SwiftUI - How to pass data then initialise and edit data - swiftui

I'm downloading data from Firebase and trying to edit it. It works, but with an issue. I am currently passing data to my EditViewModel with the .onAppear() method of my view. And reading the data from EditViewModel within my view.
class EditViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var title: String = ""
struct EditView: View {
#State var selected_item: ItemModel
#StateObject var editViewModel = EditViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField("Name of item", text: self.$editViewModel.title)
}.onAppear {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
editViewModel.title = selected_item.title
I have given you the extremely short-hand version as it's much easier to follow.
However, I push to another view to select options from a list and pop back. As a result, everything is reset due to using the onAppear method. I have spent hours trying to use init() but I am struggling to get my application to even compile, getting errors in the process. I understand it's due to using the .onAppear method, but how can I use init() for this particular view/view-model?
I've search online but I've found the answers to not be useful, or different from what I wish to achieve.
Thank you.

You don't need to use State for input property - it is only for internal view usage. So as far as I understood your scenario, here is a possible solution:
struct EditView: View {
private var selected_item: ItemModel
#StateObject var editViewModel = EditViewModel()
init(selectedItem: ItemModel) {
selected_item = selectedItem
editViewModel.title = selectedItem.title
var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField("Name of item", text: self.$editViewModel.title)
}.onAppear {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
editViewModel.title = selected_item.title


Push to NavigationStack and Pop to root

I got a Static List/VStack where you can create a post and select the Category, Headline, Description exc. I got a hard time wrapping my head around the new NavigationStack and how to return to the root view (CreatePostView) from CategoryPickerView.
Passing the navigationPath as a parameter doesn't work and doesn't feel like the most logic approach. I could easily add a #Environment(.dismiss) but that also seems like the wrong approach, and wouldn't work when I want to add more views to the stack like SubCategoryPickerView.
It's a simple question so I have tried to minimise the code as much as possible.
#ObservedObject var viewModel = CreatePostViewModel()
#State private var navigationPath = NavigationPath()
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $navigationPath) {
ScrollView {
VStack {
NavigationLink(destination: CategoryPickerView(category: $viewModel.category)
Text("Pick Category")
#Binding var category: Category
#State var categories: [Category] = Category.categories
var body: some View {
List(categories) { category in
ForEach(categories) { category in
NavigationLink(value: SubCategory(category)) {
.toolbar {
// ToolbarItem
Button {
How to pop to rootview?

Is this the right way for using #ObservedObject and #EnvironmentObject?

Cow you give me some confirmation about my understanding about #ObservedObject and #EnvironmentObject?
In my mind, using an #ObservedObject is useful when we send data "in line" between views that are sequenced, just like in "prepare for" in UIKit while using #EnvironmentObject is more like "singleton" in UIKit. My question is, is my code making the right use of these two teniques? Is this the way are applied in real development?
my model used as brain for funcions (IE urls sessions, other data manipulations)
class ModelClass_ViaObservedObject: ObservableObject {
#Published var isOn: Bool = true
class ModelClass_ViaEnvironment: ObservableObject {
#Published var message: String = "default"
my main view
struct ContentView: View {
//way to send data in views step by step
#StateObject var modelClass_ViaObservedObject = ModelClass_ViaObservedObject()
//way to share data more or less like a singleton
#StateObject var modelClass_ViaEnvironment = ModelClass_ViaEnvironment()
var myBackgroundColorView: Color {
if modelClass_ViaObservedObject.isOn {
return Color.green
} else {
return Color.red
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ZStack {
VStack {
SecondView(modelClass_viaObservedObject: modelClass_ViaObservedObject)
) {
Text("Go to secondary view")
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 16)
.stroke(.black, lineWidth: 1)
Text("text received from second view: \(modelClass_ViaEnvironment.message)")
my second view
struct SecondView: View {
#Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
#ObservedObject var modelClass_viaObservedObject: ModelClass_ViaObservedObject
//global data in environment, not sent step by step view by view
#EnvironmentObject var modelClass_ViaEnvironment: ModelClass_ViaEnvironment
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 5) {
Text("Second View")
Button("change bool for everyone") {
TextField("send back", text: $modelClass_ViaEnvironment.message)
No, we use #State for view data like if a toggle isOn, which can either be a single value itself or a custom struct containing multiple values and mutating funcs. We pass it down the View hierarchy by declaring a let in the child View or use #Binding var if we need write access. Regardless of if we declare it let or #Binding whenever a different value is passed in to the child View's init, SwiftUI will call body automatically (as long as it is actually accessed in body that is).
#StateObject is for when a single value or a custom struct won't do and we need a reference type instead for view data, i.e. if persisting or syncing data (not using the new async/await though because we use .task for that). The object is init before body is called (usually before it is about to appear) and deinit when the View is no longer needed (usually after it disappears).
#EnvironmentObject is usually for the store object that holds model structs in #Published properties and is responsible for saving or syncing,. The difference is the model data is not tied to any particular View, like #State and #StateObject are for view data. This object is usually a singleton, one for the app and one with sample data for when previewing, because it should never be deinit. The advantage of #EnvironmentObject over #ObservedObject is we don't need to pass it down through each View as a let that don't need the object when we only need it further down the hierarchy. Note the reason it has to be passed down as a let and not #ObservedObject is then body would be needlessly called in the intermediate Views because SwiftUI's dependency tracking doesn't work for objects only value types.
Here is some sample code:
struct MyConfig {
var isOn = false
var message = ""
mutating func reset() {
isOn = false
message = ""
struct MyView: View {
#State var config = MyConfig() // grouping vars into their struct makes use of value semantics to track changes (a change to any of its properties is detected as a change to the struct itself) and offers testability.
var body: some View {
HStack {
ViewThatOnlyReads(config: config)
ViewThatWrites(config: $config)
struct ViewThatOnlyReads: View {
let config: MyConfig
var body: some View {
Text(config.isOn ? "It's on" : "It's off")
struct ViewThatWrites: View {
#Binding var config: MyConfig
var body: some View {
Toggle("Is On", isOn: $config.isOn)

