I'm making a GLSL Ray-tracer with LWJGL, following Ray Tracing in One Weekend. And when I render with 100000 samples per pixel, I get the following image: some spheres
Whenever I render with about 2-3000 samples or more, some line-look-alike noise appears, as seen in the picture and it gets more and more pronounced with more samples. I suspect that the reason for this may be my random() function for generating rays may not be fully uniform. I use this:
float random(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
and I use it that way: random(pixel_coords + random_seed), where ivec2 pixel_coords = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);, and random_seed is a float uniform, set with rand.nextFloat() for every call of the shader (so it is unique for every sample, but the same for all pixels in one sample image).
Can this not be a problem with the random number generation, but something else? Are there any more-perfect ways to generate randomness?
I'm attempting depth peeling with multisampling enabled, and having some issues with incorrect data ending up in my transparent layers. I use the following to check if a sample (originally a fragment) is valid for this pass:
float depth = texelFetch(depthMinima, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), gl_SampleID).r;
if (gl_FragCoord.z <= depth)
Where depthMinima is defined as
uniform sampler2DMS depthMinima;
I have enabled GL_SAMPLE_SHADING which, if I understand correctly, should result in the fragment shader being called on a per-sample basis. If this isn't the case, is there a way I can get this to happen?
The result is that the first layer or two look right, but beneath that (and I'm doing 8 layers) I start getting junk values - mostly plain blue, sometimes values from previous layers.
This works fine for single-sampled buffers, but not for multi-sampled buffers. Does the discard keyword still discard the entire fragment?
I have enabled GL_SAMPLE_SHADING which, if I understand correctly, should result in the fragment shader being called on a per-sample basis.
It's not enough to only enable GL_SAMPLE_SHADING. You also need to set:
A value of 1.0 indicates that each sample in the framebuffer should be indpendently shaded. A value of 0.0 effectively allows the GL to ignore sample rate shading. Any value between 0.0 and 1.0 allows the GL to shade only a subset of the total samples within each covered fragment. Which samples are shaded and the algorithm used to select that subset of the fragment's samples is implementation dependent.
– glMinSampleShading
In other words 1.0 tells it to shade all samples. 0.5 tells it to shade at least half the samples.
// Check the current value
GLfloat value;
If either GL_MULTISAMPLE or GL_SAMPLE_SHADING is disabled then sample shading has no effect.
There'll be multiple fragment shader invocations for each fragment, to which each sample is a subset of the fragment. In other words. Sample shading specifies the minimum number of samples to process for each fragment.
If GL_MIN_SAMPLE_SHADING_VALUE is set to 1.0 then there'll be issued a fragment shader invocation for each sample (within the primitive).
If its set to 0.5 then there'll be a shader invocation for every second sample.
Each being evaluated at their sample location (gl_SamplePosition).
With gl_SampleID being the index of the sample that is currently being processed.
Should discard work on a per-sample basis, or does it still only work per-fragment?
With or without sample shading discard still only terminate a single invocation of the shader.
Fragment Shader
Per-Sample Processing
I faced a similar problem when using depth_peeling on a multi-sample buffer.
Some artifacts appears due to the depth_test error when using a multi_sample depth texture from the previous peel and the current fragment depth.
vec4 previous_peel_depth_tex = texelFetch(previous_peel_depth, coord, 0);
the third argument is the sample you want to use for your comparison which will give a different value from the fragment center. Like the author said you can use gl_SampleID
vec4 previous_peel_depth_tex = texelFetch(previous_peel_depth, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), gl_SampleID);
This solved my problem but with a huge performance drop, if you have 4 samples you will run your fragment shader 4 times, if 4 have peels it means 4x4 calls. You don't need to set the opengl flags if atleast glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE); is on
Any static use of [gl_SampleID] in a fragment shader causes the entire
shader to be evaluated per-sample
I decided to use a different approach and to add a bias when doing the depth comparison
float previous_linearized = linearize_depth(previous_peel_depth_tex.r, near, far);
float current_linearized = linearize_depth(gl_FragCoord.z, near, far);
float bias_meter = 0.05;
bool belong_to_previous_peel = delta_depth < bias_meter;
This solve my problem but some artifacts might still appears and you need to adjust your bias in your eye_space units (meter, cm, ...)
I'm new to OpenGL and I'm looking forward to compare two textures to understand how much they are similar to each other. I know how to to this with two bitmap images but I really need to use a method to compare two textures.
