Can a project be build even missing a lib? - c++

There is a Visual Studio project which refers to opencv_world440.lib but it does not seem to be available on vcpkg.
I understand vcpkg has opencv 4.3. In order to proceed I tried to remove opencv_world440.lib from
VS, project, properties, linker, input, additional dependencies and the project build successfully then. But when I tried
to run it return an application error
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000017).
I'm not sure what is going on here. May I conclude the project actually does not depend on opencv_world440.lib
because it build when I remove it?

Try to use dependency walker to see if it's something related to libraries. Anyway that error code stands for STATUS_NO_MEMORY as described here which indicates a problem with memory (can also be something OS level!?), sorry but I cannot be more specific.
"opencv_world" appears to be just one DLL holding all the OpenCV modules, making it easier to distribute. The alternative is to have one library per module. So I guess if you have all the other libraries and it builds, you don't need opencv_world. In few worlds you cannot build a project if you don't have all the necessary libs.


VS 2017 C++ static lib compiled with /MD project dependency issue

I'm a unix backend dev that has a small roll in maintaining a visual studio project. The vast majority of my code runs on Linux, with a small Windows footprint. There is a proprietary project-specific rule in play here that states all system dependencies must be dynamically linked, but all other dependencies not already installed on the systems, which I thankfully don't control, must be static. In other words, I can use boost, poco, mysql++, zeromq, etc, but those have to be linked statically. I also can't create my own DLLs. My Linux brain is guessing that rule is my Windows problem.
I have a large static library as part of the projects with lots of common code linked into other programs. That static library is compiled /MD, which appears to be what I have to do on Windows to dynamically link system libraries. However, I need that library linked into other programs statically. When I add a reference to the library in VS 2017 to other projects, nothing happens and the symbols aren't resolved and I get lots of link errors. To fix that, I hard-coded my library into the various other projects via Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies and that "works" after a fashion, the code links and runs but VS doesn't resolve the static library dependency. While I can go forward with this solution, it's hardly ideal. Rebuilding the solution always results in failure (or links in old code into a new build) because the big static library always takes the longest and none of the other projects know to wait for that build to complete. The workaround is to build the static library first, then build the entire project.
Does anyone better versed in Visual Studio know the best way to proceed?
Can someone help me understand why this got down-voted? This isn't a troll and I'm hardly a student trying to get someone to do my homework, it's a real problem I'm trying to figure out in a professional setting. I thought that was the whole point to stackoverflow?
So this was something simple. When I went to add the reference I didn't actually click on the check box. Robert Andrzejuk's second comment helped, I had read that before but didn't notice the little check box the first time.
On the add a reference page (right click project in solution browser, Add->References...), the check box next to the item has to be selected.
Add reference widget

The required DLLs in a visual studio c++ project

I've done some searching and seen questions similar in nature to mine, but none that quite hit the nail on the head of the issue I'm having.
I'm making C++ game in Visual Studio (with the Allegro 5 library) and encountering difficulty running it on other computers. I'm well aware of the 'MSVCR##.dll is missing from this computer' issue, but what I'm wondering is why I'm unable to run my Release build because I'm missing the MSVCR##'D'.dll on a certain computer, when I was under the impression that the 'D' suffixed .dll was exclusively required for running the debugger. I've checked in my configuration manager for release build settings and I have 'Generate Debug Info' set to No, which I thought was the only thing I needed to do. My question I guess is whether or not there are any other settings I need to configure to make sure my Release build isn't looking for the MSVCR##D.dll. Thanks in advance anyone who has any info!
You're a bit confused about the use of the *D libraries. They're indeed used for debug builds, but debug builds differ in multiple ways from release builds. For starters, debug builds by default come with a *.PDB file that contains all the function names (This is your "Generate Debug Info" option). A debugger looks into the .PDB file to find a readable name for a crash site.
Another debug option is to not inline code - this keeps your named functions intact. Inlining may put that single finction inside three other functions, which complicates debugging a bit.
Finally the Debug CRT includes functions that perform extra error checking against bad arguments. Many functions exhibit Undefined Behavior when passed a null pointer, for instance. The Debug libraries will catch quite a few of those, whereas the Release versions assume you pass valid pointers only.
Now DLL's can reference each other; there's a whoel dependency graph. That's why the Dependency Walker tool exists: it figures out which DLL's rqeuire which other DLL's, and this will tell you why you need the *D version.
Thank you very much for all your inputs, I was able to learn a fair bit from this. It turns out the issue was (of course) entirely my fault, as when setting up the Allegro 5 dependencies in the project settings (under General->Linker) I was accidentally including a dependency for the debug version of the Allegro monolith-md.dll as well as the non-debug version in my Release build, and that .dll was in turn referencing the *D version of the MSVCR .dll. The issue has been resolved by removing that dependency from the Release build of my game.
Install dependency walker on that machine. Load the exe. Check if any of the dependent dlls are missing.

