On-Premise file backup to aws - amazon-web-services

Use case:
I have one directory on-premise, I want to make a backup for it let's say at every midnight. And want to restore it if something goes wrong.
Doesn't seem a complicated task,but reading through the AWS documentation even this can be cumbersome and costly.Setting up Storage gateway locally seems unnecessarily complex for a simple task like this,setting up at EC2 costly also.
What I have done:
Reading through this + some other blog posts:
What I have found:
1.Setting up file gateway (locally or as an EC2 instance):
It just mount the files to an S3. And that's it.So my on-premise App will constantly write to this S3.The documentation doesn't mention anything about scheduled backup and recovery.
2.Setting up volume gateway:
Here I can make a scheduled synchronization/backup to the a S3 ,but using a whole volume for it would be a big overhead.
3.Standalone S3:
Just using a bare S3 and copy my backup there by AWS API/SDK with a manually made scheduled job.
Using point 1 from above, enable versioning and the versions of the files will serve as a recovery point.
Using point 3
I think I am looking for a mix of file-volume gateway: Working on file level and make an asynchronus scheduled snapshot for them.
How this should be handled? Isn't there a really easy way which will just send a backup of a directory to the AWS?

The easiest way to backup a directory to Amazon S3 would be:
Install the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI)
Provide credentials via the aws configure command
When required run the aws s3 sync command
For example
aws s3 sync folder1 s3://bucketname/folder1/
This will copy any files from the source to the destination. It will only copy files that have been added or changed since a previous sync.
Documentation: sync — AWS CLI Command Reference
If you want to be more fancy and keep multiple backups, you could copy to a different target directory, or create a zip file first and upload the zip file, or even use a backup program like Cloudberry Backup that knows how to use S3 and can do traditional-style backups.


Using AWS Lambda to copying S3 files to on-premise LAN folder

We need to perform a task under which we have to transfer all files ( CSV format) stored in AWS S3 bucket to a on-premise LAN folder using the Lambda functions. This will be a scheduled tasks which will be carried out after every 1 hour, and the file will again be transferred from S3 to on-premise LAN folder while replacing the existing ones. Size of these files is not large (preferably under few MBs).
I am not able to find out any AWS managed service to accomplish this task.
I am a newbie to AWS, any solution to this problem is most welcome.
Actually, I am looking for a solution by which I can push S3 files to on-premise folder automatically
For that you need to make the on-premise network visible to the logic (lambda, whatever..) "pushing" the content. The default solution is using the AWS site-to-site VPN.
There are multiple options for setting up the VPN, you could choose based on the needs.
Then the on-premise network will look just like another subnet.
However - VPN has its complexity and cost. In most of the cases it is much easier to "pull" data from the on-premise environment.
To sync data there are multiple options. For a managed service, I could point out the S3 Gateway which based on your description sounds like an insane overkill.
Maybe you could start with a simple cron job (or a task timer if working with windows) and run a CLI command to sync the S3 content or just copy specified files.
Check out S3 Sync, I think it will help you accomplish this task: https://awscli.amazonaws.com/v2/documentation/api/latest/reference/s3/sync.html#examples
To run any AWS CLI in your computer, you will need to setup credentials, and the setup account/roles should have permissions to do the task (e.g. access S3)
Check out AWS CLI setup here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html

AWS: How to transfer files from ec2 instance (Windows Server) to S3 daily?

Can someone explain me whats the best way to transfer data from a harddrive on an EC2 Instance (running Windows Server 2012) to an S3 Bucket for the same AWS Account on a daily basis?
Backround idea to this:
I'm generating a .csv file for one of our Business partners daily at 11:00 am and I want to deliver it to S3 (he has access to our S3 Bucket).
After that he can pull it out of S3 manually or automatically whenever he wants.
Hope you can help me, I only found manually solutions with the CLI, but no automated way for daily transfers.
Best Regards
You can directly mount S3 buckets as mounted drives on your EC2 instances. This way you don't even need some sort of triggers/daily task scheduler along with third party service as objects would be directly available in the S3 bucket.
For Linux typically you would use Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE). Take a look at this repo if you need it for Linux: https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse.
Regarding Windows, there is this tool:
If these tools don't suit you or if you don't want to mount directly the s3 bucket, here is another option: Whatever you can do with the CLI you should be able to do with the SDK. Therefore if you are able to code in one of the various language AWS Lambda proposes - C#/Java/Go/Powershell/Python/Node.js/Ruby - you could automate that using a Lambda function along with a daily task scheduler triggering at 11a.m.
Hope this helps!
Create a small application that uploads your file to an S3 bucket (there are a some example here). Then use Task Scheduler to execute your application on a regular basis.

What's the most efficient way to export files from EC2 to S3 on timed intervals?