Question is: Is there any way to compare two textures as we compare two images? Like comparing two images pixel by pixel?
Actually what you seem to be asking for is not possible or at least not as easy as it would seem to accomplish on the GPU. The problem is GPU is designed to accomplish as many small tasks as possible in the shortest amount of time. Iterating through an array of data such as pixels is not included so getting something like an integer or a floating value might be a bit hard.
There is one very interesting procedure you may try but I can not say the result will be appropriate for you:
You may first create a new texture that is a difference between the two input textures and then keep downsampling the result till 1x1 pixel texture and get the value of that pixel to see how different it is.
To achieve this it would be best to use a fixed size of the target buffer which is POT (power of two) for instance 256x256. If you didn't use a fixed size then the result could vary a lot depending on the image sizes.
So in first pass you would redraw the two textures to the 3rd one (using FBO - frame buffer object). The shader you would use is simply:
vec4 a = texture2D(iChannel0,uv);
vec4 b = texture2D(iChannel1,uv);
fragColor = abs(a-b);
So now you have a texture which represents the difference between the two images per pixel, per color component. If the two images will be the same, the result will be a totally black picture.
Now you will need to create a new FBO which is scaled by half in every dimension which comes to 128x128 in this example. To draw to this buffer you would need to use GL_NEAREST as a texture parameter so no interpolations on the texel fetching is done. Then for each new pixel sum the 4 nearest pixels of the source image:
vec4 originalTextCoord = varyingTextCoord;
vec4 textCoordRight = vec2(varyingTextCoord.x+1.0/256, varyingTextCoord.y);
vec4 textCoordBottom = vec2(varyingTextCoord.x, varyingTextCoord.y+1.0/256);
vec4 textCoordBottomRight = vec2(varyingTextCoord.x+1.0/256, varyingTextCoord.y+1.0/256);
fragColor = texture2D(iChannel0, originalTextCoord) +
texture2D(iChannel0, textCoordRight) +
texture2D(iChannel0, textCoordBottom) +
texture2D(iChannel0, textCoordBottomRight);
The 256 value is from the source texture so that should come as a uniform so you may reuse the same shader.
After this is drawn you need to drop down to 64, 32, 16... Then read the pixel back to the CPU and see the result.
Now unfortunately this procedure may produce very unwanted results. Since the colors are simply summed together this will produce an overflow for all the images which are not similar enough (results in a white pixel or rather (1,1,1,0) for non-transparent). This may be overcome first by using a scale on the first shader pass, to divide the output by a large enough value. Still this might not be enough and an average might need to be done in the second shader (multiply all the texture2D calls by .25).
In the end the result might still be a bit strange. You get 4 color components on the CPU which represent the sum or the average of an image differential. I guess you could sum them up and choose what you consider for the images to be much alike or not. But if you want to have a more sense in the result you are getting you might want to treat the whole pixel as a single 32-bit floating value (these are a bit tricky but you may find answers around the SO). This way you may compute the values without the overflows and get quite exact results from the algorithms. This means you would write the floating value as if it is a color which starts with the first shader output and continues for every other draw call (get texel, convert it to float, sum it, convert it back to vec4 and assign as output), GL_NEAREST is essential here.
If not then you may optimize the procedure and use GL_LINEAR instead of GL_NEAREST and simply keep redrawing the differential texture till it gets to a single pixel size (no need for 4 coordinates). This should produce a nice pixel which represents an average of all the pixels in the differential textures. So this is the average difference between pixels in the two images. Also this procedure should be quite fast.
Then if you want to do a bit smarter algorithm you may do some wonders on creating the differential texture. Simply subtracting the colors may not be the best approach. It would make more sense to blur one of the images and then comparing it to the other image. This will lose precision for those very similar images but for everything else it will give you a much better result. For instance you could say you are interested only if the pixel is 30% different then the weight of the other image (the blurred one) so you would discard and scale the 30% for every component such as result.r = clamp(abs(a.r-b.r)-30.0/100.0, .0, 1.0)/((100.0-30.0)/100.0);
You can bind both textures to a shader and visit each pixel by drawing a quad or something like this.
// Equal pixels are marked green. Different pixels are shown in red color.
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
vec4 a = texture2D(iChannel0,uv);
vec4 b = texture2D(iChannel1,uv);
if(a != b)
fragColor = vec4(1,0,0,1);
fragColor = vec4(0,1,0,1);
You can test the shader on Shadertoy.
