How can I send a CSRF token in a form? - django

I included a Vue form component in one of my Django templates. Now, I would like to send a CSRF token along with the data, since Django views require a CSRF token. Is there any way I can include it in my Vue form?
Here is my component:
<form #submit.prevent="formSubmit()">
<input type="text" class="form-control" v-model="amount">
<input type="text" class="form-control" v-model="price">
<button class="btn btn-primary" style="width: 100%">BUY</button>
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
mounted() {
console.log('Component mounted.')
data() {
return {
name: '',
description: '',
output: ''
methods: {
formSubmit() {
let currentObj = this;'MY_URL', {
price: this.price,
amount: this.amount,
.then(function (response) {
currentObj.output =;
.catch(function (error) {
currentObj.output = error;

First, acquire the token from the csrftoken cookie:
function getCookie(name) {
let cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== '') {
const cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
const cookie = cookies[i].trim();
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) === (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
const csrftoken = getCookie('csrftoken');
...or from querying the document:
const csrftoken = document.querySelector('[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').value
Then, add the token value to your POST header:'MY_URL', {
price: this.price,
amount: this.amount,
}, {
headers: {
'X-CSRFToken': csrftoken


POST http://localhost:8000/api/posts/action/ 400 (Bad Request) when working with React and Django

I am trying to build a full-stack app with React and Django.
I am sending an API request from the Django server to React. This is my code how I do it:
import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react'
import {
apiPostList} from './lookup'
export function PostsComponent(props) {
const textAreaRef = React.createRef()
const [newPosts, setNewPosts] = useState([])
const handleBackendUpdate = (response, status) =>{
// backend api response handler
let tempNewPosts = [...newPosts]
if (status === 201){
} else {
alert("An error occured please try again")
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
const newVal = textAreaRef.current.value
// backend api request
apiPostCreate(newVal, handleBackendUpdate)
textAreaRef.current.value = ''
return <div className={props.className}>
<div className='col-12 mb-3'>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<textarea ref={textAreaRef} required={true} className='form-control' name='post'>
<button type='submit' className='btn btn-primary my-3'>Post</button>
<PostsList newPosts={newPosts} />
export function PostsList(props) {
const [postsInit, setPostsInit] = useState([])
const [posts, setPosts] = useState([])
const [postsDidSet, setPostsDidSet] = useState(false)
const final = [...props.newPosts].concat(postsInit)
if (final.length !== posts.length) {
}, [props.newPosts, posts, postsInit])
useEffect(() => {
if (postsDidSet === false){
const handlePostListLookup = (response, status) => {
if (status === 200){
} else {
alert("There was an error")
}, [postsInit, postsDidSet, setPostsDidSet])
const handleDidRepost = (newPost) => {
const updatePostsInit = [...postsInit]
const updateFinalPosts = [...posts]
return, index)=>{
return <Post
className='my-5 py-5 border bg-white text-dark'
key={`${index}-{}`} />
export function ActionBtn(props) {
const {post, action, didPerformAction} = props
const likes = post.likes ? post.likes : 0
const className = props.className ? props.className : 'btn btn-primary btn-sm'
const actionDisplay = action.display ? action.display : 'Action'
const handleActionBackendEvent = (response, status) =>{
console.log(response, status)
if ((status === 200 || status === 201) && didPerformAction){
didPerformAction(response, status)
const handleClick = (event) => {
apiPostAction(, action.type, handleActionBackendEvent)
const display = action.type === 'like' ? `${likes} ${actionDisplay}` : actionDisplay
return <button className={className} onClick={handleClick}>{display}</button>
export function ParentPost(props){
const {post} = props
return post.parent ? <div className='row'>
<div className='col-11 mx-auto p-3 border rounded'>
<p className='mb-0 text-muted small'>Repost</p>
<Post hideActions className={' '} post={post.parent} />
</div> : null
export function Post(props) {
const {post, didRepost, hideActions} = props
const [actionPost, setActionPost] = useState( ? : null)
const className = props.className ? props.className : 'col-10 mx-auto col-md-6'
const handlePerformAction = (newActionPost, status) => {
if (status === 200){
} else if (status === 201) {
if (didRepost){
return <div className={className}>
<p>{} - {post.content}</p>
<ParentPost post={post} />
{(actionPost && hideActions !== true) && <div className='btn btn-group'>
<ActionBtn post={actionPost} didPerformAction={handlePerformAction} action={{type: "like", display:"Likes"}}/>
<ActionBtn post={actionPost} didPerformAction={handlePerformAction} action={{type: "unlike", display:"Unlike"}}/>
<ActionBtn post={actionPost} didPerformAction={handlePerformAction} action={{type: "repost", display:"Repost"}}/>
import {backendLookup} from '../lookup'
export function apiPostCreate(newPost, callback){
backendLookup("POST", "/posts/create/", callback, {content: newPost})
export function apiPostAction(postId, action, callback){
const data = {id: postId, action: action}
backendLookup("POST", "/posts/action/", callback, data)
export function apiPostList(callback) {
backendLookup("GET", "/posts/", callback)
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = cookies[i].trim();
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) === (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
export function backendLookup(method, endpoint, callback, data) {
let jsonData;
if (data){
jsonData = JSON.stringify(data)
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
const url = `http://localhost:8000/api${endpoint}`
xhr.responseType = "json"
const csrftoken = getCookie('csrftoken');, url)
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
if (csrftoken){
xhr.setRequestHeader("HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH", "XMLHttpRequest")
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken)
// xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
// xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken)
xhr.onload = function() {
callback(xhr.response, xhr.status)
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
callback({"message": "The request was an error"}, 400)
Also, when I run my serverside, it all works well on Django.
When I am on my React localhost and I try to submit some text in the text field after submitting there is no content sent. When I console.log() it shows that after typing some text content = null is sent.
Also, when I lick the "Repost" button. I get this error in the console: components.js:45 POST http://localhost:8000/api/posts/action/ 400 (Bad Request)
Any ideas? Why is my POST request wrong?

