I have this code:
template <typename Iter>
class map_iterator : public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, typename Iter::value_type::second_type> {
map_iterator() {}
map_iterator(Iter j) : i(j) {}
map_iterator& operator++() { ++i; return *this; }
map_iterator operator++(int) { auto tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; }
map_iterator& operator--() { --i; return *this; }
map_iterator operator--(int) { auto tmp = *this; --(*this); return tmp; }
bool operator==(map_iterator j) const { return i == j.i; }
bool operator!=(map_iterator j) const { return !(*this == j); }
reference operator*() { return i->second; }
pointer operator->() { return &i->second; }
Iter i;
template <typename Iter>
inline map_iterator<Iter> make_map_iterator(Iter j) { return map_iterator<Iter>(j); }
using route_departure_container = std::map<packed_time, route_departure_o>;
template <typename Iter>
using route_departure_const_iterator = map_iterator;
template <typename Iter>
route_departure_const_iterator<Iter> departure_at(const std::pair<key, const platform_route_o&>& pr, packed_time tm);
I am getting compiler errors: syntax error: missing ';' before '*' etc. and C4430 missing type specifier on lines
reference operator*() { return i->second; }
pointer operator->() { return &i->second; }
What is the problem?
I want to be able to make a method like
void Vector<T>::foo()
std::transform(this->begin(),this->end(),this->begin(), lambda)
but if I make my begin/end functions const they return a const_iterator, else I can`t use them with this while inside member function. Is there a way to do it?
template <class T>
class Vector
Vector(std::vector<T> coords) : _coords(coords) {}
class std::vector<T>::iterator begin() const { return _coords.begin(); }
class std::vector<T>::iterator end() const { return _coords.end(); }
std::vector<T> _coords;
I want to be able to use this->begin() inside a function
As I understand, you need const and non const overload:
template <class T>
class Vector
Vector(std::vector<T> coords) : _coords(coords) {}
auto begin() const { return _coords.begin(); }
auto end() const { return _coords.end(); }
auto begin() { return _coords.begin(); }
auto end() { return _coords.end(); }
auto cbegin() const { return _coords.cbegin(); }
auto cend() const { return _coords.cend(); }
template <typename F>
void foo(F f)
std::transform(cbegin(), cend(), begin(), f);
std::vector<T> _coords;
Yes, you provide a const qualified overload
template <class T>
class Vector
using iterator = typename std::vector<T>::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator;
Vector(std::vector<T> coords) : _coords(coords) {}
iterator begin() { return _coords.begin(); }
iterator end() { return _coords.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return _coords.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return _coords.end(); }
std::vector<T> _coords;
I am trying to create my own "smart iterator" and I'd like to use SFINAE to have some operators depending on the tag of the iterator :
Here is my code :
template<class Iterator, class Predicat, class Tag>
class RangeFilterIterator {
RangeFilterIterator(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Predicat predicat) :
mBegin(begin), mEnd(end), mPredicat(predicat) {}
bool operator !=(RangeFilterIterator const &r) {
return mBegin != r.mBegin;
typename Iterator::value_type &operator*() {return *mBegin;}
RangeFilterIterator &operator++() {
while(mBegin != mEnd && mPredicat(*mBegin++));
return *this;
template<class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<std::random_access_iterator_tag, Tag>::value>>
RangeFilterIterator &operator+(std::size_t n) {
return *this;
template<class = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of<std::random_access_iterator_tag, Tag>::value>>
RangeFilterIterator &operator+(std::size_t n) = delete;
Iterator mBegin, mEnd;
Predicat mPredicat;
template<typename Container, typename Predicate>
auto RangeFilter(Container const &c, Predicate p) {
using Iterator = RangeFilterIterator<typename Container::iterator,
typename Container::iterator::iterator_category>;
Iterator begin(const_cast<Container&>(c).begin(), const_cast<Container&>(c).end(), p);
Iterator end(const_cast<Container&>(c).end(), const_cast<Container&>(c).end(), p);
return Range(begin, end);
and at the line RangeFilterIterator &operator+(std::size_t n) = delete I got the error : class member cannot be redeclared.
I am not "good" with template, but I thought that with SFINAE only one of the two will be "declared". Am I missing something? It is possible to do otherwise?
