I have a string variable and some of the responses have an extra character at the beginning. The character in question is a constant character in all cases. The variable is ICD-code. For example, instead of G23 I have DG23.
Is there a way in Stata to remove the excess D character?
My data looks like this
For basic information in this territory, consult help string functions.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte d str5 diag
1 "DZ456"
2 "DG32"
3 "DY258"
4 "DD35"
5 "DS321"
6 "DD21"
7 "DA123"
replace diag = substr(diag, 2, .) if substr(diag, 1, 1) == "D"
| d diag |
1. | 1 Z456 |
2. | 2 G32 |
3. | 3 Y258 |
4. | 4 D35 |
5. | 5 S321 |
6. | 6 D21 |
7. | 7 A123 |
An alternative to string functions is to use regular expressions, see help regex.
replace diag = regexs(1) if regexm(diag, "^D(.*)")
My dataset contains multiple variables called avar_1 to bvar_10 referring to the history of an individual. For some reasons, the history is not always complete and there are some "gaps" (e.g. avar_1 and avar_4 are non-missing, but avar_2 and avar_3 are missing). For each individual, I want to store the first non-missing value in a new variable called var1 the second non-missing in var2 etc, so that I have a history without missing values.
I've tried the following code
local x=1
foreach wave in a b {
forval i=1/10 {
capture drop var`x'
generate var`x'=.
capture replace var`x'=`wave'var`i' if !mi(`wave'`var'`i')
if (!mi(var`x')) {
local x=1+`x'
var1 is generated properly but var2 only contains missings and following variables are not generated. However, I set trace on and saw that the var2 is actually replaced for all variables from avar_1 to bvar_10.
My guess is that the local x is not correctly updated as its value change for the whole dataset but should be different for each observation.
Is that the problem and if so, how can I avoid it?
A concise concrete data example is worth more than a long explanation. Your description seems consistent with an example like this:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str1 id float(avar_1 avar_2 avar_3 bvar_1 bvar_2)
"A" 1 . 6 8 10
"B" 2 4 . 9 .
"C" 3 5 7 . 11
* 4 is specific to this example.
rename (bvar_*) (avar_#), renumber(4)
reshape long avar_, i(id) j(which)
(note: j = 1 2 3 4 5)
Data wide -> long
Number of obs. 3 -> 15
Number of variables 6 -> 3
j variable (5 values) -> which
xij variables:
avar_1 avar_2 ... avar_5 -> avar_
drop if missing(avar_)
bysort id (which) : replace which = _n
list, sepby(id)
| id which avar_ |
1. | A 1 1 |
2. | A 2 6 |
3. | A 3 8 |
4. | A 4 10 |
5. | B 1 2 |
6. | B 2 4 |
7. | B 3 9 |
8. | C 1 3 |
9. | C 2 5 |
10. | C 3 7 |
11. | C 4 11 |
Positive points:
Your data layout cries out for some structure given by a rename and especially by a reshape long. I don't give here code for a reshape wide as for the great majority of Stata purposes, you'd be better off with this layout.
Negative points:
returns whether the first value of a variable is not missing. If foo were a variable in the dataset, !mi(foo) is evaluated as !mi(foo[1]). That is not what you want here. See https://www.stata.com/support/faqs/programming/if-command-versus-if-qualifier/ for the full story.
I'd recommend more evocative variable names.
I have a column as a string with no spaces:
input str100 var
I am using the following command:
gen = regex,(var, "(news)")
This outputs 1 1 1 because it finds that the 3 rows in the column var contain the word news.
I'm trying to alter the regular expression "(news)" to create two columns. One for news and one for newspaper. regexm(var, "(newspaper)") makes sure that the row contains a newspaper, but I need a command to make sure characters after news are not "paper" as I'm trying to quantify the two.
Is there a way to count the third entry as 1, because it has a news occurrence without however being a newspaper?
You can quantify as follows without a regular expression:
input str100 var
generate news = strmatch(var, "*news*") & !strmatch(var, "*newspaper*")
list, separator(0)
| var news |
1. | ihaveanewspaper 0 |
2. | watchingthenewsonthetv 1 |
3. | watchthenewsandreadthenewspaper 0 |
4. | fdgdnews 1 |
5. | fgogodigjhoigjnewspaper 0 |
6. | fgeogeionnewsfgdgfpaper 1 |
7. | 45pap9358newsfjfgni 1 |
count if news
count if !news
One way to do this is to eliminate all instances of the word newspaper and repeat the process:
generate var2 = subinstr(var, "newspaper", "", .)
replace news = 1 if strmatch(var2, "*news*")
list, separator(0)
| var news var2 |
1. | ihaveanewspaper 0 ihavea |
2. | watchingthenewsonthetv 1 watchingthenewsonthetv |
3. | watchthenewsandreadthenewspaper 1 watchthenewsandreadthe |
4. | fdgdnews 1 fdgdnews |
5. | fgogodigjhoigjnewspaper 0 fgogodigjhoigj |
6. | fgeogeionnewsfgdgfpaper 1 fgeogeionnewsfgdgfpaper |
7. | 45pap9358newsfjfgni 1 45pap9358newsfjfgni |
count if news
count if !news
I have a variable num with values 1-10.
I would like to create a new variable type with values odd or even:
generate type = odd if inlist(num, 1,3,5,7,9)
What is the cleanest way to also label even numbers?
Could I use a negation somewhere and keep the command all in one line?
