I'm using ring-cors and trying to pass a cors-policy for the (wrap-cors) function. This is what my code looks like:
(def cors-policy
{:access-control-allow-origin [#"http://localhost:8080"]
:access-control-allow-methods [:get :put :post]})
(def dev-handler (-> #'japi/routes
(wrap-cors cors-policy) ;; <- Here
(wrap-defaults api-defaults)
This results in an error:
No value supplied for key: {:access-control-allow-origin
#{"http://localhost:8080"}, :access-control-allow-methods #{:get :post :put}}
Looking at the source code for (wrap-cors) it looks like the error is coming from trying to apply (hash-map) to my cors-policy map. It seems like I cannot pass a map definition but instead I have to pass the keys/values explicitly when calling (wrap-cors). Any ideas to work around this?
I've tried (apply hash-map cors-policy) in the repl and that works fine, however when passing a dummy handler such as (wrap-cors identity cors-policy) this again results in the same error.
Edit: cfrick's answer is correct, note however that I had to remove shadow-cljs' (push-state/handle) handler at the end of my dev-handler definition for my setup to work.
The wrapper uses a "pattern" that is sometimes seen and focuses on
"human consumption" of the function. It takes the "rest" of the
arguments and turns the pairs of it into a map. This is already "meh"
for humans and is utterly bad for machines (e.g. to pass as arguments).
You have to do the call it like this:
(wrap-cors $handler :a 1 :b 2)
So the easiest way from here would be:
(def cors-policy
[:a 1
:b 2])
(apply wrap-cors $handler cors-policy)
Or if you want to stick with the map (IMHO a good approach), you have to
flatten the map beforehand. e.g.
(apply wrap-cors $handler (into [] cat cors-policy))
But with the use of the threading macro -> this becomes harder to do
now (-> is just a macro and the resulting code would be (apply $handler wrap-cors ...) which is unintended.
So at this point I'd add my own defn that just takes the handler
again. E.g. something like
(defn cors-wrapper
[handler config-map]
(apply wrap-cors handler (into [] cat config-map)))
According to Om Next's documentation:
(om.next/query->ast '[(:foo {:bar 1})])
Given a query expression return the AST.
(om.next/ast->query ast)
Given a query expression AST, unparse it into a query expression.
Question: Why would one need these functions? That is, why would one need to directly manipulate a query abstract syntax tree (which I'm assuming are clojure maps that represent a query tree, along with some meta data) in om next?
There are some scenarios where you need to manipulate the query ast directly. In remote parsing mode, the parser expects your read functions to return either {:remote-name true } or a (possibly modified) {:remote-name AST-node} (which comes in as :ast in env). Most often you'll have to modify the AST to restructure it or add some data.
Example 1:
You have a query: [{:widget {:list [:name :created]}}]
The :widget part is pure UI related, your server doesn't need to know it exists, it only cares/knows about the :list.
Basically you'll have to modify the AST in the parser:
(defmethod read :list
[{:keys [ast query state]} key _ ]
(let [st #state]
{:value (om/db->tree query (get st key) st)
:remote (assoc ast :query-root true)}))
If you use om/process-rootsin your send function, it'll pick up the :query-root out of the ast and rewrite the query from [{:widget {:list [:name :created]}}] to [{:list [:name :created]}].
Example 2:
Another example would be when you want to mutate something at a remote:
(defmethod mutate 'item/update
[{:keys [state ast]} key {:keys [id title]}]
{:remote (assoc ast :params {:data {:id id :title title })})
Here you need to explicitly tell Om to include the data you want to send in the AST. At your remote you then pick apart :data to update the title at the given id
Most of the time you won't use the functions you described in your questions directly. The env available in every method of the parser has the ast in it.
Something I stumbled on, while trying to use Compassus:
Let's say you have a complex union/join query that includes parametric sub-queries. Something like this:
{:foo/header [:foo-id :name]
:foo/details [:id :description :title]}} {:foo-id ~'?foo-id
:foo-desc ~'?foo-desc})]
Now let's say you want to set parameters so on the server you can parse it with om/parser and see those params as 3rd argument of read dispatch. Of course it's possible to write a function that would find all necessary parameters in the query and set the values. That's not easy though, and as I said - imagine your queries can be quite complex.