Okay when I am using return type parameter instead of template parameter, it works.
template<class tag = Tag>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<std::random_access_iterator_tag, tag>::value, RangeFilterIterator>
&operator+(std::size_t n) {
return *this;
template<class tag = Tag>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of<std::random_access_iterator_tag, tag>::value, RangeFilterIterator>
&operator+(std::size_t n) = delete;
I am searching for template library with set-like container allowing searching by different key. I don't want map (key duplication) and want C++11 compliant code (C++14 added template<class K> iterator std::set::find(const K& x) which could be used in std::set<T*,my_transparent_deref_less<T*> > with custom compare functor).
Do you know such? Will boost add such or does it have already?
The signature should look like this: the_set<T, GetKey, Compare> and I want structure optimized for both size / memory usage (thus flat_set / btree_set) and speed of searching (insert/remove speed is not that critical). Example:
class User {
User(const char *name);
const char *name();
... };
the_set<User*,const char*> USERS([](User* u) { u->name(); },
[](const char* lhs, const char* rhs) { strcmp(lhs, rhs) < 0; });
I have found red-black-tree in boost::detail that looks like what I want - the signature is template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class KeyCompare, class A> class rbtree. Do we have something like that with flat_set and btree_set that I could use (without the fear of using something that is not to be used publicly but purposedly hidden as detail)?
Reason: I do plan to use such sets for many objects and many keys (possibly different keys/sets for same objects).
USERS, UNITS, ... - global using btree_set, possibly something like boost::multi_index
User::units, ... - sets in objects using flat_set
My code so far: (The problem is that I have to use StringWrapper now)
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include "btree_set.h"
#include "boost/container/flat_set.hpp"
// dereferencing comparator
template <class T>
class less: public std::less<T> {
typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<T>::value,
bool>::type operator() (T lhs, T rhs) const {
return *lhs < *rhs; }};
// here I can change underlying structure to btree_set or std::set
template <class T,
class C = less<T>,
class A = std::allocator<T> >
using default_set = boost::container::flat_set<T, C, A>;
// this works fine for classes derived from their primary key
template <class T, class K = T,
class B = default_set<K*> >
class object_set {
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<K, T>::value,
B>::type impl;
template<class... Args>
T* add(K* key, Args&& ...args) {
auto it = impl.insert(key);
if (!it.second) return nullptr;
T* value = new T(*key, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
*it.first = value;
return value; }
T* operator[](K* key) {
auto it = impl.find(key);
if (it == impl.end()) return nullptr;
return (T*)*it; }
T* remove(K* key) {
auto it = impl.find(key);
if (it == impl.end()) return nullptr;
T* value = (T*)*it;
return value; }
template<class... Args>
T* add(K key, Args&& ...args) {
return add(&key, std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
T* operator[](K key) {
return (*this)[&key]; }
T* remove(K key) {
return remove(&key); }};
// workaround for above std::is_base_of constraint
class StringWrapper {
const char *data;
StringWrapper(const char *data) {
this->data = data; }
operator const char *() const {
return data; }};
// example of class I want to use the container on
class User: public StringWrapper {
User(const char *name): StringWrapper(name) {}};
// testing
object_set<User,StringWrapper> USERS;
int main() {
USERS.add("firda"); USERS.add("firda2");
User* firda = USERS["firda"];
delete USERS.remove(firda);
delete USERS.remove("firda2"); }
Sounds like a job for boost::multi_index
This is what I came with:
#include "boost/container/flat_set.hpp"
template<class T, class K, class GetKey, class CmpKey>
class fset {
K, T*, GetKey, CmpKey, std::allocator<T*> >
template<class... Args>
T* add(K key, Args&& ...args) {
auto it = impl.lower_bound(key);
if (it != impl.end() && impl.key_comp()(key, GetKey()(*it))) {
return nullptr; }
T* value = new T(key, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
impl.insert_unique(it, value);
return value; }
T* operator[](K key) {
auto it = impl.find(key);
if (it == impl.end()) return nullptr;
return *it; }
T* remove(K key) {
auto it = impl.find(key);
if (it == impl.end()) return nullptr;
T* value = *it;
return value; }};
class User {
const char *name_;
User(const char *name) {
std::size_t size = std::strlen(name) + 1;
char *buf = new char[size];
std::memcpy(buf, name, size);
name_ = buf; }
~User() {
delete[] name_; }
const char *name() const {
return name_; }
struct get_name {
const char *operator()(User* u) const {
return u->name(); }};
struct cmp_name {
bool operator()(const char* lhs, const char* rhs) const {
return std::strcmp(lhs, rhs) < 0; }};};
fset<User,const char*,User::get_name,User::cmp_name>
int main() {
User* firda = USERS["firda"];
delete USERS.remove("firda"); }
Should I close or delete this question now?
