Scanned image always is 96 DPI - c++

I'm trying to use the Leadtools API version 21 for automatically scanning some documents while setting some properties from code (do not want to show the TWAIN dialog). for example I set the scan DPI to 300 using L_TwainSetResolution(), but the image I get inside the bitmap callback always has resolution of 96x96.Here is a sudo code of what I have done (it runs in a secondary thread and the unlock has been done in the main thread):
void CheckRetCode(int rc)
if (SUCCESS != rc)
L_TCHAR errMsg[1024];
memset(errMsg, 0, sizeof(errMsg));
L_GetFriendlyErrorMessage(rc, errMsg, 1024, L_FALSE);
throw TLeadException(errMsg, rc);
// in here pBitmap->XResolution and pBitmap->YResolution are always 96
// but I have clearly set them to 300
// process image here
L_FreeBitmap(pBitmap); // free the image
return SUCCESS;
void OnThreadExecute(void)
HTWAINSESSION hSession = nullptr;
L_INT nRet;
L_TCHAR pszTwnSourceName[1024];
TW_FIX32 XRes = L_TwainFloatToFix32(300.0);
TW_FIX32 YRes = L_TwainFloatToFix32(300.0);
memset(&tBmp, 0, sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE));
tBmp.uStructSize = sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE);
memset(&appData, 0, sizeof(APPLICATIONDATA));
appData.uStructSize = sizeof(APPLICATIONDATA);
appData.hWnd = hWnd;// hWnd is valid handle of my main window
appData.uLanguage = TWLG_ENGLISH_USA;
appData.uCountry = TWCY_USA;
wcscpy(appData.szManufacturerName, L"MyCompanyName");
wcscpy(appData.szAppProductFamily, L"MyProductName");
wcscpy(appData.szAppName, appData.szAppProductFamily);
wcscpy(appData.szVersionInfo, L"Version");
nRet = L_TwainInitSession2(&hSession, &appData, LTWAIN_INIT_MULTI_THREADED);
memset(pszTwnSourceName, 0, sizeof(pszTwnSourceName));
wcscpy(pszTwnSourceName, L"EPSON Artisan837/PX830");
sInfo.uStructSize = sizeof(LTWAINSOURCE);
sInfo.pszTwainSourceName = pszTwnSourceName;
CheckRetCode(L_TwainSelectSource(hSession, &sInfo));
CheckRetCode(L_TwainSetImageUnit(hSession, TWUN_INCHES));
CheckRetCode(L_TwainEnableDuplex(hSession, FALSE));
CheckRetCode(L_TwainSetResolution(hSession, &XRes, &YRes)); // setting the res to 300 x 300
L_TwainAcquire(hSession, &tBmp, sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE), GetBmpCB, 0, NULL, NULL);
By the way the scanned image has the correct number of pixels. If I scan a 8.5x11 page, I get an image that is 2550x3300 pixels, but XResolution and YResolution are set to 96 which causes the saved image to be 26.5"x34.375".
Thank you

I tested with 4 different Twain drivers and got the following results:
One of them did not support 300 DPI, so it returned error “Bad value” when calling L_TwainSetResolution(). However, it returned correct image size for the actual DPI it supported, which is 100.
The other 3 supported different DPI values, and returned correct image size and DPI values in the callback’s pBitmap.
The only major difference between my code and yours is that I called L_TwainEndSession(). If your code doesn’t include it, make sure to call it once for each call of L_TwainInitSession/L_TwainInitSession2.
If that’s not the cause of your problem, try to test with more than one Twain driver and see if the problem is specific to one driver. If it’s not, put your code in a small test program and email it to and we will check it for you.


