Is it possible a lock wouldn't release in a while loop - c++

I have two threads using a common semaphore to conduct some processing. What I noticed is Thread 1 appears to hog the semaphore, and thread 2 is never able to acquire it. My running theory is maybe through compiler optimization/thread priority, somehow it just keeps giving it to thread 1.
Thread 1:
while(condition) {
//do some stuff
Thread 2:
//block of code i never reach...
As soon as I add a delay before Thread 1s next iteration, it allows thread 2 in. Which I think confirms my theory.
Basically for this to work I might need some sort of ordering aware lock. Does my reasoning make sense?


Where can we use std::barrier over std::latch?

I recently heard new c++ standard features which are:
I cannot figure it out ,in which situations that they are applicable and useful over one-another.
If someone can raise an example for how to use each one of them wisely it would be really helpful.
Very short answer
They're really aimed at quite different goals:
Barriers are useful when you have a bunch of threads and you want to synchronise across of them at once, for example to do something that operates on all of their data at once.
Latches are useful if you have a bunch of work items and you want to know when they've all been handled, and aren't necessarily interested in which thread(s) handled them.
Much longer answer
Barriers and latches are often used when you have a pool of worker threads that do some processing and a queue of work items that is shared between. It's not the only situation where they're used, but it is a very common one and does help illustrate the differences. Here's some example code that would set up some threads like this:
const size_t worker_count = 7; // or whatever
std::vector<std::thread> workers;
std::vector<Proc> procs(worker_count);
Queue<std::function<void(Proc&)>> queue;
for (size_t i = 0; i < worker_count; ++i) {
[p = &procs[i], &queue]() {
while (auto fn = queue.pop_back()) {
There are two types that I have assumed exist in that example:
Proc: a type specific to your application that contains data and logic necessary to process work items. A reference to one is passed to each callback function that's run in the thread pool.
Queue: a thread-safe blocking queue. There is nothing like this in the C++ standard library (somewhat surprisingly) but there are a lot of open-source libraries containing them e.g. Folly MPMCQueue or moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue, or you can build a less fancy one yourself with std::mutex, std::condition_variable and std::deque (there are many examples of how to do this if you Google for them).
A latch is often used to wait until some work items you push onto the queue have all finished, typically so you can inspect the result.
std::vector<WorkItem> work = get_work();
std::latch latch(work.size());
for (WorkItem& work_item : work) {
queue.push_back([&work_item, &latch](Proc& proc) {
// Inspect the completed work
How this works:
The threads will - eventually - pop the work items off of the queue, possibly with multiple threads in the pool handling different work items at the same time.
As each work item is finished, latch.count_down() is called, effectively decrementing an internal counter that started at work.size().
When all work items have finished, that counter reaches zero, at which point latch.wait() returns and the producer thread knows that the work items have all been processed.
The latch count is the number of work items that will be processed, not the number of worker threads.
The count_down() method could be called zero times, one time, or multiple times on each thread, and that number could be different for different threads. For example, even if you push 7 messages onto 7 threads, it might be that all 7 items are processed onto the same one thread (rather than one for each thread) and that's fine.
Other unrelated work items could be interleaved with these ones (e.g. because they weree pushed onto the queue by other producer threads) and again that's fine.
In principle, it's possible that latch.wait() won't be called until after all of the worker threads have already finished processing all of the work items. (This is the sort of odd condition you need to look out for when writing threaded code.) But that's OK, it's not a race condition: latch.wait() will just immediately return in that case.
An alternative to using a latch is that there's another queue, in addition to the one shown here, that contains the result of the work items. The thread pool callback pushes results on to that queue while the producer thread pops results off of it. Basically, it goes in the opposite direction to the queue in this code. That's a perfectly valid strategy too, in fact if anything it's more common, but there are other situations where the latch is more useful.
A barrier is often used to make all threads wait simultaneously so that the data associated with all of the threads can be operated on simultaneously.
typedef Fn std::function<void()>;
Fn completionFn = [&procs]() {
// Do something with the whole vector of Proc objects
auto barrier = std::make_shared<std::barrier<Fn>>(worker_count, completionFn);
