AWS Neptune Change Management - amazon-web-services

we are considering using AWS Neptune as graphdb solution.
I am coming from Django world so I used to use db migrations a lot.
I could not find any info about how AWS Neptune does change management on DB?
ie. what happens if I want to reload a backup from a month ago and there has been schema changes since then? How do we track these changes?
Should we write custom scripts?

Unlike something like an RDBMS and some other data stores, Amazon Neptune, and many other graph dbs for that matter, are called "schemaless" meaning there is no need to explicitly define or maintain a schema. The schema is implicitly defined by the data stored in the database. In the case you mentioned, restoring a backup, there is no need for a migration/change script to be run. When you restore the backup the schema will be defined by the restored data.
This "schemaless" nature of the database allows applications to begin adding new entity types and data properties without any sort of ETL process. However, this also means that the application does need to manage some sort of schema internally to maintain sanity over the data being stored (e.g. first_name and firstName could be used and would be separate properties.).


Automating dynamodb scripts

Like we used to do with rdbms sql scripts. I wanted to do a similar thing with my dynamodb table.
Currently its very difficult to track changes from environment to environment(dev - qa -prod). We are directly making changes via the console.
What I want to do is, Keep the table data/json in the git version control and whenever any dev makes a change, we should be able to just run a script that will be able migrate the respective changes to on the dynamodb table eg. update/create/delete the tables, add/remove/update the records.
But I am not able to find a proper way/guide to achieve this currently. I am using javascript/nodejs as our base language.
Any help regarding this scenario will be appriciable.
ref :
As far as I can tell you described to separate issues:
Changing the tables "structure"
Updating records after the update
Before I go into my answer, remember that DynamoDB is a NoSQL database and your previous RDBMS was a relational database. Operational tasks can differ very much for both types of databases.
1. Automating changes to the "structure" of the table
For this you can check out Infrastructure as Code tools like Terraform, CloudFormation or Pulumi.
But since DynamoDB is a NoSQL database, you only can do a few things like setting your hash and sort key etc and defining indices. Adding "fields" to the DynamoDB is not done with those tools, because except for the hash and sort key, there are no fields. Everything else does not follow a explicit (sql) schema.
2. Updating records after an update
If you do not have a lot of records, you could write yourself a simple tool or script to do the relevant work using the AWS SDK and run that during your CI/CD pipeline. A simple approach would be to have a "migrations" folder and if there is a file in it, the pipeline will execute it. So after the migration is done, just remove the file again. Not great, but pragmatic.
If you have a lot of records this won't work that great anymore, at least if you want to have a downtime-less deployment. In that case you will have update your software to be able to work with the old and new versions of the records structure, while you gradually update all records in the background (using a script etc.). Once all the records are updated, you can remove the code paths that handle the old structure.

Issues while working with Amazon Aurora Database

My Requirments:
I want to store real-time events data coming from e-commerce websites into a database
In parallel to storing the data, i want to access the events data from a database
I want to perform some sort of ad-hoc analysis(SQL)
Using some sort of built-in methods(either from Boto3 or JAVA SDK), I want to access the events data
I want to create some sort of Custom-API's to access events data stored in database
I recently came across with Amazon Aurora(mysql) database.
I thought Aurora is one of the good example for my requirements. But when I dig into this Amazon Aurora(mysql), I noticed that we can create a database using AWS-CDK
1. No equivalent methods to create tables using AWS-CDK/BOTO3
2. No equivalent methods in BOTO3 or JAVA SDK to store/access the database data
Can anyone tell me how i can create a table using(IAC) in AURORA db?
Can anyone tell me how i can store realtime data into AURORA?
Can anyone tell me how i can access realtime data stored in AURORA?
No equivalent methods to create tables using AWS-CDK/BOTO3
This is because only Aurora Serveless can be accessed using Data API, not regular database.
You have to use regular mysql tools (e.g., mysql cli, phpmyadmin, mysql workbench etc) to create tables and populate them.
No equivalent methods in BOTO3 or JAVA SDK to store/access the database data
Same reason and solution as for point 1.
Can anyone tell me how i can create a table using(IAC) in AURORA db?
Terraform has mysql, but its not for tables, but users and databases.
Can anyone tell me how i can store realtime data into AURORA?
There is no out-of-the box solution for that, so you need custom solution for that. Maybe stream data to Kinesis Streams or Firehose, then to lambda and lambda will populate your DB? Seems easiest to implement.
Can anyone tell me how i can access realtime data stored in AURORA?
If you stream data to Kinesis Stream first, you can use Kinesis Analytics to analyze it in real time.
Since many of the above requires custom solutions, other architectures are possible.
Create connectoin manager as
"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/$dbName", //replace here with you endpoints & database name
) then
val stmt: Statement = con.createStatement()
stmt.executeQuery("use productcatalogueinfo;")
Whenever your lambda is triggering then it performs this connection and DDL operations too.

