divmod(rest, 1)
microsecs = int(10**6 * rest)
tme = time(int(hours), int(mins), int(secs), microsecs)
return '{0:%H:%M:%S:%f}'.format(tme)[:-4]
which gives for your test-data:
for d in data:

Convert date format to character string

I have a column of format DATETIME23. like this:
14.02.2017 13:00:25
I want to conver it to a string, so later, i would be able to modern it, so, for example, the final version would look like:
2017-02-14 13:00:25.000
Problem occures, when i try to convert date to char format: in result i have a string of smth like 1802700293 - which is the number of seconds.
I tried:
format date $23.0
date = put(date, $23.0)
P.S This is nother try:
data a;
format d date9.;
d = '12jan2016'd;
dtms = cat(day(d),'-',month(d),'-',year(d),' 00:00:00.000');
/* если нужно обязательно двухзначные день и месяц, то такой колхоз: */
if day(d) < 10 then dd=cat('0',put(day(d),$1.));
else ddday=put(day(d),$2.);
if month(d) < 10 then mm=cat('0',put(month(d),$1.));
else mm=put(month(d),$2.);
/*dtms2 = cat(dd,'-',mm,'-',yyyy,' 00:00:00.000');*/
dtms2 = cat(dd,'-',mm,'-',yyyy,' 00:00:00.000');
dtms = cat(day(d),'-',month(d),'-',year(d),' 00:00:00.000');
BUT, abnormally, the dtms2 concat destroys the zero in the month element
If your datetime is stored as a SAS datetime, just use the appropriate format :
data test ;
dt = '09feb2017:13:53:26'dt ; /* specify a datetime constant */
new_dt = put(dt,E8601DT23.3) ; /* ISO datetime format */
run ;
dt new_dt
1802267606 2017-02-09T13:53:26.000
If you need to replace the 'T' with a space, simply add a translate function around the put().
For your dtms solution you can use put and the Z2. format to keep the leading zero when you concatenate:
dtms = cat(day(d),'-', put(month(d),z2.),'-',year(d),' 00:00:00.000');
You should be able to just use put(date, datetime23.) for your problem though instead of $23, which is converting the number of seconds to a string with length 23. However, as a comment has mentioned datetime23. is not the format from your example.

how to extract last 4 characters of the string in SAS

improved formatting,I am a bit stuck where I am not able to extract the last 4 characters of the string., when I write :-
It is giving invalid argument.
how to do this?
This code works:
data temp;
indikation = "Idontknow";
data temp;
set temp;
indikan = substrn(indikation,max(1,length(indikation)-3),4);
Can you provide more context on the variable? If indikation is length 3 or smaller than I could see this erroring or if it was numeric it may cause issues because it right justifies the numbers (
If it's likely to be under four characters in some cases, I would recommend adding max:
indikan = substrn(indikation,max(1,length(indikation)-3),4);
I've also added substrn as Rob suggests given it better handles a not-long-enough string.
Or one could use the reverse function twice, like this:
data _null_;
my_string = "Fri Apr 22 13:52:55 +0000 2016";
_day = substr(my_string, 9, 2);
_month = lowcase(substr(my_string, 5, 3));
* Check the _year out;
_year = reverse(substr(reverse(trim(my_string)), 1, 4));
created_at = input(compress(_day || _month || _year), date9.);
put my_string=;
put created_at=weekdatx29.;
Wrong results might be caused by trailing blanks:
so, before you perform substr, strip/trim your string:
must give you last 4 characters
Or you can try this approach, which, while initially a bit less intuitive, is stable, shorter, uses fewer functions, and works with numeric and text values:
indikan = prxchange("s/.*(.{4}$)/$1/",1,indikation);
data temp;
input trt$;
data abc;
set temp;