auto workerFn = [barrier](Proc&) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < worker_count; ++i) {
How this works:
All of the worker threads will pop one of these workerFn items off of the queue and call barrier.count_down_and_wait().
Once all of them are waiting, one of them will call completionFn() while the others continue to wait.
Once that function completes they will all return from count_down_and_wait() and be free to pop other, unrelated, work items from the queue.
Here the barrier count is the number of worker threads.
It is guaranteed that each thread will pop precisely one workerFn off of the queue and handle it. Once a thread has popped one off of the queue, it will wait in barrier.count_down_and_wait() until all the other copies of workerFn have been popped off by other threads, so there is no chance of it popping another one off.
I used a shared pointer to the barrier so that it will be destroyed automatically once all the work items are done. This wasn't an issue with the latch because there we could just make it a local variable in the producer thread function, because it waits until the worker threads have used the latch (it calls latch.wait()). Here the producer thread doesn't wait for the barrier so we need to manage the memory in a different way.
If you did want the original producer thread to wait until the barrier has been finished, that's fine, it can call count_down_and_wait() too, but you will obviously need to pass worker_count + 1 to the barrier's constructor. (And then you wouldn't need to use a shared pointer for the barrier.)
If other work items are being pushed onto the queue at the same time, that's fine too, although it will potentially waste time as some threads will just be sitting there waiting for the barrier to be acquired while other threads are distracted by other work before they acquire the barrier.
!!! DANGER !!!
The last bullet point about other working being pushed onto the queue being "fine" is only the case if that other work doesn't also use a barrier! If you have two different producer threads putting work items with a barrier on to the same queue and those items are interleaved, then some threads will wait on one barrier and others on the other one, and neither will ever reach the required wait count - DEADLOCK. One way to avoid this is to only ever use barriers like this from a single thread, or even to only ever use one barrier in your whole program (this sounds extreme but is actually quite a common strategy, as barriers are often used for one-time initialisation on startup). Another option, if the thread queue you're using supports it, is to atomically push all work items for the barrier onto the queue at once so they're never interleaved with any other work items. (This won't work with the moodycamel queue, which supports pushing multiple items at once but doesn't guarantee that they won't be interleved with items pushed on by other threads.)
Barrier without completion function
At the point when you asked this question, the proposed experimental API didn't support completion functions. Even the current API at least allows not using them, so I thought I should show an example of how barriers can be used like that too.
auto barrier = std::make_shared<std::barrier<>>(worker_count);
auto workerMainFn = [&procs, barrier](Proc&) {
// Do something with the whole vector of Proc objects
auto workerOtherFn = [barrier](Proc&) {
barrier->count_down_and_wait(); // Wait for work to start
barrier->count_down_and_wait(); // Wait for work to finish
for (size_t i = 0; i < worker_count - 1; ++i) {
How this works:
The key idea is to wait for the barrier twice in each thread, and do the work in between. The first waits have the same purpose as the previous example: they ensure any earlier work items in the queue are finished before starting this work. The second waits ensure that any later items in the queue don't start until this work has finished.
The notes are mostly the same as the previous barrier example, but here are some differences:
One difference is that, because the barrier is not tied to the specific completion function, it's more likely that you can share it between multiple uses, like we did in the latch example, avoiding the use of a shared pointer.
This example makes it look like using a barrier without a completion function is much more fiddly, but that's just because this situation isn't well suited to them. Sometimes, all you need is to reach the barrier. For example, whereas we initialised a queue before the threads started, maybe you have a queue for each thread but initialised in the threads' run functions. In that case, maybe the barrier just signifies that the queues have been initialised and are ready for other threads to pass messages to each other. In that case, you can use a barrier with no completion function without needing to wait on it twice like this.
You could actually use a latch for this, calling count_down() and then wait() in place of count_down_and_wait(). But using a barrier makes more sense, both because calling the combined function is a little simpler and because using a barrier communicates your intention better to future readers of the code.
Any any case, the "DANGER" warning from before still applies.