Or you can also bind both textures to a compute shader and visit every pixel by iteration.
You cannot compare vectors. You have to use
if( any(notEqual(a,b)))
Check the GLSL language spec
I'm trying to code a texture reprojection using a UV gBuffer (this is a texture that contains the UV desired value for mapping at that pixel)
I think that this should be easy to understand just by seeing this picture (I cannot attach due low reputation):
The first image (the black/yellow/red/green one) is the UV gBuffer, it represents the uv values, the second one is the diffuse channel and the third the desired result.
Making this on OpenGL is pretty trivial.
Draw a simple rectangle and use as fragmented shader this pseudo-code:
float2 newUV=texture(UVgbufferTex,gl_TexCoord[0]).xy;
float3 finalcolor=texture(DIFFgbufferTex,newUV);
return float4(finalcolor,0);
OpenGL takes care about selecting the mipmap level, the anisotropic filtering etc, meanwhile if I make this on regular CPU process I get a single pixel for finalcolor so my result is crispy.
Any advice here? I was wondering about computing manually a kind of mipmaps and select the level by checking the contiguous pixel but not sure if this is the right way, also I doubt how to deal with that since it could be changing fast on horizontal but slower on vertical or viceversa.
In fact I don't know how this is computed internally on OpenGL/DirectX since I used this kind of code for a long time but never thought about the internals.
You are on the right track.
To select mipmap level or apply anisotropic filtering you need a gradient. That gradient comes naturally in GL (in fragment shaders) because it is computed for all interpolated variables after rasterization. This all becomes quite obvious if you ever try to sample a texture using mipmap filtering in a vertex shader.
You can compute the LOD (lambda) as such:
ρ = max (((du/dx)2 + (dv/dx)2)1/2
, ((du/dy)2 + (dv/dy)2)1/2)
λ = log2 ρ
The texture is picked basing on the size on the screen after reprojection. After you emit a triangle, check the rasterization size and pick the appropriate mipmap.
As for filtering, it's not that hard to implement i.e. bilinear filtering manually.
I have a scene that is rendered to texture via FBO and I am sampling it from a fragment shader, drawing regions of it using primitives rather than drawing a full-screen quad: I'm conserving resources by only generating the fragments I'll need.
To test this, I am issuing the exact same geometry as my texture-render, which means that the rasterization pattern produced should be exactly the same: When my fragment shader looks up its texture with the varying coordinate it was given it should match up perfectly with the other values it was given.
Here's how I'm giving my fragment shader the coordinates to auto-texture the geometry with my fullscreen texture:
// Vertex shader
uniform mat4 proj_modelview_mat;
out vec2 f_sceneCoord;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = proj_modelview_mat * vec4(in_pos,0.0,1.0);
f_sceneCoord = (gl_Position.xy + vec2(1,1)) * 0.5;
I'm working in 2D so I didn't concern myself with the perspective divide here. I just set the sceneCoord value using the clip-space position scaled back from [-1,1] to [0,1].
uniform sampler2D scene;
in vec2 f_sceneCoord;
//in vec4 gl_FragCoord;
in float f_alpha;
out vec4 out_fragColor;
void main (void) {
//vec4 color = texelFetch(scene,ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy - vec2(0.5,0.5)),0);
vec4 color = texture(scene,f_sceneCoord);
if (color.a == f_alpha) {
out_fragColor = vec4(color.rgb,1);
} else
out_fragColor = vec4(1,0,0,1);
Notice I spit out a red fragment if my alpha's don't match up. The texture render sets the alpha for each rendered object to a specific index so I know what matches up with what.
Sorry I don't have a picture to show but it's very clear that my pixels are off by (0.5,0.5): I get a thin, one pixel red border around my objects, on their bottom and left sides, that pops in and out. It's quite "transient" looking. The giveaway is that it only shows up on the bottom and left sides of objects.
Notice I have a line commented out which uses texelFetch: This method works, and I no longer get my red fragments showing up. However I'd like to get this working right with texture and normalized texture coordinates because I think more hardware will support that. Perhaps the real question is, is it possible to get this right without sending in my viewport resolution via a uniform? There's gotta be a way to avoid that!
Update: I tried shifting the texture access by half a pixel, quarter of a pixel, one hundredth of a pixel, it all made it worse and produced a solid border of wrong values all around the edges: It seems like my gl_Position.xy+vec2(1,1))*0.5 trick sets the right values, but sampling is just off by just a little somehow. This is quite strange... See the red fragments? When objects are in motion they shimmer in and out ever so slightly. It means the alpha values I set aren't matching up perfectly on those pixels.
