A field in my Django model already exists in the PostgreSQL database - django

I have a Django app with a model MyModel and some field my_field. My PostgreSQL database already has a field of that name under the mymodel table, since it was added manually in the past. When I make migrations, Django generates an AddField operation, which is in conflict. Currently I manually edit every generated migration to remove the conflict.
Is there a way to tell Django that the field already exists?
Unfortunately this is a live product, so I cannot lose any data.

Generate the migration that adds the field and then run python manage.py migrate <app_name> <migration_name> --fake to mark the migration as applied without actually running it
Thank you Iain Shelvington.


How can I make Django create migration files for tables that aren't Django managed?

I've got a Django app that I want to test. The Django app relies on database tables that were created by a different, non-Django app, but in the same database. Every time I try to run a test I get the following error:
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "mytable" does not exist
I'm thinking that this error is caused by the fact that the table was created manually and there are no migrations.
Is there a way I can tell Django to build migration files based off of a database table that already exists?
There is a tool called inspectdb in Django for this exact scenario.
This should do the trick:
python manage.py inspectdb > models.py
For reference:

Can you stop Django automatically reverting a manual Migration?

I have a Model file which has a change which isn't being picked up by DJango makemigrations.
I created a manual migration following this answer, but if we run makemigrations afterwards Django creates a new auto migration reverting our manual changes.
Is there a way to manually make a migration and tell DJango to ignore relevant parts of the code when generating future migrations?
After making changes to the models and creating a custom migration for them e.g. using RunPython or RunSQL you can use the state_operations argument to reflect the changed models' state in your custom Python or SQL operations.

How to control the order of created fields during a migration

I add custom fields in a model that require to be created in the order they are defined in the model. In the file created by the Django migration, this order is not respected.
Is there a way to tell Django makemigrations the order of operations ?
I use Django 1.8 and MySQL 5.7.
There aren't any options that you can pass to the makemigrations command to specify the order.
However, you can reorder the operations in the migrations file that is created.

gender as a model from a SQL statement in django 1.8

I want to generate SQL code and take from that code, generating a Django model to avoid errors.
They will say that you first create the model and run the syncdb or migrate but my case is unlike the database is already created and I now want the model
Run this command to auto-generate models from an already existing database. But first make sure you've properly linked database to django app .
python manage.py inspectdb > models.py
Do check models.py file and make some changes if you something isn't rendered correctly.
For inspectdb approach, read this: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/legacy-databases/
Alternatively, you can write all the models by yourself and set managed = False. No database table creation of deletion will be executed by Django on this model. But it is somewhat complicated and puts some limits on model relationships.
For managed=False approach, read this: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/models/options/#managed

Can I add any column after I created My database?

I created my database using python manage.py syncdb And I tried to add another attribute to my model called created_date My site gives error. And I deleted my db.sqlite3 file Then reorganize my model Then error went. I want to know is this correct
As the comment says migrations are the way to do this. Native migrations were only introduced in Django 1.7 but, since you're using syncdb, I'm guessing you're using an earlier version.
For earlier versions of Django you need a third-party app called South to handle migrations for you. This will then let you change your database after creation fairly painlessly in most cases.