How to terminate AWS managed blockchain instance - amazon-web-services

I followed these instructions below to get an AWS Ethereum instance running, however since I am just learning blockchain, I would like to create an image and start/stop as needed. However when I go to EC2 and stop my instance, it restarts. I saw other posts about this being caused by elastic beanstalk but when I go to elastic beanstalk, I don't see anything there. What else could be causing it to restart?

If you check the source code of one of its nested stacks ethereum-autoscalegroup.template.yaml, you can see that it actually creates instances in an autoscaling group (ASG).
Instances in ASG can't be stopped. However, you can terminate them, by setting desired capacity and minimum capacity to 0 of your ASG. Then if you want to create new instances when you need them, you can change desired capacity back to 1.


ECS is there a way to avoid downtime when I change instance type on Cloudformation?

I have created a cluster to run our test environment on Aws ECS everything seems to work fine including zero downtime deploy, But I realised that when I change instance types on Cloudformation for this cluster it brings all the instances down and my ELB starts to fail because there's no instances running to serve this requests.
The cluster is running using spot instances so my question is there by any chance a way to update instance types for spot instances without having the whole cluster down?
Do you have an AutoScaling group? This would allow you to change the launch template or config to have the new instances type. Then you would set the ASG desired and minimum counts to a higher number. Let the new instance type spin up, go into service in the target group. Then just delete the old instance and set your Auto scaling metrics back to normal.
Without an ASG, you could launch a new instance manually, place that instance in the ECS target group. Confirm that it joins the cluster and is running your service and task. Then delete the old instance.
You might want to break this activity in smaller chunks and do it one by one. You can write small cloudformation template as well because by default if you update the instance type then your instances will be restarted and to avoid zero downtime, you might have to do it one at a time.
However, there are two other ways that I can think of here but both will cost you money.
ASG: Create a new autoscaling group or use the existing one and change the launch configuration.
Blue/Green Deployment: Create the exact set of resources but this time with updated instance type and use Route53's weighted routing policy to control the traffic.
It solely depends upon the requirement, if you can pour money then go with above two approaches otherwise stick with the small deployments.

How to use spot instance with amazon elastic beanstalk?

I have one infra that use amazon elastic beanstalk to deploy my application.
I need to scale my app adding some spot instances that EB do not support.
So I create a second autoscaling from a launch configuration with spot instances.
The autoscaling use the same load balancer created by beanstalk.
To up instances with the last version of my app, I copy the user data from the original launch configuration (created with beanstalk) to the launch configuration with spot instances (created by me).
This work fine, but:
how to update spot instances that have come up from the second autoscaling when the beanstalk update instances managed by him with a new version of the app?
is there another way so easy as, and elegant, to use spot instances and enjoy the benefits of beanstalk?
Elastic Beanstalk add support to spot instance since 2019... see:
I was asking this myself and found a builtin solution in elastic beanstalk. It was described here as follows:
Add a file under the .ebextensions folder, for our setup we’ve named the file as spot_instance.config (the .config extension is
important), paste the content available below in the file
The value for EC2_SPOT_PRICE, can be set through the elastic beanstalk environment configuration. To disable the usage of spot
instances, just delete the variable from the environment settings.
If the environment already exists and the above settings are updates, the older auto scaling group will be destroyed and a new one
is created.
The environment then submits a request for spot instances which can be seen under Spot Instances tab on the EC2 dashboard.
Once the request is fulfilled the instance will be added to the new cluster and auto scaling group.
You can use Spot Advisor tool to ascertain the best price for the instances in use.
A price point of 30% of the original price seems like a decent level.
I personally would just use the on-demand price for the given instance type given this price is the upper boundary of what you would be willing to pay. This reduces the likelihood of being out-priced and thus the termination of your instances.
This might be not the best approach for production systems as it is not possible to split between a number of on-demand instances and an additional number of spot instances and there might be a small chance that there are no spot instances available as someone else is buying the whole market with high bids.
For production use cases I would look into, which actively manages all your auto-scaling groups and tries to meet the balance between the lowest prices and a configurable number or percentage of on-demand instances.
As of 25th November 2019, AWS natively supports using Spot Instances with Beanstalk.
Spot instances can be enabled in the console by going to the desired Elastic Beanstalk environment, then selecting Configuration > Capacity and changing the Fleet composition to "Spot instance enabled".
There you can also set options such as the On-Demand vs Spot percentage and the instance types to use.
More information can be found in the Beanstalk Auto Scaling Group support page
Here at Spotinst, we were dealing with exactly that dilemma for our customers.
As Elastic Beanstalk creates a whole stack of services (Load Balancers, ASG’s, Route 53 access point etc..) that are tied together, it isn’t a simple task to manage Spots within it.
After a lot of research, we figured that removing the ASG will always be prone to errors as keeping the configuration intact gets complex. Instead, we simply replicate the ASG and let our Elastigroup and the ASG live side by side with all the scaling policies only affecting the Elastigroup and the ASG configuration updates feeding there as well.
With the instances running inside Elastigroup, you achieve managed Spot instances with full SLA.
Some of the benefits of running your Spot instances in Elastigroup include:
1) Our algorithm makes live choices for the best Spot markets in terms of price and availability whenever new instances spin up.
2) When an interruption happens, we predict it about 15 minutes in advance and take all the necessary steps to ensure (and insure) the capacity of your group.
3) In the extreme case that none of the markets have Spot availability, we simply fall back to an on-demand instance.
Since AWS clearly states that Beanstalk does not support spot instances out-of-the-box you need to tinker a bit with the thing. My customer wanted mixed environment (on-demand + spot) and full spot. What I created for my customer was the following (I had access to GUI only):
For the mixed env:
start the env with regular instance;
copy the respective launch configuration and chose spot instances during the process;
edit Auto Scaling Group and chose the lc you just edited + be sure to change Termination Policy to NewestInstance.
Such setup will allow you to have basic on-demand fleet (not-terminable) + some extra spots if required, e.g., higher-than-usual traffic. Remember that if you terminate the environment and recreate it then all of your edits will be removed.
For full spot env:
similar steps as before with one difference - terminate the running instance and wait for ASG to launch a new one. If you want it to do without downtime, just give an extra instance for the Desired number, wait for it to launch and then terminate on-demand one.

