Obtain values that match from several conditions on a list in javascript - list

I'm trying to obtain a list from a list in Javascript.
This is the list:
const cars = [
id: 1,
brand: "Mercedes Benz",
properties: [
property: "Mechanical",
value: 2,
property: "Chemical",
value: 2,
property: "Pressure",
value: 3,
id: 2,
brand: "BMW",
properties: [
property: "Mechanical",
value: 5,
property: "Chemical",
value: 3,
property: "Pressure",
value: 6,
I need the cars which match some properties property with a value greater than X, Y
For example, I want the cars which Mechanical properties have a value greater than 3 and a Pressure greater than 4. In that case I'll obtain the complete object with id 2.
Does anyone have an idea? That is having me a hard time
Tip: I paste it on a Node REPL ;)
This is what I tried but I obtain nothing:
cars.filter(car => car.properties.some((p1, p2) => {return ((p1.property === "Mechanical" && p1.value > 3) && (p2.property === "Pressure" && p2.value > 4))}))
Thanks in advance

You need to iterate all items and check each one for it's relevant condition, and if all items pass, return true. In your case you are checking each item for all conditions, and since no item's property can have both "Mechanical" and "Pressure" values at the same time, all fail.
When an array needs to pass all conditions, you should use Array.every() that will only return true, if all iterated items would return true.
To make this more generic, we can store the conditions as functions in an object or a Map. If there is a condition function for this property, we'll use the function to check the value. If not, we can return true immediately.
Note: this answer uses Optional chaining (?.) and the Nullish coalescing operator (??) to return true if the predicate doesn't exist. If your running environment doesn't support this operators replace the line with predicate[property] ? predicate[property](value) : true (see 2nd example).
const fn = (predicate, cars) =>
cars.filter(car => car.properties.every(({ property, value }) =>
predicate[property]?.(value) ?? true
const cars = [{"id":1,"brand":"Mercedes Benz","properties":[{"property":"Mechanical","value":2},{"property":"Chemical","value":2},{"property":"Pressure","value":3}]},{"id":2,"brand":"BMW","properties":[{"property":"Mechanical","value":5},{"property":"Chemical","value":3},{"property":"Pressure","value":6}]}]
const predicate = {
Mechanical: value => value > 3,
Pressure: value => value > 4,
const result = fn(predicate, cars)
Or using a ternary:
const fn = (predicate, cars) =>
cars.filter(car => car.properties.every(({ property, value }) =>
predicate[property] ? predicate[property](value) : true
const cars = [{"id":1,"brand":"Mercedes Benz","properties":[{"property":"Mechanical","value":2},{"property":"Chemical","value":2},{"property":"Pressure","value":3}]},{"id":2,"brand":"BMW","properties":[{"property":"Mechanical","value":5},{"property":"Chemical","value":3},{"property":"Pressure","value":6}]}]
const predicate = {
Mechanical: value => value > 3,
Pressure: value => value > 4,
const result = fn(predicate, cars)


Unit Test to find a keyword in a response array

good day everyone, i am new here,
I have a response data looking like this
"Outlet": "Outlet1",
"Inventory": 12
"Outlet": "Outlet2",
"Inventory": 0
"Outlet": "Outlet3",
"Inventory": 3
"Outlet": "Outlet4",
"Inventory": 0
I need to verify if the outlet 1 inventory is exact 12, and every other data EXCEPT outlet1 inventory is 0. do i need to loop the test?
I’ve already tried:
pm.test("Inventory.OnHand Outlet1 == 12", () => {
let Outlet1Result = jsonData.find(a => a.Outlet === "Outlet1")
pm.test("Inventory.OnHand not Outlet1 == 0", () => {
if (jsonData.Outlet !== "Outlet1") {
jsonData.forEach(function() {
let result2 = jsonData.find(a => a.Outlet !== "Outlet1")
}) ;
I have tried using this 2 test, the first test worked just fine, but i think the second test is wrong because it’s passed, it should not be passed since outlet 3 inventory is 3, the text expect it to be 0
Other way would be :
pm.test("Validate inventory values", () => {
jsonData.forEach(function (item) {
if (item.Outlet !== "Outlet1") {
`Expected inventory value of ${item.Outlet} to be 0`).
} else {
`Expected inventory value of ${item.Outlet} to be 12`).
why can't you just compare the object as it is than individual fields ? as you are comparing exact values.
let expected = [
"Outlet": "Outlet1",
"Inventory": 12
"Outlet": "Outlet2",
"Inventory": 0
"Outlet": "Outlet3",
"Inventory": 3
"Outlet": "Outlet4",
"Inventory": 0
pm.expect(JSONdata).to.be.deep.eq(expected1, `Expected ${JSON.stringify(JSONdata,null,2)} to be equal to ${JSON.stringify(expected,null,2)}`)