Lock two mutex at same time

I'm trying to implement a multi-in multi-out interthread channel class. I have three mutexes: full locks when buffer is full. empty locks when buffer is empty. th locks when anyone else is modifying buffer. My single IO program looks like
full.lock() // locks when trying to push to full buffer
full.unlock() // either it's locked or not, unlock it
empty.unlock() // it won't be empty
if(...)full.lock() // it might be full
// symmetric
This works totally fine for single IO. But for multiple IO, when consumer thread unlocks full, all provider thread will go down, only one will obtain th and buffer might be full again because of that single thread, while there's no full check anymore. I can add a full.lock() again of course, but this is endless. Is there anyway to lock full and th at same time? I do see a similar question about this, but I don't see order is the problem here.
Yes, use std::lock(full , th);, this could avoid some deadlocks
for example:
this could cause a deadlock, but the following don't:
std::lock(full, th);
std::lock(th, full);
No, you can't atomically lock two mutexes.
Additionally, it looks like you are locking a mutex in one thread and then unlocking it in another. That's not allowed.
I suggest switching to condition variables for this problem. Note that it's perfectly fine to have one mutex associated with multiple condition variables.
No, you cannot lock two mutexes at once, but you can use a std::condition_variable for the waiting threads and invoke notify_one when you are done.
See here for further details.
Functonality you try to achieve would require something similar to System V semaphores, where group of operations on semaphors could be applied atomically. In your case you would have 3 semaphores:
semaphore 1 - locking, initialized to 0
semaphore 2 - counter of available data, initialized to 0
semaphore 3 - counter of available buffers, initialized how much buffers you have
then push operation would do this group to lock:
check semaphore 1 is 0
increase semaphore 1 by +1
increase semaphore 2 by +1
decrease semaphore 3 by -1
decrease semaphore 1 by -1
to unlock. then to pull data first group would be changed to:
check semaphore 1 is 0
increase semaphore 1 by +1
decrease semaphore 2 by -1
increase semaphore 3 by +1
unlock is the same as before. Using mutexes, which are special case semaphores most probably would not solve your problem this way. First of all they are binary ie only have 2 states but more important API does not provide group operations on them. So you either find semaphore implementation for your platform or use single mutex with condition variable(s) to signal waiting threads that data or buffer is available.

Thread Synchronization C++

I am having this weird issue with threads. On my mac with OS X this works fine but once I more it over to my desktop that is running Ubuntu, I am facing issues.
Essentially what I am doing is the following:
Function() {
for(i = 1 to 10)
while(array not completely changed) {
-- perform actions
And I have two threads running this function. While it is supposed to be running in such a manner that is:
Thread 1 grabs lock
performs opperations on array
Thread 1 releases lock
Thread 2 grabs lock
performs calculations on array
Thread 2 releases lock
and so on in a back and forth pattern until the array have been completed changed but on Linux all of the calculations of Thread 1 complete and then Thread 2 starts.
So I will get:
Thread 1 grabs lock
performs opperations on array
Thread 1 releases lock
Thread 1 grabs lock
performs calculations on array
Thread 1 releases lock
Thread 1 grabs lock
performs calculations on array
Thread 1 releases lock
And so on until the array is completely changed, once I increment the for loop, then Thread 2 will perform all calculations and continue this pattern.
Can anyone explain what is going on?
You're experiencing "starvation". Add a small nanosleep call occasionally to give the other threads a chance to run. Add the call outside the mutex pair (e.g. after the unlock). Thread 1 is monopolizing things.
You may also want to consider restructuring and splitting up the critical [requires locking] vs non-critical work:
while (more) {
lock ...
do critical stuff ...
unlock ...
nanosleep ...
do non-critical stuff