Working on a problem at the moment where I want to export a file on an EC2 instance running a Windows AMI at four hour intervals to an S3 bucket. Currently, the architecture I'm thinking is as follows.
1. CloudWatch Events rule using scheduled trigger
2. Rule triggers Lambda function to run
3. Lambda function would use some form of the AWS CLI on the windows EC2 instance to extract (sync, cp, etc.) the file
4. File is placed is S3 bucket
Does anyone see a path that's more efficient than this one? I want to ensure that I'm handling this in the most straightforward manner. Thanks in advance for any input!
It is quite difficult to have external code (eg an AWS Lambda function) cause something to execute on a Windows computer. You could use Systems Manager Run Command, but that's a rather complex solution.
It would be much simpler to have the Windows computer push the files to Amazon S3:
Create a scheduled task in Windows
Use aws s3 cp or aws s3 sync to copy the files to Amazon S3
Your solution seems solid. Alternatively you may want to write daemon-like service (background process) that runs on each EC2 and does the data transfer from that instance to S3. What I like about your solution is how you can centrally control the scheduling easily. For my distributed solution you can have the processes read from central config, but that seems more complicated than the CW/Lambda solution.
For the EC2 process solution, this may be useful:
How to mount Amazon S3 Bucket as a Windows Drive, but it should be easy (and more scalable) to just use the AWS SDK instead to talk to S3

Transfer 1TB folders & files to AWS S3 from vps web server

I need to transfer all our files (With folders structure) to AWS S3. I have researched lot about how this done.
Most of the places mentioned s3fs. But looks like this is bit old. And I have tried to install s3fs to my exsisting CentOS 6 web server. But its stuck on $ make command. (Yes there is Makefile.in)
And as per this answer AWS S3 Transfer Acceleration is the next better option. But still I have to write a PHP script (My application is PHP) to transfer all folders and files to S3. It is working same as how file save in S3 (API putObject), but faster. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Is there any other better solution (I prefer FTP) to transfer 1TB files with folders from CentOS 6 server to AWS S3? Is there any way to use FTP client in EC2 to transfer files from outside CentOS 6 to AWS S3?
Use the aws s3 sync command of the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI).
This will preserve your directory structure and can be restarted in case of disconnection. Each execution will only copy new, changed or missing files.
Be aware that 1TB is a lot of data and can take significant time to copy.
An alternative is to use AWS Snowball, which is a device that AWS can send to you. It can hold 50TB or 80TB of data. Simply copy your data to the device, then ship it back to AWS and they will copy the data to Amazon S3.

downloading a file from Internet into S3 bucket

I would like to grab a file straight of the Internet and stick it into an S3 bucket to then copy it over to a PIG cluster. Due to the size of the file and my not so good internet connection downloading the file first onto my PC and then uploading it to Amazon might not be an option.
Is there any way I could go about grabbing a file of the internet and sticking it directly into S3?
Download the data via curl and pipe the contents straight to S3. The data is streamed directly to S3 and not stored locally, avoiding any memory issues.
curl "https://download-link-address/" | aws s3 cp - s3://aws-bucket/data-file
As suggested above, if download speed is too slow on your local computer, launch an EC2 instance, ssh in and execute the above command there.
For anyone (like me) less experienced, here is a more detailed description of the process via EC2:
Launch an Amazon EC2 instance in the same region as the target S3 bucket. Smallest available (default Amazon Linux) instance should be fine, but be sure to give it enough storage space to save your file(s). If you need transfer speeds above ~20MB/s, consider selecting an instance with larger pipes.
Launch an SSH connection to the new EC2 instance, then download the file(s), for instance using wget. (For example, to download an entire directory via FTP, you might use wget -r ftp://name:passwd#ftp.com/somedir/.)
Using AWS CLI (see Amazon's documentation), upload the file(s) to your S3 bucket. For example, aws s3 cp myfolder s3://mybucket/myfolder --recursive (for an entire directory). (Before this command will work you need to add your S3 security credentials to a config file, as described in the Amazon documentation.)
Terminate/destroy your EC2 instance.
[2017 edit]
I gave the original answer back at 2013. Today I'd recommend using AWS Lambda to download a file and put it on S3. It's the desired effect - to place an object on S3 with no server involved.
[Original answer]
It is not possible to do it directly.
Why not do this with EC2 instance instead of your local PC? Upload speed from EC2 to S3 in the same region is very good.
regarding stream reading/writing from/to s3 I use python's smart_open
You can stream the file from internet to AWS S3 using Python.
urllib.request.urlopen('<Internet_URL>') #Provide URL
s3.meta.client.upload_fileobj(http.request('GET', 'Internet_URL>', preload_content=False), s3Bucket, key,