Pass in default text in TextView while keeping state changes with SwiftUI

I am trying to set a default text on a TextView when the view appears, while being able to still keep track of changes to the TextView that I can then pass on to my ViewModel.
Here is a little example that looks like what I am trying to do. This does however not work, it does not update the state as I would have expected. Am I doing something wrong?
struct NoteView: View {
#State var note = ""
var noteFromOutside: String?
var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField("Write a note...", text: $note)
.onSubmit {
//Do something with the note.
.onAppear {
if let newNote = noteFromOutside {
note = newNote
struct ParentView: View {
var note = "Note"
var body: some View {
VStack {
NoteView(noteFromOutside: note)
Found this answer to another post which solved my problem. The key was in the #Binding and init().

SwiftUI Navigation popping back when modifying list binding property in a pushed view

When I update a binding property from an array in a pushed view 2+ layers down, the navigation pops back instantly after a change to the property.
Xcode 13.3 beta, iOS 15.
I created a simple demo and code is below.
Shopping Lists
List Edit
List section Edit
Updating the list title (one view deep) is fine, navigation stack stays same, and changes are published if I return. But when adjusting a section title (two deep) the navigation pops back as soon as I make a single change to the property.
I have a feeling I'm missing basic fundamentals here, and I have a feeling it must be related to the lists id? but I'm struggling to figure it out or work around it.
struct ShoppingList {
let id: String = UUID().uuidString
var title: String
var sections: [ShoppingListSection]
struct ShoppingListSection {
let id: String = UUID().uuidString
var title: String
View Model:
final class ShoppingListsViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var shoppingLists: [ShoppingList] = [
title: "Shopping List 01",
sections: [
.init(title: "Fresh food")
Content View:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
struct ShoppingListsView: View {
#StateObject private var viewModel = ShoppingListsViewModel()
var body: some View {
List($viewModel.shoppingLists, id: \.id) { $shoppingList in
NavigationLink(destination: ShoppingListEditView(shoppingList: $shoppingList)) {
.navigationBarTitle("Shopping Lists")
struct ShoppingListEditView: View {
#Binding var shoppingList: ShoppingList
var body: some View {
Form {
Section(header: Text("Title")) {
TextField("Title", text: $shoppingList.title)
Section(header: Text("Sections")) {
List($shoppingList.sections, id: \.id) { $section in
NavigationLink(destination: ShoppingListSectionEditView(section: $section)) {
.navigationBarTitle("Edit list")
struct ShoppingListSectionEditView: View {
#Binding var section: ShoppingListSection
var body: some View {
Form {
Section(header: Text("Title")) {
TextField("title", text: $section.title)
.navigationBarTitle("Edit section")
try this, works for me:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
}.navigationViewStyle(.stack) // <--- here
Try to make you object confirm to Identifiable and return value which unique and stable, for your case is ShoppingList.
Detail view seems will pop when object id changed.
The reason your stack is popping back to the root ShoppingListsView is that the change in the list is published and the root ShoppingListsView is registered to listen for updates to the #StateObject.
Therefore, any change to the list is listened to by ShoppingListsView, causing that view to be re-rendered and for all new views on the stack to be popped in order to render the root ShoppingListsView, which is listening for updates on the #StateObject.
The solution to this is to change the #StateObject to #EnvironmentObject
Please refactor your code to change ShoppingListsViewModel to use an #EnvironmentObject wrapper instead of a #StateObject wrapper
You may pass the environment object in to all your child views and also add a boolean #Published flag to track any updates to the data.
Then your ShoppingListView would look as below
struct ShoppingListsView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var viewModel = ShoppingListsViewModel()
var body: some View {
List($viewModel.shoppingLists, id: \.id) { $shoppingList in
NavigationLink(destination: ShoppingListEditView(shoppingList: $shoppingList)) {
.navigationBarTitle("Shopping Lists")
Don't forget to pass the viewModel in to all your child views.
That should fix your problem.