So what you can do - is to modify ast, ast includes :children :params key. So let's say the actual values for :foo-id and :foo-desc are in the state atom under :route-params key:
(defn set-ast-params [children params]
"traverses given vector of `children' in an AST and sets `params`"
(fn [c]
(let [ks (clojure.set/intersection (-> params keys set)
(-> c :params keys set))]
(update-in c [:params] #(merge % (select-keys params (vec ks))))))
(defmethod readf :foo/info
[{:keys [state query ast] :as env} k params]
(let [{:keys [route-params] :as st} #state
ast' (-> ast
(update :children #(set-ast-params % route-params))
{:value (get st k)
:remote ast'}))
So basically you are:
- grabbing ast
- modifying it with actual values
you think maybe you can send it to server right then. Alas, no! Not yet. Thing is - when you do {:remote ast}, Om takes :query part of the ast, composes ast out of it and then sends it to the server. So you actually need to: turn your modified ast into query and then convert it back to ast again.
set-ast-params function in this example would only work for the first level (if you have nested parametrized queries - it won't work),
make it recursive - it's not difficult
there are two different ways to turn ast to query and vice-versa:
(om/ast->query) ;; retrieves query from ast and sets the params based
;; of `:params` key of the ast, BUT. it modifies the query,
;; if you have a join query it takes only the first item in it. e.g. :
[({:foo/foo [:id]
:bar/bar [:id]} {:id ~'?id})]
;; will lose its `:bar` part
(om.next.impl.parser/ast->expr) ;; retrieves query from an ast,
;; but doesn't set query params based on `:params` keys of the ast.
;; there are also
(om/query->ast) ;; and
I have a set of functions that all have the same first parameter.
(defn get-file [dir filename] ...)
(defn write-file [dir filename] ...)
I'd like to partially apply all of them at once, basically. Seems like I could wrap them all in a function like this:
(defn get-fns [dir]
{:get-file (fn [filename] ...)
:write-file (fn [filename] ...)})
But that seems like accessing the functions would be kind of annoying.
(let [fns (get-fns dir-name)]
((fns :get-file) filename)))
I suppose I could use a mutable var as well, but that doesn't seem very, well, functional. Is there a canonical/idiomatic way to do this?
Let's think it through: you've got a list of things, and you want to apply something to each of them, so map. What do you want to apply to them? You want to partially apply the first argument, so partial. Then you want to have a unique reference to each of those values, so use deconstruction on the list.
Adding all that up, assuming dir, get-file, and write-file are all defined, you'd do
(let [[get-file-here write-file-here] (map #(partial % dir) [get-file write-file])]
Here's a full example
(let [[add-to-3 sub-from-3] (map #(partial % 3) [+ -])]
(prn (add-to-3 2)) ; 5
(prn (sub-from-3 5))) ; -2
So we want a series of partial applications that we can use in a local binding context.
(defn get-fns
{:get-f (partial get-file dir)
:write-f (partial write-file dir)})
Then, in a local binding, we can use them
(let [{:keys [get-f write-f]} (get-fns dir)]
(get-f file-name))
(you are of course free to use your original keywords, by changing the keywords I make it unambiguous that get-f is coming from get-fns and is not the globally bound var).
I need a function that thinly wraps amazonica's sqs/receive-message in order to add a default wait time. The function requires a queue URL, and then accepts any number of optional named parameters, which should be passed along to sqs/receive-message untouched. I would like to call it like this:
(my-receive-message "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/123/test-q"
:max-number-of-messages 10
:delete true)
This should result in a call to sqs/receive-message like this:
(sqs/receive-message :queue-url "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/123/test-q"
:wait-time-seconds 20
:max-number-of-messages 10
:delete true)
This is something I find myself wanting to do fairly often, but I haven't found a nice way yet. Is there an idiomatic way to do this?
Use apply over the merged parameters.
(defn my-receive-message
[url & {:as args}]
(apply sqs/receive-message (-> {:queue-url url
:wait-time-seconds 20}
(merge args)
You could always write a macro:
(defmacro my-receive-message [url & opts]
~#(flatten (seq (merge {:queue-url url :wait-time-seconds 20}
(apply hash-map opts))))))
(Note that this does pretty much exactly the same thing as Guillermo's function. The main difference is that you don't have to apply sqs/receive-message -- the unquote-splicing (~#) takes care of the apply part implicitly.)
Following up from this question: Idiomatic clojure map lookup by keyword
Map access using clojure can be done in many ways.