Running Allegro 5 on other computers

I have made an allegro simple game . But when I open the *.exe file on another computer it says that there are many missing .dll files . How can I make my game to run on other computers without Visual Studio and Allegro 5 library installed ?
Longer version of my comment:
When you created your application, it links to certain DLL's that exist on your computer. When you distribute your game, you will either need to ZIP the DLL's along with your .exe or package them using package creators and ship it.
The best way to find which DLL's your exe depends on will be to use a tool like Dependency Walker. You don't need to copy absolutely all DLL's that your EXE depends on. Only the ones that you see are in non-standard paths like ones that are not in C:\Windows\System32. That being said, you might need to copy some from C:\Windows\System32. You will need to find that out on your own.
To package them all as a setup, you can use package creators like InnoSetup or NSIS. Otherwise, create a script that ZIPs it all up for you. AFAIK, there is no easy way to get all DLL's required that are missing from the other persons' system. You'll need to find them out by trial and error. It is a pain, unfortunately.
If you downloaded the pre-built binaries, link against the static, monolithic, mt build of Allegro. You'll need to adjust your compiler settings to match (/MT) and add ALLEGRO_STATICLINK to your list of preprocessor definitions.
If you do that, then you only need to distribute your executable file and your resources (images, sounds, etc).
Note that you should have at least two configurations: Debug & Release. When working on your application, you should use the Debug configuration (linking against the regular debug Allegro library). When distributing your application, you should use the Release configuration.

D3DX11EffectsD.lib not showing up after build (vs2010)

I am starting to learn DX11 and running into trouble with the effects framework. I know it was released as source and I have to build it, but the output from the build is not what I expected.
According to the research I've done on this question, the output from the build should be
D3DX11EffectsD.lib for debug
D3DX11Effects.lib for release
However, when I look into the 'Effects11\Debug' directory after building the project, I only see a file Effects11.lib (well, an Effects11 Object Library file which I assume is a .lib, I'm new to c++), and the exact same file in 'Effects11\Release'. Whats going on here? I've never used VS 2010 for c++ before now but I think I am building the solution correctly.
Is this a matter of renaming the files or have I done something wrong without realizing it? There really isn't much documentation on building and linking libraries in vs 2010 that I could find. Anybody have any suggestions?
If you compiled exactly what you got off the web, then I think it would be just a naming convention problem.
You should try compiling it into your end application and see if it yells about debugging symbols missing.
You can also go into the build settings (it has been a while since I have used visual studio for anything other than C# so I don't know exactly where that menu option would be (I assume right clicking on the project should yield some useful results)...I generally do my C++ stuff on linux) and check to see what the built targets are for debug and release. If it turns out that the names are the same for both, but the build targets (i.e. the folder and a few other options, like including debugging symbols) are different then you should be good and it is just a naming problem.
Also, if the files are the exact same size it is likely that they are the same since the debug file should be at least a bit larger than the release one.
If it turns out that they are the same file, try re-downloading or re-extracting the source and just compiling the project again without any changes and see if that gets any results.