Cannot set Scanner Capability because L_TwainStartCapsNeg returns error -84

I'm trying to use the Leadtools API version 21 for automatically scanning some documents and here is a sudo code of what I have done (it runs in a secondary thread and the unlock has been done in the main thread):
void CheckRetCode(int rc)
if (SUCCESS != rc)
L_TCHAR errMsg[1024];
memset(errMsg, 0, sizeof(errMsg));
L_GetFriendlyErrorMessage(rc, errMsg, 1024, L_FALSE);
throw TLeadException(errMsg, rc);
void OnThreadExecute(void)
HTWAINSESSION hSession = nullptr;
L_INT nRet;
L_TCHAR pszTwnSourceName[1024];
memset(&appData, 0, sizeof(APPLICATIONDATA));
appData.uStructSize = sizeof(APPLICATIONDATA);
appData.hWnd = hWnd;// hWnd is valid handle of my main window
appData.uLanguage = TWLG_ENGLISH_USA;
appData.uCountry = TWCY_USA;
wcscpy(appData.szManufacturerName, L"MyCompanyName");
wcscpy(appData.szAppProductFamily, L"MyProductName");
wcscpy(appData.szAppName, appData.szAppProductFamily);
wcscpy(appData.szVersionInfo, L"Version");
nRet = L_TwainInitSession2(&hSession, &appData, LTWAIN_INIT_MULTI_THREADED);
CheckRetCode(nRet);// the exception gets catched elsewhere but no error reported here
memset(pszTwnSourceName, 0, sizeof(pszTwnSourceName));
wcscpy(pszTwnSourceName, L"EPSON Artisan837/PX830"); // the name of the scanner is verifyed
sInfo.uStructSize = sizeof(LTWAINSOURCE);
sInfo.pszTwainSourceName = pszTwnSourceName;
CheckRetCode(L_TwainSelectSource(hSession, &sInfo)); // No error reported here
CheckRetCode(L_TwainStartCapsNeg(hSession)); // in here I get the return value -84 which is reported as "TWAIN DS or DSM reported error, app shouldn't (no need for your app to report the error)."
// the rest of the code but we cannot get there since above code reports error
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Is there a step that I'm missing here?
EditThe function L_TwainSelectSource() make no effort to make sure the supplied source is valid and does not even return an error. As result, if you set the selected source to a garbage name, it will act as if it accepted it. From that point on if you try to Get/Set anything or try to acquire an image, every function returns -84.
Thank you
To test your code, I put the main window’s handle in a global variable:
globalhWnd = hWnd;
And modified your function to use that handle like this:
void OnThreadExecute(void *)
appData.hWnd = globalhWnd; // hWnd is valid handle of my main window
Then created a thread for it from the main program like this:
globalhWnd = hWnd;
_beginthread(OnThreadExecute, 0, 0);
I tried this with 5 different Twain sources: 2 virtual and 3 physical scanners (one of them an old Epson). All 5 drivers returned SUCCESS when calling L_TwainStartCapsNeg() from within the thread.
Two possibilities come to mind:
The problem might be caused by something else in your code other than the thread function.
Or the problem could be specific to your Twain driver.
To rule out the first possibility, I suggest creating a small test project that only creates a similar thread and does nothing else and trying it with different scanners. If it causes the same problem with all scanners, send that test project (not your full application) to and our support engineers with test it for you.
If the problem only happens with a specific Twain driver, try contacting the scanner’s vendor to see if they have an updated driver.

Detecting the camera that scanned image belongs to

I'm using Leadtools 20 API to control the scanner and scan some documents. I have 2 questions.1 - When using L_TwainAcquire with a callback function that receives the images from the scanner and keeps returning SUCCESS to get the next image. Is there anyway inside the callback function to determine if the image is from the front camera or the back camera?2 - Is there a way to force the scanner to use only the back camera for scanning?