My ajax post request gets 403 forbidden by django

I was trying to implement on keyup search with django and jquery following this video
but when I try the code everytime it returns forbidden 403!
the html page:
<div class="search-input">
{% csrf_token %}
placeholder="Est: Game of thrones, Vikings or Deadpool"
<div class="search-results"></div>
path('search/', views.search_titles, name='search')
def search_titles(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
search_text = request.POST['search_text']
search_text = ''
search_results = Media.objects.filter(
is_published=True, title__contains=search_text)[:5]
context = {
'search_results': search_results
return render(request, 'partials/_search_results.html', context)
the jquery file:
$("#search").on("keyup", function() {
type: "POST",
url: "/search/",
data: {
search_text: $("#search").val(),
csrfmiddlewaretoken: $("input[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]").val()
success: searchSuccess,
dataType: "html"
function searchSuccess(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
search_results.html ( that i don't even know the reason of )
{% if search_results.count > 0 %} {% for result in search_results %}
{{ result.title }}
{% endfor %} {% else %}
<li>Nothing to show</li>
{% endif %}
This is likely happening because you are not properly setting up AJAX to pass your CSRF token. The Django docs have a great section on how to set this up. Here's the short story.
First, you'll need to acquire the token:
Here's how to do it if CSRF_USE_SESSIONS and CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY in your settings are False:
// using jQuery
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) === (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
var csrftoken = getCookie('csrftoken');
// using jQuery
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) === (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
var csrftoken = getCookie('csrftoken');
OR, Here's how to do it if CSRF_USE_SESSIONS or CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY in your settings are True:
{% csrf_token %}
<script type="text/javascript">
// using jQuery
var csrftoken = jQuery("[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]").val();
IN BOTH CASES, you'll also need to set up the token on your AJAX request:
function csrfSafeMethod(method) {
// these HTTP methods do not require CSRF protection
return (/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method));
beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
if (!csrfSafeMethod(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken);