The code you provide is not valid syntax:
set obs 10
generate num = _n
generate type = odd if inlist(num, 1,3,5,7,9)
odd not found
You could get what you want with:
generate type = "odd" if inlist(num, 1,3,5,7,9)
And you can do both at the same time using the cond() function:
generate type = cond(inlist(num, 1,3,5,7,9), "odd", "even")
However, having this variable as a string will be of limited value for later use.
You could subsequently use the encode command to create a new variable of numeric type:
encode type, generate(type2)
| num type type2 |
1. | 1 odd odd |
2. | 2 even even |
3. | 3 odd odd |
4. | 4 even even |
5. | 5 odd odd |
6. | 6 even even |
7. | 7 odd odd |
8. | 8 even even |
9. | 9 odd odd |
10. | 10 even even |
Although seemingly identical, type and type2 variables are indeed of a different type:
list, nolabel
| num type type2 |
1. | 1 odd 2 |
2. | 2 even 1 |
3. | 3 odd 2 |
4. | 4 even 1 |
5. | 5 odd 2 |
6. | 6 even 1 |
7. | 7 odd 2 |
8. | 8 even 1 |
9. | 9 odd 2 |
10. | 10 even 1 |
This is how you can do it with type being a numeric variable:
generate type = mod(num, 2)
| num type |
1. | 1 1 |
2. | 2 0 |
3. | 3 1 |
4. | 4 0 |
5. | 5 1 |
6. | 6 0 |
7. | 7 1 |
8. | 8 0 |
9. | 9 1 |
10. | 10 0 |
You then create the value label and attach it to the variable type:
label define numlab 0 "even" 1 "odd"
label values type numlab
| num type |
1. | 1 odd |
2. | 2 even |
3. | 3 odd |
4. | 4 even |
5. | 5 odd |
6. | 6 even |
7. | 7 odd |
8. | 8 even |
9. | 9 odd |
10. | 10 even |
If you only want the odd numbers labeled you can simply do:
label define numlab 1 "odd"
If you later change your mind and want to add a label for even numbers:
label define numlab 0 "even", add
When your command has been run, the value of type for the odd numbers is "odd" and the value for the even numbers is "", that is a missing string.
You could tag the even numbers using
replace type = "even" if type==""
I cannot think of a way to keep it all in one line, since you have to both generate the variable and fill in two different string values.
If you could use a numeric variable (I name it flag) as your type variable, you could try this:
gen flag = mod(num,2)
This will flag the odd numbers as 1 and the even numbers as 0. You could then create a label for the flag variable, if you need to display its values as "odd" and "even".
I have a Transactions table with the following structure:
ID | Product | OrderCode | Value
1 | 8 | ABC | 100
2 | 5 | ABC | 150
3 | 4 | ABC | 80
4 | 5 | XPT | 100
5 | 6 | XPT | 100
6 | 8 | XPT | 100
7 | 5 | XYZ | 100
8 | 8 | UYI | 90
How do I create a table (or list) with the order codes of orders with both products 5 and 8?
In the example above it should be the orders ABC and XPT.
There are probably many ways to do this, but here's a fairly general solution what I came up with:
FilteredList =
VAR ProductList = {5, 8}
VAR SummaryTable = SUMMARIZE(Transactions,
COUNTROWS(INTERSECT(ProductList, VALUES(Transactions[Product])))
= COUNTROWS(ProductList))
RETURN SELECTCOLUMNS(FILTER(SummaryTable, [Test]), "OrderCode", Transactions[OrderCode])
The key here is if the set of products for a particular order code contains both 5 and 8, then the intersection of VALUES(Transations[Product]) with the set {5,8} is exactly that set and has a count of 2. If it doesn't have both, the count will be 1 or 0 and the test fails.
Please elaborate more on your question, From your above post I understood is you want to filter the list, For that, you can use below code
List<Transactions> listTransactions = listTransactions.FindAll(x=>x.Product == 5 || x.Product == 8)
I am using Stata 13 to stack several variables into one variable using
stack stand1-stand10, into(all)
However, I need to do it for each unique id which is pasted parallel to all, something like:
bysort familyid: stack stand1-stand10,into(all) keep familyid
We can use a simpler analogue of your data example.
set obs 3
gen familyid = _n
forval j = 1/3 {
gen stand`j' = _n * `j'
| familyid stand1 stand2 stand3 |
1. | 1 1 2 3 |
2. | 2 2 4 6 |
3. | 3 3 6 9 |
save original
To stack with an identifier, just repeat the identifier variable name. For more than a few variables, it's easiest to prepare a call using a loop.
forval j = 1/3 {
local call `call' familyid stand`j'
di "`call'"
familyid stand1 familyid stand2 familyid stand3
stack `call', into(familyid stand)
sort familyid _stack
list, sepby(familyid)
| _stack familyid stand |
1. | 1 1 1 |
2. | 2 1 2 |
3. | 3 1 3 |
4. | 1 2 2 |
5. | 2 2 4 |
6. | 3 2 6 |
7. | 1 3 3 |
8. | 2 3 6 |
9. | 3 3 9 |
That said, it's easier to use reshape long.
use original, clear
reshape long stand, i(familyid) j(which)
list, sepby(familyid)
| familyid which stand |
1. | 1 1 1 |
2. | 1 2 2 |
3. | 1 3 3 |
4. | 2 1 2 |
5. | 2 2 4 |
6. | 2 3 6 |
7. | 3 1 3 |
8. | 3 2 6 |
9. | 3 3 9 |