Thank youSam
If you mean the 2 sides of a scanned document when using a duplex scanner, the answer is as follows:
To know which side of the paper is currently being processed in the bitmap callback, the following code can be used inside the callback function:
L_INT EXT_CALLBACK LTwainBitmapCallback(HTWAINSESSION hSession, pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmap, L_VOID * pUserData)
int nExtraInfoAftreZero = 0; // we have only one info, so no extra needed
pExtImg = (TW_EXTIMAGEINFO *)malloc(sizeof TW_EXTIMAGEINFO + nExtraInfoAftreZero * sizeof TW_INFO);
if (pExtImg)
pExtImg->NumInfos = 1;
pExtImg->Info[0].InfoID = TWEI_PAGESIDE;
pExtImg->Info[0].ItemType = TWTY_UINT16;
nRet = L_TwainGetExtendedImageInfo (hSession, pExtImg);
if (nRet == SUCCESS)
// Do processing to returned values
if(pExtImg->Info[0].Item == TWCS_TOP)
OutputDebugString("Front of sheet.\n");
else if (pExtImg->Info[0].Item == TWCS_BOTTOM)
OutputDebugString("Rear of sheet.\n");
nRet = L_TwainFreeExtendedImageInfoStructure (&pExtImg);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
return nRet;
return SUCCESS;
Forcing a specific side to scan can be done using a combination of CAP_CAMERASIDE and CAP_CAMERAENABLED capabilities, as explained in the Twain Spec.
Quoting from that document:
To enable bottom only scanning, set CAP_CAMERASIDE to TWCS_BOTTOM and
If you mean you have a computer with 2 Twain camera sources (back and front), the answer becomes as follows:
To know which Twain source (e.g. camera) triggered the Twain Bitmap Callback when L_TwainAcquire() was called, you can use the
L_TwainGetSources() function with the LTWAIN_SOURCE_ENUMERATE_DEFAULT flag to get the currently-selected Twain device. This can be done inside the Bitmap Callback as shown in the following code:
// Source Info Callback
L_INT EXT_CALLBACK TwainSourceInfoCallbackCurrent(HTWAINSESSION hSession, pLTWAINSOURCEINFO pSourceInfo, L_VOID * pUserData)
strcpy((L_CHAR *)pUserData, pSourceInfo->pszTwnSourceName);
return SUCCESS;
// Twain Bitmap Callback
L_INT EXT_CALLBACK LTwainBitmapCallback(HTWAINSESSION hSession, pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmap, L_VOID * pUserData)
char szSourceName[1024];
L_TwainGetSources(hSession, TwainSourceInfoCallbackCurrent, sizeof LTWAINSOURCEINFO, LTWAIN_SOURCE_ENUMERATE_DEFAULT, szSourceName);
// Now szSourceName contains name of Twain Source.
return SUCCESS;
Yes, you can force scanning from a specific device (scanner, camera, etc.) by sending its name to the L_TwainSelectSource() function before scanning, as follows:
TwainSource.uStructSize = sizeof LTWAINSOURCE;
TwainSource.pszTwainSourceName = pszRearCameraTwainSourceName;
L_TwainSelectSource(twainSession, &TwainSource);
// Now L_TwainAcquire() will capture from Rear Camera
To find the name of all devices, you can use this code:
L_TwainGetSources(twainSession, TwainSourceInfoCallback, sizeof LTWAINSOURCEINFO, LTWAIN_SOURCE_ENUMERATE_ALL, NULL);
The Source Info Callback will be triggered once for each Twain source. It can be implemented like this:
L_INT EXT_CALLBACK TwainSourceInfoCallback(HTWAINSESSION hSession, pLTWAINSOURCEINFO pSourceInfo, L_VOID * pUserData)
OutputDebugString(pSourceInfo->pszTwnSourceName); // You can save the names of Twain Sources into global variables if you like
return SUCCESS;

pjsip capture and play pcm data

I have some embedded Devices that have no audio device by default. They communicate with each other via a FPGA. So my question is, how do I capture/play back audio from pjsip in pcm in order to send/receive it with the FPGA?
I know that there is pjmedia_mem_player_create() and pjmedia_mem_capture_create() but I can't seem to find any good info towards using these functions.
I tried the following piece of code, but an assertion failed cause one of the function's parameter is "empty".
pjmedia_mem_capture_create: Assertion `pool && buffer && size && clock_rate && channel_count && samples_per_frame && bits_per_sample && p_port' failed.