This is what I use now (look at struct vset_adaptor)
#ifndef HEADER___VECTSET___BE8EB41D7B3971E1
#define HEADER___VECTSET___BE8EB41D7B3971E1
#include <vector>
//############################################################### ptrvect
template <class T, class base = std::vector<T*> >
class ptrvect: public base {
class iterator: public base::iterator {
friend class ptrvect;
iterator(const typename base::const_iterator& it):
base::iterator(const_cast<T**>(&*it)) {
return; }
iterator(const typename base::iterator& it):
base::iterator(it) {
return; }
T* operator->() const {
return **this; }};
class const_iterator: public base::const_iterator {
const_iterator(const typename base::const_iterator& it):
base::const_iterator(it) {
return; }
const_iterator(const typename base::iterator& it):
base::const_iterator(it) {
return; }
T* operator->() const {
return **this; }};
template <class It = iterator>
class condpair: public std::pair<It,bool> {
condpair(It it, bool second):
std::pair<It,bool>(it, second) {
return; }
T* operator->() const {
return *std::pair<It,bool>::first; }};
iterator begin() {
return iterator(base::begin()); }
iterator end() {
return iterator(base::end()); }
const_iterator begin() const {
return const_iterator(base::begin()); }
const_iterator end() const {
return const_iterator(base::end()); }
public: // workarounds for pre-C++11 / bad C++11 implementation (should allow const_iterator)
iterator insert(const_iterator pos, T* value) {
return base::insert(iterator(pos), value); }
iterator erase(const_iterator pos) {
return base::erase(iterator(pos)); }
public: // addons
iterator find (T* key) {
return std::find(begin(), end(), key); }
const_iterator find (T* key) const {
return std::find(begin(), end(), key); }
bool contains (T* key) const {
return find(key) != end(); }
T* remove(T* key) {
auto it = find(key);
if (it == end()) return null;
T* val = *it;
return val; }
T* add(T* val) {
return val; }
void release() {
for (T* it : *this) delete it;
base::clear(); }};
//########################################################## vset adaptor
template <class T, class K>
struct vset_adaptor {
K operator()(T* it) const {
return (K)(*it); }
bool operator()(K lhs, K rhs) const {
return lhs < rhs; }};
template <class T>
struct vset_adaptor<T,T*> {
T* operator()(T* it) const {
return it; }
bool operator()(T* lhs, T* rhs) const {
return lhs < rhs; }};
//================================================================== vset
template <class T, class K=T*, class F = vset_adaptor<T,K> >
class vset {
ptrvect<T> impl;
struct Comp {
F f;
K operator()(T* it) const {
return f(it); }
bool operator()(K lhs, K rhs) const {
return f(lhs, rhs); }
bool operator()(T* lhs, K rhs) const {
return f(f(lhs), rhs); }
bool operator()(K lhs, T* rhs) const {
return f(lhs, f(rhs)); }
bool operator()(T* lhs, T* rhs) const {
return f(f(lhs), f(rhs)); }};
Comp comp;
typedef typename ptrvect<T>::const_iterator iterator, const_iterator;
typedef unsigned size_type;
typedef T *value_type;
typedef K key_type;
typedef typename ptrvect<T>::template condpair<iterator> condpair;
iterator begin() const {
return iterator(impl.begin()); }
iterator end() const {
return iterator(impl.end()); }
size_type size() const {
return impl.size(); }
bool empty() const {
return impl.empty(); }
iterator lower_bound(K key) const {
return std::lower_bound(impl.begin(), impl.end(), key, comp); }
iterator upper_bound(K key) const {
return std::upper_bound(impl.begin(), impl.end(), key, comp); }
std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(K key) const {
return std::equal_range(impl.begin(), impl.end(), key, comp); }
iterator find(K key) const {
iterator it = lower_bound(key);
return it == end() || comp(key, *it) ? end() : it; }
bool contains(K key) const {
iterator it = lower_bound(key);
return it != end() && !comp(key, *it); }
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
iterator>::type lower_bound(T* key) const {
return std::lower_bound(impl.begin(), impl.end(), comp(key), comp); }
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
iterator>::type upper_bound(T* key) const {
return std::upper_bound(impl.begin(), impl.end(), comp(key), comp); }
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
std::pair<iterator, iterator> >::type equal_range(T* key) const {
return std::equal_range(impl.begin(), impl.end(), comp(key), comp); }
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
iterator>::type find(T* key) const {
iterator it = lower_bound(comp(key));
return it == end() || comp(key, *it) ? end() : it; }
template<class... Args>
condpair emplace(K key, Args&& ...args) {
iterator it = lower_bound(key);
if (it == end() || comp(key, *it)) {
return condpair(impl.insert(it,
new T(key, std::forward<Args>(args)...)), true); }
return condpair(it, false); }
iterator erase(iterator at) {
return impl.erase(at); }
T* add(T* value) {
iterator it = lower_bound(value);
if (it == end() || comp(comp(value), *it)) {
impl.insert(it, value);
return value; }
return nullptr; }
template<class... Args>
T* add(K key, Args&& ...args) {
iterator it = lower_bound(key);
if (it == end() || comp(key, *it)) {
T* value = new T(key, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