(def m {:a 1}
(get m :a) ;; => 1
(:a m) ;; => 1
(m :a) ;; => 1
I know I use mainly the second form, and sometimes the third, rarely the first. what are the advantages (speed/composability) of using each?
get is useful when the map could be nil or not-a-map, and the key could be something non-callable (i.e. not a keyword)
(def m nil)
(def k "some-key")
(m k) => NullPointerException
(k m) => ClassCastException java.lang.String cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
(get m k) => nil
(get m :foo :default) => :default
From the clojure web page we see that
Maps implement IFn, for invoke() of one argument (a key) with an
optional second argument (a default value), i.e. maps are functions of
their keys. nil keys and values are ok.
Sometimes it is rewarding to take a look under the hoods of Clojure. If you look up what invoke looks like in a map, you see this:
It apparently calls the valAt method of a map.
If you look at what the get function does when called with a map, this is a call to clojure.lang.RT.get, and this really boils down to the same call to valAt for a map (maps implement ILookUp because they are Associatives):
The same is true for a map called with a key and a not-found-value. So, what is the advantage? Since both ways boil down to pretty much the same, performance wise I would say nothing. It's just syntactic convenience.
You can pass get to partial etc. to build up HOFs for messing with your data, though it doesn't come up often.
user=> (def data {"a" 1 :b 2})
user=> (map (partial get data) (keys data))
(1 2)
I use the third form a lot when the data has strings as keys
I don't think there is a speed difference, and even if that would be the case, that would be an implementation detail.
Personally I prefer the second option (:a m) because it sometimes makes code a bit easier on the eye. For example, I often have to iterate through a sequence of maps:
(def foo '({:a 1} {:a 2} {:a 3}))
If I want to filter all values of :a I can now use:
(map :a foo)
Instead of
(map #(get % :a) foo)
(map #(% :a) foo)
Of course this is a matter of personal taste.
To add to the list, get is also useful when using the threading macro -> and you need to access via a key that is not a keyword
(let [m {"a" :a}]
(-> m
(get "a")))
One advantage of using the keyword first approach is it is the most concise way of accessing the value with a forgiving behavior in the case the map is nil.
I have an incoming lazy stream lines from a file I'm reading with tail-seq (to contrib - now!) and I want to process those lines one after one with several "listener-functions" that takes action depending on re-seq-hits (or other things) in the lines.
I tried the following:
(defn info-listener [logstr]
(if (re-seq #"INFO" logstr) (println "Got an INFO-statement")))
(defn debug-listener [logstr]
(if (re-seq #"DEBUG" logstr) (println "Got a DEBUG-statement")))
(doseq [line (tail-seq "/var/log/any/java.log")]
(do (info-listener logstr)
(debug-listener logstr)))
and it works as expected. However, there is a LOT of code-duplication and other sins in the code, and it's boring to update the code.
One important step seems to be to apply many functions to one argument, ie
(listen-line line '(info-listener debug-listener))
and use that instead of the boring and error prone do-statement.
I've tried the following seemingly clever approach:
(defn listen-line [logstr listener-collection]
(map #(% logstr) listener-collection))
but this only renders
(nil) (nil)
there is lazyiness or first class functions biting me for sure, but where do I put the apply?
I'm also open to a radically different approach to the problem, but this seems to be a quite sane way to start with. Macros/multi methods seems to be overkill/wrong for now.
Making a single function out of a group of functions to be called with the same argument can be done with the core function juxt:
=>(def juxted-fn (juxt identity str (partial / 100)))
=>(juxted-fn 50)
[50 "50" 2]
Combining juxt with partial can be very useful:
(defn listener [re message logstr]
(if (re-seq re logstr) (println message)))
(def juxted-listener
(apply juxt (map (fn [[re message]] (partial listner re message))
[[#"INFO","Got INFO"],
[#"DEBUG", "Got DEBUG"]]))
(doseq [logstr ["INFO statement", "OTHER statement", "DEBUG statement"]]
(juxted-listener logstr))
You need to change
(listen-line line '(info-listener debug-listener))
(listen-line line [info-listener debug-listener])
In the first version, listen-line ends up using the symbols info-listener and debug-listener themselves as functions because of the quoting. Symbols implement clojure.lang.IFn (the interface behind Clojure function invocation) like keywords do, i.e. they look themselves up in a map-like argument (actually a clojure.lang.ILookup) and return nil if applied to something which is not a map.
Also note that you need to wrap the body of listen-line in dorun to ensure it actually gets executed (as map returns a lazy sequence). Better yet, switch to doseq:
(defn listen-line [logstr listener-collection]
(doseq [listener listener-collection]
(listener logstr)))