In postman tests, how can I find if a value is set where another value is equal to something?

"id": 1,
"value": 1000,
"id": 2,
"value": 500,
I want to basically say check that value is 1000 where id = 1.
The code:
pm.test("Check value is correct", function () {
const responseJson = pm.response.json();
pm.expect(responseJson.value = 1000);
pm.expect(responseJson.id = 1);
Is that the correct way to do that test? Or is that going to check both is valid?
responseJson is an array, so it is not going to work, because you are not accessing any array element. Always try your code first. There are other problems, e.g. pm.expect(responseJson.value = 1000); is not gonna work, you have to chain the checks, this syntax is incorrect.
You can filter based on id and check the value then:
pm.test("Check value is correct", function () {
const responseJson = pm.response.json();
const [filteredObject] = responseJson.filter(el => el.id === 1);
I recommend reading test examples in Postman docs.

Mongodb returns all fields even with projection specified

I want to only return all documents that fit four characters of a given username that is entered. So if I have a list of usernames and I type in mango3333, all usernames that are starting with "mang" should be returned. I used a regexp for that, and now I want to only return for example the username and the id of that document and not all fields, but it returns all fields.
An example document looks like this:
{ "username":"mango",
This is my query:
const db = dbClient.db(dbName);
const regexp = new RegExp(username, "gi");
db.collection(collectionName).find({ "User.Username": regexp }, { "User.Username": 1, "User.UserID": 1, "User.Statusmessage": 1 })
.then(result => {
.catch(err => console.error(`Failed to get results: ${err}`));
What am I doing wrong?
The 2nd portion of the find method is an options object, not just projection. The projection portion of the query will need to be specified in this options object. Try the following:
{ "User.Username": regexp },
projection: {
"User.Username": 1,
"User.UserID": 1,
"User.Statusmessage": 1
.then(result => {
See https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.3/api/Collection.html#find