impl.insert(it, value);
return value; }
return nullptr; }
T* get(K key) const {
iterator it = find(key);
return it == impl.end() ? nullptr : *it; }
T* operator[](K key) const {
return *emplace(key).first; }
T* remove(K key) {
iterator it = find(key);
if (it == impl.end()) return nullptr;
T* value = *it;
return value; }
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
T*>::type remove(T* key) {
return remove(comp(key)); }
void release() {
for (T* it : *this) {
delete it; }
impl.clear(); }
void clear() {
impl.clear(); }};
....if you wonder about the codestyling, it is output of my own preprocessor. This is the real code:
#include <vector>
//############################################################### ptrvect
template <class T, class base = std::vector<T*> >
class ptrvect: public base
class iterator: public base::iterator
friend class ptrvect
iterator(const typename base::const_iterator& it):
iterator(const typename base::iterator& it):
T* operator->() const
return **this
class const_iterator: public base::const_iterator
const_iterator(const typename base::const_iterator& it):
const_iterator(const typename base::iterator& it):
T* operator->() const
return **this
template <class It = iterator>
class condpair: public std::pair<It,bool>
condpair(It it, bool second):
std::pair<It,bool>(it, second)
T* operator->() const
return *std::pair<It,bool>::first
iterator begin()
return iterator(base::begin())
iterator end()
return iterator(base::end())
const_iterator begin() const
return const_iterator(base::begin())
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(base::end())
public: // workarounds for pre-C++11 / bad C++11 implementation (should allow const_iterator)
iterator insert(const_iterator pos, T* value)
return base::insert(iterator(pos), value)
iterator erase(const_iterator pos)
return base::erase(iterator(pos))
public: // addons
iterator find (T* key)
return std::find(begin(), end(), key)
const_iterator find (T* key) const
return std::find(begin(), end(), key)
bool contains (T* key) const
return find(key) != end()
T* remove(T* key)
auto it = find(key)
if it == end(); return null
T* val = *it
return val
T* add(T* val)
return val
void release()
for T* it : *this; delete it
//########################################################## vset adaptor
template <class T, class K>
struct vset_adaptor
K operator()(T* it) const
return (K)(*it)
bool operator()(K lhs, K rhs) const
return lhs < rhs
template <class T>
struct vset_adaptor<T,T*>
T* operator()(T* it) const
return it
bool operator()(T* lhs, T* rhs) const
return lhs < rhs
//================================================================== vset
template <class T, class K=T*, class F = vset_adaptor<T,K> >
class vset
ptrvect<T> impl
struct Comp
F f
K operator()(T* it) const
return f(it)
bool operator()(K lhs, K rhs) const
return f(lhs, rhs)
bool operator()(T* lhs, K rhs) const
return f(f(lhs), rhs)
bool operator()(K lhs, T* rhs) const
return f(lhs, f(rhs))
bool operator()(T* lhs, T* rhs) const
return f(f(lhs), f(rhs))
Comp comp
typedef typename ptrvect<T>::const_iterator iterator, const_iterator
typedef unsigned size_type
typedef T *value_type
typedef K key_type
typedef typename ptrvect<T>::template condpair<iterator> condpair
iterator begin() const
return iterator(impl.begin())
iterator end() const
return iterator(impl.end())
size_type size() const
return impl.size()
bool empty() const
return impl.empty()
iterator lower_bound(K key) const
return std::lower_bound(impl.begin(), impl.end(), key, comp)
iterator upper_bound(K key) const
return std::upper_bound(impl.begin(), impl.end(), key, comp)
std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(K key) const
return std::equal_range(impl.begin(), impl.end(), key, comp)
iterator find(K key) const
iterator it = lower_bound(key)
return it == end() || comp(key, *it) ? end() : it
bool contains(K key) const
iterator it = lower_bound(key)
return it != end() && !comp(key, *it)
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
iterator>::type lower_bound(T* key) const
return std::lower_bound(impl.begin(), impl.end(), comp(key), comp)
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
iterator>::type upper_bound(T* key) const
return std::upper_bound(impl.begin(), impl.end(), comp(key), comp)
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
std::pair<iterator, iterator> >::type equal_range(T* key) const
return std::equal_range(impl.begin(), impl.end(), comp(key), comp)
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
iterator>::type find(T* key) const
iterator it = lower_bound(comp(key))
return it == end() || comp(key, *it) ? end() : it
template<class... Args>
condpair emplace(K key, Args&& ...args)
iterator it = lower_bound(key)
if it == end() || comp(key, *it)
return condpair(impl.insert(it,
new T(key, std::forward<Args>(args)...)), true)
return condpair(it, false)
iterator erase(iterator at)
return impl.erase(at)
T* add(T* value)
iterator it = lower_bound(value)
if it == end() || comp(comp(value), *it)
impl.insert(it, value)
return value
return nullptr
template<class... Args>
T* add(K key, Args&& ...args)
iterator it = lower_bound(key)
if it == end() || comp(key, *it)
T* value = new T(key, std::forward<Args>(args)...)