Windows critical sections fairness

I've a question about the fairness of the critical sections on Windows, using EnterCriticalSection and LeaveCriticalSection methods. The MSDN documentation specifies: "There is no guarantee about the order in which threads will obtain ownership of the critical section, however, the system will be fair to all threads."
The problem comes with an application I wrote, which blocks some threads that never enter critical section, even after a long time; so I perfomed some tests with a simple c program, to verify this behaviour, but I noticed strange results when you have many threads an some wait times inside.
This is the code of the test program:
DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc(void* data) {
int me;
int i,c = 0;;
me = *(int *) data;
printf(" %d started\n",me);
for (i=0; i < 10000; i++) {
printf(" %d Trying to connect (%d)\n",me,c);
if(i!=3 && i!=4 && i!=5)
return 0;
int main() {
int i;
int a[20];
HANDLE thread[20];
for (i=0; i<20; i++) {
a[i] = i;
thread[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadFunc, (LPVOID) &a[i], 0, NULL);
The results of this is that some threads are blocked for many many cycles, and some others enter critical section very often. I also noticed if you change the faster Sleep (the 10 ms one), everything might returns to be fair, but I didn't find any link between sleep times and fairness.
However, this test example works much better than my real application code, which is much more complicated, and shows actually starvation for some threads. To be sure that starved threads are alive and working, I made a test (in my application) in which I kill threads after entering 5 times in critical section: the result is that, at the end, every thread enters, so I'm sure all of them are alive and blocked on the mutex.
Do I have to assume that Windows is really NOT fair with threads?
Do you know any solution for this problem?
EDIT: The same code in linux with pthreads, works as expected (no thread starves).
EDIT2: I found a working solution, forcing fairness, using a CONDITION_VARIABLE.
It can be inferred from this post (link), with the required modifications.
You're going to encounter starvation issues here anyway since the critical section is held for so long.
I think MSDN is probably suggesting that the scheduler is fair about waking up threads but since there is no lock acquisition order then it may not actually be 'fair' in the way that you expect.
Have you tried using a mutex instead of a critical section? Also, have you tried adjusting the spin count?
If you can avoid locking the critical section for extended periods of time then that is probably a better way to deal with this.
For example, you could restructure your code to have a single thread that deals with your long running operation and the other threads queue requests to that thread, blocking on a completion event. You only need to lock the critical section for short periods of time when managing the queue. Of course if these operations must also be mutually exclusive to other operations then you would need to be careful with that. If all of this stuff can't operate concurrently then you may as well serialize that via the queue too.
Alternatively, perhaps take a look at using boost asio. You could use a threadpool and strands to prevent multiple async handlers from running concurrently where synchronization would otherwise be an issue.
I think you should review a few things:
in 9997 of 10000 cases you branch to Sleep(500). Each thread holds the citical section for as much as 500 ms on almost every successful attempt to acquire the critical section.
The threads do another Sleep(500) after releasing the critical section. As a result a single thread occupies almost 50 % (49.985 %) of the availble time by holding the critical section - no matter what!
Behind the scenes: Joe Duffy: The wait lists for mutually exclusive locks are kept in FIFO order, and the OS always wakes the thread at the front of such wait queues.
Assuming you did that on purpose to show the behavior: Starting 20 of those threads may result in a minimum wait time of 10 seconds for the last thread to get access to the critical section on a single logical processor when the processor is completely available for this test.
For how long dif you do the test / What CPU? And what Windows version? You should be able to write down some more facts: A histogram of thread active vs. thread id could tell a lot about fairness.
Critical sections shall be acquired for short periods of time. In most cases shared resources can be dealt with much quicker. A Sleep inside a critical section almost certainly points to a design flaw.
Hint: Reduce the time spent inside the critical section or investigate Semaphore Objects.

How do I safely read a variable from one thread and modify it from another?