Note: I'm mainly using pjsua2 for everything else like registrations, transports etc. Also the default audio is set to null with ep.audDevManager().setNullDev(); as without this, making/receiving a call would simply fail?!
void MyCall::onCallMediaState(OnCallMediaStateParam &prm){
CallInfo ci = getInfo();
pj_caching_pool_init(&cp, &pj_pool_factory_default_policy, 0);
pj_pool_t *pool = pj_pool_create(&cp.factory, "POOLNAME", 2000, 2000, NULL);
void *buffer;
pjmedia_port *prt;
#define CLOCK_RATE 8000
#define CHANELS 1
#define BITS_PER_SAMPLE 16
pjmedia_mem_capture_create( pool, //Pool
buffer, //Buffer
2000, //Buffer Size
0, //Options
&prt); //The return port}
The assertion failed cause the buffer variable doesn't have any memory allocated to it. Allocate with twice the amount of samples per frame to have sufficient memory.
buffer = pj_pool_zalloc(pool, 960);
Also a callback needs to be registered with pjmedia_mem_capture_set_eof_cb2() (The two at the end is necessary for PJSIP 2.10 or later) Apparently from there the buffer can be used. Just that my implementation atm doesn't execute the callback.
Looks like I found the solution, I have modified your code and wrote a simple code in C with pjsua API to dump every frame to file. Sorry for mess, I'm not proficient in C:
pjsua_call_info ci;
pjsua_call_get_info(call_id, &ci);
pjsua_conf_port_info cpi;
pjsua_conf_get_port_info(ci.conf_slot, &cpi);
pj_pool_t *pool = pjsua_pool_create("POOLNAME", 2000, 2000);
pjmedia_port *prt;
uint buf_size = cpi.bits_per_sample*cpi.samples_per_frame/8;
void *buffer = pj_pool_zalloc(pool, buf_size);
pjsua_conf_port_id port_id;
pjmedia_mem_capture_create( pool,
pjmedia_mem_capture_set_eof_cb(prt, buffer, dump_incoming_frames);
pjsua_conf_add_port(pool, prt, &port_id);
pjsua_conf_connect(ci.conf_slot, port_id); //connect port with conference
///////dumping frames///
static pj_status_t dump_incoming_frames(pjmedia_port * port, void * usr_data){
pj_size_t buf_size = pjmedia_mem_capture_get_size(port);
char * data = usr_data;
Documenation says pjmedia_mem_capture_set_eof_cb is deprecated but I couldn't make work pjmedia_mem_capture_set_eof_cb2, buf_size is 0 for every call of dump_incoming_frames so just left with deprecated function. I also succeed the same result with creating custom port.
I hope you can modify it easily to your C++/pjsua2 code
I have modified the PJSIP and packed audio in-out streaming into proper PJSUA2/Media classes so it can be called from Python. Full code is here.

Request image from X11 compositing WM in C or C++

I need to request and retrieve an image of a window from the X server or the WM (I believe the WM does the actual compositing). I need to be able to get an image of the window even if it is obscured by another window or located on another workspace (but still mapped). I need to use C or C++ and would like to use XCB or Xlib. I think I also have Gtk+ development tools installed but it's been a while since I used them.
I have tried using xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap() with no success (XCB errors).
I tried using the render extension to render the window to a picture which produced no errors, but I still needed to get the image loaded into my program's memory.
I tried to use xcb_get_image to get the picture which, IIRC, failed (bad resource I believe).
I tried to copy the picture to a pixmap and use xcb_get_image on that. I was able to download what appeared to be an image, but it looked more like random regions of the screen than the actual window.
In short, I'm just making guesses at this point.
I'm having a difficult time finding organized and complete documentation. The most recent publications I can find on X11, XCB, or Xlib is from 1994 (The O'Reilly book on Xlib and/or X11R6) which I doubt has much, if anything, valid on these extensions. Most of the man pages and online documentation has a lot of "TODO: explain this" and/or function descriptions like "deliver a request to the X server". Any help that anyone can provide will be of use to me.