impl.insert(it, value)
return value
return nullptr
T* get(K key) const
iterator it = find(key)
return it == impl.end() ? nullptr : *it
T* operator[](K key) const
return *emplace(key).first
T* remove(K key)
iterator it = find(key)
if it == impl.end(); return nullptr
T* value = *it
return value
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T*,K>::value,
T*>::type remove(T* key)
return remove(comp(key))
void release()
for T* it : *this
delete it
void clear()
You already mentioned c++14 and the template find function. Here is a simple example for who is interested in it:
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Info
int num_;
explicit Info(int n) : num_(n) {}
bool operator<(const Info &other) const { return num_ < other.num_; }
friend inline bool operator<(const Info& lhs, const int& rhs);
friend bool operator<(const int& lhs, const Info& rhs);
inline bool operator<(const Info& lhs, const int& rhs) { return lhs.num_ < rhs; }
inline bool operator<(const int& lhs, const Info& rhs) { return lhs < rhs.num_; }
int main()
// less<> is a is_transparent comparer
set<Info, less<> > s;
// insert two items
// search
for (auto n : {1,2,3,4,5}) {
cout << "Searching " << n << (s.find(n) == s.end()?" not found":" found") << endl;
return 0;
Searching 1 not found
Searching 2 found
Searching 3 not found
Searching 4 found
Searching 5 not found
For supercomputing simulation purpose, I have a structure that contains two big (billions of elements) std::vector: one std::vector of "keys" (64 bits integers) and one std::vector of "values". I cannot use a std::map because in the simulations I consider, vectors are far more optimal than std::map. Moreover, I cannot use a vector of pairs because of some optimization and cache efficiency provided by separate vectors. Moreover I cannot use any extra memory.
So, considering these constaints, what is the most optimized way to sort the two vectors by increasing values of the keys ? (template metaprogramming and crazy compile-time tricks are welcome)
Two ideas off the top of my head:
Take a quicksort implementation and apply it to the "key" vector; but modify the code so that every time it does a swap on the key vector, it also performs the same swap on the value vector.
Or, perhaps more in keeping with the spirit of C++, write a custom "wrapper" iterator which iterates over both vectors at once (returning a std::pair when dereferenced). Perhaps Boost has one? You could then combine this with std::sort and a custom comparison function which considers only the "key".
I've used the first suggestion here for a similar problem back in a past life as a C programmer. It's far from ideal for obvious reasons, but it's possibly the quickest way to get something going.
I haven't tried a wrapper iterator like this with std::sort, but TemplateRex in the comments says it won't work, and I'm happy to defer to him on that one.
I think problem may be splitted into 2 independent parts:
How to make effective iterator for virtual map
Which sorting alorithm to use
Implementing iterator the main problem how to return pair of key/value not creating
unnecessary copies. We can achieve it by using different types for value_type & reference. My implementation is here.