AWS RDS Data API executeStatement not return column names

I'm playing with the New Data API for Amazon Aurora Serverless
Is it possible to get the table column names in the response?
If for example I run the following query in a user table with the columns id, first_name, last_name, email, phone:
const sqlStatement = `
FROM user
WHERE id = :id
const params = {
secretArn: <mySecretArn>,
resourceArn: <myResourceArn>,
database: <myDatabase>,
sql: sqlStatement,
parameters: [
name: "id",
value: {
"stringValue": 1
let res = await this.RDS.executeStatement(params)
I'm getting a response like this one, So I need to guess which column corresponds with each value:
"numberOfRecordsUpdated": 0,
"records": [
"longValue": 1
"stringValue": "Nicolas"
"stringValue": "Perez"
"stringValue": "example#example.com"
"isNull": true
I would like to have a response like this one:
id: 1,
first_name: "Nicolas",
last_name: "Perez",
email: "example#example.com",
phone: null
I have found an npm module that wrap Aurora Serverless Data API and simplify the development
We decided to take the current approach because we were trying to cut down on the response size and including column information with each record was redundant.
You can explicitly choose to include column metadata in the result. See the parameter: "includeResultMetadata".
Agree with the consensus here that there should be an out of the box way to do this from the data service API. Because there is not, here's a JavaScript function that will parse the response.
const parseDataServiceResponse = res => {
let columns = res.columnMetadata.map(c => c.name);
let data = res.records.map(r => {
let obj = {};
r.map((v, i) => {
obj[columns[i]] = Object.values(v)[0]
return obj
return data
I understand the pain but it looks like this is reasonable based on the fact that select statement can join multiple tables and duplicated column names may exist.
Similar to the answer above from #C.Slack but I used a combination of map and reduce to parse response from Aurora Postgres.
// declarative column names in array
const columns = ['a.id', 'u.id', 'u.username', 'g.id', 'g.name'];
// execute sql statement
const params = {
// includeResultMetadata: true,
sql: `
SELECT ${columns.join()} FROM accounts a
FULL OUTER JOIN users u ON u.id = a.user_id
FULL OUTER JOIN groups g ON g.id = a.group_id
WHERE u.username=:username;
parameters: [
name: 'username',
value: {
stringValue: 'rick.cha',
const rds = new AWS.RDSDataService();
const response = await rds.executeStatement(params).promise();
// parse response into json array
const data = response.records.map((record) => {
return record.reduce((prev, val, index) => {
return { ...prev, [columns[index]]: Object.values(val)[0] };
}, {});
Hope this code snippet helps someone.
And here is the response
'a.id': '8bfc547c-3c42-4203-aa2a-d0ee35996e60',
'u.id': '01129aaf-736a-4e86-93a9-0ab3e08b3d11',
'u.username': 'rick.cha',
'g.id': 'ff6ebd78-a1cf-452c-91e0-ed5d0aaaa624',
'g.name': 'valentree',
'a.id': '983f2919-1b52-4544-9f58-c3de61925647',
'u.id': '01129aaf-736a-4e86-93a9-0ab3e08b3d11',
'u.username': 'rick.cha',
'g.id': '2f1858b4-1468-447f-ba94-330de76de5d1',
'g.name': 'ensightful',
Similar to the other answers, but if you are using Python/Boto3:
def parse_data_service_response(res):
columns = [column['name'] for column in res['columnMetadata']]
parsed_records = []
for record in res['records']:
parsed_record = {}
for i, cell in enumerate(record):
key = columns[i]
value = list(cell.values())[0]
parsed_record[key] = value
return parsed_records
I've added to the great answer already provided by C. Slack to deal with AWS handling empty nullable character fields by giving the response { "isNull": true } in the JSON.
Here's my function to handle this by returning an empty string value - this is what I would expect anyway.
const parseRDSdata = (input) => {
let columns = input.columnMetadata.map(c => { return { name: c.name, typeName: c.typeName}; });
let parsedData = input.records.map(row => {
let response = {};
row.map((v, i) => {
//test the typeName in the column metadata, and also the keyName in the values - we need to cater for a return value of { "isNull": true } - pflangan
if ((columns[i].typeName == 'VARCHAR' || columns[i].typeName == 'CHAR') && Object.keys(v)[0] == 'isNull' && Object.values(v)[0] == true)
response[columns[i].name] = '';
response[columns[i].name] = Object.values(v)[0];
return response;
return parsedData;

List as map value in grails

I need to populate a Map so that:
The Key is a String
The Value is a List of Strings
The process is to go through all the records in a table that has two text fields : "parameter" and "value". "Parameter" is not unique an has many duplicates. So what I intent to do is:
def all = MyTable.findAll()
def mymap = [:]
all.each {
// add to mymap the element "it.value" to the list that has "it.parameter" as key
Any clues ?
There is a IMHO little bit simpler way doing this by using 'withDefault' introduced in Groovy 1.7:
all = [
[parameter: 'foo', value: 'aaa'],
[parameter: 'foo', value: 'bbb'],
[parameter: 'bar', value: 'ccc'],
[parameter: 'baz', value: 'ddd']
def myMap = [:].withDefault { [] }
all.each {
myMap[it.parameter] << it.value
assert myMap.size() == 3
assert myMap.foo == ['aaa','bbb']
assert myMap.bar == ['ccc']
assert myMap.baz == ['ddd']
You can use the Map.groupBy method, which will split the collection into a map of groups based on the passed in closure. Here's a full example, which also calls collect to make each parameter point to just the values:
all = [
[parameter: 'foo', value: 'aaa'],
[parameter: 'foo', value: 'bbb'],
[parameter: 'bar', value: 'ccc'],
[parameter: 'baz', value: 'ddd']
tmpMap = all.groupBy{it.parameter}
myMap = [:].putAll(tmpMap.collect{k, v -> [k, v.value] as MapEntry})
assert myMap == [foo: ['aaa', 'bbb'], bar: ['ccc'], baz:['ddd']]