I'm currently running compiz for my WM and emerald for window decorations and nothing else standard in terms of a "desktop environment". I'm working on some utility applications for a custom desktop that I plan to release when they are ready. I would like whatever I make to work with some other WMs but, if it requires special codepaths for each, I can add the others down the line.
EDIT: I originally had added a non-working example here, and then a stripped down working example, which has all been moved to an answer as suggested in the comments.
I now have a working example that I will post here:
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include <xcb/xproto.h>
#include <xcb/composite.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s windowId\n", argv[0]);
xcb_window_t req_win_id = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0);
xcb_connection_t *connection = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL);
xcb_generic_error_t *err = NULL, *err2 = NULL;
xcb_composite_query_version_cookie_t comp_ver_cookie = xcb_composite_query_version(connection, 0, 2);
xcb_composite_query_version_reply_t *comp_ver_reply = xcb_composite_query_version_reply(connection, comp_ver_cookie, &err);
if (comp_ver_reply)
if (comp_ver_reply->minor_version < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "query composite failure: server returned v%d.%d\n", comp_ver_reply->major_version, comp_ver_reply->minor_version);
else if (err)
fprintf(stderr, "xcb error: %d\n", err->error_code);
const xcb_setup_t *setup = xcb_get_setup(connection);
xcb_screen_iterator_t screen_iter = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(setup);
xcb_screen_t *screen =;
// request redirection of window
xcb_composite_redirect_window(connection, req_win_id, XCB_COMPOSITE_REDIRECT_AUTOMATIC);
int win_h, win_w, win_d;
xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t gg_cookie = xcb_get_geometry(connection, req_win_id);
xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *gg_reply = xcb_get_geometry_reply(connection, gg_cookie, &err);
if (gg_reply) {
win_w = gg_reply->width;
win_h = gg_reply->height;
win_d = gg_reply->depth;
} else {
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "get geometry: XCB error %d\n", err->error_code);
// create a pixmap
xcb_pixmap_t win_pixmap = xcb_generate_id(connection);
xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap(connection, req_win_id, win_pixmap);
// get the image
xcb_get_image_cookie_t gi_cookie = xcb_get_image(connection, XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, win_pixmap, 0, 0, win_w, win_h, (uint32_t)(~0UL));
xcb_get_image_reply_t *gi_reply = xcb_get_image_reply(connection, gi_cookie, &err);
if (gi_reply) {
int data_len = xcb_get_image_data_length(gi_reply);
fprintf(stderr, "data_len = %d\n", data_len);
fprintf(stderr, "visual = %u\n", gi_reply->visual);
fprintf(stderr, "depth = %u\n", gi_reply->depth);
fprintf(stderr, "size = %dx%d\n", win_w, win_h);
uint8_t *data = xcb_get_image_data(gi_reply);
fwrite(data, data_len, 1, stdout);
It was a case of overdoing it. I got the idea that I should use Xrender from somewhere and started pulling tons of data from that extension that I didn't really need. But the real problem I had was that the pixmap given to xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap should not be created first, but rather I just needed the new id for it. It turns out that it is really as simple as I expected it to be. All you need is the Window ID and the size, do some checks to make sure composite is there and a good version (>=0.2 in this case), and call xcb_composite_redirect_window, xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap (with a generated pixmap id), and xcb_get_image (+reply,data_len,data) in that order, and you have the image.

C++ Get string from Clipboard on Linux

Hello I'm writing a c++ program and I need to get what's on clipboard into a string variable. I found a lot of solutions but all of them were written for windows. Is there any method without using the QT libraries? I found something related to X11 but not very explicit aswell.
Thank you very much
X11 uses a flexible multi-buffer multi-format asynchronous application-side clipboard protocol.