template <typename _Keys, typename _Values>
class virtual_map
typedef typename _Keys::value_type key_type;
typedef typename _Values::value_type mapped_type;
typedef std::pair<key_type, mapped_type> value_type;
typedef std::pair<key_type&, mapped_type&> proxy;
typedef std::pair<const key_type&, const mapped_type&> const_proxy;
class iterator :
public boost::iterator_facade < iterator, value_type, boost::random_access_traversal_tag, proxy >
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
iterator(virtual_map *map_, size_t offset_) :
iterator(const iterator &other_)
this->map =;
this->offset = other_.offset;
bool equal(const iterator &other) const
assert(this->map ==;
return this->offset == other.offset;
void increment() { ++offset; }
void decrement() { --offset; }
void advance(difference_type n) { offset += n; }
reference dereference() const { return reference(map->keys[offset], map->values[offset]); }
difference_type distance_to(const iterator &other_) const { return other_.offset - this->offset; }
size_t offset;
virtual_map *map;
virtual_map(_Keys &keys_, _Values &values_) :
if(keys_.size() != values_.size())
throw std::runtime_error("different size");
iterator begin() { return iterator(this, 0); }
iterator end() { return iterator(this, keys.size()); }
_Keys &keys;
_Values &values;
usage sample:
int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
std::vector<int> keys_ = { 17, 2, 13, 4, 51, 78, 49, 37, 1 };
std::vector<std::string> values_ = { "17", "2", "13", "4", "51", "78", "49", "37", "1" };
typedef virtual_map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<std::string>> map;
map map_(keys_, values_);
std::sort(std::begin(map_), std::end(map_), [](map::const_proxy left_, map::const_proxy right_)
return left_.first < right_.first;
return 0;
Sorting algorithm
Its very hard to reason which method better without additional details. What memory restriction do you have? Is it possible to use concurrency?
There are some issues:
Iterating both sequences together requires a pair representing
references to the sequence elements - that pair, itself, is no
reference. Hence, algorithms working on references will not work.
Performance will degenerate (the sequences are loosely coupled) -
An implementation using a pair of references and std::sort:
// Copyright (c) 2014 Dieter Lucking. Distributed under the Boost
// software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
// None
// ============================================================================
/// A void type
struct None {
/// Explicit conversion to None.
template <typename T>
explicit None(const T&)
template <typename T>
None& operator = (const T&) {
return *this;
/// Never null.
None* operator & () const;
extern None& none();
inline None* None::operator & () const { return &none(); }
None& none() {
static None result;
return result;
// IteratorAdaptorTraits
// ============================================================================
namespace Detail {
// IteratorAdaptorTraits
// =====================
template <typename Iterator, typename ReturnType, bool IsReference>
struct IteratorAdaptorTraits;
// No reference
// ============
template <typename Iterator, typename ReturnType>
struct IteratorAdaptorTraits<Iterator, ReturnType, false>
typedef Iterator iterator_type;
typedef ReturnType return_type;
typedef ReturnType value_type;
typedef None reference;
typedef None pointer;
! std::is_base_of<None, return_type>::value,
"None as return type.");
template <typename Accessor>
static return_type iterator_value(const Accessor& accessor, const Iterator& iterator) {
return accessor.value(iterator);
template <typename Accessor>
static pointer iterator_pointer(const Accessor& accessor, const Iterator& iterator) {
return &none();
// Reference
// =========
template <typename Iterator, typename ReturnType>
struct IteratorAdaptorTraits<Iterator, ReturnType, true>
typedef Iterator iterator_type;
typedef ReturnType return_type;
typedef typename std::remove_reference<ReturnType>::type value_type;
typedef ReturnType reference;
typedef value_type* pointer;
! std::is_base_of<None, return_type>::value,
"None as return type.");
template <typename Accessor>
static return_type iterator_value(const Accessor& accessor, const Iterator& iterator) {
return accessor.value(iterator);
template <typename Accessor>
static pointer iterator_pointer(const Accessor& accessor, const Iterator& iterator) {
return &accessor.value(iterator);
} // namespace Detail
// RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor
// ============================================================================
/// An adaptor around a random access iterator.
/// \ATTENTION The adaptor will not fulfill the standard iterator requierments,
/// if the accessor does not support references: In that case, the
/// reference and pointer type are None.
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
class RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor
// Types
// =====
! std::is_base_of<None, Accessor>::value,
"None as accessor.");
! std::is_base_of<None, typename Accessor::return_type>::value,
"None as return type.");
typedef typename Detail::IteratorAdaptorTraits<
typename Accessor::return_type,
std::is_reference<typename Accessor::return_type>::value
> Traits;
typedef typename Traits::iterator_type iterator_type;
typedef Accessor accessor_type;
typedef typename std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef typename std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef typename Traits::return_type return_type;
typedef typename Traits::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Traits::reference reference;
typedef typename Traits::pointer pointer;
typedef typename accessor_type::base_type accessor_base_type;
typedef RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<iterator_type, accessor_base_type> base_type;
// Tag
// ===
struct RandomAccessIteratorAdaptorTag {};
// Construction
// ============
explicit RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor(
iterator_type iterator, const accessor_type& accessor = accessor_type())
: m_iterator(iterator), m_accessor(accessor)
template <typename IteratorType, typename AccessorType>
explicit RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor(const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<
IteratorType, AccessorType>& other)
: m_iterator(other.iterator()), m_accessor(other.accessor())
// Element Access
// ==============
/// The underlaying accessor.