It's not critical for me to get pixel perfect accuracy for that alpha-index-check for my actual application but this behavior is just not what I expected.
Well, first consider dropping that f_sceneCoord varying and just using gl_FragCoord / screenSize as texture coordinate (you already have this in your example, but the -0.5 is rubbish), with screenSize being a uniform (maybe pre-divided). This should work almost exact, because by default gl_FragCoord is at the pixel center (meaning i+0.5) and OpenGL returns exact texel values when sampling the texture at the texel center ((i+0.5)/textureSize).
This may still introduce very very very slight deviations form exact texel values (if any) due to finite precision and such. But then again, you will likely want to use a filtering mode of GL_NEAREST for such one-to-one texture-to-screen mappings, anyway. Actually your exsiting f_sceneCoord approach may already work well and it's just those small rounding issues prevented by GL_NEAREST that create your artefacts. But then again, you still don't need that f_sceneCoord thing.
EDIT: Regarding the portability of texelFetch. That function was introduced with GLSL 1.30 (~SM4/GL3/DX10-hardware, ~GeForce 8), I think. But this version is already required by the new in/out syntax you're using (in contrast to the old varying/attribute syntax). So if you're not gonna change these, assuming texelFetch as given is absolutely no problem and might also be slightly faster than texture (which also requires GLSL 1.30, in contrast to the old texture2D), by circumventing filtering completely.
If you are working in perfect X,Y [0,1] with no rounding errors that's great... But sometimes - especially if working with polar coords, you might consider aligning your calculated coords to the texture 'grid'...
I use:
// align it to the nearest centered texel
curPt -= mod(curPt, (0.5 / vec2(imgW, imgH)));
works like a charm and I no longer get random rounding errors at the screen edges...
I draw lots of quadratic Bézier curves in my OpenGL program. Right now, the curves are one-pixel thin and software-generated, because I'm at a rather early stage, and it is enough to see what works.
Simply enough, given 3 control points (P0 to P2), I evaluate the following equation with t varying from 0 to 1 (with steps of 1/8) in software and use GL_LINE_STRIP to link them together:
B(t) = (1 - t)2P0 + 2(1 - t)tP1 + t2P2
Where B, obviously enough, results in a 2-dimensional vector.
This approach worked 'well enough', since even my largest curves don't need much more than 8 steps to look curved. Still, one pixel thin curves are ugly.
I wanted to write a GLSL shader that would accept control points and a uniform thickness variable to, well, make the curves thicker. At first I thought about making a pixel shader only, that would color only pixels within a thickness / 2 distance of the curve, but doing so requires solving a third degree polynomial, and choosing between three solutions inside a shader doesn't look like the best idea ever.
I then tried to look up if other people already did it. I stumbled upon a white paper by Loop and Blinn from Microsoft Research where the guys show an easy way of filling the area under a curve. While it works well to that extent, I'm having trouble adapting the idea to drawing between two bouding curves.
Finding bounding curves that match a single curve is rather easy with a geometry shader. The problems come with the fragment shader that should fill the whole thing. Their approach uses the interpolated texture coordinates to determine if a fragment falls over or under the curve; but I couldn't figure a way to do it with two curves (I'm pretty new to shaders and not a maths expert, so the fact I didn't figure out how to do it certainly doesn't mean it's impossible).
My next idea was to separate the filled curve into triangles and only use the Bézier fragment shader on the outer parts. But for that I need to split the inner and outer curves at variable spots, and that means again that I have to solve the equation, which isn't really an option.
Are there viable algorithms for stroking quadratic Bézier curves with a shader?
This partly continues my previous answer, but is actually quite different since I got a couple of central things wrong in that answer.
To allow the fragment shader to only shade between two curves, two sets of "texture" coordinates are supplied as varying variables, to which the technique of Loop-Blinn is applied.
varying vec2 texCoord1,texCoord2;
varying float insideOutside;
varying vec4 col;
void main()
float f1 = texCoord1[0] * texCoord1[0] - texCoord1[1];
float f2 = texCoord2[0] * texCoord2[0] - texCoord2[1];
float alpha = (sign(insideOutside*f1) + 1) * (sign(-insideOutside*f2) + 1) * 0.25;
gl_FragColor = vec4(col.rgb, col.a * alpha);
So far, easy. The hard part is setting up the texture coordinates in the geometry shader. Loop-Blinn specifies them for the three vertices of the control triangle, and they are interpolated appropriately across the triangle. But, here we need to have the same interpolated values available while actually rendering a different triangle.