ECS stop instance

I've an ECS cluster with running one task for my backend instance. I would like to be able to stop/start the EC2 instance whenever I want. Is it possible?? I was trying to stop instance directly but it terminates after few second when stopped and after that new instance is created automatically. I tried to change the Auto Scale Group to match desired=min=0 capacity but when I do that the instance gets auto terminated. I just want to turn off the Ec2 instance when its not needed to be used but at the same time I want data to persist betweet turning on and off. I am fighting with this for a few days now and wasn't able to achieve my goals.
Also how to link EBS volume with VOLUME /root/.local/share/XYZ from docker file image to persist the data from the XYZ folder
I would suggest you to do modifications in autoscaling group, when you want to turn off instance put 0 in auto scaling and when you want to turn on change value in autoscaling,
... you can do that with aws cli , and you can shcdule the period also by putting aws cli command in cron job
I would suggest using EFS. Here is an article from AWS on how to persist data from ECS containers using EFS.
Using Amazon EFS to Persist Data from Amazon ECS Containers
Start/Stop instances and auto-scale don't really fit together.
Auto-scale is specifically designed to solve scalein/scaleout.
One way to address this could be using customized termination policy (but I never tried this in ECS setup).
One note though, if your customized termination policy never terminates the instances and you continue adding instances to keep always, you might get good amount EC2 bill.

How can I control which EC2 instances get removed by an AutoScalingGroup using Amazon Web Services?

I have foreseen a problem that could happen with my application but I am unsure if it is possible to solve, and perhaps the architecture needs to be redesigned.
I am using an AutoScalingGroup (ASG) on AWS to create EC2 instances that host game servers that players can join. At the moment, the ASG is scaled manually via a matchmaking API which changes the desired capacity based on its needs. The problem occurs when a game server is finished.
When a game finishes, it signals to the matchmaker that it is finished and needs terminating, and the matchmaker will then scale down the ASG accordingly, however, it doesn't seem to know exactly which instance to remove, and it won't necessarily be the one that needs terminating.
I can terminate the instance, but then as the ASG desired capacity is never changed when the instance is terminated, another server is created.
Is there a way I can scale down the ASG, as well as specifying which servers to remove from the group?
In a nutshell, the default termination policy during scale in is designed to remove instances that use the oldest launch configuration.
Currently, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling supports the following termination policie:
OldestInstance Terminate the oldest instance in the group. This option is useful when you're upgrading the instances in the Auto Scaling group to a new EC2 instance type. You can gradually replace instances of the old type with instances of the new type.
NewestInstance Terminate the newest instance in the group. This policy is useful when you're testing a new launch configuration but don't want to keep it in production.
OldestLaunchConfiguration Terminate instances that have the oldest launch configuration. This policy is useful when you're updating a group and phasing out the instances from a previous configuration.
ClosestToNextInstanceHour Terminate instances that are closest to the next billing hour. This policy helps you maximize the use of your instances and manage your Amazon EC2 usage costs.
Default Terminate instances according to the default termination policy. This policy is useful when you have more than one scaling policy for the group.
Instance protection
One of the possible solutions could be to use Instance protection. The auto-scaling provides an instance protection to control whether instance can be terminated when scaling-in.
Therefore, enable the instance protection for ASG to protect instances from scaling-in by default. Once you are done with you server, decrease a value of desired number of instances, remove instance protection from particular instance (either using CLI or SDK; note that this protection remains enabled for the rest of instances) and auto-scaling will terminate that exact instance.
For more information about instance protection, see Instance Protection
The oldest server is removed. If you want to scale down a specific server, you will have to kill that server before changing desired capacity.

AWS - EC2 stop instances not working properly

I'm very new on AWS and now I have two EC2 instances. In order to avoid waste the free tier plan I'm trying to stop instances when I'm not working with them.
This is what my EC2 Management console shows. As you can see there are two instances running and two instances terminated. I did not terminate swipe-dev, I have just stop it. But for any reason now is terminated plus new same instance with same source code was started. Why?
What I'm doing wrong? I just want stop instances.
I have decide keep just one project so I terminate eb-flask-demo-dev and stop swipe-dev instance. After few minutes instace state was stoped and I thought finally everything is fine. But I rejoin to EC2 console and this is what it shows.
Why swipe-dev is running again? and Why there is another terminated instance?
This is possible if your instance is a member of an Autoscaling group with desired capacity = 1 and set minimum size to 0. To maintain the number of healthy instances, Auto Scaling performs a periodic health check on running instances within an Auto Scaling group. When it finds that an instance is unhealthy (in this case because you stopped it), it terminates that instance and launches a new one.