Optimize JSOM Query

I have the following SharePoint 2016 JSOM query that retrieve the list item based on the current user email...this query currently works, however, I have been doing some study around using jquery defferred and Promised objects. In order to rationalize how this methods works I want to optimize the existing code below
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#checkall').click(function (e) {
$("#GetItems").find('td input:input[name=chk]').prop('checked', this.checked);
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
} else {
$('#Reject').attr('disabled', true);
$('#Approve').attr('disabled', true);
$('#GetItems').on('change', 'input[name=chk]', function(){
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
} else {
$('#Reject').attr('disabled', true);
$('#Approve').attr('disabled', true);
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', approve);
SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', reject);
// approve();
function getCurrent()
url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager/GetMyProperties?$select=Email",
headers: { Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose" },
success: function (data) {
} ,
error: function (data) {
alert("failed to get email");
function getMyTasks(){
//var listTitle="hardware%20requisition";
var row = "";
var buttonrow="";
var url =_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('EUS Asset Request')/Items?$select=ID,AssetMgrEmail,EUSPersonMailID,SRNo,AssetAvailability,Asset_x0020_Manager_x0020_Approv,Asset_x0020_Manager_x0020_Commen,Attachments,Department,Department_x0020_Head,Department_x0020_head_x0020_Appr,Department_x0020_head_x0020_appr1,Department_x0020_head_x0020_Appr0,HOD_x0020_Approval_x0020_Comment,IT_x0020_Head,IT_x0020_Head_x0020_Approval_x001,IT_x0020_head_x0020_Approval_x00,Items_x0020_Requested_x0020_For,IT_x0020_head_x0020_approval_x000,IT_x0020_head_x0020_Approved_x00,Job_x0020_Title,L1_x0020_Approval_x0020_Comments,L1_x0020_Approval_x0020_Date,L1_x0020_Approval_x0020_Status,L1_x0020_Approved_x0020_Date,L1_x0020_Supervisor_x0020_Email,Motivation,OPCO,Replacement_x0020_Type,Request_x0020_Summary,Request_x0020_Type,Requester_x0020_Name,EUSPersonMailID,Requester_x0020_Phone_x0020_Numb,ViewID,Author/Name,Author/EMail,Author/Title&$expand=Author/Id&$filter=EUSPersonMailID eq '"+currentEmail+"' and L1_x0020_Approval_x0020_Status eq 'Approved' and Department_x0020_head_x0020_appr1 eq 'Approved' and IT_x0020_head_x0020_approval_x000 eq 'Approved' and Asset_x0020_Manager_x0020_Approv eq 'Approved' and EUSTeamConfirmation eq 'Pending'"
url: url,
type: "GET",
"Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"Content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
success: function(data){
var result = data.d.results;
$.each(result, function(key, item)
var createdDate= moment(item.Created_x0020_Date).format("DD/MM/YYYY");
row = row + '<tr style="background-color: #cccccc;"><td style="width: 261.6px;"><strong>Select</strong> <input name="chk" type="checkbox" value='+ item.Id+' /></td><td style="width: 151.2px;"> </td><td style="width: 324.8px;"><strong>Request ID: </strong>'+item.ID+'</td><td style="width: 324.8px;"><strong>Requester Name: </strong>'+item.Author.Title+'</td><td style="width: 376.8px;"><strong>Phone Number:</strong><br />'+item.Requester_x0020_Phone_x0020_Numb+'</td><td style="width: 396px;"><strong>Department:</strong><br />'+item.Department+'</td><td style="width: 213px;"><strong>Request Type</strong><br />:'+item.Request_x0020_Type+'</td><td style="width: 4.8px;">Availability Status<br/>:'+item.AssetAvailability+'</td><td style="width: 213px;"><strong>Serial Number</strong><br />'+item.SRNo+'</td><td style="width: 213px;"><strong>EUS Person MailID</strong><br />'+item.EUSPersonMailID+'</td><td style="width: 213px;"><strong>Receiver MailID</strong><br />'+item.Author.EMail+'</td></tr>';
error: function(data){
alert("Failed to get list items.");
function approve(){
var searchIDs = $("#GetItems input:checkbox:checked").map(function(){
return $(this).val();
var itemArray = [];
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl);
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("EUS Asset Request");
for(var i = 0; i< searchIDs.length; i++){
// alert($("#GetItems textarea#"+searchIDs[i]+"").val());
var oListItem = oList.getItemById(searchIDs[i]);
oListItem.set_item('EUSTeamConfirmation', 'Confirmed');
oListItem.set_item('ViewID', 'FinalVw');
itemArray[i] = oListItem;
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onQuerySucceeded, onQueryFailed);
function onQuerySucceeded() {
alert('Items Updated');
function onQueryFailed(sender, args) {
alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
function reject(){
var searchIDs = $("#GetItems input:checkbox:checked").map(function(){
return $(this).val();
var itemArray = [];
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl);
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("EUS Asset Request");
for(var i = 0; i< searchIDs.length; i++){
var oListItem = oList.getItemById(searchIDs[i]);
oListItem.set_item('EUSTeamConfirmation', 'Rejected');
oListItem.set_item('ViewID', 'RejectVw');
itemArray[i] = oListItem;
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onQuerySucceeded, onQueryFailed);
function onQuerySucceeded() {
alert('Task Rejected');
function onQueryFailed(sender, args) {
alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
// getCurrent();
<div id="NoTask" style="display:none">You don't have pending tasks for approval</div>
<div style="display:none" id="divbuttons"><input type="checkbox" id="checkall"></input><button type="button" id="Reject" disabled>Reject</button><button type="button" id="Approve" disabled>Approve</button></div>
<table id="GetItems" cellspacing="12"><tbody></tbody> </table>
Kindly assist