const accessor_type& accessor() const { return m_accessor; }
/// The underlaying iterator.
const iterator_type& iterator() const { return m_iterator; }
/// The underlaying iterator.
iterator_type& iterator() { return m_iterator; }
/// The underlaying iterator.
operator iterator_type () const { return m_iterator; }
/// The base adaptor.
base_type base() const {
return base_type(m_iterator, m_accessor.base());
// Iterator
// ========
return_type operator * () const {
return Traits::iterator_value(m_accessor, m_iterator);
pointer operator -> () const {
return Traits::iterator_pointer(m_accessor, m_iterator);
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor increment() const {
return ++RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor(*this);
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor increment_n(difference_type n) const {
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor tmp(*this);
tmp.m_iterator += n;
return tmp;
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor decrement() const {
return --RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor(*this);
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor decrement_n(difference_type n) const {
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor tmp(*this);
tmp.m_iterator -= n;
return tmp;
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor& operator ++ () {
return *this;
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor operator ++ (int) {
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor tmp(*this);
return tmp;
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor& operator += (difference_type n) {
m_iterator += n;
return *this;
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor& operator -- () {
return *this;
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor operator -- (int) {
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor tmp(*this);
return tmp;
RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor& operator -= (difference_type n) {
m_iterator -= n;
return *this;
bool equal(const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor& other) const {
return this->m_iterator == other.m_iterator;
bool less(const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor& other) const {
return this->m_iterator < other.m_iterator;
bool less_equal(const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor& other) const {
return this->m_iterator <= other.m_iterator;
bool greater(const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor& other) const {
return this->m_iterator > other.m_iterator;
bool greater_equal(const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor& other) const {
return this->m_iterator >= other.m_iterator;
iterator_type m_iterator;
accessor_type m_accessor;
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
inline RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor> operator + (
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& i,
typename RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>::difference_type n) {
return i.increment_n(n);
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
inline RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor> operator - (
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& i,
typename RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>::difference_type n) {
return i.decrement_n(n);
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
inline typename RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>::difference_type
operator - (
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& a,
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& b) {
return a.iterator() - b.iterator();
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
inline bool operator == (
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& a,
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& b) {
return a.equal(b);
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
inline bool operator != (
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& a,
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& b) {
return ! a.equal(b);
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
inline bool operator < (
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& a,
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& b) {
return a.less(b);
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
inline bool operator <= (
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& a,
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& b) {
return a.less_equal(b);
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
inline bool operator > (
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& a,
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& b) {
return a.greater(b);
template <typename Iterator, typename Accessor>
inline bool operator >= (
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& a,
const RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<Iterator, Accessor>& b) {
return a.greater_equal(b);
// ElementPair
// ============================================================================
/// A pair of references which can mutate to a pair of values.
/// \NOTE If the key is one or two the pair is less comparable
/// regarding the first or second element.
template <typename First, typename Second, unsigned Key = 0>
class ElementPair
// Types
// =====
typedef First first_type;
typedef Second second_type;
// Construction
// ============
/// Reference
/// \POSTCONDITION reference() returns true
ElementPair(first_type& first, second_type& second)
: m_first(&first), m_second(&second)
/// Copy construction
/// \POSTCONDITION reference() returns false
ElementPair(const ElementPair& other)
: m_first(new(m_first_storage) first_type(*other.m_first)),
m_second(new(&m_second_storage) second_type(*other.m_second))
/// Move construction
/// \POSTCONDITION reference() returns false
ElementPair(ElementPair&& other)
: m_first(new(m_first_storage) first_type(std::move(*other.m_first))),
m_second(new(m_second_storage) second_type(std::move(*other.m_second)))
~ElementPair() {
if( ! reference()) {
// Assignment
// ==========
/// Swap content.
void swap(ElementPair& other) {
std::swap(*m_first, *other.m_first);
std::swap(*m_second, *other.m_second);
/// Assign content.
ElementPair& operator = (const ElementPair& other) {
if(&other != this) {
*m_first = *other.m_first;
*m_second = *other.m_second;
return *this;
/// Assign content.