The solution to this is to find the linear function mapping from (x,y) coordinates to the interpolated/extrapolated values. Then, these values can be set for each vertex while rendering a triangle. Here's the key part of my code for this part.
vec2[3] tex = vec2[3]( vec2(0,0), vec2(0.5,0), vec2(1,1) );
mat3 uvmat;
uvmat[0] = vec3(pos2[0].x, pos2[1].x, pos2[2].x);
uvmat[1] = vec3(pos2[0].y, pos2[1].y, pos2[2].y);
uvmat[2] = vec3(1, 1, 1);
mat3 uvInv = inverse(transpose(uvmat));
vec3 uCoeffs = vec3(tex[0][0],tex[1][0],tex[2][0]) * uvInv;
vec3 vCoeffs = vec3(tex[0][1],tex[1][1],tex[2][1]) * uvInv;
float[3] uOther, vOther;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
uOther[i] = dot(uCoeffs,vec3(pos1[i].xy,1));
vOther[i] = dot(vCoeffs,vec3(pos1[i].xy,1));
insideOutside = 1;
for(i=0; i< gl_VerticesIn; i++){
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * pos1[i];
texCoord1 = tex[i];
texCoord2 = vec2(uOther[i], vOther[i]);
Here pos1 and pos2 contain the coordinates of the two control triangles. This part renders the triangle defined by pos1, but with texCoord2 set to the translated values from the pos2 triangle. Then the pos2 triangle needs to be rendered, similarly. Then the gap between these two triangles at each end needs to filled, with both sets of coordinates translated appropriately.
The calculation of the matrix inverse requires either GLSL 1.50 or it needs to be coded manually. It would be better to solve the equation for the translation without calculating the inverse. Either way, I don't expect this part to be particularly fast in the geometry shader.
You should be able to use technique of Loop and Blinn in the paper you mentioned.
Basically you'll need to offset each control point in the normal direction, both ways, to get the control points for two curves (inner and outer). Then follow the technique in Section 3.1 of Loop and Blinn - this breaks up sections of the curve to avoid triangle overlaps, and then triangulates the main part of the interior (note that this part requires the CPU). Finally, these triangles are filled, and the small curved parts outside of them are rendered on the GPU using Loop and Blinn's technique (at the start and end of Section 3).
An alternative technique that may work for you is described here:
Thick Bezier Curves in OpenGL
Ah, you want to avoid even the CPU triangulation - I should have read more closely.
One issue you have is the interface between the geometry shader and the fragment shader - the geometry shader will need to generate primitives (most likely triangles) that are then individually rasterized and filled via the fragment program.
In your case with constant thickness I think quite a simple triangulation will work - using Loop and Bling for all the "curved bits". When the two control triangles don't intersect it's easy. When they do, the part outside the intersection is easy. So the only hard part is within the intersection (which should be a triangle).
Within the intersection you want to shade a pixel only if both control triangles lead to it being shaded via Loop and Bling. So the fragment shader needs to be able to do texture lookups for both triangles. One can be as standard, and you'll need to add a vec2 varying variable for the second set of texture coordinates, which you'll need to set appropriately for each vertex of the triangle. As well you'll need a uniform "sampler2D" variable for the texture which you can then sample via texture2D. Then you just shade fragments that satisfy the checks for both control triangles (within the intersection).
I think this works in every case, but it's possible I've missed something.
I don't know how to exactly solve this, but it's very interesting. I think you need every different processing unit in the GPU:
Vertex shader
Throw a normal line of points to your vertex shader. Let the vertex shader displace the points to the bezier.
Geometry shader
Let your geometry shader create an extra point per vertex.
foreach (point p in bezierCurve)
new point(p+(0,thickness,0)) // in tangent with p1-p2
Fragment shader
To stroke your bezier with a special stroke, you can use a texture with an alpha channel. You can check the alpha channel on its value. If it's zero, clip the pixel. This way, you can still make the system think it is a solid line, instead of a half-transparent one. You could apply some patterns in your alpha channel.
I hope this will help you on your way. You will have to figure out things yourself a lot, but I think that the Geometry shading will speed your bezier up.
Still for the stroking I keep with my choice of creating a GL_QUAD_STRIP and an alpha-channel texture.