Most toolkits have it implemented (GTK's gtk_clipboard_get(), Qt's QApplication::clipboard(), Tk's clipboard_get). But you can do it manually with X11 API, for example, if you're not using toolkits, or if you must pass large amount of data through clipboard buffer without keeping it all in memory at the same time.
There may be many buffers, but you only need to know about two:
CLIPBOARD is the usual explicit buffer: you copy things there with Edit/Copy menu, and paste it with Edit/Paste menu.
PRIMARY selection is an implicit mouse selection feature: text gets in it when selected with mouse cursor, and gets pasted from it on middle-click in text input fields.
Primary selection needs no keypresses, so it's useful for copying small fragments between windows that are next to each other. This feature is mostly unix-specific, but I've seen putty, trillian and some gtk apps emulating it on Windows OS. Also firefox has "Paste & Go" feature when middle-clicking empty non-interactive space of the page.
To optimize things those are application-side buffers: instead of pushing entire clipboard/selection to the server every time it changes, application just tells the server "I own it". To get the buffer you ask the owner to give you its content. This way even a large buffer takes no resources until its actually requested.
When requesting the buffer you ask the owner for a specific format you need. For example an image copied from seamonkey browser (right-click an image and press "Copy Image") can be represented in different formats. It would appear as image URL if you paste it in terminal. It would become a picture loaded from that URL if you paste it in libreoffice writer. And it'd be the image itself if pasted in gimp. That works because seamonkey is smart and provides each application with format it asks for: text string for terminal, html for libreoffice and image data for gimp. To request text format you'd ask for UTF8_STRING format with fallback to STRING.
As you ask another application to prepare the buffer, and that may take some time, the request is asynchronous: the owner prepares the buffer, saves it in a specified location (window property is used as a temporary storage) and notifies you with SelectionNotify event when it's done.
So to get the buffer:
choose buffer name (CLIPBOARD, PRIMARY), format
(UTF8_STRING, STRING) and a window property to store result to
call XConvertSelection() to request the buffer
wait for SelectionNotify event
read buffer content from window property
Naive implementation
// gcc -o xclipget xclipget.c -lX11
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
Bool PrintSelection(Display *display, Window window, const char *bufname, const char *fmtname)
char *result;
unsigned long ressize, restail;
int resbits;
Atom bufid = XInternAtom(display, bufname, False),
fmtid = XInternAtom(display, fmtname, False),
propid = XInternAtom(display, "XSEL_DATA", False),
incrid = XInternAtom(display, "INCR", False);
XEvent event;
XConvertSelection(display, bufid, fmtid, propid, window, CurrentTime);
do {
XNextEvent(display, &event);
} while (event.type != SelectionNotify || event.xselection.selection != bufid);
if (
XGetWindowProperty(display, window, propid, 0, LONG_MAX/4, False, AnyPropertyType,
&fmtid, &resbits, &ressize, &restail, (unsigned char**)&result);
if (fmtid == incrid)
printf("Buffer is too large and INCR reading is not implemented yet.\n");
printf("%.*s", (int)ressize, result);
return True;
else // request failed, e.g. owner can't convert to the target format
return False;
int main()
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
unsigned long color = BlackPixel(display, DefaultScreen(display));
Window window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), 0,0, 1,1, 0, color, color);
Bool result = PrintSelection(display, window, "CLIPBOARD", "UTF8_STRING") ||
PrintSelection(display, window, "CLIPBOARD", "STRING");
XDestroyWindow(display, window);
return !result;
This will work for many simple cases. One thing missing here is support for incremental reading of large buffers. Let's add it!
Large buffers
Some apps may want to copy/paste 100 gigabytes of text logs. And X11 allows that! But the data must be passed incrementally, split into chunks.
If the requested buffer is too large, instead of storing it into the window property, owner sets a property of format INCR. If you delete it, owner assumes you've read it, and puts next chunk in the same property. That continues until the last chunk is read and deleted. Finally owner sets property of size 0 to mark the end of data.