I have a class instances which is being used in multiple threads. I am updating multiple member variables from one thread and reading the same member variables from one thread. What is the correct way to maintain the thread safety?
obj1.memberV1 = 1;
//unlock here?
Should I unlock the mutex over here? ( if another thread access the obj1 member variables 1 and 2 now, the accessed data might not be correct because memberV2 has not yet be updated. However, if I does not release the lock, the other thread might block because there is time consuming operation below.
//perform some time consuming operation which must be done before the assignment to memberV2 and after the assignment to memberV1
obj1.memberV2 = update field 2 from some calculation
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex1) //should I only unlock here?
Your locking is correct. You should not release the lock early just to allow another thread to proceed (because that would allow the other thread to see the object in an inconsistent state.)
Perhaps it would be better to do something like:
//perform time consuming calculation
obj1.memberV1 = 1;
obj1.memberV2 = result;
This of course assumes that the values used in the calculation won't be modified on any other thread.
Its hard to tell what you are doing that is causing problems. The mutex pattern is pretty simple. You Lock the mutex, access the shared data, unlock the mutex. This protects data, becuase the mutex will only let one thread get the lock at a time. Any thread that fails to get the lock has to wait till the mutex is unlocked. Unlocking wakes the waiters up. They will then fight to attain the lock. Losers go back to sleep. The time it takes to wake up might be multiple ms or more from the time the lock is released. Make sure you always unlock the mutex eventually.
Make sure you don't to keep locks locked for a long period of time. Most of the time, a long period of time is like a micro second. I prefer to keep it down around "a few lines of code." Thats why people have suggested that you do the long running calculation outside the lock. The reason for not keeping locks a long time is you increase the number of times other threads will hit the lock and have to spin or sleep, which decreases performance. You also increase the probability that your thread might be pre-empted while owning the lock, which means the lock is enabled while that thread sleeps. Thats even worse performance.
Threads that fail a lock dont have to sleep. Spinning means a thread encountering a locked mutex doesn't sleep, but loops repeatedly testing the lock for a predefine period before giving up and sleeping. This is a good idea if you have multiple cores or cores capable of multiple simultaneous threads. Multiple active threads means two threads can be executing the code at the same time. If the lock is around a small amount of code, then the thread that got the lock is going to be done real soon. the other thread need only wait a couple nano secs before it will get the lock. Remember, sleeping your thread is a context switch and some code to attach your thread to the waiters on the mutex, all have costs. Plus, once your thread sleeps, you have to wait for a period of time before the scheduler wakes it up. that could be multiple ms. Lookup spinlocks.
If you only have one core, then if a thread encounters a lock it means another sleeping thread owns the lock and no matter how long you spin it aint gonna unlock. So you would use a lock that sleeps a waiter immediately in hopes that the thread owning the lock will wake up and finish.
You should assume that a thread can be preempted at any machine code instruction. Also you should assume that each line of c code is probably many machine code instructions. The classic example is i++. This is one statement in c, but a read, an increment, and a store in machine code land.
If you really care about performance, try to use atomic operations first. Look to mutexes as a last resort. Most concurrency problems are easily solved with atomic operations (google gcc atomic operations to start learning) and very few problems really need mutexes. Mutexes are way way way slower.
Protect your shared data wherever it is written and wherever it is read. else...prepare for failure. You don't have to protect shared data during periods of time when only a single thread is active.
Its often useful to be able to run your app with 1 thread as well as N threads. This way you can debug race conditions easier.
Minimize the shared data that you protect with locks. Try to organize data into structures such that a single thread can gain exclusive access to the entire structure (perhaps by setting a single locked flag or version number or both) and not have to worry about anything after that. Then most of the code isnt cluttered with locks and race conditions.
Functions that ultimately write to shared variables should use temp variables until the last moment and then copy the results. Not only will the compiler generate better code, but accesses to shared variables especially changing them cause cache line updates between L2 and main ram and all sorts of other performance issues. Again if you don't care about performance disregard this. However i recommend you google the document "everything a programmer should know about memory" if you want to know more.
If you are reading a single variable from the shared data you probably don't need to lock as long as the variable is an integer type and not a member of a bitfield (bitfield members are read/written with multiple instructions). Read up on atomic operations. When you need to deal with multiple values, then you need a lock to make sure you didn't read version A of one value, get preempted, and then read version B of the next value. Same holds true for writing.
You will find that copies of data, even copies of entire structures come in handy. You can be working on building a new copy of the data and then swap it by changing a pointer in with one atomic operation. You can make a copy of the data and then do calculations on it without worrying if it changes.
So maybe what you want to do is:
lock the mutex
Make a copy of the input data to the long running calculation.
unlock the mutex
L1: Do the calculation
Lock the mutex
if the input data has changed and this matters
read the input data, unlock the mutex and go to L1
updata data
unlock mutex
Maybe, in the example above, you still store the result if the input changed, but go back and recalc. It depends if other threads can use a slightly out of date answer. Maybe other threads when they see that a thread is already doing the calculation simply change the input data and leave it to the busy thread to notice that and redo the calculation (there will be a race condition you need to handle if you do that, and easy one). That way the other threads can do other work rather than just sleep.
Probably the best thing to do is:
temp = //perform some time consuming operation which must be done before the assignment to memberV2
obj1.memberV1 = 1;
obj1.memberV2 = temp; //result from previous calculation
What I would do is separate the calculation from the update:
temp = some calculation
obj.memberV1 = 1;
obj.memberV2 = temp;