Strategy for Updating Schema/Data of Data Stored in AWS S3

At my organization, we are using a stack of AWS S3, AWS Glue, and Athena to drive some reporting of internal metrics. In general, this stack is great for quick set up for reporting off of raw data (stored in S3). The problem we've come against is what to do if we notice we need to somehow update the data that's already stored in S3. For example, we want to update values in a column that have a certain string to update that value.
Unlike a database, we can't just run a query to update all the existing data. I've tried to see if we can utilize Glue Jobs to accomplish this, but from my limited understanding, it doesn't seem like it's meant to do ETL from a bucket back to the same bucket.
The only thing I can think is to write a custom tool that iterates through an S3 bucket, loads a file, provides the transformation, and puts it back, overwriting the original. It seems there has to be a better way though.
Updates are not handled in a native way in a traditional hive-like warehousing solution, which I deem Athena to be. A common solution is a kind of engineering workaround where you do "insert overwrite" a partition (borrowing Hive syntax, possible in Presto and hopefully also possible in Athena, which is based on Presto).
Other solutions include creating new tables and atomically replacing a view, which users are supposed to query, instead of querying the underlying table(s) directly.
As this is a common problem, there are also some ready to use solutions to it, but I do not know whether which/whether they are possible with Athena. They are certainly possible with Presto (Presto SQL):
Hive ACID transactional tables (updates currently required Hive runtime)
Data Lake (open sourced by Databricks; updates currently require Spark runtime)
Hudi (I know little about this one)

Migrating a relational DB into AWS services

I have a terabyte size SQL Server DB table which has only two columns:
HTML Content
There are few applications that call this Table to retrieve the HTML content by providing the Id of the row.
The DB is residing On-premises, and the maintenance cost and size of it is getting higher and higher. I am thinking to move this DB into AWS Dynamo DB. Reason I have choose Dynamo DB is the cost and the performance I have read about it.
Are the any concerns I should know about before choosing Dynamo DB?
Are the any other services in AWS that I could possibly use over
Dynamo DB?
I understand that SQL Server is a Relational DB, while DynamoDB is no sql. And it seems a No Sql DB could be a potential solution for this scenario. I have no kind of joins nor transactions against that Table. All I am doing with the table is to Insert, and Select.
Are the any concerns I should know about before choosing Dynamo DB?
As with any NoSql bigdata DB, Dynamo is "eventually consistent", so, if your application writes and then immediately reads the same record - you should expect failures (inconsistencies).
I'm not familiar with "Prem" and assuming you mean that you're working with your private servers I feel obligated to provide the following warning: working in the cloud is very different from working with your own servers: requests fail more often, latency pattern is different and you should architect your software to handle these sort of issues. If you're planning on moving to the cloud I'd start with migrating your application and leave the DB to be last.
If you really need real time updates of your data, You should reconsider moving on Dynamo. Also dynamo is useful when you do need a dynamic number of columns for each row. So except the cost, i don't see any benefits here.
If you don't need realtime updates, you can look into AWS Redshift or Google BigQuery, and these will be cheaper solutions compare to Dynamo.
Like you have mentioned, you just have two columns, take a look into "redis" also. A plain key value structure will help in performance. But since Redis stores everything in the Physical memory, costing will be high and you'll still need permanent storage/ DB like SQL, MySQL. So in terms of performance, yes you ll be able to see huge difference. but you'll be more thn the current cost.
How about AWS Aurora? At least AWS claims of 1/10th of cost compare to other SQL/MySQL instances. It have backward compatibility also.

Making database schema changes using Microsoft Sync framework without losing any tracking table data

I am using Microsoft Synch Service Framework 4.0 for synching Sql server Database tables with SqlLite Database on the Ipad side.
Before making any Database schema changes in the Sql Server Database, We have to Deprovision the database tables. ALso after making the schema changes, we ReProvision the tables.
Now in this process, the tracking tables( i.e. the Synching information) gets deleted.
I want the tracking table information to be restored after Reprovisioning.
How can this be done? Is it possible to make DB changes without Deprovisioning.
e.g, the application is in Version 2.0, The synching is working fine. Now in the next version 3.0, i want to make some DB changes. SO, in the process of Deprovisioning-Provisioning, the tracking info. gets deleted. So all the tracking information from the previous version is lost. I do not want to loose the tracking info. How can i restore this tracking information from the previous version.
I believe we will have to write a custom code or trigger to store the tracking information before Deprovisioning. Could anyone suggest a suitable method OR provide some useful links regarding this issue.
the provisioning process should automatically populate the tracking table for you. you don't have to copy and reload them yourself.
now if you think the tracking table is where the framework stores what was previously synched, the answer is no.
the tracking table simply stores what was inserted/updated/deleted. it's used for change enumeration. the information on what was previously synched is stored in the scope_info table.
when you deprovision, you wipe out this sync metadata. when you synch, its like the two replicas has never synched before. thus you will encounter conflicts as the framework tries to apply rows that already exists on the destination.
you can find information here on how to "hack" the sync fx created objects to effect some types of schema changes.
Modifying Sync Framework Scope Definition – Part 1 – Introduction
Modifying Sync Framework Scope Definition – Part 2 – Workarounds
Modifying Sync Framework Scope Definition – Part 3 – Workarounds – Adding/Removing Columns
Modifying Sync Framework Scope Definition – Part 4 – Workarounds – Adding a Table to an existing scope
Lets say I have one table "User" that I want to synch.
A tracking table will be created "User_tracking" and some synch information will be present in it after synching.
WHen I make any DB changes, this Tracking table "User_tracking" will be deleted AND the tracking info. will be lost during the Deprovisioning- Provisioning process.
My workaround:
Before Deprovisioning, I will write a script to copy all the "User_tracking" data into another temporary table "User_tracking_1". so all the existing tracking info will be stored in "User_tracking_1". WHen I reprovision the table, a new trackin table "User_Tracking" will be created.
After Reprovisioning, I will copy the data from table "User_tracking_1" to "User_Tracking" and then delete the contents from table "User_Tracking_1".
UserTracking info will be restored.
Is this the right approach...