So to read large buffer you delete INCR property and wait for the property to appear again (PropertyNotify event, state == PropertyNewValue), read and delete it, wait for it to appear again, and so on until it appears with zero size.
// gcc -o xclipget xclipget.c -lX11
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
Bool PrintSelection(Display *display, Window window, const char *bufname, const char *fmtname)
char *result;
unsigned long ressize, restail;
int resbits;
Atom bufid = XInternAtom(display, bufname, False),
fmtid = XInternAtom(display, fmtname, False),
propid = XInternAtom(display, "XSEL_DATA", False),
incrid = XInternAtom(display, "INCR", False);
XEvent event;
XSelectInput (display, window, PropertyChangeMask);
XConvertSelection(display, bufid, fmtid, propid, window, CurrentTime);
do {
XNextEvent(display, &event);
} while (event.type != SelectionNotify || event.xselection.selection != bufid);
if (
XGetWindowProperty(display, window, propid, 0, LONG_MAX/4, True, AnyPropertyType,
&fmtid, &resbits, &ressize, &restail, (unsigned char**)&result);
if (fmtid != incrid)
printf("%.*s", (int)ressize, result);
if (fmtid == incrid)
do {
do {
XNextEvent(display, &event);
} while (event.type != PropertyNotify || event.xproperty.atom != propid || event.xproperty.state != PropertyNewValue);
XGetWindowProperty(display, window, propid, 0, LONG_MAX/4, True, AnyPropertyType,
&fmtid, &resbits, &ressize, &restail, (unsigned char**)&result);
printf("%.*s", (int)ressize, result);
} while (ressize > 0);
return True;
else // request failed, e.g. owner can't convert to the target format
return False;
int main()
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
unsigned long color = BlackPixel(display, DefaultScreen(display));
Window window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), 0,0, 1,1, 0, color, color);
Bool result = PrintSelection(display, window, "CLIPBOARD", "UTF8_STRING") ||
PrintSelection(display, window, "CLIPBOARD", "STRING");
XDestroyWindow(display, window);
return !result;
For example xsel tool uses INCR transfer for buffers larger than 4000. According to ICCCM, it's up to the application to choose a reasonable size limit.
The same code works for PRIMARY selection. Replace "CLIPBOARD" with "PRIMARY" to print PRIMARY selection contents.
X Selections summary by Jamie Zawinski
Xlib Programming Manual - Selections
ICCCM - Large Data Transfers and INCR protocol - minimal XCopy() and XPaste() implementations
xsel and xclip sources
The Secondary Selection - history and ideas by Charles Lindsey
Did you try to find not a code first but a program with an implementation ? I did it for you and found a lot of implementations which use direct X11 calls. I think the most valuable is this but also you may read this. Just find any program and look for the sources. Try to look on wikipedia what applications use x11 clipboard/selection system.
The following programs specifically operate on data transfer
xcutsel transfers data from selections to cut buffers or vice versa
xclipboard, glipper (Gnome), parcellite (LXDE), and klipper (KDE) are
clipboard managers, maybe wmcliphist as well xcb shows the content of
the cut buffers and allows the user to manipulate them xselection,
xclip, xsel and xcopy are command line programs that copy data to or
from the X selection. xcopy has a verbosity option that helps debug X
selection issues. parcellite also has the ability to read from and
write to specific X selections from the command line.
synergy is a cross platform tool that allows you to share a clipboard across
multiple computers running multiple operating systems
xfce4-clipman-plugin is a "clipboard history plugin for the Xfce4
panel" and also a clipboard manager xtranslate looks up words in the
Xselection in a multi-lingual dictionary autocutsel syncs cut buffer
and selection buffer
Shortly, in theory, X11 has 2 "clipboards": actually a keyboard and for selections - the text you selected immediately can be pasted anywhere you want by pressing middle-mouse button while actual "keyboard" is made for main/default clipboard purposes as exchange by different kind of objects.
P.S. I'd not work with x11 anymore after my experience. Enjoy :)