Cannot execute program if using boost (C++) libraries in debug-version on WinXP

I'm using boost for several C++ projects. I recently made a upgrade (1.33.1 to 1.36, soon to 1.37), since then I cannot run any debug-builds anymore.
To be sure that no other project issues remain, I've created a minimum test-project, which only includes boost.thread, and uses it to start one method. The release build can be started, the debug build cannot, although the Dependency Walker shows that all required libraries are found (this also means that the required MS Debug CRT is found in the SxS directory).
On startup I only get:
Die Anwendung konnte nicht richtig initialisiert werden (0xc0150002).
Klicken Sie auf "OK", um die Anwendung zu beenden.
Which means nothing more than "failed to initialize app". An internet research primarily lead to an MS Office installation problem, which recommends to perform a repair of WinXP.
So, beside the repair setup (which I think will not help as I'm talking about debug-dll issues), any ideas?
Ah, before I forget: Absolutely the same source-code leads to no errors on the build-machine (i.e., DLLs can be registered, means executed). So it's obviously an installation problem, but as the DLLs are there, and dependency-walker finds it, what else have I forgotten?
(edit) Well, I have not yet resolved my problem, but thanks to deemok I'm a step further. For the sake of reducing misunderstandings I give some clarifications below:
The program fails to run on the developer-machine
I am working with an installed VS2005 (it's a VC++8 project)
I used the boost-setup from BoostPro, compiled all possible build-versions, and I double-checked that they are there (otherwise I'd already get linker-errors during build).
and I double-checked any corner of include/lib/bin configuration I can think of -- as boost uses auto-linking on windows, with a special naming convention, the build or start-up would have failed, with a much more comprehensible error-message.
I cannot use static linking, as boost.thread requires dynamic linking for DLL projects (I maybe could mess around here, but as this problem seems to happen only on my machine, I do not want to mess with this, as I'm sure the boost-guys had a reason to place that check in there in the first place)
As I wrote, I checked with Dependency Walker, and it says everything is just fine.
Currently it seems to be an error in the boost-dll (maybe incorrect Manifest), will check that.
It's a Side-by-Side (SxS) issue – simply copying the DLLs is not enough anymore.
Regarding your specific problem concerning the Debug build, see: Running vc2008 debug builds on non-dev machines
Short answer:
You can't, because there's no installer redist for the debug runtime (and in fact the software license forbids distributing it, so you'd be breaking the EULA even if you did get something put together).
So, you'll need to install Visual Studio there.
However, if you still want to try without taking that path, you could read puetzk's answer in its entirety.
Or, you could try to link everything statically.
So you are using the pre-built libraries from BoostPro? If so, your environment might somehow be slightly different to the one they were built in (TR1 feature pack or not, etc). Perhaps best to try building Boost yourself in your specific environment.
This might turn out to have nothing to do with SxS. I suggest checking the Event Log for SxS error messages and using dependency walker to check for most probable DLL dependency issue, or one of the DLLs is returning FALSE from its DllMain (for whatever reason).
Also, enabling loader snaps:
gflags -i yourapp.exe +sls
might shed extra light when run under debugger (or dependency walker for that matter).
Note: gflags is part of Windows debugging tools.
Get yourself the dependency walker. Open your application exe in it. It will show you all the dlls that your application needs but can't load/access.
If that's not enough, you can also profile your app with the dependency walker, which will give you a lot of output to find out where the problem is.
since you only have problems with the debug build:
make sure that when you upgraded boost, you also rebuilt not just the release binaries but also the debug binaries of boost. And of course, make sure that the debug build was built with the same version of VisualStudio than you're using now.
And make sure that the include paths (tools->options->projects and solutions->VC++ directories) are correct: the paths to the latest boost version must be there, not maybe to an older version.