reactjs/redux + django CSRF protection

I am trying to make an AJAX request from my reactjs frontend to my django backend but I am getting this error upon POST. I'm not sure how to properly pass CSRF tokens around for my form POST to work properly
Forbidden (CSRF token missing or incorrect.): /api/contact
[05/Nov/2016 03:43:14] "POST /api/contact HTTP/1.1" 403 2502
I created a react component and added it into my form
CSRF component
import React from 'react';
import $ from 'jquery';
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = $.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) === (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
const Csrf = () => {
let csrfToken = getCookie('csrftoken');
return (
<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value={ csrfToken } />
export default Csrf;
Contact form component:
const ContactForm = ({ formOnChange, onFormSubmit, isFullNameValid, isEmailValid, isMsgValid }) => {
let rows = 10;
let tabindex = 8;
let isSubmitDisabled = !(isFullNameValid && isEmailValid && isMsgValid);
<div className="form-wrapper">
<form className="contact-form" onChange={ formOnChange }>
<Csrf />
<input className={ isFullNameValid ? "" : "active" } type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="Full Name *" />
<div className="email-phone-group">
<input type="text" name="phonenumber" placeholder="Phone Number"/>
<input className={ isEmailValid ? "" : "active" } type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email *"/>
<textarea className={ isMsgValid ? "" : "active" } rows={ rows } tabIndex={ tabindex } name="message" placeholder="Message... *"/>
<button disabled={ isSubmitDisabled } className="contact-form-submit-btn" type="button" onClick={ onFormSubmit }>Submit</button>
My redux action calls this AJAX function
export function contactSubmission(contactSubmission) {
// thunk
return dispatch => {
console.log("contact form submitted");
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/contact',
dataType: 'json',
success: payload => {
if (payload.error) {
return dispatch(contactSubmissionFailure());
} else {
return dispatch(contactSubmissionSuccess(payload));
error: payload => {
console.log("ajax error");
return dispatch(contactSubmissionFailure());
you should put the following code before $.ajax to send a CSRF code:
headers: {"X-CSRFToken": getCookie("csrftoken")}
You can notice that you have already set getCookie.
With this should work properly.

CSRF token missing or incorrect using Jquery

I have the following code below but I still get "CSRF token missing or incorrect." error. anyone spot what I have done wrong here?
<form method="post" action="" id="registration">
{{ form.as_p }}
<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'Submit' %}" />
e.preventDefault(); //prevent default form submit
url: '/accounts/registerAjax/',
type: 'POST',
contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
data: {
'csrfmiddlewaretoken': '{{ csrf_token }}',
'id_username': $("#id_username").val(),
'id_email': $("#id_email").val()
success: function() {
error: function(errorThrown){
From the docs.
on each XMLHttpRequest, set a custom X-CSRFToken header to the value of the CSRF token.
As a first step, you must get the CSRF token itself. The recommended source for the token is the csrftoken cookie, which will be set if you’ve enabled CSRF protection for your views as outlined above.
// using jQuery
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
var csrftoken = getCookie('csrftoken');
The above code could be simplified by using the jQuery cookie plugin to replace getCookie:
var csrftoken = $.cookie('csrftoken');