ElementPair& operator = (ElementPair&& other) {
if(&other != this) {
*m_first = std::move(*other.m_first);
*m_second = std::move(*other.m_second);
return *this;
// Element Access
// ==============
/// True if the pair holds references to external elements.
bool reference() {
return (m_first != reinterpret_cast<first_type*>(m_first_storage));
const first_type& first() const { return *m_first; }
first_type& first() { return *m_first; }
const second_type& second() const { return *m_second; }
second_type& second() { return *m_second; }
first_type* m_first;
typename std::aligned_storage<
second_type* m_second;
typename std::aligned_storage<
// Compare
// =======
template <typename First, typename Second>
inline bool operator < (
const ElementPair<First, Second, 1>& a,
const ElementPair<First, Second, 1>& b)
return (a.first() < b.first());
template <typename First, typename Second>
inline bool operator < (
const ElementPair<First, Second, 2>& a,
const ElementPair<First, Second, 2>& b)
return (a.second() < b.second());
// Swap
// ====
namespace std {
template <typename First, typename Second, unsigned Key>
inline void swap(
ElementPair<First, Second, Key>& a,
ElementPair<First, Second, Key>& b)
// SequencePairAccessor
// ============================================================================
template <typename FirstSequence, typename SecondSequence, unsigned Keys = 0>
class SequencePairAccessor
// Types
// =====
typedef FirstSequence first_sequence_type;
typedef SecondSequence second_sequence_type;
typedef typename first_sequence_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename first_sequence_type::value_type first_type;
typedef typename second_sequence_type::value_type second_type;
typedef typename first_sequence_type::iterator iterator;
typedef None base_type;
typedef ElementPair<first_type, second_type, Keys> return_type;
// Construction
// ============
SequencePairAccessor(first_sequence_type& first, second_sequence_type& second)
: m_first_sequence(&first), m_second_sequence(&second)
// Element Access
// ==============
base_type base() const { return base_type(); }
return_type value(iterator pos) const {
return return_type(*pos, (*m_second_sequence)[pos - m_first_sequence->begin()]);
// Data
// ====
first_sequence_type* m_first_sequence;
second_sequence_type* m_second_sequence;
This test shows a degenaration of performance (on my system) by a factor of 1.5 for const char* and a factor of 3.4 for a std::string (compared to a single vector holding std::pair(s)).
// Test
// ============================================================================
#define SAMPLE_SIZE 1e1
#define VALUE_TYPE const char*
int main() {
const unsigned samples = SAMPLE_SIZE;
typedef int key_type;
typedef VALUE_TYPE value_type;
typedef std::vector<key_type> key_sequence_type;
typedef std::vector<value_type> value_sequence_type;
typedef SequencePairAccessor<key_sequence_type, value_sequence_type, 1> accessor_type;
typedef RandomAccessIteratorAdaptor<
key_sequence_type keys;
value_sequence_type values;
const char* words[] = { "Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine" };
for(unsigned i = 0; i < samples; ++i) {
key_type k = i % 10;
accessor_type accessor(keys, values);
iterator_adaptor_type(keys.begin(), accessor),
iterator_adaptor_type(keys.end(), accessor)
if(samples <= 10) {
std::cout << "\nRandom:\n"
<< "======\n";
for(unsigned i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i)
std::cout << keys[i] << ": " << values[i] << '\n';
typedef std::pair<key_type, value_type> pair_type;
std::vector<pair_type> ref;
for(const auto& k: keys) {
ref.push_back(pair_type(k, words[k]));
struct Less {
bool operator () (const pair_type& a, const pair_type& b) const {
return a.first < b.first;
auto ref_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::sort(ref.begin(), ref.end(), Less());
auto ref_end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto ref_elapsed = double((ref_end - ref_start).count())
/ std::chrono::system_clock::period::den;
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
iterator_adaptor_type(keys.begin(), accessor),
iterator_adaptor_type(keys.end(), accessor)
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto elapsed = double((end - start).count())
/ std::chrono::system_clock::period::den;;
if(samples <= 10) {
std::cout << "\nSorted:\n"
<< "======\n";
for(unsigned i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i)
std::cout << keys[i] << ": " << values[i] << '\n';
std::cout << "\nDuration sorting " << double(samples) << " samples:\n"
<< "========\n"
<< " One Vector: " << ref_elapsed << '\n'
<< "Two Vectors: " << elapsed << '\n'
<< " Factor: " << elapsed/ref_elapsed << '\n'
<< '\n';
(Please adjust SAMPLE_SIZE and VALUE_TYPE)
My conclusion is a sorted view into a sequence of unsorted data might be more aprropiate (but that violates the requirement of the question).