(SwiftUI change detection) What is wrong with this piece of code?

When debugging an issue with an app I am working on, I managed to shrink it down to this minimal example:
class RadioModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var selected: Int = 0
struct RadioButton: View {
let idx: Int
#EnvironmentObject var radioModel: RadioModel
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
self.radioModel.selected = self.idx
}, label: {
if radioModel.selected == idx {
Text("Button \(idx)").background(Color.yellow)
} else {
Text("Button \(idx)")
struct RadioListTest: View {
#ObservedObject var radioModel = RadioModel()
var body: some View {
return VStack {
Text("You selected: \(radioModel.selected)")
RadioButton(idx: 0)
RadioButton(idx: 1)
RadioButton(idx: 2)
struct ContentView: View {
#State var refreshDate = Date()
func refresh() {
self.refreshDate = Date()
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
This code looks pretty reasonable to me, although it exhibit a peculiar bug: when I hit the Refresh button, the radio buttons stop working. The radio buttons are not refreshed, and keep a reference to the old RadioModel instance, so when I click them they update that, and not the new one created after Refresh causes a new RadioListTest to be constructed. I suspect there is something wrong in the way I use EnvironmentObjects but I didn't find any reference suggesting that what I am doing is wrong. I know I could fix this particular problem in various ways that force a refresh in the radio buttons, but I would like to be able to understand which cases require a refresh forcing hack, I can't sprinkle the code with these just because "better safe than sorry", the performance is going to be hell if I have to redraw everything every time I make a modification.
edit: a clarification. The thing that is weird in my opinion and for which I would want an explanation, is this: why on refresh the RadioListTest is re-created (together with a new RadioModel) and its body re-evaluated but RadioButtons are created and the body properties are not evaluated, but the previous body is used. They both have only a view model as state, the same view model actually, but one have it as ObservedObject and the other as EnvironmentObject. I suspect it is a misuse of EnvironmentObject that I am doing, but I can't find any reference to why it is wrong
this works: (yes, i know, you know how to solve it, but i think this would be the "right" way.
problem is this line:
struct RadioListTest: View {
#ObservedObject var radioModel = RadioModel(). <<< problem
because the radioModel will be newly created each time the RadioListTest view is refreshed, so just create the instance one view above and it won't be created on every refresh (or do you want it to be created every time?!)
class RadioModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var selected: Int = 0
init() {
print("init radiomodel")
struct RadioButton<Content: View>: View {
let idx: Int
#EnvironmentObject var radioModel: RadioModel
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
self.radioModel.selected = self.idx
}, label: {
if radioModel.selected == idx {
Text("Button \(idx)").background(Color.yellow)
} else {
Text("Button \(idx)")
struct RadioListTest: View {
#EnvironmentObject var radioModel: RadioModel
var body: some View {
return VStack {
Text("You selected: \(radioModel.selected)")
RadioButton<Text>(idx: 0)
RadioButton<Text>(idx: 1)
RadioButton<Text>(idx: 2)
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var radioModel = RadioModel()
#State var refreshDate = Date()
func refresh() {
self.refreshDate = Date()
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
What is wrong with this piece of code?
Your RadioListTest subview is not updated on refresh() because it does not depend on changed parameter (refreshDate in this case), so SwiftUI rendering engine assume it is equal to previously created and does nothing with it:
HStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
RadioListTest() // << here !!
so the solution is to make this view dependent somehow on changed parameter, if it is required of course, and here fixed variant